After leaving the entrance of the base, you are heading inside.

On the surface, it seems that we have entered the underground base and are already not far from the final goal, but because this is an exercise and not a real battle, we can’t follow the nearest route like this, but have to The simulation scenes used in the daoist shooting game in the base are all opened, and then they can enter the lower passage and start moving towards the safe house where the leaders of the countries are located.

Because of these training scenarios, we actually need to run a long section of the road, and there will be a large number of soldiers stationed along the way. There is no way to circumvent this because this is an exercise rule. , Must have a forced breakthrough.

Although I don’t care much about the battle strength of these ordinary soldiers, this kind of place is not suitable for a person to rush in, so I finally waited at the door for a while, until the first rush After arriving Ling, Shuangxue, Lingling, Yeyue, and Xiaobai arrived at the entrance where I was, I took them into the base below first. As for the others, except Ivorite who is entering from another passage , Others estimate that it will take a lot of time to get in.

The reason why other people are dragged down is not because of the strong battle strength of the soldiers here and slow advancement, but because there are many guests scattered outside. According to the rules of the exercise, the guests are the target that must be killed, and there are only a few people on our side. If we want to maintain the advancing speed and ensure that each guest cannot be missed, we can only divide the troops, or just look for those outside. We have to toss until dawn for the scattered guests.

In fact, the time now is not too far away from dawn. The time we started before was midnight, now it’s almost three o’clock, and it will start to light up in three hours at most. .

After we gathered a few people here, we started to explore the area map that must be completed. The first thing we entered was the urban street fighting. The way to enter this place is rather special, not for you to walk in directly, but for a model of an armored vehicle parked outside the training scene. This thing looks exactly like an armored car, but it's actually a steel shell, without a weapon system or power, but the internal structure is exactly the same as a real car, and it can be loaded with people. When we are all in, the fixing device behind this thing will open, and then the car will slide down the sloped ramp directly over the entrance of the training scene that just allows the car to enter the entrance to slide directly in In the scene.

The entrance of this training scene is about a dozen meters away. It is a roadblock piled up with sandbags. The speed of this armored car is faster, and it will hit the roadblock in one breath, but the car may tip over and fight The moment the armored vehicle model rushes into the training scene has already begun. We can see the outside through the observation window in the car, not to mention the driving position in front of us is also sitting there, so we are very clear about the surrounding environment.

When the armored vehicle model rushed into the scene, countless bullets flew from the surrounding buildings, and the car body clinked, and what was even more outrageous was that two rockets appeared in two of the windows. Crossed over and flew over, does this mean to put us in a pot? He didn't even leave us the time to get off the bus!

"Jumping!" Knowing that this car will definitely not be able to block the rockets, I gave an order and all the doors of the car opened at the same time. We all jumped out one, two or three. The guns in our hands had already started firing while they were still running, and the originally dense firepower around them instantly quieted down.

A commander holding a telescope in each building asked aloud: "What's the matter? Why did the fire stop?"

"Boss, we are all dead here. Now, you can't let us cheat the corpse, right?" A soldier said with a bitter smile in a window of a room. Opposite him were four companions sitting on the ground, and each of them had a splash of paint on their helmets. Needless to say, they were all headshots.

The commander over there asked in astonishment: "How is it possible? How could you get so many firepower points all at once?"

"We don't want to! But the other side The bullet is too accurate. If it weren’t for the paint bullet, I would have thought that the other party used automatic guided munitions!"

Another voice was inserted into the communication and said: "After I was killed, I looked outside and calculated After a while, the average reaction time of the other party is less than 0.1 second. I can't figure out how fast it is. Anyway, we will be killed as soon as we have a head. There is no chance of luck. If you don't believe you let you there. Someone from here takes a look below, and I guarantee he will be killed as soon as he takes a head."

The commander over there really didn’t believe it, so he really let someone around him observe it. The situation outside.

In the special forces, you need special training to stretch your head out from behind the obstacle to observe the enemy situation on the opposite side, because normal people need to extend their eyes out of the obstacle and pause for a few seconds if they want to see the situation on the opposite side clearly. It works, but in this case the probability of being hit will be very high, so special forces will conduct special training in this area. A well-trained special soldier only needs to glance at the situation on the opposite side, and within 0.5 seconds, he can determine roughly how many firepower points there are on the opposite side and where they are probably located. The biggest advantage of this lightning-like recognition ability is that you have a short head-up time, and even if the opponent finds you stretch your head out to observe, they will not have time to shoot you, which maximizes safety.

However, just as the guy assigned to observe the enemy squatted under the security wall on the roof, and then suddenly stood up and raised his eyes above the wall, he shot a paint ball. Accurately hit the position of his eyes, and the impact drove his head to lean back. The whole person lost his balance and fell back.

"Fuck me!" The guy who fell on the ground turned over and sat up and picked up his helmet. On the other hand, the position of his eyes on his helmet was smeared tightly by paint. "How is this possible?" said the hit guy with an incredible expression.

Because we just want to verify whether our reaction speed is really that fast, this guy simply didn’t plan to stand up and observe our situation. His plan is to stand up as fast as possible and then squat down. , This is definitely faster than taking a look at our situation. With his ability, this process will not exceed 0.3 seconds at most. However, what made him unacceptable was that he didn't intend to observe the external environment at all. He just stretched out his head and then retracted, but he was still hit.

"That's not right!" Your guy suddenly muttered to himself while holding his helmet.

The commander next to me asked: "What's wrong?"

The guy held the helmet and said, "Captain, you see, this bullet obviously hit my eye. Yes, but I just didn’t intend to look at the outside situation at all, so I planned to squat down when my eyes were beyond the edge of the wall. I simply didn’t plan to look at the situation outside. This time will be faster than blinking an eye. Even if the other party can immediately spot my eyes and shoot, the bullet will not have enough time to fly over."

"Do you mean...?" Captain asked with certainty, thinking of probability but not sure.

The person nodded said: "Yes, the other party must have found me the moment my head exceeded the top of the wall, and the other party also predicted that my eyes would exceed The time of the protection range of the wall, so the other party actually fired when my eyes were still behind the wall. As a result, when my eyes were out of the protection range, the bullet happened to be in front of me, which means no matter how much I am The other party will hit me soon, because they fired in advance!"

Because the walkie-talkie was not turned off, everyone here heard the explanation just now, and a large group of people suddenly felt the back of the spine for a while. Numb. This kind of early sniper without delay is simply a soldier's nightmare, because facing this kind of enemy means that as long as you dare to appear, you will have a 100% death rate, and there is simply no exception. If we want to attack us like this, the only way is to use a number of people many times more than us to attack at the same time, so that even if we can find them, there is no time to attack multiple targets at the same time, so that at least some people have the opportunity to shoot. Of course, the result of this is to sacrifice a lot of people at once, but it can only be exchanged for a small amount of shooting time, because we can't kill thousands of people in a minute.

Although we know that our reaction is very fast, the soldiers can’t completely ignore us. They can only think of various ways to attack us, such as using anti-riot shields and only opening a small one. Then we stretched out the barrel of the gun to shoot at us, so that we had to hit the small hole opened in the shield to be effective. Of course, the result of this is still useless, because our hit rate against non-moving targets within 500 meters is 100%, no matter how small the hole is, we can accurately let the bullet pass through, unless the hole is not as big as the bullet. .

"This battle can't be fought!" A commander angrily threw away his guns. They finally got a chance to fire. As a result, a bullet from the sniper hit the side of my helmet, but it only turned my head slightly, and then the sniper was painted with paintballs. , And the dozen or so companions who fought for the sniper's chance to shoot have already become colored races.

Our perverted average hit rate makes the opponent's people completely unable to attack us, no matter what distance we can "kill" the opponent when he emerges. Even if we get a little time to fire a few shots occasionally, it is useless. Normal bullets are useless to us, and useful ammunition we will dodge and simply fail to hit us.

"Why don't you try the special equipment arranged for us?" a soldier asked.

The chief sergeant next to him thought for a while and said, "That’s all. The exercise scene will end. It can’t stop here and it’s impossible to stop it. Tell everyone in the back to come over, we Here we have a decisive battle."

Following the command of the sergeant, the soldiers in the back began to move from the hiding place to the block in front. As for why there are so many people, it is the sergeant who gave the order. The reason is simple, because all the high level officers here were killed, and they were killed by grenade.

The grenade we use in Dragon Clan is different from ordinary grenade. In addition to insurance, there is a metal ring on one end that can be turned like a safe code disc. This thing is actually used Timing. The initiation time of our special grenade is set at eight seconds at the factory, which means it will explode as long as the bead is released for eight seconds after the fuse is pulled off. However, if you turn the metal ring, you can change the explosion delay time. It can be set to 1 second at least, and it can be extended to 60 seconds at most.

The reason why the grenade has such a large delay is mainly related to our physical fitness. Generally, the grenades thrown by soldiers can fly in the air for more than ten seconds at the limit. This is still the case of deliberately throwing high and deliberately increasing the suspended time. If it is only thrown as far as possible, generally four to eight seconds of grenade It will land, and the default time of the grenade is generally ten seconds, so that you can ensure that the grenade will explode soon after it hits the ground.

However, the grenade thrown by humans will inevitably land within ten seconds, but we are Dragon Clan! If we throw our arms directly up, the grenade may stay in the air for several minutes before coming down, so the ten-second delay grenade is obviously not very suitable, so our grenade has such a design function, and you can choose to detonate. time.

Although the commanders here all hid in the building and did not stretch their heads to attack, they had already been exposed by their radios when they were in contact with each other. With our arm strength and the ability to precisely control the body, as long as we know where the enemy is, it is almost where we are. One of the most unlucky guys even bounced into the window by the grenade we threw out specially to "blow up". Of course, the exercise grenade did not have shrapnel, and it was filled with orange-yellow paint, so people who were "exploded to death" could definitely be regarded as "dead and ugly."

The high level commander equipped with communicator was killed by us ahead of time. As a result, the remaining top commander became a sergeant, and the reason why this guy survived was entirely because he was smart enough , Realizing that we can track their location based on the communicator, so we threw the radio directly and changed it to relay remote commands with special tactical gestures. This method is really good, at least not revealing our location. .

"The other party seems to be gathering." When the people on the opposite side started moving towards the Central Region, we found the problem. After all, there are so many infrared heat sources, it's okay if you don't want to see it.

I used the infrared mode to glance at the surrounding enemy distribution, and then asked: "Inverrit, where are you? We need your fire suppression mode."

"Contact in eight seconds."

"Understood. Everyone is ready, we are ready to rush over."

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