
With a loud crash, the entrance gate of the underground base is moving rapidly at a speed visible to naked eye Deformation, cracks continue to appear on the surrounding walls, and the edge of the door frame is obviously about to be unable to hold it. Many fixed anchor points with thick arms in the wall are forcibly ripped out of the rock. This progress will take at most dozens of seconds before the door will be knocked open. Of course, what scared the people inside the door was not because the door was knocked open, but because it was not a siege hammer or a large machine that hit the door, but there was only one person.

I just stood in front of the steel gate, raised my arms above my head, and then slammed forward on the gate. The all-steel gate, which was enough for two tanks to pass side by side, was dented inward again by my blow, and the anchor point on the wall was torn out.

"Hilda Alloy, as expected, the name is not in vain." I couldn't help but praise the severely deformed door in front of me. The reason why this thing can be carried to the present is entirely because of this alloy.

In fact, this door is not a complete steel plate, but a composite door. The gate is actually divided into a whole 7th Layer material. The inner and outer sides are made of pure copper instead of steel. The reason why copper is used without steel is because copper is relatively soft. This door itself is prepared to fight against a nuclear explosion. When a nuclear explosion occurs, the pure copper door will melt due to the high temperature outside, and then the entrance will be completely sealed, which is equivalent to a self-sealing technology. Of course, it takes a little effort to open the door, but copper is not a hard thing, it can be cut easily with a cutting machine.

In addition to the copper layer, there are many other materials in this door, but there is only one material that really allows this door to withstand so many attacks, and that is the hope I just said. Erda alloy. This thing is also black technology, proper alien technology, and it is the only technology that can be fully understood and applied by the Earth technology system. The hardness of this thing is not too exaggerated, at least there are a lot of things that Earth has won more than this thing, at least the material used in my inner skeleton is much stronger than this Hilda alloy. However, the real strength of Hilda alloy is not its hardness, but its anti-energy characteristics.

The Americans have a very popular comic hero system, which was later reproduced into a number of movies and TV series, and produced a bunch of peripheral projects. Anyway, it can be regarded as a very profitable project. .

There is a fictitious metal in that comic system called "Zhenjin" and also called "Edman Alloy". Anyway, the setting of this thing in that system is a kind of sturdiness. Once it is formed, there is no way to destroy it, and it can reflect all the abnormal existence of energy. It can be said that this thing is basically invincible, because there is absolutely no way to harm this metal, and its physical properties are simply eternal.

Of course, that is the setting of comics and movie scripts, and this Hilda alloy is not so exaggerated, at least the hardness of this thing is not indestructible, but it is quite difficult to destroy it. It's strenuous, but at least there is still a way to process it.

The real power of Hilda alloy is not its hardness, but its energy characteristics.

Hilda alloys use covalent bonds like most metals. However, unlike ordinary metals, the surface atoms and electrons of Hilda alloys will become extremely different after being stimulated by energy. Stablize.

Metals can conduct electricity because the covalent bond electron pairs in metals are extremely unstable. These electrons can easily exchange and flow between metals. This is the reason why metals can conduct electricity, because electrons are in the whole The connected metals can move freely.

The properties of Hilda alloy are similar, but it is not only the electron pair energy flow, but also the internal protons and even neutrons are unstable. When Hilda alloy is excited by external energy, its protons and neutrons can flow together with electrons. So, what effect will this phenomenon bring? The answer is that this phenomenon will cause Hilda alloy to have ultra-high energy transferability, whether it is temperature energy or other energy, as long as it is energy, it can almost be transferred at a high speed.

What effect will the energy transfer at high speed bring? The answer is the dispersion effect.

For a piece of non-conductive rubber, if there is an ultra-high voltage passing through the rubber plate, then the phenomenon that appears is that the position in the middle of the rubber plate that is broken down by the current will be directly carbonized. Similarly, if a high-temperature strong beam is used to irradiate a piece of felt with poor temperature transmission ability, what will be the final result? The answer is that the irradiated area will be gradually scorched, and finally burned or directly carbonized and crushed. This is the result of the inability of energy to flow well, because the energy is highly concentrated, so the structure of the matter itself is destroyed, and the object is persecuted.

But, what if the energy transfer capacity of an object is very high in reverse? Still use electricity and light heat to test.

The previous high voltage is still used, but what will happen if the material between the electrodes is replaced with an iron plate this time? The answer is that something will not happen.

After the ultra-high voltage current hits the object, it will heat the object, and then change the material. The rubber plate is caused by a carbonized hole due to local heating. However, after the metal plate is hit by the current, the current does not directly pass through a point through the metal plate, but will quickly spread out and pass along the entire metal plate, and then return to the opposite electrode. In this project, the current is dispersed, so unless the current is strong enough to heat the entire metal plate to the extent that it will cause damage to the metal plate, it will not have any effect on the metal plate. This is because metal plates can conduct electricity at high speed.

Similarly, the same is true of the high-heat ray exposure. When a strong light beam is used to irradiate an object, the temperature of the irradiated position will of course rise. This is a basic common sense. Because the thermal conductivity of the felt is poor, the heat cannot be dissipated when it is irradiated, and the felt will be ignited when it reaches the ignition point. However, if you change to a material with good thermal conductivity, it is better to say a large piece of magnesium.

Metal magnesium is more flammable in the air than felt, but it is a kind of metal itself, and its thermal conductivity is better than felt. Also use the light beam that ignites the felt before, as long as the ambient temperature is not high, the huge magnesium block can quickly dissipate heat, and the temperature will be quickly dispersed and transmitted to the surrounding air, while the temperature of the position where the magnesium block itself is irradiated will not rise It's too exaggerated, at least not so easy to be ignited.

After understanding these comparative experiments, you can think of the impact. The biggest feature of high-energy-transmitting materials is that they can protect against energy shocks. It can quickly transfer energy to all parts of itself, which is equivalent to Shared the pressure. Although this may still be hurt, it is like breaking one chopstick at a time and breaking a bundle of chopsticks at a time. To make a hole in an object and completely destroy the object, of course it is easier to make a hole, and The larger the object, the more obvious this advantage.

If the gate in front of me is only made of steel, even if the thickness is doubled, I can use one minute to make a hole in it, because my power armor not only has a high-frequency vibration blade, which is against the sky. More importantly, I still have several high-power lasers. Although the range is very problematic in the atmospheric environment, when the distance is close, when the cutting machine is used, the effect is definitely outstanding. Anyway, I usually use this to cut a piece It's easy to cut a stone with steel bars.

However, these two weapons were completely scrapped when they encountered this Hilda alloy. Needless to say, the Hilda alloy will not be damaged by the laser, but the power of the laser on my body is not high enough to deal with ordinary metals. However, the Hilda alloy is not in this range because it dissipates too much heat. Soon, there is no way to cut it.

The high-frequency vibrating blade is even worse. The ability of Hilda alloy to absorb and transmit kinetic energy is the same exaggeration. Cutting Hilda alloy with this thing, it is estimated that my sword may not be able to cut the door if it is broken.

Because the Second Layer protection of this door is made of Hilda alloy, all my tricks are useless, so I had to smash the door. Fortunately, although Hilda alloy also has the characteristics of absorbing impact and dispersing it, this aspect has not yet reached the point of guarding the sky. It can disperse only a small part, and most of the strength is still acting on the back structure. , Otherwise the gate would really be invincible.

Although it took a bit of effort, after dozens of seconds of tossing about this door, it was almost impossible to hold on.

Raising his hand and slamming on the gate again, the severely deformed gate suddenly made a different sound, and a large area of ​​cracks appeared on the surrounding concrete walls accompanied by a burst of cracking sound. When it collapsed, the fixed pile at the upper left corner of the gate was pulled out of the wall by the whole, and there were a lot of cement blocks still hanging on the steel bars, and a thick layer of ash on the ground was piled up.

Looking at the result of this time, I moved a bit to the left with satisfaction, and then hit it again. Boom... Accompanied by this violent impact, the door finally couldn't hold on. The entire left half of the door frame was separated from the wall paper. After the large area of ​​the surrounding concrete cracked, it was unable to provide any support for the door, although the door It's still hanging there, but anyone with a discerning eye can see that this thing is useless.

I didn’t continue smashing the door, but I walked over to clasp the edge of the door with my hands and started to push it in. Accompanied by a zhi zhi quack of metal twisting, the lower left corner of the door was bent and bent by me. I got inside the gate, and then I heard a bang inside. I suddenly felt a pain in my calf, and the whole person was instantly beaten into the air. I didn’t know how many roots slammed on the ground after idling in the same place.

"Your can there be war-proof guns on this kind of ground!"

Because of the characteristics of Hilda alloy, this thing itself is an excellent signal Shielding material, so I don't know the situation inside the door at all. As a result, as soon as I opened a corner under the door, the other party shot my exposed left leg directly.

Because of the short distance, this shell is almost aimed at the direct shot, and it hits the head bone of my left calf. If it's a human, no, even if it's an elephant, this gun is definitely flying out of the calf. But my body strength plus the protection of the power armor, this gun failed to penetrate the leg armor of my power armor, it only wiped out a mark on the calf part of my power armor, but although the shell did not penetrate My legs, but the huge kinetic energy will not disappear. You can imagine what happens when your legs are pushed backwards suddenly by a huge force. At that time, my whole body was spinning idly on the spot. After landing, the pain was okay, but I felt a little bit of acid reflux in my stomach. Just now, I rotated at least 20 times in the air. This centrifugal force is generally estimated to directly explode blood vessels.

I just got up on the ground and suddenly heard the peng sound inside. A cannonball with orange-yellow rays of light on the edge of my left hand flashed by, and a piece of it was rubbed on the ground. Dagou, scared me to shrink my hand quickly. "Damn, it's not over yet, right?" Fortunately, the opponent did not hit this time. After all, the angle was not good. The position of my palm support was only visible under the door, so it was difficult to aim.

Seeing this situation, I didn’t turn the door anymore. Instead, I went directly to the right side of the door and faced the wall and knocked down the concrete near the fixing bolt with a few punches. Then I faced the right door again. Several heavy blows. Because the concrete was broken in one step, this time it took only two times for the right side of the gate to be completely pulled out of the wall, and then the entire gate slid into the base for five or six meters away before it blew. He hit the ground with a loud sound and continued to slide for more than two meters before it stopped completely.

The people inside the gate had been waiting for the gate to fall, so I didn’t hesitate at all. At the moment the gate was brought down, I scanned the inside door before the smoke was cleared. Large-caliber anti-tank gun. Along with the muzzle flames, the 120mm anti-tank gun instantly fired a sub-caliber tail stabilized armor-piercing projectile, and the projectile of this projectile was actually made of Hilda alloy. Although I don't know whether they wrapped the armor-piercing projectile with Hilda alloy or the whole armor-piercing projectile is made of Hilda alloy.

According to my estimation, this shell should have only the outer layer of Hilda alloy, and the inside should be some super-hard high-density metal or alloy, because Hilda alloy itself is not suitable for shells. Its energy transfer characteristics can increase defense and reduce impact, so it is not appropriate to use Hilda alloy as a shell. This is estimated to be an ordinary shelling armor-piercing projectile temporarily plated with a layer of Hilda alloy, and it is clearly designed for us.

Without this layer of Hilda alloy, I can use electromagnetic force to redirect the projectile. A cannonball that blocks this speed requires a lot of electromagnetic force, but it is very simple to make it deviate from its flight path. Unfortunately, after having this layer of Hilda alloy, although I can still use electromagnetic force to sense and control this shell, the force is already very small. The maximum force I can exert on this cannonball is not as large as the weight of the cannonball itself, so it is completely impossible to change the flight trajectory of this thing so that it does not hit me.

Fortunately, although my electromagnetic control power is no match for Hilda alloy, it doesn't mean that mine is no match for this shell.

As soon as the cannon fired, I suddenly reached out and pushed it to the side almost like lightning, but the next second I rested and flew out, but my wings suddenly It opened and swung twice in the air to stabilize the body and land steadily, but the ground not far away was lifted up with a large amount of mud.

The people in the monitoring room quickly replayed what happened at that moment with a high-speed camera, and then their mouths opened wider than before. They saw that I just did something casually before and then escaped the shells. They were very surprised at the time, but they weren’t as surprised as they are now, because we are very strong, and it’s not too much of a shell that didn’t do anything to me. strangeness. However, after seeing the situation clearly, they had to be surprised, because I actually pushed a hand on the side of the shell and pushed the shell out diagonally. This is why I suddenly moved towards the right back and flew out. s reason. This is actually the reaction force transmitted by the cannonball that I am pushing, but because my movements are prepared, and I don’t resist the full kinetic energy of the cannonball frontally, so I just flew a few meters back to stabilize my body by relying on my wings. Landed safely, but the cannonball deviated from its trajectory and hit the ground. That's how the piece of mud just flew up.

Pushing the cannonball empty-handed, the result made the guards feel a circle of white hair on their necks. Although I am wearing power armor, this is definitely not the reason for the power armor, because all the guards on the underground base side are powered armor, which means they know how much power armor can do. The action I just made is absolutely impossible for power armor.

I didn’t care about the shock of those people, I just moved towards the smoky passage, the people inside still didn’t react in shock, until I stepped on the door that fell on the ground. Only then did someone react. Someone quickly went to operate the cannon, but more people started to greet me with individual weapons.

Of course they fired and I had to fight back. Left and right hands fired both pistols and rifles at the same time, and kept moving to avoid the grenades and rocket Level 1 energy groups fired by the opponent. As for the conventional ammunition, I didn’t go at all. In any case, it will not produce any lethality.

The people on the opposite side of me found that the firepower on their side was getting sparser. When someone wanted to shout to increase the firepower, they realized that most of the people around were all colorful Sitting on the ground, this is obviously all "dead"!

"Damn, how do you fight this?" A high-level special soldier dressed in power armor, hiding behind the anti-gun shield of one of the cannons, said to a person next to him: "That guy's hit rate is at least More than 98%, our head stretched out for a second, and there is no way to fight back!"

A person next to nodded said that there is really no way, but he quickly shined and said: "I There is a way, you are going to cover me, I want to fight it."

"Hey, what are you going to do?" Didn't expect the companion suddenly rushed out, and the special soldier here can't complain. I can only quickly aim the grenade gun at my approximate position, which is a five-shot burst. Of course, the explosion will not hurt me, but it can interfere with my shooting, which is enough.

Under his cover, the guy managed to rush to the target location, and then picked up a square box on his arm from a "dead" person.

"Damn, did you do this for a long time?"

The man fixed the thing on his arm and said, "Do you know what this is?" No When the person next to him answered, he pressed the switch on the gadget, and the gadget on his arm suddenly spread out a light blue film of 1.8 meters high and about 80 cm wide.

"I said...Energy Shield?!"

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