South Korea’s development method is quite special. To sum it up, it can be summed up in three words, which is "asymmetric".

South Korea’s land area is not large, but its economic strength is still pretty good, at least in the world, it is considered a relatively rich country, but the country’s money is basically derived from some Basic income, such as real estate, entertainment, luxury goods and the like.

Of course, South Korea also has its own industrial and electronic industries, and they are relatively well-known in the world, but these industries can be said to be South Korean technology industries, and it can also be said that they are not. a set of. In other words, Korea is only responsible for the final assembly or packaging, as well as brand marketing. Of course, these products are all under the banner of South Korea, but in fact, if the parts are disassembled, there are really few things that South Korea produces.

Like this kind of development model, the advantage is that money comes quickly, and it does not require any foundation. As long as the brain is active, it can make a big change in three years, and it can step from a backward and poor country to a medium-sized country in ten years. It can be said that the speed of development is super fast to be able to directly enter a rich country in another ten years.

However, this development model is actually only suitable for small countries with a small area and a Sect Master country. Countries that really want to find a place in the world are impossible to adopt this development method, because if you want to have the right to speak in the world, you need to have war strength as a basis, and this development model of South Korea is obviously impossible. Any battle strength can speak of.

Let’s talk about the entertainment industry, the entire industry is finished as soon as a war is fought. Who would have the mind to go to a concert during the war? The same is true for luxury goods. It’s easy to say in a peaceful era. Once you enter a state of war, you can’t eat or wear these things, and they can’t be used to kill the enemy. What's the use of keeping them?

Real estate seems to be a fixed asset, but do you think anyone will buy a house during the war? Even if it will, I guess it is a house in the deep mountains and old forests. The more downtown areas, the less people will buy them, because these may be the enemy's key targets.

Finally, South Korea’s electronics and OEM industries are the same. Because the industrial chain is incomplete, it is difficult to maintain during the war, and the cost will increase exponentially. Moreover, the longer the war is, the less the stamina will be. Therefore, the potential for war can basically be said to be zero, and there will be nothing after the first attack. .

So, the country that chooses this development model must have a Sect Master country, which is a backer. This backer is the kind of real power that can speak up on the world, and in the event of a war, even if this backer does not directly send troops to help, at least it can help protect the transportation line and fill up the lame industrial chain. Only in this way can it be ensured that this country has basic warfare capabilities.

The power of the world is not based on how much money it has, but on its overall strength. South Korea is the most typical example, and its reverse example is Russia.

South Korea is very rich and has a very developed economy. The capital, Seoul, can be called a world-class metropolis, and you will feel like you are in a first-class developed country when you enter it. But this is all appearance. If the war really started, if there were no external forces to intervene and encounter those real world powers, South Korea might not be able to survive for a week and it would be completely finished.

Russia is just the opposite. The world-class superpowers are madly thinking that the economy is basically a mess. It can only be said that it is better than those in Africa, and it is almost catching up with the standards of South American countries. However, don't look at people being poor. People can face superpowers such as the United States and China head-on, and the outcome is difficult to determine. This is the characteristic of a powerful country. It must not be particularly rich, but it must have a complete industrial system, and the country’s basic industry must have a considerable scale, and it must have a certain amount of resource self-sufficiency. This is the basis of war. Without these, if you have money, it is not a powerful country, you can only say that the economy is developing well.

South Korea is such a very leaning country. Its economy is the best in the world, and its industrial capacity is basically one piece in the east, not to mention the industrial chain. Not really.

All the economic and industrial centers of gravity in Korea are basically concentrated in Seoul and the surrounding areas.

For big countries like China, the United States and Russia, even if they are attacked by a nuclear bomb, even if the capital is razed, this country is still a world power. The United States without Washington is still a superpower, and China without Beijing is definitely a world-class huge monster. Russia without Moscow can still level Europe. However, if Seoul is bombed, South Korea’s one third population, nearly half of its industrial production capacity, and more than 90% of its commerce will disappear. Basically, South Korea will instantly transform from a world-class country to a small backward country.

So, South Korea’s development method is actually very dangerous. If no one protects it, it will really end up in minutes after a war. Of course, Koreans also know this, so they are not really unprepared, and this preparation is the American Sect Master country. Although modern society does not talk about the Sect Master country, the meaning is actually the same. The Korean industrial equipment is basically sold to it by the United States, and the rest is Japanese. The equipment sold by the Japanese is actually instructed by the Americans. That is to say, in the final analysis, all the industrial capacity of South Korea is the help of the Americans. He did it. As long as the Americans suddenly said that they don't care about South Korea, then South Korea will instantly change from a peacock to a bald chicken. This is the reality.

This time the spaceship suddenly turned to fly to South Korea. The reason why the South Korean president reacted so much is because of the above reasons.

The current direction of this spaceship is obviously to enter South Korea and land, but it’s simply not sure where it will fall. More importantly, Bailang and I entered the spaceship. This multinational summit is aware of the situation. In other words, this spaceship is likely to be knocked down by us from the inside at any time, and if such a big thing falls in Seoul...

Of course, the spaceship may not fall in Seoul, but the South Korean president does not Dare to bet! If the United States loses any city, it will still be the United States, but if South Korea does not have Seoul, it will not be South Korea.

The more terrible problem is that now that the Americans have had such a big incident, they themselves have been hit hard. Then there must be no time to take care of South Korea, and the Koreans have managed to win it very easily. Some technology and equipment build their own immigration ship. Once they are interrupted by the fall of this spaceship, they will not even have the chance to make a comeback!

How can you say that the South Korean president can calm down in this disaster-like situation?

When the leaders of other countries see the South Korean president like this, they know what he is worried about, but they are not easy to say anything. At this time, everyone is a little too busy to clean up the snow. Who has time to take care of others? If in normal times, with the usual style of our country, I will definitely extend an olive branch to the Koreans. After all, what our Chinese culture is best at is the art of vertical and horizontal. To put it bluntly, it is good at forming cliques and finding people to help support the market. This kind of opportunity to pull South Korea from the American camp to ours, if it were the same as before, the gang bosses in our country would definitely rush forward without even thinking about it. Is it just now... Then it can only be hehe.

Although the South Korean president is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, it does not help the situation at all.

The speed of that spaceship has dropped very sharply after approaching South Korean airspace. At this time, its speed is already lower than the speed of fighter jets, but because of the Japanese and American bases in Japan, the aircraft were thrown away. It's a long distance, so I haven't caught up yet. However, a lot of Korean and American fighter jets appeared not far ahead. Of course, the US planes are fighter jets taking off from US bases in South Korea, and the South Korean planes are of course their own air defense interceptors.

However, after the two aircraft groups approached the spaceship, they did not approach, but began to launch missiles from a distance.

It is inevitable that a space migration ship is sailing in the universe and encounters a meteorite. Therefore, the spaceship must carry some defensive weapons to break the meteorite. This type of equipment is the best air defense weapon on the ground, and the formidable power is much stronger than the air defense weapons used on Earth. After all, the target is not crispy aircraft and missiles, but solid meteorites, so these interception weapons are not only numerous, The precision is super high, and the formidable power is not generally large.

The Korean fighters are all under the command of the US military at this time, and the Americans know how powerful the defensive weapons on these spaceships are, so naturally they dare not let the fighters approach. Of course, if the opponent's interception ability is not strong, they may let the Korean aircraft be used as cannon fodder to attract firepower, and then they will follow, but because they know that this kind of thing is impossible, they have no reason to be a villain.

After the aircraft group approached the spaceship, it has been hovering outside the line of sight, and it launched a large number of missiles, but the result was almost as expected. All the missiles were intercepted and none of them approached. The space interception capability of the spacecraft is 360 degrees without dead angles, and the speed is super fast, and the saturation attack of the missile has not been effective.

The helpless fleet can only follow after launching all the long-range missiles. Short-range missiles cannot reach the spaceship at this distance, and they dare not approach them, so they can only watch. Of course, the Patriot system on the ground also participated in the interception, but the result was the same. Not only was the missile missed, but several launchers were destroyed. Obviously, this immigration ship was not designed purely according to the immigration ship, it is quite armed.

"Has the landing point been calculated?" In the Conference Hall under the Pentagon, the President of the United States asked the female orderly.

The female orderly quickly clicked on the computer, and then a spaceship's fall trajectory prediction line appeared on the central screen. From the red dotted line, the spaceship should fly from Seoul. Passing over the northeast direction of the city, it will not pass through the city center, but only fly over the suburban area, and according to the current trajectory, the spaceship should continue to fly for tens of kilometers after passing through Seoul before landing. However, even though this route was predicted in this way, the South Korean president did not feel much relieved, because the lessons for the Japanese were there. The original plan was also from Tokyo Bay, and it was said that it would not affect Tokyo. What happened? Little half of Tokyo was almost smashed.

So, this kind of prediction is tentatively looked at, as long as the spaceship hasn't landed, it can't count.

The spaceship that decelerated to twice the speed of sound quickly entered the land of South Korea, and then continued to move towards Seoul. However, at this time, at the rear, a small aircraft was chasing at a super high speed. Up here. There was only a faint shadow on the surface of this thing, which turned out to be optically invisible, and when it flew past the fleet of Americans and Koreans, the Americans and South Koreans knew that the aircraft had no signal on the radar. If it weren't for the fact that there were still a few people hanging on the outside of the aircraft, and they passed directly through the center of their fleet, and the distance was very close, they would hardly be able to spot the aircraft.

The aircraft passed the U.S. and South Korea fleet at super fast speeds and flew towards the spaceship, but it did not stop. After passing over the spaceship, it turned around and disappeared directly into the air. This thing is a reconnaissance plane, and it has no weapons. This time it is a transport plane. Now that the mission is completed, of course it must be quickly flashed. It is useless to stay anyway.

When the aircraft flew over the spaceship, I sensed the signal from Ling them. There are finally a few of my subordinates now. I lost most of the people in the United States before, and this time only me and Bailang are left. If Ling and them don’t catch up, I really don’t know what to do afterwards.

"Do we need to destroy spaceship and let it land?" As soon as Ling landed on spaceship, he contacted me through the spirit net network.

I also replied through the spirit net network: "Don't destroy the propeller, you climb to the bridge from the outside, and then find a way to control the spaceship, and try to land as smoothly as possible."


Hanging on the opposite side of spaceship was originally a very dangerous thing, but Ling and them all have superhuman powers, so naturally they don’t have to worry about this, so they are as smooth as Spider-Man. Climbing to the outside of the bridge with the shell of the spaceship.

The group of people who were manipulating the spaceship with concentrated attention completely suddenly discovered that a guy like Spiderman appeared outside the transparent observation window, and more people were gradually climbing up from the surroundings. . This shocked them.

The speed of spaceship itself at this time is only a little more than double the speed of sound. This speed is still very fast for civil aviation aircraft, but it is nothing for military aircraft. Moreover, the height of the spaceship is already very low at this time. The several hundred meters below are the ground. Where the spaceship flies over, the airflow will even break the big trees on the ground.

Because of the low flight, the operator shook his hand when he was nervous when he saw people outside, and then the huge monster's head was lowered, and a mouth gnawed directly. . No one thought that such an accident would happen, and it was actually at such a time.

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