"Well, how can that thing fly after an electromagnetic bomb?" Seeing that spaceship headed directly towards South Korea, our side was not calm. It's not that I'm worried that something will happen in Korea, it's not our country anyway. What surprised us is that this thing can actually fly, this defensive power is quite exaggerated. Even if the electromagnetic bomb is a soft kill, it will not have much impact on the spaceship, but it is a weapon used by the killer satellite after all. It is said that one shot is enough to power off a city. Even with 30% power, it’s not impossible to hit the next spaceship, right?

Although I am a little dissatisfied with this effect, the other party is still flying, and we have no choice but to follow. But what makes us more depressed is that the flying speed of the thing is still too fast, and we obviously feel a little bit unable to catch up here.

"Damn it, just have a booster!" Looking at the spaceship farther and farther, I helplessly said.

"I heard that you need express service?" Tone barely fell on my side I found a huge silver white object above my head slowly descending in height. At this time, it was less than 500 meters away from us.

My first reaction after seeing this big guy was that something came to our neighborhood silently, although I was chasing the target just now, so I didn’t pay attention in the vicinity of the space. And because the air ionization caused by the electromagnetic gun attack seriously interferes with our sensing ability, the detection ability has declined. But this big white guy is such a big thing, after all, it can approach a distance of 500 meters away silently, and if the other party hadn't first transmitted a radio signal to communicate, I hadn't actually felt the approach of this thing. , This is quite amazing.

Although I was taken aback, I was relieved after seeing this, because what appeared in front of me was not an Earth’s aircraft, but one found in the hangar of the Fourth Zone. Kind of aircraft. The shape of this thing is a bit like a long ham in the middle of a squashed hamburger. To put it simply, it has a slender body and two semi-circular wings.

In fact, this thing is not an aircraft used in the atmosphere, but it also has the ability to fly in the atmosphere, and the speed is so super fast. It is said that it has reached thirty times the speed of sound during the test, and it is not Extreme speed, only because it flew out of the safe range and was afraid of being photographed by satellites of other countries, I gave up and continued to accelerate.

This kind of aircraft is also recorded in the computer database of the Fourth Special Zone, and this is not actually an alien fighter, but a fleet reconnaissance aircraft. It is characterized by fast speed, long range, excellent detection ability and good concealment.

As a reconnaissance aircraft, this thing is not equipped with any weapons, but it has a super stealth ability that can make it disappear completely in space. So far we have not found any way. The stealth state of this thing can be found, which means that as long as this thing does not actively reveal its trail, it will never be discovered even if it flies in front of us. Alien Technology is just that awesome. But this thing seems to be a very high-end thing for aliens. Anyway, a spaceship as big as the fourth special zone brought three of these things.

This place is located in the sky above Japan, not too far away from the country. It is really a good choice for the country to send this thing for reinforcements. After all, the speed of this thing is the only aircraft that can keep up with what we need, and the stealth ability of this thing is easier to make it swagger into Japanese airspace. Of course, in the current state, as long as you say hello, the Japanese will definitely open up their airspace. After all, everyone's interests are the same this time, and no country is foolish enough to find such things unhappy.

"Hey, hurry up, we need help here." After reacting, I hurriedly called the aircraft, and the other pilot immediately let the aircraft fly next to me, and Bailang and I leaned forward. , Didn’t enter the aircraft anymore, just lay on the outside of the aircraft, anyway, we just hitchhiked.

After confirming that we have grasped it, the aircraft immediately began to accelerate. The speedometer I saw here shows that the speed is climbing in a straight line. When this thing accelerates, it is really exciting, even we can’t bear it. I got excited, but the acceleration only lasted for a short time before it ended, because we had caught up with the spaceship that was flying to Korea.

Seeing the spaceship close at hand, Bailang and I immediately left the aircraft moved towards there and jumped over. Because this spaceship is really very big for us, it is not too easy to fall off. I landed directly on a protruding structure on the top of the spaceship, while the white waves fell directly near a hatch, and the location was really accurate.

After putting us down, the aircraft circled around and started flying towards Japan. He went back to pick up other people at our request, but I don’t know when we can catch up.

Regardless of the aircraft that turned around and left, I quickly ran to the door of the white waves, and then grabbed the emergency manual switch in the center of the door and pulled it outwards, and then turned it counterclockwise one hundred and eighty. At ten degrees, with a bang, the door bounced upwards, and then I pulled it open. Below this thing is not a passage, but another round door. There is a horizontal handle on this door. After grasping it, it also rotates 180 degrees and then presses it down. The door is automatically collected under the side armor plate, which is the real entrance.

After seeing the entrance, Bailang and I immediately got in.

This entrance should be an overhaul channel, because the room inside is very narrow and there are various repair tools in the room. In addition, we also found several sets of power spacesuits in this room. Obviously This is prepared for out of the cabin inspection and repair.

After opening the other door of the repair cabin, we entered the passage inside the spaceship, but at this time, we could see a red siren shining every other segment on the top of the passage. This thing is not controlled by the spaceship main circuit, but something similar to an emergency light, which will only be activated automatically in an emergency. This spaceship was just hit by an electromagnetic bomb, and many circuits and systems were paralyzed, so these emergency alarms all sounded.

Because we don’t know the internal structure of this spaceship, what we can do is to move as far as possible to the bow of the ship, but since we opened the door of the first insulation layer outside, we have been here People found out. It’s right to think about it. The cosmic spaceship sails in the universe. Once the pressure is released, it’s a terrible thing. Therefore, all access doors on the spaceship that can be connected to the outside will have sensors. Once opened during flight, the sensors corresponding to this door will be A warning was issued immediately to inform the control center inside the spaceship that an external hatch on the spaceship was opened. So, since we opened that door, the other party should have known that we are coming.

Even though they knew we were here, the people on the spaceship really had nothing to do with us for a while.

If it is a battle between ordinary persons, of course it is nothing. The security forces on the spaceship are just going to have a gun battle in the past. Anyway, they have the home court advantage and they can definitely get it done. Even if it can't be beaten, there is nothing wrong with resisting it.

However, the controllers on the spaceship who have already fought with us before, have some refrain from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases.

Although spaceship itself is fairly solid, it depends on what it compares to. In front of our destructive power, spaceship should actually be considered quite fragile. Moreover, because of our defensive power, if the other party wants to block or kill us, they need to use huge might weapons, but they use huge might weapons inside the spaceship... how dare they do this kind of thing?

Before, because the big spaceship still carried this small spaceship, it was equivalent to a retreat. Therefore, they were not too worried about the previous spaceship. It was really broken. The outside part can be thrown away at any time. of. However, this spaceship is now the last spaceship. If even this one is broken, then their plan will really be completely bankrupt. As for things like gambling damage will not endanger the spaceship's voyage...thinking about it, I feel unreliable. This thing is not an airplane, it does not mean that it will land after flying for a few hours. This thing is an immigration ship, but it has to fly in space for thousands of years, and then enter orbit on a distant earth-like planet. This time span is too long. Even a perfect spaceship can't guarantee that it will last until that day. Even more how is it hurt? So, people in spaceship are really at a dilemma.

Send someone to stop us? Afraid of breaking the spaceship. Don't care about us? We will still destroy the spaceship. No matter how you look at it, it's not a good thing.

Just when the people on this spaceship were in a dilemma, under the ruins on the Japanese side, a large cement slab suddenly flew out of the rubble and rushed up to a height of tens of meters before it started. Falling, then fell on the ground next to it and turned into a pile of debris. And at the top of the rubble pile, where the cement slab just flew out, a silhouette covered with cement dust crawled out from below in a big hole.

"I'm finally out!"

"Where did you go, Lingling?" Jingjing from the spirit net network directly asked Lingling who had just gone online.

Lingling said embarrassingly: "I accidentally dug in the wrong place just now, and the pile of rubble collapsed, so it took a little longer to crawl out. By the way. Why are you just a few of you? What about the others? "

"The master and Bai Lang chased them out. Big Sister Tou, Ye Yue, Shuangxue, and Xiao Bai haven't contacted yet. I don't know where they are buried." Jingjing paused as she was talking. , And said: "Oh, Xiaobai and Shuangxue have also come out."

In the rubble not far away, a large piece of rubble suddenly scattered in all directions, and then revealed a crystal clear and near-transparent aisle. Shuangxue brought Xiaobai up from below, and compared to Lingling who was covered in dirt, Shuangxue and Xiaobai were significantly cleaner.

As soon as Shuangxue came out, she asked about the situation like Lingling. Before Jingjing could explain, she heard a scream from a place not far behind, and then she saw a large piece of rubble. Flew from the ground, and then Yeyue and Ling's signals went online again, and they also found the remaining Nine Headed Snake soldiers.

Ling is worthy of being my favorite, Chief Steward. As soon as he came out, he immediately said in the spirit net network: "Every unit reports the situation."

Xiaochun and the others said one after another. The general situation, then Ling found information about me and Nuwa in the spirit net network. After confirming that I had entered the spaceship from Nuwa, I immediately began to ask if there were any aircraft nearby that could take them there.

Just after Ling's question, the aircraft in the sky that connects me and Bailang fell down, and the time was just right.

After understanding that this was the special aircraft sent by the base to help, Ling and the others immediately boarded the aircraft, and then were carried by the aircraft and flew past the spaceship.

Although the navigation control system of this spaceship was burnt down by electromagnetic attacks, the power system did not have any problems, so it could fly, but the current angle was wrong, and the control could only be fine-tuned. Basically, the heading was all Was locked up. In this case they have only two options. Either increase the power and crash in no man's land in Russia, or control the output and find a way to make an emergency landing in South Korea. The advantage of the former is that the personnel have little hope of escaping from the hunt, but the spaceship will definitely not be able to keep it. The advantage of the latter is that there is hope to make emergency repairs to the spaceship and then fly again.

In fact, the success rate of the two choices is so low that it is indicative, but in this situation, the group of people on spaceship can't do it. They don't want to gamble. The things they have done for their own safety to leave have basically completely offended all mankind. For humans, these guys are more hateful than the four evils, so if they fall into the hands of any country's government, the outcome will not be better than suicide. As for keeping the spaceship in Korea, then they still hope to complete the set action, but everyone knows how small the success rate of this matter is.

Although the two options seem to be unreliable, the command staff on the spaceship finally made the decision, which is to make an emergency landing in South Korea. The biggest reason for this is that these guys saw me and Bailang through a monitor which happened to not be burned.

"They only have one person and one big dog. It's okay. We still have hope." This is what those people said at the time, so they were very excited about making an emergency landing in Korea. Of course, they are happy, but the South Korean president is depressed. Originally, I thought that I could fly over Korea from the flight trajectory, but didn't expect that thing suddenly started to decelerate. I don't know if the power system can't support it or it is intentional. However, no matter what the reason is, it is basically certain that that thing will fall in South Korea. Judging from our previous battles with these guys, no matter where these guys fall, we will inevitably conflict with them and destroy a large area. So, if we happen to fall in a major city in South Korea, it would really be a big trouble.

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