Falling with spaceship is dangerous, but it is not a big problem for us, so everyone has no complaints, just waited carefully for the final fall.

At this time, the spaceship is almost over Tokyo, and the speed is about three times the speed of sound, up to about two kilometers. The hull of the ship can be seen very clearly on the ground at this height, and from time to time some debris can be seen detaching from the hull of the spaceship.

Although I said it was the last second separation, it is just a metaphor, and it is not really necessary to wait until the last second. Anyway, our purpose is not to distance ourselves from the fallen wreckage, just get a little closer. It's fine, and you don't have to fall into Tokyo Bay along with it. Of course, because we are all in the ship, we don’t know what’s going on outside. The attitude of the spaceship depends on external information feedback. Nuwa has been staring at the direction of the spaceship with satellites anyway, and she will notify us as soon as she thinks the time is right. Leave the cabin.

Although the triple speed of sound is very slow compared to the previous speed, the speed itself is actually quite fast. You must know that the extreme speed of current mainstream fighters is only triple the speed of sound, which shows that this speed is still quite Fast.

The huge spaceship passed through Tokyo with a thunderous rumbling sound. The crowd below was not too messy because they were notified of evacuation in advance, but it was triggered when they saw the huge hull of the spaceship. There was screams and chaos, but it was quickly subdued. In dealing with disasters, I am afraid that the Japanese think that they are second, and no country has the face to say that they are first. Japan is located just on the volcanic earthquake zone, and almost a thousand more earthquakes are felt every year, that is to say three times a day on average. Of course, felt earthquakes are not all destructive earthquakes, but earthquakes in Japan are indeed super frequent. Therefore, the disaster management mechanism in Japan can be said to be the most advanced in the world, and all Japanese citizens have been receiving disaster response training from kindergarten. Natural disasters and other situations will naturally be better than people in other countries. Much stronger. It's as if all Mongolians are good at horsemanship, and all Japanese are experts in disaster response.

When spaceship flew over Tokyo, although many people were frightened, the chaos passed in an instant. After that, everyone still evacuated the city in an orderly manner, but the spaceship in the sky was At this time something suddenly went wrong.

According to the original judgment, this spaceship should fly all the way over Tokyo, and then fall into Tokyo Bay, and the last place to enter the water is not in the center of Tokyo Bay, but away from the direction of Tokyo city. Judging from this situation, the damage is actually not too great. At best, it is equivalent to a moderate-intensity earthquake plus a small-scale tsunami. In terms of Japan's response to these two aspects, the problem should not be big.

However, just as everyone was waiting for the spaceship to fall into the sea, this thing suddenly disintegrated, and without warning, it broke into flying fragments and a few special pieces in the sky above Tokyo. Huge wreckage.

In the Secret Conference Hall of the Pentagon, the heads of countries who were staring at the real-time images transmitted back from Japan suddenly stood up from their seats collectively. Among them, the Japanese prime minister was even more surprised and his chin was about to drop. NS. Everyone stared at the disintegration process as if the air-explosive cluster bomb was blooming in the air, and for a while, they completely forgot how to think.

Compared with the shock of the heads of countries, our side is even more miserable. The sudden disintegration of spaceship without warning has had more impact on us than they did. Those leaders are just watching remote video, but we are in spaceship.

We didn't expect that we had been waiting for the abandonment signal. Suddenly, the spaceship fell apart, and the cabin we were in instantly turned into a lot of debris. The momentary weightlessness slowed everyone's reaction by half a beat, and then we dispersed. Of course it was not our volition, but because of the disintegration of the spaceship and was blown away by the airflow.

As we dispersed with the spaceship, what we immediately thought was to start the propeller and quickly maintain the altitude, otherwise we would hit the ground at this speed, even we would be absolutely choking. However, I don't know the situation of other people. Anyway, I just opened my wings, and before the ion jet engine on the back ignited, the position of the vest was firmly touched. A huge part hit my vest, and then it bumped me into the air and rolled. Although I tried my best to adjust the balance, the impact was too big to hold it down.

The scattered spaceship fragments flew out like a grenade, and then smashed into the very center of Tokyo. Several buildings were instantly punched out of countless holes like a car attacked by a shotgun. After passing through the building, the wreckage of the spaceship flew out from the back of the building with billowing smoke and dust. Several of the buildings might have been hit by the load-bearing pillars. The whole building began to tilt and then collapsed. The situation on the scene is simply the real world doomsday. With explosions and flames, debris flying around pierced one building after another in the billowing smoke and dust, then bounced on the ground and continued to destroy a large number of buildings and cars, and then It gradually stabilized. However, behind the wreckage is the collapsed building. Various fragments collapsed in the billowing smoke and dust. The surroundings disappeared in the satellite image in an instant, and the heads of countries hurriedly turned around but saw nothing.

I was shot down by the shards and turned over in the air. I don’t know how many somersaults. I managed to restore my balance and found that there was a glass exterior wall of a building in front of me. I just bowed my head and closed my hands and feet with a bang. I walked through the glass exterior wall and entered the building. Then I quickly curled up into a ball during the rolling process. The wings on both sides were gathered up and I was wrapped in the middle, like a huge metal egg, rolling forward in the floor. . With a bang, I felt as if I had hit through a wall, and then felt weightless, followed by a series of impacts and rebounds, and then suddenly hit something very sturdy. Suddenly, I was stuck. The next second is up. A lot of things fell and buried myself underneath. Afterwards, there were constantly piles of things on top. I was also under tremendous pressure underneath. Fortunately, it didn’t affect me. It was just a series of tumbling and impacts. I am a little dizzy.

The vibration lasted for more than 20 seconds before it was basically stable. The surroundings suddenly became quiet, but after waiting for more than ten seconds, something seemed to explode in the distance. I could feel it obviously The shock, but soon returned to calm.

"Nuwa, Nuwa, can you hear it? Ling, Xiaochun, Emines..."

The heart spirit net network is down, there is a noise in the communication channel, what? I can't hear you. I don't know what's going on outside now, anyway I know that I am buried.

Try to shrink the metal vanes on the wings slightly to make a small space for myself. A lot of rubble and cement fragments fell off immediately, but because I was wearing power armor, I didn’t worry about squinting. Eyes or suffocation.

After putting away the wings, there was a void around me. Thanks to the thought of using wings to form a fixed space before, otherwise I can’t even stretch my limbs now. Of course, even if I wrap myself with wings to form an egg-like structure, my space for activity is still very small.

It should be buried quite deep here, and no light can penetrate from the outside. Fortunately, it has no effect on me.

First, I checked up, down, left, and right, and then reached out to grab a piece of concrete support beam that lay above me and force it upwards, but as I exerted force, I only heard a bang, the position of my palm support I smashed it directly, exposing the steel bars inside, but the supporting beam was completely motionless. Obviously there are a lot of things pressed on it.

Helpless, I had to dig to the side first. There is this beam on the top of the head to support it, at least it will not fall down. If it collapses when digging upwards, I have nowhere to hide.

My side is a mess of rubble, which are basically broken pieces. With my strength, moving these large concrete blocks and cement bricks is like moving sponge blocks. Just swept aside.

The building after the collapse is not a completely closed structure. There are big gaps between the collapsed building structures. After all, modern buildings are supported by reinforced concrete. Even if the cement and concrete break, the steel bars are not that way. It is easy to break, so even if it collapses, it will pull each other and will not completely turn into a pile of dense rubble.

Pull away the bricks in front of me, and my range of activities is much larger. Above this side is a completely collapsed wall. I punched a big hole in it, and then pulled the hole open. There really was a lot of space on it.

This seems to be a whole room above, but it has become a diamond shape. The distance between the upper and lower walls is only over one meter, and some places have obviously collapsed. But this gap of more than one meter is enough for me to crawl inside.

Starting electromagnetic induction to scan the surrounding environment, I soon found a weak spot, and then crawled over. I encountered a narrow place halfway and couldn't get through. It took a lot of effort to dig a passage from the side to go around, and then I reached the outer circle area of ​​the ruins. This place is supported by a few larger walls and a few support beams, forming an inverted triangle-like structure. There is a large intact cement board in front of me, with some pressing on the cement board. Rubble, nothing is left outside. Just lift this cement board.

Using ultrasound to test the thickness and structure of the cement board, I then found a place where my feet could get a stable support, and then supported the cement board in front of me with my arms. Because of the large area and some rubble on it, this stone slab looks very heavy. I tried it and it was at least 20 tons. If I change my estimate, I’ll be buried here, because an ordinary person simply cannot lift a cement board weighing more than 20 tons, and if it’s an ordinary person, I won’t be able to reach this position. Several steel bars were broken on the wall. Ordinary persons can only wait for rescue when they see these things.

Hold the steel bars on the concrete slab with both hands. This place is relatively strong and not easy to be crushed. Then I started to exert my strength.

Twenty tons is an unshakable weight for humans who don’t use tools, but for me it just requires a little bit of effort. I supported the wall with my arms and started to exert force. The slate in front of me immediately began to loosen. Some dust and small pieces of rubble fell from above, but I was not affected at all. I continued to push forward and the slate was quickly lifted. A little bit.

This stone slab supports the ground. After being lifted, the weight will gradually transfer to the ground. That is to say, as long as you lift it up a little, the weight of the thing will increase as the lifted angle increases. decline. After gradually getting relaxed, I suddenly exerted my strength, and with a thud, I completely lifted the stone slab over.

After the stone slab fell, a large amount of smoke was stirred up immediately, but the vibration caused the stone slab above me to break and smashed down suddenly. Originally, I could leave this range by just one step forward, but suddenly there was a cry for help from behind. The completely subconsciously hands lifted up the stone slab, and with a bang, the broken stone slab was thrown out directly by me, and the sky was seen from above.

Turning back and looking towards the direction from which the call for help came, I couldn’t see anything. After I activated the X-ray band and bio-radar, a simplified perspective of the collapsed ruins immediately appeared in my sight, and then a few red silhouette is marked.

The other party is actually very far away from my position, which is why I did not find them when I used electromagnetic induction to detect the way out. However, there was just a passageway from where those people were located to my side. This passage is very narrow. People can't get through it. Small children can't. It's curved inside, and the two sides are not visible at all. But after all, they are connected. So the other party heard the vibration when I lifted the slate, and thought it was there. Rescuers were digging the rubble, so they began to cry out for help.

If I did not find out that I would not take the initiative to participate in rescue operations, because I still have a mission, but it would be inappropriate to run after hearing it.

Looking at the distance, I found that going from here seems not easy. I started the active tomography radar to scan the ruins behind me, and soon there was a channel reminder from the electronic brain in my sight. This is a twisted line. You need to go down from the top of the ruins, then first go down to a place deeper than the opponent's trapped location, then move diagonally for a short distance, then move to directly below the opponent's trapped location, and then enter upwards. The opponent is trapped. Although this route is a bit more complicated, there are basically existing gaps along the way. You only need to break a few steel bars and remove a small amount of rubble. Finally, you can reach through a wall, which is much easier than digging directly from other directions. NS.

After choosing the route, I immediately shouted to the other side in Japanese: "Don’t move, I’ll come right now."

A reply immediately rang from the other side, begging me to hurry up. And tell me someone was injured over there. Of course, this is nonsense. It’s strange to be buried under the rubble. It’s normal to be injured.

According to the scanned position, I directly found the entrance, grabbed a prefabricated slab above the rubble and lifted it aside. The half-ton prefabricated slab flew directly out of the rubble pile, and then exposed below. An odd shape, but basically a deep well that goes straight to the end.

Jump down from here and land directly on a steel pipe. The thing got stuck in the middle of the passage and blocked the way below. I held the two ends of the steel tube with my thumb, and pressed my fingers slightly. Dangdang twice, the steel pipe was directly broken by me. Throwing the steel pipe out, I continued down, quickly to the end, and then moved laterally, bending a few thumb-thick steel bars that were sticking out across the passage and letting them stick to the wall, so that it would not affect the passage. .

After walking through this steel-reinforced sealed area, the front suddenly becomes a lot bigger. Basically, this space can be squatted and walked forward without having to climb. After moving a short distance, he was directly below the opponent, and then slammed his fist against the wall above his head with a fist. With a bang, the cement on the wall instantly cracked, and then fell one after another. There was a scream from above, but it quickly became quiet, because the other party also found that someone was below.

After removing the cement, there are still two steel bars sandwiched in the wall. I shouted at the top: "Get out of the way, I'm going to cut the steel bar."

The space above is not large, and the survivors can only try to stay away from this hole. With a flick of my wrist, the blade claw popped out, activated the high-frequency vibration mode, and then lightly stroked the two ends of the steel bar. The steel bar broke instantly and then fell off.

After cutting off the steel bars, my wrist moved, and the claws automatically retracted with a click. Then I put my hands on both sides of the hole and pulled it down. The small hole became a big hole with a bang, and then the extra one All the steel bars are bent and pressed onto the wall so that the center can pass.

Climbed up from the entrance of the hole and stretched out his head to take a look, the person inside was obviously taken aback, because didn't expect came up with a helmet that was obviously quite exaggerated at first glance. Although for practical purposes, my power armor is not exactly as ostentatious as the dragon soul suit in the game. There are flying blades and spikes everywhere, but also not the completely smooth structure, at least the difference between the rescue personnel's equipment and the equipment is obvious. .

Although they are surprised, those people don't have time to care about this now, they just want to get out quickly.

I looked around the situation and found a total of nine people. Two of them were dead and one was in shock. The brain was still responding to electrical signals, but the heart stopped beating. The state can basically be regarded as a dead person, because his chest was penetrated by three steel bars, and a large area of ​​blood flowed. Unless I don't care about saving him, he will definitely not be able to save his life. But I do not intend to give up the mission in order to save him, after all, my mission is more important. Given the relationship between our country and Japan, it would be good for me to come and save people.

Except for these two and a half corpses, the remaining six people are not very good, but four of them are superficial wounds. After they go out, they will be over with a little medicine. At most they have a concussion or psychological trauma. , Others should be fine. But there are two more unlucky.

Among them, there is a little beautiful woman lying on the ground. Her left leg and calf are stuck in the middle by a wall fragment. Although it is not cut off, the stuck position is already a comminuted fracture, and the outside muscles The tissue has an open laceration, but because it is compressed, it has a hemostatic effect.

The other unlucky person is a youngster. He is even worse than this little beauty. The entire left arm and left leg are suppressed. Although it is only a comminuted fracture, it is normally suppressed like this. There is no way to rescue him, because it is part of a large fragment that is holding him down. Unless you clean up the rubble on it and then use a heavy crane, you won’t be able to get it out. Of course, it is also a way to get a doctor to come over and amputate him on the spot.

After reading the situation here, I said: "The space here is too narrow. You four can follow me down one by one, and then I will come back to save them two after you get out from here. Keep a little bit, I will come back again after they go out."

"Please must save me, get rid of it, I don't want to die!" The little beauty cried and begged. She looked like she was still a student, and she was obviously frightened. As for the other man, he looked at me weakly and did not speak. I found that his condition was not right, so I turned to him and performed a detailed scan. It turned out that his head had been smashed, his skull was broken, and he had intracranial hemorrhage. In the current situation, this guy also belongs to the category of hopelessness.

After the explanation, I stepped back out first. This place is really too narrow, I can't even turn around, let alone pass by them. I can only go backwards and let them go out first, and then I will come back. That little beauty has been crying, but I have no choice but to go first.

I waited until the four people were sent out before climbing back again. After seeing me, the little girl cried not only no small but even louder. Her mental breakdown was already showing signs of collapse. After all, she was still a minor and had encountered such a big trauma, and she was closed in this environment. It was better to have a companion before, but now only she and a circle of corpses are left, and immediately can't stand it.

The youngster that I just found something was wrong now doesn't bother me at all, because he died when I climbed back. I climbed into this space, first comforted the girl so that she did not worry, and then checked her legs.

The damage in this place is too serious, once I get her leg out, it will immediately bleed. No way, I had to go over and pull out the belt of the youngster, and then came to help her fix the thigh position, and then put the anesthetic on her leg with my fingertips. Of course, I am not going to anesthetize her, but just give her pain relief, so the controlled dose is very small.

The girl stopped crying after I finished the treatment, which may have something to do with the pain in her legs.

After confirming that hemostasis was effective, I pressed both sides of the stone with both hands, and then forcefully, with a bang, the stone was directly squeezed by me and turned into a pile of stone dust, and then her legs came out . However, the back part of this leg has completely turned into mud, and it must be amputated, so I didn't help her to put her foot on, but just pulled her out of the passageway. Although bumps and bumps were unavoidable along the way, the survival instinct plus anesthetics played a big role, and she actually followed me out without saying a word.

The little girl who has always been inside is still strong. After she came out, she saw her broken leg, but she burst into tears. The people outside also had a bad face, and one of the women hugged the girl. We cried together.

I don’t have time to take care of them anymore. I immediately activated the Spirit Net network after I came out, and it was back online soon, but I just connected to the newsletter and found out that some of the people we came together still had no signal. , I guess the probability of death or injury is not high, most of them were buried like me.

"All those who have crawled out, gather here."

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