While the person on the opposite side was still amazed at Jingjing's ability to withstand so many attacks, the others on our side also took action.

It is not me who rushes the fastest, but Xiaobai and Bailang. Because they are beasts, they naturally run fast. On the opposite side, they found that the two white shadows were accelerating assault, and immediately began to gather fire to stop them, but Xiaobai and Bailang were too fast, dodged in the dense rain of bullets, and quickly rushed past the front of the villa. The labyrinth garden then jumped up all at once. With a sound of oh la la, the two of them did not directly rush into the crowd, but jumped over the top of those people's heads directly through the upper glass window and fell into the hall.

Those guards are experienced. Some of them quickly turned to deal with Bailang and Xiaobai who rushed to the back. The rest continued to shoot, but Yeyue rushed forward like lightning. Silhouette of.

Ye Yue, who rushed out of the labyrinth garden with an afterimage, was immediately intercepted by the rest of the staff, but Ye Yue’s huge and slender figure did not bring cumbersomeness but agility beyond imagination. . Like an elf under the moon, Yeyue moves on the ground in a dance-like posture, easily flashing most of the lightning balls, and occasionally directly splitting the unavoidable lightning balls with his long sword.

In this way, after rushing directly into the crowd in a violent way, Ye Yue immediately swept the long sword in his hand, and accompanied by a scream of ah, a guard flew out backwards, oh la la Knocked down the glass door of the entrance and rolled into the hall. The people around kept firing and intercepting them, but Ye Yue lowered his head and drilled under the barrage. Then, his six hands danced quickly and shot a large group of people nearby.

After these people landed, they were left with Hem's strength, and Nuwa's prompt reminded them in their ears, telling them that they were dead now. Because if it was actual combat, what Ye Yue used just now was not to shoot but to chop. The reason why these people are knocked into the air is because Yeyue uses the spine of the sword and uses the long sword as a stick. Otherwise, with the cutting ability of the high-frequency vibrating blade we issued, once these people are cut by the sword blade , Will definitely be cut in pieces like soft tofu, and the reason why it is fine now is because we knew it was a drill, so the vibrating blade simply didn't start, and at the same time, we didn't dare to attack them with the sword. In fact, it is not only the weapons we did not dare to fully utilize, but also the strength.

Think about our power output. If we burst out with all our strength, let alone a sword in our hand, even if we are given a wooden stick, we can still sweep the human body into two pieces. Will also be crushed.

When Yeyue was on slaughter all sides, we also rushed into the crowd one after another. There were constant gunfire on the opposite side, rockets and grenades were also released one after another, and even a small near-defense gun appeared, but The result is no harm to us at all. Most attacks will be avoided by our flexible movement method, even if we can hit once or twice occasionally, it will only slow us down slightly.

"This job can't be done! Our weapons are completely ineffective against them!" A special soldier said.

"These guys are really monsters!" As soon as the other person finished speaking, he heard a loud noise from the pillar next to him, and a fist came out of the pillar. When he looked back, he happened to see that the guy who was talking to him was flew out with a punch.

Although the pillar they hid looks like plaster on the outside, the outer layer is actually just for decoration, and the inside is a solid reinforced concrete support column. How strong is it to be able to punch a hole in a pillar of this intensity?

Just when the special forces here were beaten and fled in embarrassment, on the other side, I was walking towards a small group of guests. Although they were wearing quite high-end power armor, the guests were extremely nervous, because they had seen us just put all the special forces down in front of them as if an adult bullied a child.

I watched the guests slowly approaching them. Those few people had already retreated to a corner with nowhere to escape, but when I was about to come in front of them, a suddenly came from the side. Loud explosion sound, a fireball exploded directly on me, and the shock wave generated by the explosion knocked all the guests on the opposite side to the ground, and the surrounding buildings were in a mess. When the flame disappeared, those guests immediately lifted the head to see the result. Although they were overthrown by the shock wave, they had power armor on them, so there was nothing wrong with them. What they care more about now is whether I have been defeated.

Of course the result is negative. A small rocket is not enough to cause enough damage to me. I didn't even move my position, but there were large cracks in the ground under my feet.

Turning his head and looking towards the direction of the attack source, a mysterious person wearing black power armor is moving towards me and rushing quickly. The guy rushed and raised his hand to aim at my side, and then suddenly a small opening was made in his arm. A small triangular object rose up, and the next second suddenly shot a red from the middle of the triangle. light. Because this is a beam of light, the speed is too fast, I have no time to dodge, after all, I was hit when I saw the light.

The beam hit my left arm directly, and the red damage report popped up in the picture in front of me. A sketch of my human body quickly appeared on the left edge of the line of sight, and then the position of the arm in the picture appeared The red warning notice, written in small letters next to the occurrence of high temperature damage.

Obviously, the red beam emitted by the opponent is some kind of high-temperature ray like a laser, and it has already caused damage to my power armor, but it hasn't hurt it for the time being, it's just a superficial wound.

It took only a few tenths of a second from being attacked to when the prompt message appeared, and after a few tenths of a second, I responded.

The group of guests over there noticed that a large number of small squares like mosaic appeared on the surface of the power armor that was originally black on my body. These small squares seemed to be turned over from me. The top of my head began to change layer by layer in a chain reaction, and the total surface was just over a second. The entire surface of my power armor changed dramatically. The original black power armor turned into a dazzling golden in the blink of an eye.

"I rely on! Local tyrant gold!" I don't know which of the guests actually came up with such a sentence, but this is a good description of what my power armor looks like now.

At this time, although there is no change in the appearance of my power armor, the color of the surface is completely changed. The previous power armor had the same appearance as my dragon soul suit, with black base, golden hook lines and drawing patterns, and some parts were decorated with red gemstones and the like. However, now this power armor has changed from the black full of evil aura to the dazzling local gold. The original golden hook line is still golden, but the black background color has become bright golden, and the original hook The line is almost a color except for the brighter color. As for the red gemstones, the structure has also changed color, from red to ice blue.

The sudden change of color on my side made the guy in the charge stunned, but the opponent recovered in an instant. Not only did he speed up and charge up, but the laser beam in his hand increased the output. power. But... the result is completely different from before. The red beam shining on the golden power armor immediately showed a dazzling red refraction line of the day, and the refracted beam directly cut a long gully on the ceiling.

The other party was stunned again by the reflected beam, and then paused, turning the beam into segments of laser beams and emitting them, but just like the previous continuous irradiation results, they flew over All of the laser beams were reflected as if they were shining on a mirror. Not only did it not have any effect on me, it almost hit myself.

Although I was surprised at what was going on with my golden body, the other party didn’t have the time to think about it. With the opportunity just now, he rushed in front of me, and then flipped his wrist. A light blade protruded from above. The shape of this light blade is exactly the same as that of assassin's wrist blade, but the problem is that his grandfather's is an aurora blade! This is definitely a black technology. The technology on Earth simply cannot create Aurora Sword, because we simply don't have the technology to constrain the laser beam. Although our Dragon Fate also has something similar to Aurora Sword, the thing is just a look, the principle is completely different.

The other party didn't care that I was surprised or surprised. It was just moved towards my neck and cut it over. All the people who fight with us have been notified that our only key is the brain, so when they use the huge might weapon, they can let go of it. As long as they don’t attack the brain position, it’s impossible to really kill us, so the other party didn’t plan to stay at all. The hand, came up and moved towards my throat and cut it over.

The Aurora Blade is not an entity, there is no way to defend it, but being unable to stop the Aurora Blade does not mean that I cannot stop his wrist. The body shifted slightly to the right, and his left hand was facing his wrist upward from the inner circle, and he pinched his wrist to support the lower cut of the Aurora Blade. However, the other party was clearly prepared, and an aurora blade flashed out of his left hand again, and moved towards my waist and stabbed it. The aurora blade of the thing on this guy turned out to be in both hands like mine.

In this case, I didn't have the right angle to block, so I didn't block at all. Lifting the leg directly is kicked flying that guy with one foot. The guy felt as if he had been hit by a truck, and was embedded in the opposite wall in an instant, but his power armor seemed to do a good job of protecting against shocks, so it was all right. The guy just swayed from side to side twice before jumping off the wall, and then rushed towards me with a stride.

Seeing the other person approaching again, I turned sideways slightly and raised my right arm to point him in the same way as he did before. Then I heard only a very slight noise, and a little thing flew away. Going out, I hit the guy right away, or to be precise, was caught by him. However, after grabbing this thing, he suddenly realized that it was not good, but it was too late to throw it away at this time.

Just after he pinched the thing I launched, he realized that there was a wire behind it, and then he regretted it, but it was too late. A silver lightning snake followed the line on my wrist and extended to his hand. The voltage of over 2 million volts instantly caused the small missiles, mechanical shells, and grenades on his body to happen. It exploded, and at the same time, his power armor flashed violently, and then he fell to the ground with a green smoke, and there was no movement.

I walked over and stepped on his shoulder, stretched out my hand oh la la to tear off the armor on his back, and then put a finger on his vest. With a bang, the guy flicked upwards and suddenly regained consciousness. He had been in shock just now, and the reason was naturally the result of a strong electric shock. As for the shock that I touched him with my finger afterwards, it was equivalent to the electric shock device used in the rescue room, and it woke him up again.

Actually, my behavior just now is quite dangerous, accidentally it may kill people, but it is dangerous for others, but it is not a big problem for me, because the main danger lies in the control of electric current. If the current is too large, people will be electrocuted. If the current is too small, it will not have any effect. However, people's control will not be so precise. Electrocution is very normal. And my control ability is very precise. Naturally, people will not be electrocuted unless I deliberately. of.

After the guy on the ground woke up, he wanted to evade, but in the end he only shook the power armor on the ground and couldn't even turn over.

"Don’t bother, you are now dead, lie down obediently, and someone will come to rescue you when it’s over."

This guy’s body doesn’t actually have much major event, The reason why he couldn't move was not because of him, but because of the power armor on his body. Although this thing can usually increase the strength of the wearer and let you walk like flying, it can also lift several tons of things easily. However, that is under the premise that the power armor can work normally. The formidable power of the electric shock just now was too large, and it had already penetrated all the fuses and control circuits on his power armor. In other words, this power armor is basically a pile of scrap iron now. However, even if scrap iron is scrapped, its weight will not change. So now he is tantamount to putting a ton of steel on his body. It's strange to be able to move.

After getting this guy done, I looked towards the group of people in the corner, but the other party actually showed courage. I guess it’s probably because I just gave this guy a heart resuscitation, and those people have already reacted. During the exercise, I didn't really want to kill them, so I suddenly had the courage. Because the fighting was too intense before, these people were on the scene again, so many people forgot that this was a drill and thought they were really going to die. This is not to say that these people are stupid, but a normal human response. Under certain special stimuli, the human stress response sometimes replaces subjective consciousness, that is, the subconscious surpasses the superficial consciousness to gain priority. This situation is a stress mechanism produced in human evolution, and sometimes it can Help, but sometimes it will not help.

Although these guests regained their courage, the result was of course no surprise. Although their power armor is not bad, the operators are amateurs, and the result is self-evident. After knocking all these people out in twos or twos, I moved towards the entrance of the underground base and walked over. There were few people in the house in front that could still stand, so I didn’t plan to help, but planned to move Take down the entrance of the underground base.

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