Ouyang and Xiao Pan both looked very excited on the Baihe light frigate. After all, this is our country’s battleship. Although it is not big, it is very fast. Rose explained the questions of the two people beside them, while I sat on the top of the mast alone and looked at the distance to consider the problem.

Torpedo! The problem that gives me a headache! How can I deal with torpedoes? I'm considering how to solve the torpedoes in reality. The current way to deal with torpedoes is generally to adopt long-distance detonation methods, but the anti-torpedo and anti-torpedo torpedoes used in modern warfare are not suitable. The defense gun needs an electronic guidance system, and when there are too many torpedoes, it is obviously too busy. For example, in this attack, the Victory only sank 29 torpedoes. This means that the enemy is using a saturated attack method. Even if we install close defense Weapons are also useless. Don't even think about anti-torpedo torpedoes. I might as well build long-range torpedoes with that technology!

I suddenly thought of some problems, so I jumped off the mast. Go to the command room to find the captain of this ship. "You were in the vicinity when the Victory was hit?"

"Well! I was in the fleet at the time."

"Then you can describe the Japanese to me Is the situation of the torpedo? For example, the shape, speed and other data, it is best to tell me the situation of the opponent's assault ship."

"Yes." The captain recalled: "Japanese torpedo assault ship. It is a high-speed battleship. The shape of the ship is very strange, very similar to the invisible American man-made in reality."

"You mean the Japanese torpedo boat has a pyramid-like superstructure?"


"Almost." She affirmed: "What else did the mechanic on our ship say at the time? By the way, you wait." She stood up and shouted to the outside: "Lena!"

After a while, another girl ran in with oil. "What's the matter?"

"You tell Huichang about the Japanese torpedo assault ships and torpedoes."

"Okay." She immediately said to me:" The Japanese torpedo assault ship uses a catamaran structure. The middle of the hull is suspended, about 70 centimeters above the water. The torpedo is launched from this place. Once the torpedo enters the water, it can directly impact our battleship."

"I heard that the superstructure of the torpedo assault ship is very special?"

"Well! They used a large inclination design, the entire superstructure is like a pyramid, our Most of the shells will ricochet due to the angle of inclination, so the defensive power of this kind of ship is very high. And this kind of ship is very short, almost like a thin discus on the surface of the water, our shells are not easy to hit such a low Place."

"What about the speed?"

"The speed of the torpedo attack ship is very average, and it is not even the fastest in the Japanese fleet. But this kind of ship It seems that there are two sets of propulsion systems, which can move forward or backward or even sideways, which caused a lot of trouble for our shooting!"

"Does this kind of ship have attack weapons besides torpedoes? "

"No, there is nothing but the torpedo. I suspect that its entire superstructure is a lid, like a turtle shell!"

"Understood, then the performance of the torpedo What?"

"The speed of the Japanese torpedoes is not very fast, basically only a little bit faster than our fast battleship, even if compared with the Victory, its speed is not much faster. But this The east-west steering is very flexible. Our several hundred meters long battleship has no way to dodge this kind of torpedo that is only six or seven meters long!"

"Is the Japanese torpedo so big?"

"I know it is a bit bigger, but they built such a large torpedo. It is nearly seven meters in length and about 800 mm in diameter. It is estimated to be a super torpedo specially developed for our super battleship. They are afraid of formidable power. It’s too small to penetrate the armor of our battleship, so we used a more clumsy method-to increase the charge!"

"Did you not let the steel claws go into the water to intercept it?"

"Intercepted, but there are too many torpedoes. We have only a few players on one ship. The NPCs don’t have steel claws, and those torpedoes have too much formidable power. As long as the steel claws intercept them, they will self-destruct. Our steel claws can’t be short. We have no choice but to resurrect in time!"

I fell into deep thought and considered Heavenly Dao: "Do you think it is possible to shoot from the water with high-energy weapons to achieve the destructive effect?"


This little girl is very smart, and immediately understood what I meant. "The Magic Light Cannon can definitely intercept torpedoes, but isn't its launch speed a little too slow?"

"As long as it can be destroyed, I have a way of shooting speed. Okay, I understand roughly. Now, go and do your job!"

The Japanese making torpedoes does not mean that we also have to make torpedoes! It is like the Americans taking the path of electronic technology, but Longyuan has taken the path of biotechnology, which is just different routes to the same destination. After thinking about the countermeasures, I am not in a hurry, anyway, as long as I can guarantee my battle strength.

On the way back to the White Crane, we also encountered a lot of small Japan. We also ran into several torpedo assault ships. Sea turtle! The White Crane shook off the pursuers with a speed much faster than the opponent, and after passing through the storm belt, it actually caught up with the fleet in front. It turned out that the Flash was hit hard and other battleships wanted to escort with them, so everyone slowly swayed towards the port.

Although I knew that the flashing number was not injured slightly, I still had to lament the heavy loss when I saw the actual situation. The big hole in the bow of Flasher looks so horrible to see, and the stern is also very abnormally twisted, and even the rudder is turned over to the surface of the water. Fortunately, Flasher has a bow rudder and a side thrust engine to assist in the control. direction. In addition to the Flash, there was a 107,000-ton battleship that was seriously injured. The battleship was heavily tilted, and the left deck was almost flush with the water, and the entire ship was in a mess!

"Are these two injured?" I asked Chief-In-Charge Wuyu of the fleet.

Wuyu shook his head and said: "The former battlecruiser Sprint and the battleship Chidan sank before you arrived!"

"Are they all hit by torpedoes?"

Wuyu is nodded again. "The Japanese basically don’t have artillery that can penetrate our armor 10 kilometers away. Nothing can pose a threat to us except torpedoes. This time it’s because we were too careless! Blame me. If I find a small Japanese torpedo assault ship, I will give an order. Just prioritize strikes!"

"Don't be sad, just a few ships, just spend money to buy lessons!" Things have already happened, and there is no point in blaming anyone. "By the way, have the things on the Victory been removed?"

"Only the Magic Light Cannon and the Magic Crystal Cannon were removed. The battleship was damaged too badly. We didn't expect it to sink so quickly! The main reason is that the small Japanese torpedoes are too loaded and our waterproof compartments are blown through. Those damn Japanese devils don’t need money like zha drugs. Each of those torpedoes is similar to a small atomic bomb!"

"It’s okay. We have a sudden situation this time. We will do something in the future. The things on the Victory have not been removed in time. Anyway, the Magic Light Cannon can be removed. We will all You can build it yourself."

The speed of the flashlight on our way back to the voyage was getting slower and slower. I found that the situation was wrong and quickly let the surrounding large battleships get up, and use the steel cable to connect the flashlight and the surrounding ships. Fixed together. As a result, the flashlight began to sink as soon as it was fixed, but the four battleships next to it supported it. If it weren't tied to it in time, the flashlight would not be able to reach the port! After another 30 minutes or so, there was a sudden explosion in the flasher, and the last two sets of thrusters were also reimbursed. Fortunately, our battleship's strong drag ability pulled the flasher back to the port.

It was already dusk when we returned to Isengard, but the light was clear. But we were surprised to find that Isinger is missing! Before the fleet docked, I flew ashore first, and opened the chat to contact Woma. "Where are you?"

"In the city."

"Where is Isinger?"

"Above you!"


"Huh?" As soon as I looked up, I saw that a small black spot in the sky was gradually getting bigger, and Isinger actually lifted into the sky!

A few minutes later Isinger finally fell down, but instead of landing, it hovered in the air two more than a hundred meters above the ground and stopped. I said to Woma again: "You hurry down!"

"We are testing the super weapon rewarded by the system, you will wait a moment!"

I see below Isinger A place in the middle part of which was obviously different in color began to sink slowly inward. After sinking a little, the place divided into four triangles and moved slowly in four directions into the mezzanine at the bottom of Isengard. After these four triangles disappeared completely, a large square hole was revealed. You can see such a large area from this distance. One can imagine how big this hole is. I saw an original cylinder slowly protruding out of the hole, and when it was in place, I could clearly hear a pounding sound. Then the part of the cylinder projecting out of Isengard suddenly spread out like a flower. The top of the column was divided into 16 parts and spread out all around. When they spread out to a 45-degree angle with the column, they stopped, and then The separated petals suddenly spread to the left and right. The 16 petals were connected to the surrounding petals to form a whole, and the last thin stick with a ball stuck out from the center. It is only relatively speaking. In fact, the protruding object is at least 2 meters in diameter, and there is a ball on the head like an inverted lollipop! After the attack weapon is in place, the shape is completely a satellite antenna, but this thing is facing directly below!


As I admired the shape of this super weapon, I suddenly found that the tip of the thing began to shine with the starting point starlight. I immediately shouted at Woma nervously: "What are you going to do? We are below!"

"Don't worry, I'm just the critical point of the experiment and won't launch."

"You are careful anyway, I don't want to be burned to ashes by my own people."

"Don't worry."

The super weapon under Isinger is getting brighter and brighter, gradually I can't look straight anymore, it looks like a little sun. Accompanied by the strong light, the electric shock of crackle began to appear in the air. I already felt some static electricity on my body. This weapon reacted so badly without launching it. I don't know what will happen if it fires!

Just after the little sun shone white around it, it suddenly dimmed slowly again, until the rays of light disappeared completely after a few minutes. The ball on the launching port retracted into the large cylinder again, and then the 16 petal-like outer walls also merged together to become a cylinder again and began to slowly retract into Isinger. The four triangular baffles slowly stretched out to join each other to close the entrance. Isinger began to descend slowly, finally touching the ground, and then slowly descending to press out the water in the pit. I had to fly up to avoid this huge flood, thanks to the battleship still far away from the port, or else I might be washed away by the water!

After Isengard stabilized on the ground, the gate of the inner harbor slowly opened, and the fleet slowly returned to the inner harbor of Isengard. The severely damaged battleship was immediately sent to the dock for emergency repairs. This time it was really unlucky. One of the three battleships that Isengard was proud of sank one!

Chuang Wang caught Wuyu and it was just a swear word. Of course I went up and pulled the two away. To be honest, I am also sad that I sank a super battleship, but this time is the time to find a solution to the problem, not the time to find someone to bear the responsibility.

We gathered several chief Chief-In-Charge in the guild and discussed the solution while looking at the threat of Flasher in the dock.

I asked Woma: "Have you finished reading the technical information of the Magic Light Cannon?"

"After reading it!"

"You said last time Do you need large crystals to build a magic light cannon?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"I want to know, is it possible to use small How about making a small magic light cannon from a block of transparent crystals? Is it okay to scale down and reduce all sizes?"

Woma said: "Building can be made, but there is a situation last time I didn’t tell you. The volume and power of the magic light gun are determined by this luminous crystal as the core component. Although the larger the volume of the luminous crystal, the greater the formidable power of the magic light gun, but it does not change proportionally. , But change in a geometric progression. The formidable power of the magic light cannon that has been reduced in size by half is even less than one-tenth of the original. If you continue to shrink the formidable power, it will drop even more. However, it can be reduced to a certain extent. The upper part reduces the heat output, and the relative cooling is relatively fast. It can be fired quickly and continuously. But there is no use for such a small formidable power?"

"Why is it useless? Don't you think this thing is used for close defense? Is the artillery suitable? You can even build some medium-sized magic light cannons to deal with the opponent’s small battleship with thinner armor."

"That’s right! It just so happens that we now have a lot of small pieces of communication Light Crystal, I’ll see if I can make a few samples and experiment with formidable power."

"Then you go first, and if you have something to do, use private chat."

< p>After Woma left, I said to everyone: "What do you think about this matter?"

General Wu just walked in from outside. He is older and he is not always online, didn't. t expect is online today. He smiled and said, "As soon as I came up, I heard that our fleet was at a loss?"

"Well!" I gave a brief overview of the matter.

The military general said: "I have two opinions. First, build a few large battleships to launch in a short period of time. This is to show the enemy that we are not afraid of them. Second, use the new battleship and In a battle against Japan, it is necessary to severely damage the opponent’s torpedo assault ship. This is to give one’s faith. After the Japanese sneak attacked Pearl Harbor in the Second World War, the United States immediately dispatched planes to bomb the mainland of Japan. From a tactical point of view, this bombing was meaningless. At that time, the Americans did not have that strategic plan. Even bombing the Japanese mainland was meaningless. But from a strategic point of view, it was necessary. The attack at that time was just a form. The U.S. government showed its citizens that they have the ability to retaliate against the enemy. It is this belief that supports the U.S. participating in World War II and defeating Japan. We also need this now. The torpedo attack will inevitably cause a psychological shadow on the members, and if the news goes out. , Our guild’s position in China is difficult to maintain. This has a great impact on your strategic intentions."

As a professional, he speaks relatively well, although I heard a little confused but basic Understand what the general meant.

"Our countermeasures have been worked out, and a new ship will be launched soon. Get up wherever you fall. If the torpedo attack ship suffers a loss, you will win it back in this regard."

"Yes, this is what the youngster wants to do." General Wu smiled very pleasedly. He looked at the flashing horn being repaired in the dock: "You should also publicize this ship. Although it is only a battleship, it can become a hero. Any army must instigate the heroic deeds of soldiers. This ship. With so many torpedoes in the ship, I can still struggle to come back and be equivalent to the hero who came down on the battlefield."

"Understand, I will pay attention to it if you don’t say it, how can it be our number one giant? Ship!" I suddenly looked towards the direction outside the port and said: "But it will be in the future!"

"Well?" General Wu didn't react at once, but he quickly understood. "What do you plan to do with that big empty shell?"

"I plan to turn it into a mobile base, to build an underwater base that can be submerged." I turned and asked the rose next to it. "How much money did Noah spend during this time?"

"More than 300 million crystal coins were invested in the previous period. However, Noah is too big and the internal construction is extremely costly. It's no wonder that the Germans built Ken at the beginning! This thing is simply burning money!"

"Don't just look at it! If this thing is completed, it will be more useful than a fleet!"< /p>

"I just know so I haven't discouraged you!" Rose looked at the battleship next to him and said, "How big are you going to build the new ship? Our ink steel reserves are running out!"

< p>"How much can you focus on before tomorrow night?"

"About 100,000 tons. What are you doing? Want to use it all?"

"Anyway, it's used to scare Japan Yes, if you want to build it, you need to build a deterrent. It’s best to be able to frighten a piece."

The king shouted over there: "If you go down 100,000 tons of ink steel, the discharge of the battleship will be more It’s more than 200,000 tons, that’s a big one!"

"It’s just to make it, so it’s bigger. You collect materials first. I’ll go to Atlanta to see if I can think about it. Think of a way to build a central control system for ships."

"If there is that thing, we can save a lot of things."

"I know, so I have to go right away. You guys. Prepare here first. I will probably be back tomorrow morning."

After explaining things, everyone went to work on their own, and I went directly to Atlantis to find the fox. Only temporarily entrusted to the big pot of rice to deal with. I arrived in Atlantis under the leadership of Aanna, and the Great Emperor of Atlantis was still so enthusiastic to see me.

"What kind of business is there this time?"

"That's it." I thought for a while and said: "I'm fighting against the enemy across the sea, but the opponent Now there is a very powerful automatic weapon. I want to see if you can find some suitable technology here."

"You want marine technology, right?"

"Then Of course. Especially the fire control system, as well as the mechanical control system. I don’t know if you can do it?"

The Great Emperor of Atlantis was a little embarrassed: "We have the fire control system, but There is no way to give it to you. That thing needs a rare material. The only place of production is our Atlanta, but the number now is at most enough to make one, and we also need it at Atlanta, I'm sure You need to give priority to the supply of yourself, don’t you say?”

People have said that, what can I do. "What about the mechanical system?"

"That is true, and our mechanical system can achieve a certain degree of fire control. At least we can ensure that your artillery can find the target smoothly."


"Then it is very good, is it in stock?"

"The thing is to be built according to the ship, you have to give me the battleship blueprint before I can build it!"


"But we are in a hurry. The battleship hasn't been finalized yet!"

"That's it!" Atlantis thought about it. "Otherwise, we are old friends anyway. I sent a team of technicians directly to your shipyard to participate in the construction. You can directly discuss with them what you need when you build. The technical equipment you need can be provided on site. Count the money together."

"Thank you so much! It really helped me a lot!"

The Great Emperor of Atlantis said: "I am not going to help you. Help, I need your help now, I don’t know if it’s inconvenient for you?"

Looking at the vagueness of the Atlantis Great Emperor, it is probably not a simple matter, but we do need him now. Even if he asks me to do Fire Pit, I have to do it! "Excuse me, what's the matter? As long as I can help, I will try my best."

"You can definitely help!" Atlantis Great Emperor smiled and told me his request. .

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