I exited the invisible mode not because the invisible system was broken, but because I actively closed the invisible system. Although I can drive this thing to kill everyone here, but compared to that situation, I feel that only by allowing them to see me can I maximize the overwhelming psychological advantage. After all, if you are completely invisible, the other party will only be afraid, but has no intuitive understanding of our strength. Our purpose is to show that strength is not how to effectively kill everyone, so it is very important to understand the goal of the exercise.

The result of my sudden appearance was of course that a dense barrage was evoked. Everyone reacted at this time. The dense bullets moved towards me and flew towards me. If it is a normal person, go down One second will be beaten into a honeycomb. However, I am not a normal person, not even a human being, so...

Om... a faint light film suddenly appeared beside me, and all the bullets hit this light film as if they were hit. The steel plate is usually bounced with a fire star because there are too many people shooting around. The light film around me seems to flash like a fire for a while, but even though I have been hit countless times, But none of the bullets successfully penetrated this layer of light film.

Just when I stopped there to block all the bullets, I suddenly heard a distinctive gunshot. In fact, I was hit when I heard the gunshot, and the bullet was right on the center of my eyebrow. The electromagnetic barrier has an effect on this bullet, but the electromagnetic barrier can't stop the huge kinetic energy of the bullet at all, it was easily penetrated, and then the bullet hit my eyebrows and hit my helmet mask almost not quite clear The bullet was slightly dented, and then the bullet burst into countless fragments flying around, while my head was tilted back, my body was taken three steps backwards by the huge kinetic energy, and then I leaned against the big tree behind with a click. As a result, the tree shook violently and dropped a lot of leaves.

The gunshots around suddenly stopped because they were waiting for the result, but the result was obviously different from what they expected. Leaning on the tree, I slowly returned my head, which was leaning back, back to the correct position, and at the same time lifted my leg and stepped forward and left the position of the tree trunk. The sniper lying on the ground on the opposite side cursed in a low voice, then quickly pulled the bolt and refilled a bullet to aim again. However, the target he chose this time is no longer the center of my forehead, but the position of my left eye. Although I wear a helmet visor, my eyes on both sides are actually blocked behind by a V-shaped dark red glass, but after all, this is the weakest position imaginable.

The sniper used in his hands was not actually a sniper rifle, but a sniper cannon. This is a game made out of the laboratory. In actual combat, it does not have much practical significance. It is just a boring thing made by a few researchers in the weapon laboratory. However, although this thing is not practical and impossible to equip troops, it is incomparable in terms of its specialties.

The total length of this sniper gun has reached 3.12 meters. The barrel and the barrel are usually carried separately, and they will be assembled only when they are used. Its appearance looks a lot like an anti-material sniper rifle, but it is larger in size and the bracket used is also very special.

The front bracket of this thing is a bipod, but the back is not a butt against the shooter's shoulder, but a stable support frame that can be inserted into the ground. This shooter can only shoot in a prone position when using a gun, otherwise he needs another large-scale dedicated stand to shoot. When the shooter is on the ground, the rear bracket will actually be completely under the shooter, that is to say, the shooter is equivalent to pressing the support frame with his own weight, and the bottom of the support frame can tightly cling to the ground. Layered tooth structure for anti-slip. If necessary, you can even have two auxiliary personnel stand on top of the shooter, or simply ride on the shooter's back and press the support frame with the weight of three people. Only in this way can you completely counter the huge recoil.

In addition, as a gun, this sniper gun actually uses the common rear seat structure of artillery, which is the rear seat of the barrel when the gun is fired, so as to extend the recoil action time and distribute the pressure. effect. General guns generally will not have this structure because of their low recoil, but artillery generally have similar designs. This sniper gun also has such a retreat and recoil device, which can greatly reduce the shaking of the gun body and improve its stability when firing.

For a sniper gun that is more than three meters long, the length of the projectile acceleration channel is naturally exaggerated, and its caliber is not small. Although the 37mm caliber is considered a little fellow for a gun, it is an absolute heavy weapon for individual weapons, not to mention that they also have a barrel of more than two meters long, which is definitely not comparable to ordinary individual weapons. of.

Of course, because of its size, this thing cannot be run by one person, so its standard operator is three people. A shooter is responsible for shooting and carrying the main structure of the gun body. A substitute shooter is usually responsible for carrying two barrels as replacements, as well as a small amount of ammunition, and when the main shooter is shooting, he is responsible for nearby vigilance. The third person is the observer, who mainly assists in observing the enemy's position and wind direction, and other data that will interfere with the accuracy of the shooter, and assist the shooter in aiming. At the same time, the observer also needs to act as a bodyguard and ammunition carrier when the shooter completes the shooting.

In fact, this sniper gun is a kind of anti-aircraft gun modified for individual use. The rapid-fire structure is eliminated, the accuracy is greatly improved, and the initial velocity and ballistic stability of the projectile are increased. There are only two design goals. Indicators-ballistic stability and penetration.

The reason why they came out with this thing is because they know that our Dragon Clan's body is hard and scary, and ordinary weapons are not useful, so there is such a thing. I didn't expect it actually came in handy. And it pierced my electromagnetic barrier with one shot. Unfortunately, even though the electromagnetic barrier was penetrated, this thing failed to penetrate my armor, and to make matters worse, I discovered their location.

The shooter also reacted very quickly. He immediately pulled the bolt and loaded the bullet to prepare for another shot, because he knew that with the weight of this sniper gun, they didn't have time to change the place and do another shot. Therefore, the only thing they can do is to block the last bullet, and to penetrate is to penetrate. If it is not penetrated, there is no need to say anything. They will not have a third chance.

Although this thing is quite cumbersome and requires three people to operate it, it means that when it is moved, once it is unfolded, it can be loaded with bullets or something very quickly. The special magazine used for this thing looks a bit smaller than the bricks, but such a big magazine can actually only fill three bullets at a time. If you load it first and then load one more bullet, you can only carry four bullets at a time. It's just a bullet, but given the characteristics of this weapon, it's enough.

It only took less than a second to pull the bolt and reload it. The shooter quickly adjusted the gun body and aimed at the position of my left eye. This was the only place he could think of a possible penetration. The eyebrows before thought that they could be penetrated, but they failed. Don't think about the chest simply. That is the most exaggerated part of the defense. After all, this is the part that the human body cannot bend. The outer shell does not need to be moved. Naturally, a whole piece of thick plate can be used, and the defense must be very exaggerated. So since you can't even wear the helmet, the chest must be more impossible to wear.

Originally, the throat position was also a good choice, but because I was wearing a helmet, and the thickness of the helmet’s chin position actually blocked the throat, only a small gap was exposed, the shooter did not dare I made sure that I would hit the seam, so I chose a relatively good eye.

Without wasting time, the shooter immediately pulled the trigger after selecting the target. Because this gun comes with its own support frame, it does not rely on the shooter to stabilize it, so the shooter does not even need to adjust the breathing, just adjust the knob so that the muzzle is aligned with the target and then pull the trigger.

Because the surrounding weapons stopped this time, the gunfire became longer and obvious. After the crisp sound like the beating of a thick steel pipe, the people around were dumbfounded, because they were completely Didn't see how I made those actions. They felt that I was walking forward for the first second, and the next second it became the movement of holding the sword in both hands and keeping the forward slashing, and the sharp-eyed people did see a flash of light on my blade. Across.

The archer’s jaw almost fell off, he cry out in surprise: "Oh my god, what did I just see?"

"That guy seems to use a sword Your bullet split!" The observer next to him was also dumbfounded.

"Impossible! How can humans do this kind of thing?"

"That guy is not human!" said the deputy archer next to him.

After the three people finished speaking, they felt a little cold on their bodies, and they got goose bumps unconsciously, and the other people around had similar reactions. After all, what I did just now was really scary.

I did not continue forward, I moved the sword in my hand back into the scabbard very gently, and then took out the assault rifleman from behind and held it up. The people around who were in a daze suddenly reacted at this moment, and the gunshots immediately rang, and even rockets flew out of the jungle, but the assault rifle in my hand also began to blast. Accompanied by the sound of my gunshots, first the rockets that flew out were exploded by Rinku, and then the people who were besieging me felt a pain in their bodies, and then they found that their helmets were completely covered by the paint shells.

In the eyes of those who didn’t get shot, I seemed to be using burst mode to shoot in the forest, but in fact I was playing spot shooting, just because the rate of fire was too fast, I changed The target interval is also very short, so it is almost invisible.

However, although they couldn't tell, the person who was shot knew he was "killed". I just moved the muzzle slowly from left to right with my gun in this way, and the area swept by my muzzle immediately became quiet, so when I turned it around forty-five degrees in ten seconds, The commander on the other side finally realized something was wrong.

The surrounding personnel was reduced by one-eighth. The change in gunfire was still very obvious, but he paused for a while when he found out, because he was not sure if the blast I just fired Aiming, but soon he knew that I was definitely not simply shooting indiscriminately, because in just a short while I swept more than ten degrees of space, and all soldiers in this range stopped shooting.

"Stop shooting and hide." The commander shouted and ordered in the communication channel. However, to his surprise, soon a panic response from the soldiers rang out on the communication channel.

"Ah, the enemy was found around." "Damn! Ah..." "Help..." "There are so many of them..."

The gunshots around me went crazy in an instant. In addition, some people were shooting indiscriminately in the east and some people in the west. The bullets flew across the forest again in an instant, and this time they were really flying indiscriminately, because all the soldiers were shooting indiscriminately.

Suddenly attacked by a large group of enemies, the commander couldn't react to this information for a while, but before he could react, he was suddenly overturned to the ground by a strong force. He knew it was shot, and he was hit by his own person. Before the start of the exercise, they knew that their protective clothing was specially made to block their own bullets. As long as they were careful not to be directly hit by rockets, or hit by artillery shells, it would be fine. However, even though he didn't bleed during this time, he felt very painful. The moment he was hit, he even felt suffocated. This can only be caused by their own bullets, because they all know that the bullets we use are paint bullets, and the paint bullets used in the exercise are much lower than normal ammunition in terms of muzzle velocity and impact, so this is definitely theirs. The effect produced by your own True Son, otherwise it will definitely not hurt.

In fact, what the guy didn’t know was that he was not the only one who was shot at the scene. Many of the people who surrounded me were hit by their own stray bullets. One third is missing.

Because of Nuwa and everywhere cameras, the person who was shot will be told whether he was killed or just injured according to the location of the shot. This chaos of guns not only caused a large number of "deaths", but also a lot of people were "injured." The result was that the people in the encirclement were injured and killed, and there were only a few people left.

In this chaos, the teams are still desperately calling for support, and then it is my figure who is waiting. I disappeared from the field when the random guns started shooting before, and then appeared in the middle of the team of those people, and then massacre. I didn't even use a gun. Instead, I took out a bandage-like thing from my body. When I saw the opposing soldier, I put a piece in the middle of his helmet and mask. The thing was printed with "You are dead" in advance. Typeface.

Those soldiers didn't play rogues and said that I didn't fight with them. After all, they had heard the tactical report before they came and watched some of our test videos. It can be said that our physical strength is even more exaggerated than large construction machinery. You can imagine that if someone knocks you on the head with the bucket of an excavator, you can think that if he wants to kill you, you are already dead. Because for an excavator, it is far easier to knock you to death than to touch you lightly.

Although we are much more flexible than excavators, our strength lies there. If we slap and slap hard instead of sticking the sticker, the cervical spine of a normal person will definitely not be able to withstand that kind of force. In other words, we actually have the ability to slap a person's head away, and for us, it's almost the same as flying a ball, without any effort.

In just a few minutes, all the people who besieged me were "killed", and then the two guests were planning to run away first, waiting to find a large group to counterattack, but before turning around, they saw me as if they were moving instantaneously. He suddenly appeared in front of them, and he held a soft plastic model version of the "plastic bomb" in one hand and said: "Do you surrender by yourself or let me post one for you?"

"We admit defeat . We surrender.” The two guests were very aware of the current affairs and chose to surrender.

After confirming that the two of them had left, I contacted Emenez and the others, and then confirmed the current situation. It was almost the same as I thought, all of which were slaughter. For us, human soldiers are really too weak.

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