"General God, have you seen my other team members?"

Hans had gathered three of his own men before meeting me, but he When I went to Spaceship, I took a total of seven people. Then one was hit by a rocket and was shot out at the last moment of Spaceship's take-off. So besides himself, there should be six Nine Headed Snake players. But now there are only three people around him, and the other three are missing.

Actually, the missing persons are far more than the three Hans subordinates, and there are not all of them on my side. In addition to me who boarded the spaceship before, there are Yeyue, Ling, Xiaochun, Emines, Jingjing, Lingling, Shuangxue, Bailang and Xiaobai. The rest is a few robot dogs. It doesn't matter if you lose it. Kind. Now there are Xiaochun, Emiennes, Jingjing, and Bailang gathered around me, and all the rest are gone, which means that there are more people on my side than Hans.

"Don't worry, I guess people may be buried under the rubble, so there is no signal. I also lack five people on my side, and I don't know where they are buried!"

In fact, for the missing people, we really have no choice but to wait for them to come out. The crashed spaceship destroyed several blocks, and now a large area around it is almost full of collapsed ruins and battered buildings. The streets are full of wounded people covered in mud and blood, and all kinds of damaged cars. And the building fragments are lying on the street in all directions. It is estimated that the rescue will not be able to enter for a while, and even if they enter, it is not so easy to find our people in such a large area. But one thing we can be more assured is that at least our people have power armor protection, even if they are buried, as long as they are not particularly unlucky, there is generally no mortal danger.

As soon as I consoled Hans, suddenly a life recognition signal popped up in the communication channel. This is a soldier of Nine Headed Snake. The other party can go online to indicate that the signal is connected, but I don't know why the communication cannot be connected. The light can see the life recognition signal.

Without Hans speaking, I will directly ask everyone to follow this signal to see the situation. Everyone has stopped walking, anyway, the streets are full of rubble, it is better to turn over the ruins of the building, the speed will be faster instead.

The previous signal was not far away from us, but the signal intermittently was obviously abnormal, and finally disappeared completely. Fortunately, we had already located the coordinates before, so we quickly found the signal location, but there were no Hans team members here, and we just saw a group of Japanese people cleaning up the rubble, it seems that some of their companions were buried and they were busy. Rescue, but these people were stunned after seeing us appear. After all, we don’t look like a rescue team in any way, and we obviously don’t belong to an ordinary person.

Ignoring the sluggish eyes of those people, we located an approximate location based on the surrounding situation, and then let Xiaochun use electromagnetic induction to detect it, and finally found the signal.

"Here." Xiaochun waved, Hans and I immediately ran over. There are some broken rubble on this place. A group of us climbed up directly and threw it with our hands and feet. We would clear most of the rubble in less than one minute. After all, for an ordinary person, two people must work together to barely move. The concrete blocks and stone slabs are like movie props made of foam to us, and when we see the big rock go up, we kick it directly. Even if there are steel bars connected, it's okay. The high-frequency vibration blade on our body cuts steel bars as easily as cutting tofu.

In the stunned gaze of the Japanese people around, we cleaned up the rubble in twos and threes, and then I grabbed a piece of it with dozens of them together with Xiaochun, Emenis and Jingjing. A huge wall fragment of a square area, and then it was lifted off directly with force. The fragment of the wall turned over and flew across the road, then crashed on the edge of the ruin opposite.

As the wall was opened, we immediately received the signal again, but it was still quite weak.

"Hurry up, I see the signal." Hans yelled anxiously.

We went up hurriedly and threw away everything that was in the way. Even a few tons of fragments were easily lifted to the side of the road by us, and then we found a twisted H Steel beams. This thing is generally the main support structure in large buildings, and its function is similar to the steel bars used in ordinary buildings. However, the steel bars are too thin. If you need to build buildings with more than eighty-nine 10th layers, reinforced concrete alone is obviously not enough. At this time, you need this kind of H-shaped steel beams. There are many models of this stuff. This is what we see. The width of the root is fifty centimeters, and the thickness of the middle keel is ten centimeters. The load-bearing capacity of this kind of steel beam is very terrifying. Place it in the center of the concrete support column and form a group of four to form a tic-tac-toe frame, and then pour the concrete to form a particularly strong support and load-bearing structure, usually 8th 10th. The high-rise buildings above the layer all need the load-bearing system of this structure.

Because it is load-bearing, the hardness of this thing is naturally predictable. Hans's subordinate was obviously stuck underneath by the steel beam. No wonder he couldn't get out with the power armor on his body, but since we found him, it would be easy.

I first tried to hold the steel beam and lift it up a bit, but found that it didn't work well. I pinched out the obvious finger seal where I was caught, but the steel beam just couldn't be pulled out. It is estimated that there are still many things connected underneath, so it is stuck.

There is no way we can only clean up the surrounding debris first, and clean up everything that is in the way.

Actually, there are several reasons why disaster relief is difficult. The first is that the location of the victims cannot be found; the second is that they are worried about the secondary damage caused by the collapse during excavation; the third is that most of the building debris is not light, which is difficult to carry by humans, and the machine is afraid of hurting the people inside; Fourth, there are many steel reinforcements in the building. These steel reinforcements will pull together. Although the strength of the building is guaranteed, these steel reinforcements will pull each other during the rescue. As a result, the fragments in some places are entangled and cannot be moved. They need to be cut first. Only short steel bars can remove the debris, but the steel bars are all wrapped in concrete. It is easy to hurt the people inside with large machinery. Small machinery is not strong enough and it takes time. These all are the main reasons for the difficulty of rescue.

However, these reasons are not a problem for us.

First, all of us have signal transmitters, so positioning is not a problem.

Secondly, we all have power armors, so we don’t worry about collapses during excavation that will cause secondary damage.

Thirdly, everyone on our side is a powerful force like heavy machinery. To us, bricks and rubble weighing several tons and dozens of tons are like children’s building blocks. Strenuous.

Fourth, we can break steel bars with bare hands, and we are equipped with high-frequency vibration blades. Cutting steel bars is like cutting tofu. There is no need to worry about the rubble being entangled with each other.

Because we don't care about the four kinds of troubles, our digging speed is obviously much faster than the normal rescue team. What I didn't know was that it was a group of groundhogs digging holes, just watch us rumbling on the pile of rubble, and then the whole person dug into the pile of rubble, just saw the gravel and rubble flying across.

"Damn, I said why I couldn't receive the signal!"

After finally clearing the obstructing things nearby, we finally saw the following situation roughly.

It turned out that this Nine Headed Snake soldier was pressed underneath by a spaceship shard the size of two double beds, and on top were three load-bearing beams stuck in large buildings. These load-bearing beams are made of steel bars and H-shaped steel and concrete upside down. The metal content inside is very high, which has a very strong blocking effect on the signal. With the spaceship fragment below, it is no wonder that we cannot receive the signal.

Because all the movable things around were dug out, the remaining three supporting beams were exposed. Together, I lifted one of the broken beams and threw it out, and then interrupted the other connecting part that was inserted into the deep beam below. Xiaochun and Jingjing dragged this scale out from above. We didn't move the last beam, broke it directly from the middle and piled it on both sides, and then began to cut the hull fragments below.

After cutting the hull fragment into a gap, we began to tear the gap with our bare hands. The gap was soon torn apart, and the Nine Headed Snake members below finally crawled out.

Similar to our guess, this guy is basically fine, except for the discomfort caused by the shock.

As soon as he came out, he started to hug us one by one, obviously very excited. Although this guy was also from an elite unit, he was buried under the rubble and couldn't move. The signal didn't work. I don't know if there will be rescue. That kind of situation puts a lot of psychological pressure on human beings. Although this guy is elite, he is still human after all. This is different from us. He still has human Innate flaws, which are smaller than ordinary people's flaws. Moreover, although he was nervous and scared when he was down, he was not flustered after all, and he knew to save himself with his equipment. The signal we received earlier was that he used a small investigative robot on his body to drag a communication line, and then climbed from the gap in the rubble to a position closer to the outside, so we received it for a while. Signal. However, a landslide occurred in the rubble, the detection robot was squashed, and the wire was broken, so we lost the signal again. However, even the short signal allowed us to accurately locate his location and rescue him.

Just when we got off the Nine Headed Snake member, under the rubble pile that the Japanese behind us were digging, there was a sudden bang, and the whole ground shook obviously. , The Japanese who were carrying debris above were all tossed and stumbling, and some even stumbled and rolled down.

With this explosion, we suddenly received a signal, and unlike the hapless Nine Headed Snake, the signal we received was very strong, and it was directly in the spirit net network. Communication was established.

"Lingling, are you okay?" We asked when the communication resumed.

Lingling directly replied: "Master, I was pressed down by something on the spaceship by I am not sure, please help!"

"I see, we are on top of you Not far away, please leave the above things for you right away."

As I said, I ran over with everyone, but when I saw us coming, there were more than 30 Japanese people. The year-old woman suddenly blocked our way.

"We want to save people, what are you doing to stop us?"

The woman didn't let us pass right away, but she said very politely: "I saw your excavation just now Although the process is very fast, the movement is too loud. Here are our friends and some passers-by who are buried underneath. You dig like that, and none of them can survive. After all, our people are not like your friends. Power armor protection."

This woman is obviously a very smart type. Others are very happy to see us coming, because they think that our digging ability is so strong, and they must come to help save people. , And once we join, we will definitely be able to quickly dig out the trapped people. However, only this woman noticed that our actions were too exaggerated, and she also noticed that the person we rescued was wearing armor like the others.

Although Xiaochun and I don’t see any famous women in their armors, Hans and their power armors are very mechanical. You can see hydraulic roofs in many places. She knew it was power armor, so she quickly realized that the reason why we moved so much was because we didn't worry about ourselves being smashed to death in it. But their companion is an ordinary person after all. When we dig down like this, it is estimated that the person who did not dig up the rubble was first killed by the quadratic collapse caused by the vibration.

"Don't worry, we will pay attention to the people who won't hurt you."

"Then please." The other party kicked to the end, expressing our feelings, and then hurry up Greet others to make room for us. After all, when we are working, it is like a group of excavators starting work. It is definitely very dangerous to stand next to you.

As usual, let Xiaochun scan the environment to confirm the structure of the rubble pile and the location of the survivors, and then he can start. However, after Xiaochun finished scanning, there was a problem.

"Sorry, your companion has died, there is only one survivor left below, and the location is relatively deep, with our companion, so we plan to use blasting to remove the rubble above."

The Japanese around them stopped doing it immediately. After all, no one would believe it. We are outsiders after all, and now they suddenly say that their companions are dead, of course they will not believe it. And even if their companions are dead, they definitely want to dig to see, and if we use the method of blasting, even if their companions are not dead, they must be dead if they are dug out. Therefore, these people are passionate, if we don't wear power armor and look at the Army System, obviously not to be trifled with, they are estimated to rush to fight us. But even so, these people are making trouble, and we are not allowed to use blasting methods. But the location where Lingling was buried was indeed a bit too deep, with a lot of rubble piled up on it, and the digger didn't know when to dig it. Anyway, there are no living people on it, and the direct blasting method is obviously the most efficient. But those Japanese just don't do it.

"Boss, what is going on?"

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