Ivrit’s approach to the scene is special, because he did not come from the channel we entered, but from an unknown channel above us.

Because it comes down from the top, Ivorite has a very good view. From the ceiling, you can see the position of most of the enemies below, and you can attack at will without worrying about being blocked by buildings. Such problems. Of course, although you can attack any position below in the air, it also means that you can attack him from any position below. However, Ivorite is not afraid of the following attacks, because he is a fully mechanical body and has very strong protection capabilities. There is basically no probability of being destroyed, because the space here must not have enough formidable power. Hurt him.

Ivorite, who came down from above, washed the ground directly from the air under my direct command. After lighting up all the micro missiles on his body, there was still a few blocks below. The guards that had not assembled were all killed. The result is that we have successfully broken through the interception net here before we have played much.

After finishing the city as a War Zone, what we arrived at was not an exit, but a facade that looked like a large commercial building. If you don’t look up online, this is the bottom building of a multi-storey complex with a bottom shopping mall, a central business building, and a top residential building. This kind of building is very common in the more developed cities in the United States, because this kind of building has a high utilization rate, does not occupy a space, and has a large internal space, which is very suitable for the extremely expensive land requirements of those first-tier cities in the United States.

Of course, this is an underground base. It is impossible to build a skyscraper here because there is no such high ceiling. In fact, the building that looks like a mansion in front of you has only one front wall. After entering the gate, you will feel as if you have actually entered the interior of a building, but in fact, you have only entered another section of the underground passage, and Compared with our breakthrough city combat map just now, the map inside the building behind is actually much simpler to build, because there is no need for that kind of large-span space, and all the structures are exactly the same as the inside of the building on the ground. The only difference is that the building on the ground uses construction materials to build up the internal space, but the building here is a space dug out of the mountain, but the interior has been decorated, and it looks like it is inside the building.

Actually, we have entered the second scene from entering the first-floor gate of this disguised building. This scene is the state of warfare in the building that the urban special police forces often need to deal with, because the criminals who take the hostages will definitely not be stupid and confront the police on the street. In that case, it is estimated that the special police will not be present on the scene, just a few snipers will do it. NS. But the gangsters are not stupid, so they will hide in the building and confront the police. In this case, the special police forces must often conduct assault operations in the building.

The scene we are in now is designed to simulate this kind of combat environment. Its biggest feature is that it must deal with a large number of obstacles such as corners, and then conduct ultra-close-range firefights. Generally, if a firefight occurs in a building, the straight-line distance between the two parties will not exceed 20 meters. In most cases, the two sides will shoot at each other with a distance of less than ten meters through two doors. This is a very common situation. .

Because of the complex terrain and too many obstacles in this environment, the requirements for human response are very high. It is also difficult for ordinary special forces to guarantee absolutely no mistakes in this environment. Test the human environment.

However, this is a test for humans, but not for us.

In fact, testing this project itself is meaningless to us. The reason for testing is to let those guests have an intuitive understanding. As for why this test is meaningless to us...< /p>

How do you say it. Make an analogy. A test was conducted on a student majoring in art. The test item was to draw a color portrait of a model. This test is a normal test for human students majoring in art, and it is also very meaningful. It can see things like a student's skill level. However, if the subject to be tested is a robot, do you think this kind of test is meaningful? The eyes of the robot are basically cameras, and the appearance of the model is directly archived in the form of pictures as long as one glance. Afterwards, the process of painting with a robotic arm holding a colored pen is completely an alternative photo printing process. So, this kind of test is meaningful for humans, but it is completely meaningless for robots.

Testing our Dragon Clan on the street fighting in the building is the same as letting a robot test the level of portrait painting. It is a completely meaningless test, because our brains and human brains are completely different.

In such short-distance actions, the human brain needs to detect and determine the sudden appearance of enemies based on its own reaction speed, and then make decisions such as attack or dodge. In this process, because of the human’s Attention can only be focused on one point, so the speed of finding the enemy may be delayed, and the delay of the two sides determines who is the one that survives in the end. More similar training and testing can improve people's reaction speed in this area, so this kind of training team is meaningful and valuable for human beings.

However, our Dragon Clan brain has an electronic brain part, and this part is actually in a multitasking state. By itself, our Dragon Clan eyes have multi-band receiving capabilities, and can see a large band of energy radiation outside the visible light, so the narrow corridor is not an obstacle to us. In addition, due to the development of hearing and smell, we can know the location of the target in advance based on the weak information of the other party's breathing, heartbeat, and body sweat. Finally, our brain is extremely sensitive to electromagnetic signals, so the other party's brain waves are like a beacon in the dark to us. If it is in a place where the electromagnetic wave intensity is very high and very chaotic, our sensing ability may be affected, but in this underground base, the electromagnetic intensity is very low, and there is no unnecessary interference, so we are separated You can find the location of the enemy with just a few walls.

Moreover, our way of finding enemies is different from that of human beings. Our first preliminary examination is carried out by the biological brain part, but at this time it is actually the subconscious being involved in the work, and our subjective consciousness will not intervention. Our subconscious analysis department branch classifies all abnormal signals, separates the abnormal and non-abnormal, and then passes the abnormal signals to the electronic brain part.

After the electronic brain receives the abnormal signal, it will analyze it. First, it will roughly determine whether it is a dangerous object or a creature that may pose a threat to us. Then, the electronic brain will analyze it after the classification information is completed. The information is fed back to the surface consciousness of our biological brain. This is the origin of the targets we see in the line of sight that are framed in red circles in advance.

Because all of this is done subconsciously, and the process is completed by the subconscious cortex of the biological brain and the electronic brain, so there is no need for sensory intervention. In this way, we actually The recognition process is like using radar to recognize an airplane flying in the sky. No matter how many times this test is done, the result is the same, because the machine is characterized by a very low error rate, although it is not as good as logical emotion in divergent thinking. His subjective consciousness is strong, but the purely rational way of thinking is to excel in boring repetitive work, at least there is no laziness and negligence.

Because there is no probability of negligence and fatigue in our enemy system, we are impossible to have accidents in this situation, no matter how many times we test it, it is the same.

Although we know that this kind of test is useless to us, the guests don't know that they still arrange a lot of people in the corridor, intending to win a round here.

The previous interception mission outside can be said to be a complete failure. Many of the guests felt a little embarrassed, especially those who thought they had some combat skills, but were killed by Unfathomable Mystery, of course. Quite uncomfortable, so these people began to shame. It is said that they are all "corpses" now. It shouldn’t be interrupted, but because this test is to give them a chance to learn about us, Nuwa did not cut off the information channels of these "killed" people, so they can still see the information on the entire battlefield, even because they have already "Death", Nuwa also directly activated both parties' signals to them, so that they can see not only the information of those who intercepted us, but also the information on our side.

Because of the emergence of "spy" outside the rules, our actions have become almost transparent. Of course, we didn’t care about this kind of little mischievous behavior, because there is no way to really threaten us anyway. On the contrary, it allows the guests to realize our strength more thoroughly, so neither Nuwa nor we care about it. point.

Those "dead" guests can see our video and newsletter content, but they cannot directly intervene in the fight, nor can they directly forward the information they see to those who return People who are fighting, so all they can do is to remind those who are still "alive" directly through the phone like a bystander.

This dictation method is actually not too intuitive, but something is better than nothing, so these people are always there to remind the defenders.

"Everyone, be careful. The people in front of you are not blocking these guys. Even if we have information, we may not be able to easily save energy, so everyone must be careful." The commander in charge of the battle in this building is in Said in the channel. He is not a guest, but the commander of the special warfare unit transferred from outside. He is proficient in the front-line command of special warfare and is considered a very professional talent. However, although he knew a lot now, he was afraid to give orders casually. He could only give some general reminders and encouragement in the communication channel, and could not directly issue combat orders.

The reason why he didn't dare to issue combat instructions in the communication channel was because of the "dead".

Those dead "corpses" can see any information on Nuwa, so they first tried a third-party observation point, that is, monitored information.

However, they soon discovered that our moving speed was too fast, and the arrangement of the monitoring itself was also very chaotic. People who are not familiar with the map can hardly use the monitoring screens to monitor the entire building. The course of action is simulated, so many people just give up after watching it for a while, because this thing can only watch the excitement, there is not much ability to predict in advance, because they do not know which screen we will be from after leaving a monitoring screen. Reappear.

After not looking at the surveillance, many people thought of looking directly at our tactical command communications, and then discovered that we did not use communicator to communicate, but the one we used was called the spirit net. Communication network. Most of the information in this spiritual net network is transmitted in the form of pure data. What they see here is the hexadecimal code, and the screen is swiped there like a waterfall.

This kind of information computer interpretation is no problem, but it is definitely impossible for people to read it. These people thought that Nuwa was deliberately favoring us and wanted to protect data. They only found out when we asked that the spirit net that we use for communication is a conceptual network. earth". How much is this pile of soil, how big it is, what color of soil, what type of soil, and whether there are impurities in it. This information will not be marked in the form of data, but the person who imagines this picture can certainly understand it. The characteristic of the spirit net network is that you can talk about such an idea and pass it directly to other Dragon Clan members, and when the other party receives this data, it will have exactly the same idea and accurately restore the data.

It can be said that, suppose I imagine a cake in my brain, and then pass it to Ling with spirit net network, Ling can draw a cake immediately, and this cake and the one I think will be Exactly the same. However, if there are two people, one of them thinks of a cake, and then tells the other what the cake looks like and what material it is made of, then even if you don’t consider the level of painting, it’s difficult for the other person to fully replicate that. The cake in people’s imagination, and the more complicated the cake in the other party’s imagination, the greater the information loss in this information transmission process, because human language itself has the characteristics of information loss, and there is no way to transfer data too accurately.

However, our spirit net network can transmit data 100% in this way, without losing any information. This delivery method is obviously excellent, but it has a problem, that is, it can only be used by Dragon Clan.

This information is thinking information, so theoretically it cannot be translated, but if you use a computer to receive this data and then decompose it into images, sounds, and text descriptions that can be presented, then humans You can still see some content. However, this can only decompose information such as images and sounds. It is difficult to accurately convey things such as smells, feelings and even moods.

Of course, what's more terrible is not the inaccuracy of the translation, but the lack of time to read it.

Although Nuwa temporarily made a translation software based on the complaints of these people, it directly extracted the thoughts in the spirit net network and displayed them in a way that humans can understand, but As a result, those "dead" who died still couldn't see, and the reason was-too fast.

Our Dragon Clan’s thinking speed is much faster than that of humans, and the spirit net network itself is designed for us. We basically don’t need to think about the data in it, but it’s passed over and it’s been thoroughly understood. The information, you don’t even need to think. With such convenient information, coupled with the fact that our thinking speed itself is very fast, the information flow in this spiritual net network can be imagined.

The translation system uses the supercomputer in the base here, but it can only barely keep up with the speed of our spirit net network to transmit information, and this is still abandoning the part that simply cannot be translated The situation after the information. The translated information is even more terrible. That supercomputer translates hundreds of hours of video and almost thousands of hours of audio information from our spirit net network communication almost every second, plus tens of billions of words of text information.

These are the one-second spiritual net network data, and the result after removing the untranslatable part. How do you say this kind of information makes those people think? They have no time to interpret the information even if they work together in a division of labor, so there is no difference between translating and simply translating.

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