"I rely on, many people!"

"Among these people there should be our'must kill' goal, right?" Ling asked.

"If you start biometric identification, if you don’t have enough computing power, please split a piece of data for us."

"Understand, start biometric identification, the calculation unit is insufficient, centripetal The spirit net network allocates the amount of calculation."

Everyone on our side feels that there is a lot of additional command sequences to be processed on our side in an instant, and then the occupancy rate of our entire brain Begin to rise straight up. The reason for such a large amount of calculation is mainly because we currently have too few detection methods. If it is face-to-face face recognition, then the amount of calculation required can be easily done by Iverite, and simply don't have to be so troublesome. But the key problem is that no one here will let you recognize face to face one by one. Our source of information is only the inaccurate electromagnetic scans provided by Xiaochun, and then the unmanned reconnaissance unit issued by Ivorite. The heat-sensitive signal, video surveillance signal and sound wave signal are returned.

These signals are not so useful for direct identification of targets, so we can only conduct a large-scale investigation, classify the possible target features, and then compare them. And because there are too many fuzzy data, the comparison process cannot rely on a single data to get the result. It can be cross-compared. The final comparison result has not been used yet. You need to compare all the comparison results, and then select the closest data. This is still not possible, because proximity is not necessarily correct, because the source of the data is not reliable, so the final data still needs to be checked repeatedly. If the information data of a certain target has only one corresponding signal, the reliability is high. If there are many people in the data corresponding to a certain guest list, it can only show that these people are possible, and it is not certain. The person with the closest data must be that person.

Based on this situation, the amount of calculation suddenly becomes a massive amount of information, that is, each of us has a super biological brain, plus a small quantum computing terminal, otherwise, so Normally large computers with large amounts of information are too busy.

As we all connected to the information processing unit, we immediately found that the marked target points in the scan image superimposed on the actual screen by the spirit net network began to flicker one after another. And as long as a target flashes, a string of information will appear immediately on the target nodded, usually the name of the guest. In other words, the identity of this person has been identified.

About ten seconds later, the people scanned in the entire villa have basically been marked, and at the same time the scanned images in the spirit net network began to change. At this time, the colors of the people on the map were suddenly painted white, and then a split screen line swept across the screen, and the white dots were re-marked with colors. Most of the targets are still red, which shows that these are combatants and require great attention. However, the color of another part of people has turned into orange red. This color marking means that the target is a guest target that must be "killed". This is the exercise rule.

The original complex color map has now been completely simplified. In addition to the dark green background, red, orange, blue and green dots are left in the screen. Red is a soldier, orange is a guest, blue is an unrelated person who does not participate in the exercise, and green is our own. The previous redundant information has been blocked. After all, the situation on the villa is more complicated. If too much information is still marked, it will affect our actions.

"Well, it's much more refreshing now." After reading the information map, I began to order to advance to the villa.

The 1st step to enter the villa is to leave the lake shore, then climb the five or six meters high slope, and then cross the winding road into the forest where the villa is located. This slope is not a problem. Don’t mention us for a slope of five or six meters high. Human soldiers can easily climb up. Even an ordinary person can climb up with bare hands as long as the body is a little more flexible. After all, the slope is only a little steeper. Not a cliff.

The slope is not a problem, the problem is the road behind the slope.

One side of the road leading to the villa is the slope we came up, and the other side was originally a mountain, but because of the road to be built, part of the slope of the mountain was dug out, and it was created The flat ground is required for the winding road, but because a section of the slope of the mountain was excavated, the other side of the road became a vertical cliff more than seven meters high. This section of the cliff is not too high for us. Although it was dug out manually, it is particularly flat. The surface has been reinforced with cement. It is basically a straight up and down plane. Except for geckos, it is estimated that most animals cannot climb up. of.

Of course, for us, the height of seven or eight meters is not a problem, just step on the wall with a little acceleration and go up. If necessary, use the burst output mode. In fact, we can jump directly to this height. However, the key issue is not the cliff itself, but the emptiness between the road and the mountain above the cliff.

There are trees in the forest for shelter, we can give full play to our abilities, but it is more tragic in this kind of open space. Even if there is a mirage system, the other party has been staring here, and there are a lot of high-end equipment, so our mirage system may not be able to take advantage of it. If it's just a simple road, we'll just rush to it. The key is that there is a cliff on the other side, and it will take time for us to go up, and these few seconds of pause is enough for the other party to spot us and attack.

Don’t forget how terrifying the number of opponents is, and they have a lot of firepower. Just now in my scan, we can find three tanks and five armored vehicles within one kilometer around us. Once we are dragged by the fire, the subsequent attacks will become more and more dense, so this distance is definitely thinking of that. It's a headache.

"Boss, what shall we do here?" Ivorite asked.

"Remember the previous rule said that there is no need to worry about damage to the villa?" I asked.

Of course, everyone has heard about this.

I immediately continued: "Since the villa is not afraid of destruction. Naturally, this highway does not need to be cared about."

Everyone understood it just after I finished talking. Ivorite and Brigitte suddenly set their shapes at the same time, and the two metal rings behind Brigitte began to unfold. At the same time, accompanied by a string of golden lightning, the upper part of the ring was finally pulled by the magnetic field. Quickly butted together, and then the ring began to rotate slowly and faster and faster.

Looking at the rapidly turning metal ring, I turned my head and sent a signal to Emenes, who immediately set up a barrier beside Brigitte and deflected all the light. , So that people around will not see the light. However, although the rays of light were blocked, Brigitte's burst of energy at this time was too strong, so the person on the other side still found something wrong.

"Report." A soldier sitting in front of the computer shouted: "A high-energy response is found, and the intensity is increasing sharply."

"High-energy response?"

"Yes, it's like a large condensed electromagnetic storm appeared on the ground."

The commander moved towards and shouted at the side without even thinking about it. The core area of ​​the electromagnetic storm opened fire, covering the blow."

"It's too late!" said the soldier looking at the computer.

While the soldiers here were talking, a golden beam of light thick with a bucket suddenly shot out from the ring behind Brigitte, and then hit the cliff in front. As soon as I heard a bang, many soldiers around were knocked to the ground, and the surrounding trees were crash-banged with large leaves and various messy things. As for the cliff over there, it is even more exaggerated. A cliff with a width of more than 20 meters has a landslide as a whole, and it rushes down to completely cover the road. The cliff becomes a slope, and the surrounding trees are also toppled and felled. After a large area, the ground can be said to be chaotic.

"OK, charge." The golden ring behind Brigitte was folded and gathered downward, and at the same time we had already begun to rush up the mountain.

Because we knew the location of the surrounding enemies, we immediately dispersed after crossing the slope, and then moved towards each direction and rushed out, because we needed to do the task.

Although the vibration just now made the people around us feel a bit sloppy, but everyone knows that this must be something we did. At this time, many people are moving towards us.

If it is a normal defensive battle, theoretically the defensive party should not take the initiative to attack like this, but this time the other party knows that there are only a dozen of us, so it is inevitable that we will underestimate the enemy. The result is that these people are After discovering our whereabouts, immediately started moving towards us and moved closer, hoping to suppress us with the advantage of numbers.

I ran into a group of armed men shortly after crossing the hillside. This team has a total of 28 people, of which three are guests, and the rest are regular armed personnel. Each of these people is like a devil entering the village, holding guns, cats at the waist, and moving forward step by step with very awkward movements. In addition to the sight of the three guests, everyone else in the team is there. Try to make sure that someone is staring in every direction.

After seeing the situation here, I directly took out the silencer, then looked up at the big tree beside me, and ran up directly with my finger on the trunk. Crouching on a tree branch can see the group of people more clearly, and then all the people in the picture are scanned again. One of the soldiers who was holding something like a portable Geiger counter suddenly yelled. "Electromagnetic scanning at close range, they are in the vicinity."

The guy yelled the people around him and all of them were half short. Many people simply squatted on the ground and climbed quickly. At various locations where they think the human body can be hidden.

Looking at the nervous crowd below, I did not panic and switched myself to stealth mode, then picked up the gun again and adjusted the design mode to single-shot mode, and then I took my fastest Pulling the trigger at a slower speed, my muzzle will move quickly every time I pull the trigger, and then after eight out of order, I suddenly moved towards a big tree next to it, Then he began to move quickly to the ground along the tree trunk, and it was not until the other side of the test that a frame of exclamation sounded, because the masks of eight people were completely covered with paint bombs.

Eight bullets and eight people, and all of them are on the front of the helmet. If this is actual combat, then these eight people have already been headshot by the enemy. After all, soldiers don't wear motorcycle helmets in regular combat. This exercise is because we used paint bombs, which have no penetrating power, so they are all modified motorcycle helmets. Although this thing cannot block the True Son bombs, there is no problem with blocking the paint bombs. of.

The 28-person team instantly lost 8 people. What's worse is that the rest of you don't know where Dao Child's bullet came from.

Although the assault rifle used by our Dragon Clan is very big and powerful, it is a conventional ammunition. The paint bombs used in the exercises are now used. The booster gunpowder is very small, and the muzzle velocity of the warhead is much slower than normal bullets. This resulted in the effect of the sound extinguishing flame suppressor being surprisingly good, without a trace of fire, the sound was also small and almost obscured by the swaying of leaves in the forest.

Although the people who are completely ignorant don’t know where the enemy is, they probably know that Dao Child’s bullet was shot down from a tree, so most people’s actions turned into raising their guns at the surroundings. On the tree, and at this time, one of them made a sudden scream, and the whole person fell backwards. At the same time, his hands instinctively wanted to maintain balance backwards, and even the gun in his hand was thrown out. .

Although the man who fell down looked backwards, the position of his head after he really fell is more than one meter ahead of where he just stood, because of this The guy was being quickly dragged into the woods ahead, his feet seemed to be entangled by something, and was forcibly pulled out of the crowd by a huge force.

Although the people around saw my companion being dragged away, they didn't know how to fight back because they couldn't see where I was. What's more, they didn't dare to shoot. Although all the people in this exercise were wearing body armor and their helmets were temporarily modified to block the bullets they fired, after all, it was their own people who were pulled away in front of them, and everyone instinctively did not dare to move towards their own people. , I am afraid of accidental injury.

A few quick-reactions spread their legs and chased them, trying to hold their companions, but unfortunately their companions were dragged away so fast that they couldn't catch up. Then, just as these people were running for joy, one of them suddenly felt as if he had been hit by something on his head, and the next second he heard the reminder of his death.

Although this guy can't see himself, he can see the other two chasing people with him. As a result, the two hapless guys have a large trace of paint on the temple on the left side of the helmet. That is to say, it was a headshot this time, and there were no bullets.

After the four pursuers were headshot, the guy who was dragged on the ground was also pulled to my feet, and then I raised my hand and gave him a paint ball, and then let him go .

Looking at me letting go, the soldier wanted to say something. Who knew that I first looked up at the tree above my head, and then leaped up. At that moment, he felt that the gravitational force seemed to disappear. The same, when I saw me casually, I flew up to the main branch five or six meters high, and then I reached the top of the tree with a touch of a hand, and then moved towards the other big tree and jumped over it, and disappeared after two clicks It's gone.

When the follow-up personnel catch up and see four people lying or sitting there smoking, Captain doesn’t need to ask, at a glance, you know that all four of them belong to the "deception" personnel. After all, the helmets A large patch of paint is really impossible to see.

20 people go to 4 more, there are 16 people left. A heavy firepower behind suddenly started to go crazy, and the machine gun in his hand suddenly began to rotate, and then moved towards the surrounding trees amidst the roar of that guy. Everyone thought that this guy must be under too much psychological pressure, so he couldn't control his emotions anymore. And he really is like that. Although the people who can be transferred to participate in this exercise are not ordinary troops, this guy is born with a bad temper. He is a heavy firepower in the special squad. Although the task is completed well, his temper is like this. He is not a person who can bear it. . This repressive atmosphere made him totally unable to bear it.

Although everyone thought this guy was just wasting bullets, an accident happened. Or how to say good luck is not as good as academic qualifications. This guy belongs to the kind of Luck That Goes Against Heaven's Will. The mini cannon has an amazing rate of fire. Once it fires, it will be like a rain of metal storm bullets flying around, and this guy is sweeping aimlessly, so I didn't take it seriously. Of course, I still have the necessary caution, so I will first use the biological brain to judge his shooting direction. Obviously, I don't care if it is facing me, but when the angle is close, I will use the electronic brain to calculate the trajectory to make sure that the opponent will not hit me.

At first, it was considered quite cautious, and it seems that there is nothing at the worst. However, the key issue is luck. Two of the bullets from this kid hit the base part of the branch where I was standing. The formidable power of the mini cannon’s bullets was amazing. They turned out to be just two bullets. One of them was just wiped, and the other was in the center, but it still interrupted this rather thick horizontal fork on the trunk.

I didn’t expect that the branches of the tree would break, and my mind was focused on the trajectory. Who would pay attention to a tree that is not threatening? I didn't expect this luck. The bullet pierced most of the fork and my weight broke the rest, so I started to fall downward. In a panic, I reached out and grabbed another tree branch. Unfortunately, this tree branch was not thick enough. The weight of my fall needed to be added with inertia. This tree branch simply couldn't bear it. As soon as I was caught, I heard a click. Pulled off.

The people below were still thinking about what this guy was going crazy, didn't expect the next second there was a cracking sound from the tree branches. This sound is completely different from the sound of a bullet hitting a tree trunk, so it can be heard. Then they heard a pop again, and then they saw a faint, basically transparent humanoid silhouette suddenly hitting the ground less than ten meters ahead, and the silhouette body was shining with the electric light at this time. The transparent feeling gradually faded away, but the real body inside was revealed.

The commander looked back at the lunatic who was shooting randomly, and then turned back again and shouted: "Enemy attack, fire and fire..."

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