"You are the forest of gods, right?" Seeing me and Chief One talking over there, the President of the United States and several other heads of state also came over.

Looking at the American president who was speaking, I saluted and said: "Hello, I am the forest of God."

The president of the United States nodded said: "I understand your affairs. There are a lot of things, but there is still a lack of some intuitive things. Most of the people present are in this situation. Besides, this world is not what we people say, although we control most of the power in this world, but We are only the supreme ruler in name. The operation of the country still requires a large group of upper classes to manage. We alone cannot do it. After all, it is not a feudal society anymore, and dictatorship has long been out of fashion."

"So I still need to let those who help you manage the world also realize our value?" I asked directly, unceremoniously.

The President of the United States didn’t react too much to what I said. He directly nodded and said: "I know it’s a bit bullying to ask you to come over and do this, but please be considerate of our difficulties. As individuals, I believe in the presence. They all value you enough, but as I just said, we cannot represent all mankind. If you can help us prove to the outside group that our choice is not wrong, what we want to do next will change. It’s a lot simpler. So please help us anyway."

The US president’s posture can be said to be very low. The other heads of state also have similar expressions, obviously the highest leader present. People don't mean what I thought before, and I can be sure of this. Although they can't read their consciousness, but the other person's superficial thoughts can still be roughly felt. At least I can be sure that the leaders of various countries here do not look down on us, and sincerely hope that we can help them.

Actually, the reason why I am resistant to showing my strength here is mainly because I at first suspected that these senior leaders did not take Dragon Clan seriously. After all, this behavior is a bit like a wealthy man. Big Boss suddenly bought a great fighting dog, then took it out to fight with the dog, and then when the dog won the fight, he pointed at the dog and said to others, "Look, this is the dog I bought. How about it? Isn’t it amazing?”

Because I thought these heads of state had such an idea, I was very resistant to this evening party, especially after entering the hall before, looking at the people on the scene The performance and their whispers made me very uncomfortable. But now, from the feelings of these great characters who hold the direction of the world, I feel a firm mood with a touch of sadness. At that moment, I understood why they knew that doing so might make me feel about them. But still do it.

After looking around the group of heads of state at the scene, I solemnly nodded. "I understand. I will complete the task earnestly."

"Very good." Chief One patted my shoulder and said, "The future of mankind depends on you."

"Excuse me, what should I do next?"

Head number one motioned to Terry, and then said: "Don't be so nervous, just show your strength, let him talk to you specifically The specific arrangements were put forward by them, so I am not particularly clear, he will tell you how to achieve the best results."

I salute again, and then turn my head to look towards Terry and ask "What do we do now?"

"Come with me." After Terry said goodbye to the heads of state, he turned and left. Yeyue and I also saluted Then turned around to keep up.

Leaving this strange atmosphere of the greenhouse, we did not go back to the previous road, but walked through another path to the outside of the greenhouse. After leaving the glass-covered greenhouse, the outside temperature dropped sharply. After all, this place is not low in dimension, it is also a mountainous area, and the altitude is not low. The temperature drop at night is quite severe, but this temperature does not have any effect on us.

After walking along the path for a while, we saw a small wood house in front of us. It looked like that kind of temporary small wood house prepared for rangers in the forest. It may not be as big as the toilets in some mansions. In our puzzled eyes, Terry forced us to squeeze in. Then Terry let us sit on a bench next to the wood house, and then grabbed a rusty axe on the shelf and pulled it out. We I felt the ground under our feet vibrated, and then the ground of the whole small wood house began to fall, and the speed was very fast, we almost felt like we were going to float.

"Are there still military bases below here?" I curiously asked.

Terry shook his head and said: "It's a base, but not a military base. You can understand it as an entertainment place for the rich, just with some auxiliary facilities."

I shrugged Then he stopped talking, but Terry said suddenly: "Yes, I forgot to tell you. Your equipment has been delivered in advance, and your adjustment equipment, you will need to decide what adjustments will be needed later."

When we heard Terry's words, we didn't say anything. It was not that we didn't want to talk, but that we were busy communicating with Nuwa in the spirit net network.

There is a taxonomy of species in Western magical works, which defines a race with four attributes: good, evil, lawful, and chaotic. For example, the genie of elves has always been a firm presence in a kind and lawful camp in typical Western magical works. Among them, human beings are often set in the good and lawful camp, while the undead creatures are in the evil and lawful camp. However, in our current view, this definition is actually only suitable for those entertainment works created by human beings. In reality, human beings are simply not kind and lawful. The nature of human beings should actually be completely in the middle of the four attributes, that is, human beings have four attributes of goodness, evil, lawfulness and chaos at the same time, and this is the real human being.

Completely different from human beings in reality is that we Dragon Clan are the real kind and lawful camp, a pure race in the true sense, which means that there is no heresy in our race.

The reason for the constant wars between human beings is that the competition for survival resources is bigger, but deeper, it is actually determined by the differences of human beings. As social animals, humans desire to live with a large number of individuals who want to be with them. However, because humans are a completely balanced race with four-dimensional attributes, the differences within the race are as if angels and demons belong to the same species. This huge difference causes humans to instinctively reject individuals who are different from themselves, although rational I agree that the other party is of the same kind, but perceptually, I simply don't treat the other party as the same kind.

Because these people who are very different from themselves are actually not regarded as the same kind, killing each other becomes an understandable act, so acts such as war and crime frequently appear. This kind of cannibalism within the races will only appear in the chaotic camp according to the Western magical setting, but it is super common among humans. This shows that humans are not only a completely neutral race, but in fact they are slightly chaotic. camp.

We, Dragon Clan, are a race created by humans. Although the primordial design does not come from humans, in the final analysis, we are human creations and we are not naturally produced. There is no problem with this.

Because of this created relationship and the recognition that I have been raised and raised in human society, I think that Dragon Clan should be the Guardian of humans, just like child support Like old parents, they should not abandon their parents because they have lost their strength and the ability to bring benefits to themselves. This is the moral code of human society.

I was raised by my parents, although they were not born with them, but after all these years of raising is not false, so I accept and recognize human values, and restrain myself with human moral standards, and at the same time restrain The whole Dragon Clan.

However, my conception of this kind is now obviously shaken.

Of course, this tremor did not happen suddenly, nor was it because of this incident. In fact, the source of this idea should be the last time that the Longyuan base was raided by its own troops.

It’s true that what happened last time was an unauthorized decision by a small group of people, but this is actually the most annoying, because humans are originally such a group of extreme individuals, that is to say, this kind of hostility simply won't be put away. As long as humans still exist, things like the last time will simply not be completely eliminated. You can kill all the people in the world who oppose our Dragon Clan, but that can only guarantee temporary stability, because this is the nature of humans. When you kill a batch, a new batch will naturally emerge among human beings.

Human beings are inherently chaotic. The child of a good person may not be a good person, and a child of a bad person may not be a bad person. What's worse is that more than 80% of people cannot even simply define it as a good person or a bad person. It is completely different from the distinctive races in the novel. The children of the elves are always kind, and the undead are always evil, so as long as you don't mess with the elves and kill all the undead, then the world will be peaceful. Because this situation can be stably maintained. But humans can't do it.

Humans are inherently full of variables. This is a shortcoming of mankind, but it is also an advantage of mankind. Because of differences, humans have created a splendid culture, but also because of differences, human disputes continue.

Our Dragon Clan is a purified race, our creativity should be weaker than that of humans, but we are consistent, we will not be so fickle, so facing humans, I really don’t know what to do up. If there is only me, and there are only my parents and the people I love deeply among human beings, then I am willing to take this risk. But the problem is that I am not only an individual Dragon Clan, but also the leader of the Dragon Clan race. What’s worse is that Dragon Clan has a cellular network of thoughts and an existence similar to a collective consciousness, so if my decision goes wrong, It is possible to ruin the entire Dragon Clan. This is not what I want to see, and it is also a responsibility that I must bear.

Because of the fate of the same kind, so I am entangled, I am worried. Humans are at risk, just like a poisonous snake that is unfamiliar. When it's cold, they will shrink in your arms to keep warm, but you never know whether it will drop sharp fangs into your body in the next second. What's worse is that once I decide to accept humans and continue the previous moral constraints, then this situation will become inevitable, because the infinite probability of humans determines that someone will inevitably do things that harm Dragon Clan, and it is inevitable. All efforts can only delay or reduce the probability and frequency of occurrence of this kind of thing, and can never prevent this kind of thing from happening.

Of course, there is a way to do it once and for all, and that is to abandon the human morality and world outlook that I adhered to in the past, and think as an independent new race leader. Just as the President of the United States can order attacks on other countries for the benefit of the American people, I, as the leader of Dragon Clan, can actually ignore the interests of mankind completely, as long as we protect ourselves.

This method is simple and quick, and once and for all, but it has not lost all my previous cognition and values, which makes me quite uncomfortable. On the one hand are the values ​​and moral system that I have established over the years, and on the other are the interests of race. Both are so important and difficult to discard.

This time the proposal of the heads of state did not actually touch me. They just reminded me and made me realize once again that human beings are a cluster of huge populations, and they are not an independent existence. You can love some of them, you can respect some of them, you can also make some of them accept and recognize you, but you will always be impossible to become a mutual friend of all mankind. You are even impossible to become the common enemy of all mankind. Even if someone stands up and announces that he wants to destroy the world, and he really does it, there are definitely a few individuals in humans who admire him or admire him. For example, those cultists are like this. The kind of self-destructive tends to be true to whoever treats him worse. Don't be surprised, not only do such people really exist, but there are also quite a few.

For such a large and complex group, how do we live with them while ensuring that we are not harmed by them?

Humans are too fickle, especially as a creature with a lifespan of only a hundred years or so. The speed of human renewal is too fast for us. The cognition of one generation is not necessarily the cognition of the next generation. In a movie called "The Wind Whisperer," a soldier in World War II said to a comrade next to him while fighting the Japanese: "It's strange, isn't it? My grandfather was still sitting at home fifty years ago. In the hallway, I talked to the NPC about how many Indians he scalped today in exchange for bounty. Fifty years later, I was fighting side by side with the Indians to fight the Japanese. Maybe I don’t know how many years later my grandson will also be a Japanese. Sitting in a bar together, drinking green wine and discussing bullying someone together."

This sentence has actually been verified, because after World War II, Japan has become the pawn of the Americans. It’s true. Started to help the Americans contain the rise of our China. Of course, what I am concerned about is not this, but the variability and instability of mankind as shown by this reality. This race is like a kaleidoscope, it is impossible to define or define.

What will happen after I prove the strength of our Dragon Clan to these leaders today?

They will find that we can invest in the future? Yes, there must be that way, and many people will think that way. However, there will definitely be people who see a different future.

A short passage is shown to a group of people. Some will read it as a story, some will find that the first word of each line of the passage is connected to a sentence, and some will find that all the numbers in the article are connected to a mobile phone No. Some people noticed a few typos. Ten thousand people can read ten thousand results.

I show these people the power of Dragon Clan. Many people will be convinced that we can rely on Dragon Clan and are a safe and stable future. However, there will definitely be people who think that we will be the culprit for the destruction of mankind. Our existence will threaten the safety of mankind. I have no doubt about the existence of such a person, because it is almost inevitable. The key to my entanglement now is that I don’t know whether I should tolerate the remaining 1% for those who approve of us. I don’t even know whether I really should take the future of Dragon Clan to protect my own view of the world. And morality.

This kind of ruling is really difficult.

In the spirit net network, I passed all my entangled brains to everyone. I immediately felt a lot more relaxed in my heart. This kind of thing is really uncomfortable in my heart. Everyone's questions about me also started to discuss immediately. The dense radio waves crossed between the Dragon Clan within the actual range. We bend the equivalent to hundreds of petabytes of information within ten seconds of the entire elevator descent. At that moment, the network of the whole world was congested, but at the moment when the elevator door opened, everything was no longer important, because I already had the answer.

Humanity is my responsibility and Dragon Clan's responsibility. Family affection and my moral values ​​are my obsession, so it's not Dragon Clan's obsession.

Dragon Clan’s spirit net network has a collective will, but this collective will has not really gone online. The reason is that I have not been able to completely transfer myself from an individual’s cognition. Because I have lived in human society for so many years, many of my habits and cognitions have been humanized. This emotion prevents me from integrating into Dragon Clan's collective will. But after this whole Dragon Clan exchange, I suddenly understood.

I don't have to bear any burden on the future of Dragon Clan, because I am Dragon Clan and Dragon Clan is me. We are Dragon Clan, we are one, we have no individual, we are all Dragon Clan, each one is, and each one is not.

Our bodies can die, we can be hurt, but Dragon Clan is immortal. We are one body. As long as there is an individual in Dragon Clan, it is still Dragon Clan. We can download the will of any individual from the spirit net network, or upload any individual in reverse. So we don’t need to worry about anything at all. As long as no one can destroy our entire Dragon Clan at once, the loss of individual individuals is simply not a loss for us, because we will not really die if Dragon Clan is not destroyed.

This fault tolerance determines that we can adapt to human changes. It's okay even if accidentally stabbed by a human being, it's not fatal, is it? As for those "thorns"... just pull them out after you find them.

After I figured it out, my mood naturally improved a lot. Even with Yeyue who was following me, they walked more lightly. Although Terry noticed that our mood was a little abnormal, he didn't say anything.

After the elevator disguised as a small wood house descended into the belly of the mountain, we walked through a long passage before discovering that it was a rather large underground space outside. The area in this underground space is very large, it is like an indoor stadium, as long as the lawn is covered, football games can be held in the kind of super-large space.

The location we entered is not on the ground, but at the half waist of this underground space. Here is a circle of suspended corridors, and on the surrounding walls, many small decks are opened. , They are basically semi-open decks, in groups of three or four, or in groups of three or four, or a large group of people squeezed in talking and laughing, obviously they are very happy to chat.

Four or five meters below this circle of escalators is the ground, where there are more people, and the surrounding circle is the same as the one above, there are many spaces that are cut out on the walls and small ones are inserted. Deck.

To be honest, the environment here is not as gorgeous as the main building when it came in. The main reason is that the walls are not painted and decorated, but the rocks in the mountain are directly exposed, but The red carpet and crystal lamps on the ground are not at all ambiguous, so besides the simple walls, the other steep ones are still very gorgeous.

After we entered here, it was the same as the hall outside before. Many people watched it, and then there was some discussion. Obviously everyone knew what we were here for today.

Terry touched me and then led me down the escalator. Although these people at the scene knew that we were the protagonists today, no one came up to talk about it. On the contrary, they took the initiative to give way when they saw us approaching. I understand this kind of scene, because before the end of the test, they didn’t. It is uncertain whether we are worth the investment.

Actually, in many people’s perceptions, we are at most similar to those super pioneers in special forces, or there are some spies. Anyway, most people imagine that our strength is It is very common. After all, the existence of Dragon Clan is kept secret even in China. Although these foreigners are members of the upper class, the chance of knowing this secret is still very slim. It can be said that we are like supernatural forces in reality. For people who do not know that there are people like us, our power is completely unimaginable. This is also the reason why those countries are the first to show their strength, because if we don't see it with our own eyes, these people will treat us as a scam. Just like when you suddenly run to tell others that you have superpowers, most of them will treat you as a mental disorder, and will never believe you at first. Of course, if the other party is also a mental disorder, it's not sure.

Because most people do not believe in our strength, their attitude towards us can only be said to be quite indifferent. After all, according to their understanding, our investment value is quite low, and we have to bear huge risks of.

Terry looked around, and it seemed that no one was planning to come over to greet me and directly said to me: "Let’s go, I will take you to meet the host here."

< p>"en. ”I nodded followed along.

Go through the crowd to a passage located at the edge of the field, and then walk a short distance forward and see a gate, but there are four bodyguards standing there beside the gate. Seeing us coming over, the other party directly reached out and stopped our intention to move on. Terry didn’t say anything. He stood directly on top of something that looked like a human scale and stretched out his arms. The bodyguard next to him immediately took out a portable scanner and scanned Terry’s body, confirming that it was all right. Let him down.

I was planning to go up and let them check it out, but the bodyguard who didn't expect suddenly pointed to a human-shaped depression on the other side of the wall and said, "Please go over there."

Terry saw my doubts and said: "I am an acquaintance, so I just need to check it briefly. You don't come often, you need a full check."

Since this is the rule, I didn’t say it. What? I stretched out my hands and stood in the depression of the human figure, and then I saw a scanner stretched out in front of me and scanned it down automatically along the top of my head, and then automatically folded it back. After the bodyguard indicated that I could come out, I walked out, and then Ye Yue and the others took turns to check in. Of course, there was no problem, and the reason was that this thing was controlled by us.

Electronic products are undefended for us. This testing equipment is actually a simple X-ray fluoroscope plus some metal and dangerous goods detection devices. If it is checked, the machinery in our body The inner skeleton will definitely be discovered, so in order to reduce the trouble, we directly controlled this thing and fed back some false signals to make it misjudge, thinking that we were okay.

After the inspection, we entered the gate, and it turned out that the environment had changed drastically. The passages we just walked over are all natural stone walls. Although they have been artificially leveled, the rock walls have not been modified, but here it gives people a feeling of being in an ordinary mansion. The walls are all covered with redwood panels, and there is a blue ceramic panel with a gold background in the middle of the panels. The ceiling at the top is a vaulted structure, and there are colored scrolls on it, and it can be seen that it is not a simple print, but is painted manually, because the scrolls are not repeated, and it feels like the ancient church buildings in the West. The style is similar.

Of course, the ground is the usual big red carpet, there is no sound when you walk up, and it is very soft and comfortable.

If someone is sent here after falling asleep, as long as they don't get out of this range after waking up, they will never find that this place is actually underground.

After we walked in, Terry took us to the right aisle and walked forward. There were quite a few doors along the way, but Terry took us directly without stopping. I also met two groups of maids in black maid outfits, and they both bowed and saluted very politely. They looked like they were well-trained.

Soon we reached a T-shaped intersection. Terry was about to lead us forward, but a group of youngsters happened to pass by in the fork on the left.

There are five people in this group, including two men and three women. After seeing Terry, one of the women suddenly said excitedly: "Terry, why are you here?"

Terry obviously knew these people, and after greeted each other, he said to the woman: "I will send Shenlin and them to see Mr. Mei Lin."

"They are...?" The woman didn't finish her sentence, but everyone knew what she meant.

Terry nodded and said: "Yes."

After hearing this, the woman immediately reached out and shook each of us. She obviously said very enthusiastically: "Hello , I’m Catherine, Catherine M. Rothschild. Nice to meet you."

"Rothschild?" I asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's what you think." Terry said: "People are super rich. Our two bundles are only half of their assets."

After hearing Terry's words, Catherine said immediately: "Don't talk nonsense, what's the use of asking for money at this time. To be honest, I would rather our family do business now. In this period, your consortium has the right to speak." We have money left for those who are poor!" It must be a big talk to say this to other people, but it can only be said to be self-effacement when it comes from the mouth of the Rothschild family.

After explaining to us, Catherine turned to Terry and said: "Can you come to me as soon as possible after you send them over? There are very important things for you to deal with."

Terry asked: "Are you in a hurry?"

Katherine nodded and said: "If I didn't know that they were the important guests invited by grandfather, I would just drag you over."

< p>Terry was about to speak. One of the four people next to him, the youngster who seemed to be only twenty three-four years old, suddenly said: "This is not simple. I'll take them over. Terry, you and Catherine go to work with you. That's it."

Terry looked towards me with some embarrassment, and Catherine also refused: "No, the grandfather matter is more important, Terry, you should send them there first and then come back. "

Although people say this, I can't be too naive, and immediately said: "Terry, you should go to work first. Anyway, someone will take us over, so we adults will not lose it." You don’t have to worry about it."

After Terry heard what I said, he frowned and looked at the proposed young man next to him and said, "Hyde, I don’t care what you usually do. Shenlin is very important. Customers, this is related to the important decision between our Great Family, so there can be no surprises in any case. In case something happens, you and I can’t afford it, do you understand what I mean?"

The Hyde said with an angry look: "Aiya, why do you look down on people so much! Don't you just take them to see grandfather? I'm not a three-year-old child, can this be done right?"

< p>Terry is obviously not good and really offended the other party, and Catherine’s matter is obviously really urgent and important, so after hesitating, he said to us: "Shenlin, I'm really sorry, I have to deal with it over there. You can go with Hyde first. I'll find you when I'm done. Don't worry, I can find you here." After talking to me, Terry turned to Hyde and said, "You must guarantee that there will be no problems. Before I come back, you must be with Shenlin and them all the way. You must not allow them to suffer any damage, even for face damage. Also, your gang of scoundrels are not allowed to approach Shenlin and them, otherwise even Catherine I won’t let you go.”

Catherine next to me immediately stepped forward and said: “Yes, that’s what I mean, Hyde, you must remember, otherwise I will never let you go this time. "

Hyde said impatiently: "Everyone said I won't, why don't you believe me?"

Terry saw that the other party's tone was about to explode. I can back down and say: "I don't distrust you, either. It's just to let you know that this matter is very important, not your usual jokes, we can't take responsibility for anything that happens. "

"Alright, alright, I see, you guys go and do your job. "

Terry, who was still a little worried, told him several times, until Hyde clearly showed signs of going mad and then reluctantly followed Catherine.

After they left. The Hyde immediately turned and looked towards me with a smile on his face and said: "Hey, come on, I will take you to see my grandfather. "We nodded said "trouble" and followed along, but the other party just walked two steps and suddenly came over and asked: "Are you really not human?" It looks no different! "

This makes Yeyue and I both face tight, because in fact it is so, but it is impossible to say that. I now somewhat understand why Terry was so uneasy before. He is actually not worried about us, but about this Hyde. This kid is obviously an unreliable person.

Although I frowned, I still nodded and said: "We are Dragon Clan. "

"Dragon Clan? Well, I have heard of it. This is your own name. "

This Hyde started to inquire about our abilities as he spoke, but he spoke very carelessly. I found that this guy speaks very frivolously, and there is nothing more than the brain. Not only does he have an obvious dull style, but he also With a little hooligan temperament. I really don’t understand how a family like Rothschild can produce this kind of person. I can understand that there are some problems with ordinary second-generation people, because the family of those people is at most father or The grandfather generation has only begun to flourish, that is to say, there is no background in the family. Although trying to pretend to be a high-level person, it is actually just a developed ordinary person home, far from the real aristocracy. But Rothschild This is not the case with De, this is a super large and ancient family, and the cultivation of offspring is also very strict.

Because the family has been very powerful long ago, the cultivation of offspring has formed a system It’s very strict and efficient. In theory, even if it can’t be a giant amongst men, at least it should be an educated and literate high-quality people. This situation with hooligan temperament is really true. It makes me incomprehensible.

After following Hyde for a while, after opening a door, I realized that I had left the underground space and appeared in a valley. There are very exquisite natural landscapes all around. Obviously It is an artificially imitated natural environment, because the real natural landscape will not appear so densely together, and the plants will not match so perfectly. This should be an artificial landscape composed of superb gardening techniques, but some natural landscapes are borrowed That’s it. After all, this place itself is a valley surrounded by mountains, and the natural environment itself is still good. Just a little modification is a good landscape.

When we first came out, we saw a large group of youngsters walking on the opposite side. Men and women are quite noisy.

After seeing us, the people over there immediately shouted hello. Hyde is obviously very familiar with these people, and immediately greeted them loudly. .

After the two sides approached, the other person immediately started talking with Hyde, and we didn’t know the way, so we had to wait by the side. But Hyde chatted with a few of the people and paid attention. Li suddenly moved on to us, but we didn’t pay attention because I was talking to Nuwa. The base has a new plan to speed up the immigration process. I think Hyde and the others will talk to Nuwa directly. I started the immigration plan, so I didn’t pay attention to the situation here.

The group of peopl

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