Along the relaxed and joyful winding road, the motorcade arrived at the gate of a manor in a short while, but from the gate, only a little bit of architecture can be seen from the distance. The spire, other parts are hidden under the vast sea of ​​trees.

There is a huge iron gate at the entrance of the manor, but it is open now, but there are two guards in jungle combat uniforms standing on the inside of the gate, and these two guards are actually holding guns. , I don’t know which big drug lord’s den is.

After passing through the gate, a small square appeared not far forward. You can see several men and women who are well-dressed and celebrities are talking to each other. There is a large group of staff nearby. Busy in an orderly manner. Although there is no introduction, you can know what these people do by looking at their clothes. The black suit must be the bodyguard, the white suit with a round hat is the waiter in charge of parking, and some in tuxedos with white gloves are waiters.

After our car got here, Terry took the lead to get out of the car. We certainly followed him when we saw him come down, but the shape of my car is a bit special, but it has attracted some people’s attention. It’s just that there are only a few older guests besides the service staff, none of them. Little young man, he was a little curious about this kind of sports car, but he didn't surround him.

After Terry got down, he walked towards us. On the opposite side, three parking brothers quickly ran over to help us drive the car to the temporary parking lot on the side for temporary storage, but only Terry will The key was handed over, and the parking boy who I rushed over shook his head and said, "No." Then he turned to my car and said, "Follow mode, park."

"Task, confirm." My F1-like sports car made a mechanical response, and then the cockpit closed automatically and followed Terry's car and drove out.

Shuangxue also pointed to the parking lot not far away like me and said: "Go find a place to stop by yourself."

"Task, confirm." After the exact same reply, The heavy hammer also automatically closed the door and drove over.

In fact, the parking lot is not far from the side of the small square. The area is quite large, but only a small part can be seen, because most of it is built inside the mountain. This is a mountainous area after all. There is not such a large continuous flat ground for you to repair the parking lot. Only a small part of this semi-underground garage is outside, most of which are embedded inside the mountain. Seeing the two cars passing by by themselves, the parking boy was not too surprised. In recent years, there are not many high-end cars with automatic parking systems, but it is rare that we can find a location in the parking lot for the first time. Most of the car owners on the market need to drive into the garage to turn on the scanning device and run a lap before they can park automatically next time. We can find a location in the parking lot for the first time, obviously a lot of high-end.

After the parking brother left, a waiter in a black tuxedo came over and said: "Hello Mr. Terry, Mr. Shenlin, two beautiful ladies. I am very sorry, because there have been a large number of guests just now. Coming together, our shuttle bus has not returned yet, so we need a few people to wait a while, or if a few people want to walk there, I can guide you there. I don’t know how many people want to do?” the waiter looked at It's not a general service staff who can actually call out our names directly. I don't know if he happened to remember us or this guy memorized all the guest list and photos.

"Shall we go over? It's not far anyway." Terry asked. He is quite indifferent to the long performance of the waiter.

Since Terry is not far off, we naturally have no objection, and after talking to the waiter, let him lead the way. In fact, this small square is really not too far from the main building over there. I guess it’s only four or five hundred meters away. It’s really nothing to walk over. However, the women who come to this kind of party must wear high heels, so it will be more difficult to walk. Therefore, a short golf cart is specially arranged to pick up and drop off between the small square and the main building. However, none of the three women on our side are humans. Even if the high heels they chose today are all the very exaggerated 16-inch super high heels, it is not a problem for them. If necessary, the three of them can run back to New York from here at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour even in these high heels. After all, there is a mechanical skeleton in our body. As long as the foot support frame is positioned, it is like running on stilts at most, but it doesn't make much difference.

We have no objection and the waiter immediately starts to lead the way.

It’s not the same way as the shuttle bus. From here, you can go straight through a garden maze. The 400 meters I mentioned before is the straight line distance. As for the shuttle bus, you have to bypass the garden and drive through the circular road on both sides. The distance is longer than through the garden. The past is much further away. However, this garden was deliberately built into a labyrinth. Although the height is only 1.6 meters, it cannot completely obscure people's vision, but after all, the area is quite large. But it’s nice to walk around here when you’re not in a hurry, especially since there is a small space in the center of this labyrinth garden where flowers bloom, and the center of this small space is also the center of the entire maze. . The designer set up a white flower pavilion here, which is really beautiful against the surrounding rose bushes. Anyway, both the small dragon girl and Shuangxue don't like it, but unfortunately we probably never have the chance to see such a place again.

This entertainer is obviously professionally trained. When leading the way, he did not follow us at the same pace, but was always far in front of us, to ensure that we could see him and not follow us. Lost, but it won't let us get too close, so that if there is anything that needs to be talked between the guests, just speak quietly, and don't worry about the waiter hearing it. As for what you want the waiter to do, you can hear it by just a little louder. It can be said that the distance is more than one point, and one point less is less. It is really just the right distance.

Taking advantage of this gap, Terry did explain to me. Anyway, if I encounter any challenges tonight, let me be as proactive as possible, and don’t hide my strength, because there will be a lot in the evening. People evaluate our abilities, and the results will affect a series of subsequent decisions, and the better we perform, the more benefits we will get later. As for why Terry did this, he never said it, which made us quite confused.

To tell the truth, my relationship with Terry can only be said to be acquaintances. If you want to say how good things are, it is really impossible to talk about it. So what Terry said today is actually Quite annoying, because I don't know whether to listen or not.

Although Terry said that the better we perform, the better it will be for us, but the ghost knows what they want to evaluate based on this, so our performance is not necessarily a good thing, but Terry is dead and alive. Regardless of the specific situation, we have nothing to refer to here. In case Terry said is true, if we lose the chain halfway, we will be pitted ourselves. This is really difficult to decide.

Anyway, I don’t know anything now. Rather than thinking about it here, I’d better take a step and look at it. I didn’t get too entangled in this. I verbally agreed to Terry’s words, but in my mind I was talking to Ye Yue and the others. The spirit net network keeps communicating the situation carefully. It’s a pity that I didn’t bring Xiaochun and Ling here today. Otherwise, we can monitor Terry’s brain waves. Unfortunately, these few of us are not good at this aspect. Although we do, it’s easy to be spotted. The target's brain is directly burned. Although we and Terry are not the kind of close friends, but also not the enemy, so things that hurt him must never be done. However, although we are not as good at this as Ling and Xiaochun, we can still feel that what Terry said is not like a lie, so I am still more inclined to listen to his arrangements.

Just at the garden exit of our conversation room, it appeared in front of us. This is completely different from the parking lot at the gate. There are many people standing bustlingly at the entrance of the luxurious villa's main building. Men and women are talking or walking in groups. There are many black clothed bodyguards standing around the main building. A little further away, you can see the armed with black combat uniforms. The security guard led the authentic German black back slung and walked back and forth in a team of two. This security level is really high enough. In our electromagnetic induction, we even discovered a "Dandelion III" mobile air defense system hidden behind a rockery not far away. In addition to the four anti-aircraft missiles, this gadget has a laser interception system. It can intercept not only mid-to-low-altitude flying aircraft, but also a variety of missiles and artillery shells. It is definitely one of the best mobile air defense systems.

"Does the president come tonight?" Frost asked jokingly.

Didn't expect Terry asked in surprise: "How do you know? Not only our president is coming, but all the heads of state participating in the joint meeting will come."

"Damn, didn't you say this is a private gathering?"

"Strictly speaking is not wrong, because tonight's gathering is unofficial, but you know...Since the leaders from all over the world are coming So you know something."

"Damn, you liar, I would not have come if I knew it." I complained.

Terry shrugged and said: "I am only the first plan. If you refuse to come, the boss of your country will give you an order to come, so... you know."

"Fuck it!"

"Don't jump to conclusions so early, you haven't seen the one who really fucked." After Terry finished speaking, he gestured to the front, and I also noticed that there was something wrong before. Few crowds appeared, so they stopped talking about this matter.

After walking through the parking road in front of the main building, I followed the stairs on one side and went directly to the front entrance of the main building. The waiter who led us sent us here and left. Terry and I Slightly nodded and then looked towards and walked inside. After passing through the crystal gate that is more than three meters wide and high, there is a small hall. In the middle of the small hall is a circular fountain composed entirely of crystal glass. The crystal trickle spreads layer by layer from the cascading flower-shaped water platform to form a one after another waterfall, with just the right light and crystal. The refraction of the glass body itself makes this fountain look like a legendary fountain of dreams.

There is a small door on each side of the small hall, and many waiters can be seen coming in and out, but it is obviously not the place for guests to go. There is a rather huge arch behind the pool in the center of the small hall. Just behind the arch with a curtain of crystal beads is the main hall of the main building. The splendorous and majestic hall is as big as the luxurious main hall of the Dragon Palace, with at least eight basketball courts. A large number of crystal decorations and a small amount of golden silver items make the whole hall look gorgeous and dreamy. The style is obviously from the hands of famous artists.

We are obviously late, because there are already many people here. Although the main hall, the size of at least eight basketball courts, is very wide, and there are two small private rooms at each end of the main hall, it is not enough at this time. Although it is not crowded, it is not Not to mention that the space is already quite tight.

I don't know why, people here seem to care about our appearance. Anyway, as soon as we entered the hall, the eyes of the people in the hall were all focused on us. Because there is a circle around the hall about fifty centimeters above the ground, the entrance is 50 centimeters higher than the middle area, so we can be seen by the audience when we stand at the door. Of course We can also see the situation in the audience.

The guests who were still talking and laughing were quiet immediately after someone noticed that we appeared, and then more and more eyes were on us, and some people even showed all kinds of complexities in their eyes Gaze. Some people look with excitement, others look with scrutiny, and some even look with disdain. I can’t determine the reason for these strange looks, but I probably know that it should have something to do with the test Terry mentioned.

After staring at us and the audience was quiet for a few seconds, the crowd moved again as if they were suddenly pressed the play button, but this time they became a group of small circles and discussed us together. Things. I have indeed heard what many people are talking about thanks to the super-human hearing ability. However, the content heard from these people is not too important. Most of them are discussing our height and appearance. Some people say that we don't seem to feel very good. Anyway, it is all kinds of contempt.

I didn't have any reaction to these people's conversations. For one thing, I overheard this can be considered and it's not suitable for publicity. Secondly, I don't really care about other people's opinions.

Terry took me and did not enter the hall below, but walked along the fence a section higher on the outside to a crystal gate on the left side of the hall. The two waiters standing by the door quickly opened the door for us. After passing through the door, we entered a corridor tens of meters long. On the right side of the corridor is saphire blue base color, with a gorgeous wall composed of a large number of golden lines, while on the left side is a row of two-story floor-to-ceiling windows, through the clean glass you can see the garden view of the fairy garden outside, not far away There is also a small swing, and a few hot girls are playing on it.

Although the corridor is quite long, there are a lot of artworks along the way. Some are oil paintings, some are vases or ancient armors. In short, you don’t think this way. It's a long time, and it's a very emotional feeling to appreciate it all the way. To be honest, I really like this manor the more I look at it, but unfortunately I know this thing. Even if people are willing to give it away, it doesn’t make any sense for me to come. Anyway, after immigration begins, we will leave Earth, and I’m afraid it will never be in the future. There will be another chance to come back.

After passing through this long corridor, we entered a huge indoor flower room that looks like a forest. It is different from the corridor and the front hall which is only six meters high. This flower room is as high as the main building. Existence, the shortest part of the ceiling is more than 12 meters above the ground, and the highest place may be 17 or 18 meters. The huge flower room is like a half birdcage attached to the rear of the main building. It is completely made of steel frames and The double-layer bulletproof glass greenhouse is obviously maintained by high-end air conditioners. Because I found that the air humidity and temperature are too standard, which is the most comfortable temperature for the human body. This is obviously not the result of natural ventilation, and because there are so many plants here, so The air is also exceptionally good.

Although this is actually an indoor flower room, the designer deliberately creates a sense of jungle. A large number of creepers and other creepers are planted on the edge of the glass exterior wall, and landscape trees made of cement are used as support, so that they are covered with creepers. This forms the natural plant curtain of One Layer Heaven. The area in the center of the flower room became like a glade in a strong contrast between light and dark. In the slightly dark environment, a few rays of sunlight projected from the top, passing through the sky curtain composed of vines and shining on the ground to form several light spots, which looked quite beautiful. Another thing to note is that it is actually at night, so the light is actually replaced by artificial light sources, but if it is daytime, it should be possible to show this effect naturally without artificial light sources.

After walking through a road that was deliberately turned into a forest path, I was surprised to find that a one-meter-wide stream appeared in front of me. Some ornamental fish can be seen swimming in it, and when the “forest trail” reaches the creek, it turns into a few rocks slightly higher than the water of the stream, even if elderly people step on these gaps. Small stones can also be easily walked over. As for the youngster, it is even more okay. Anyway, the creek is more than one meter wide in total, and most youngsters can cross it in one step. It is simply not an obstacle, not to mention that people have left stepping stones.

I have to sigh again the luxury of this manor. The area of ​​this greenhouse is really big beyond imagination. If it weren’t for the electromagnetic induction capability to scan the surrounding environment, plus our Dragon Clan has a good sense of space, we can roughly estimate the area here. If the average person is blinded Bring his eyes to the entrance, then open the blindfold to let him walk all the way here, don't worry, he can really regard this as a primitive forest. After all, the surrounding landscape is too realistic.

"fuck..." After crossing the creek, I continued to walk a few steps. After turning around a larger tree, I couldn't help but muttered, because I actually found that there was another Small pond.

The area of ​​this small pond is not that big. The total area is about the size of a basketball court. Of course, it is not square, but irregular, nearly circular. This pond is obviously living water, and one end is connected to the stream we came from, but the stream water is injected here instead of out. In fact, it is not the pond itself that really amazes me. After all, the area of ​​this greenhouse is not an exaggeration. What really surprised me was that a group of people gathered here.

Of course people are not uncommon, but how would you react if you suddenly saw a large group of heads of state having a picnic together? I am fortunate enough to witness all this now. A small bonfire is driving on the ground by the pond. On the pond, the No. 1 chief of our country and the presidents and prime ministers of several other countries are fishing. The Russian boss is holding a knife on the ground on one side. Clean up a few fish that have just been caught. The President of the United States is grilling fish with the President of Italy with a few sticks. There are seven or eight bodyguards sitting or standing in the surrounding woods. The middle group of countries The head of state is full of fun, a feeling of being in it.

"What's the situation?"

"It's just a little entertainment." Terry obviously knew about it before, so he wasn't surprised and took me straight away. past.

Seeing me approaching, Chief One who was fishing put down his fishing rod and stood up, then smiled and walked towards me and said, "Shenlin, you are finally here. Come, come, come. I’m going to give you a mission."

I was a little dizzy and was taken in front of Chief One, and then Chief One said directly to me, "Shen Lin. I actually have a mission to come here tonight. Personally. I don’t know the specific reasons in one or two sentences, so I will tell you briefly. Because of this matter, Helmsman of our countries discussed together, we still need to further strengthen multi-country cooperation. We are like this. It’s obviously impossible to do your own work. You will need to concentrate your limited power in the future. On the one hand, you can reduce unnecessary losses caused by internal friction, and on the other hand, you can learn from your strengths and make up for everyone’s weaknesses and help each other."

< p>I nodded and said: "This is a good thing, but why do I want to participate in meetings at this level? This kind of thing does not seem to be my area of ​​expertise!"

"Of course I am not asking you to come here. Let you participate in the meeting, but let them know about your Dragon Clan."

"Know about Dragon Clan?" After thinking a little bit, I understood the meaning of Chief One.

In fact, the countries of the world have already been cooperating before this. It was only limited cooperation at the beginning, but now it is planned to unite completely. In this way, it is a good thing that this kind of thing happened in the United States. Sure enough, I can't believe it is a blessing!

As for knowing about Dragon Clan...this is actually simple. In the past, it’s nothing that everyone played their own way, but now everyone is going to unite as one. Then we, Dragon Clan, are actually taking the responsibility of being the navigator of mankind, and entrusting the future of all mankind to us, such a major decision, if the other party Without a thorough understanding of our Dragon Clan, how can you rest assured?

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