The wide corridor is not only wide, but also very long. We carefully moved forward step by step, and then as the T-junction approached, we gradually became more careful. . If there are enemies hidden here, then this one in front of you is the most suitable ambush spot.

I used gestures to remind Hans and the people behind, telling them that I was in charge of the left, and then Ling motioned to her to be in charge of the right. Only when everyone was ready did I move on.

Although our speed is very slow, the intersection in front of us arrived very quickly, and this is the time for the detection robot to come out.

Following my gesture, Xiaochun waved his hand and threw a flying saucer-like object. As soon as these small silver white objects were thrown out, they automatically unfolded a circle of rotors around them, and then turned at high speed. moved towards the front corner flew past, but this little thing was immediately covered by fire from reaching the corner, and was shot down in an instant.

No need to guess this time, because the other party rushed out of the corner when they shot down our detection robot, and these guys are not stupid standing outside and shooting at us, but It came out after the two reloaded robots.

This tracked robot looks like a miniature tank, driven by a full track, and the chassis is almost the same as the tank, but smaller. The turret was replaced with a mechanical body with a "husband"-shaped structure, which felt like a human upper body with four arms.

The four arms of the upper body are not robotic arms, but retractable weapon racks. The lower two arms are two armed platforms, on which are hung a multi-barrel rapid-fire gun and a miniature missile launcher. The upper two arms are asymmetrical. The one on the right shoulder is a small railgun, and the thing on the left shoulder looks like a grenade launcher. Even this guy's head, that is, on both sides of the main monitor, has two small holes hidden under the armor, which are easy to overlook if you don't pay attention. And these two small holes are actually two gun holes. Inside are two light machine guns, which are similar to the coaxial machine guns on the tank. They are directly mounted on a moving bracket with the main monitor. Basically, where the robot sees this You can scan wherever you want.

This thing is not particularly exaggerated on the battlefield. Advanced countries are basically equipped with equipment, which is generally used as an accompanying firepower for infantry. In addition to having a certain amount of armor, which can provide cover for infantry, its firepower is also very strong, and it can provide infantry with close fire support. However, the defense of this thing is actually very general, most individual rockets can handle this thing, and some large-caliber anti-material sniper rifles can also be used with special armor-piercing bullets.

However, in this narrow passage, this thing is quite difficult. Because in such a place, you must not use a huge might weapon, otherwise you will pit yourself together, and ordinary weapons can't help this thing at all.

"Defensive Array type." The moment we saw this thing appeared, we quickly formed the Defensive Array type. A row of shields was erected in front, and then the soldiers of the Nine Headed Snake unit quickly moved from our In the gap, they stretched out their big guns and started shooting at the opposite side.

Even if the intercepting force on the opposite side had two such heavy-duty robots as shelters, several people were killed as soon as they came out. Will be hit. However, although we killed several people as soon as they came up, the two reloaded robots steadily drove out, and then the thing began to turn in place, aiming the thickest armored front at us. In fact, there is no big difference between whether this guy turns or not, because if we use a huge might weapon, which side it uses to block is the same, it will definitely be killed, and if we don’t use a huge might weapon, it will still be the same whether it turns or not. Because it can't move at all.

After turning around, the multi-barrel rapid-fire guns on the two arms under the two reloaded robots began to rotate. The next second was a intensive loud noise, and Jingjing in front of me was obviously shaking slightly. For a while, but it quickly stabilized. On the shield in front, sparks flying in all directions were hit by the dense metal storm on the opposite side, and almost no people were seen. The sound of the metal bullet hitting the shield was deafening. No other sound could be heard in the passage, and it was all covered by this sound.

"Inverrit." Following my reminder, the Nine Headed Snake troops behind gave way to both sides, allowing Iverit who followed behind to walk out. Compared with the personnel of the Nine Headed Snake unit, Ivorite’s equipment is obviously more heavy, so it is not particularly convenient in this kind of place, so I let him and Brigitte follow behind instead of going forward. But now they have to get heavy units like them, because we can't make it through.

In such a short period of ten seconds, Jingjing’s shield has already begun to redden. Although there is no problem for the time being, it is not enough to be beaten like this. We could only retreat carefully while maintaining the formation, and quickly left the previous entrance and retreated to the lateral passage outside. There was no angle of attack on the opposite side.

It was discovered that after we exited, the reloading robot over there only drove forward slightly for two meters and then stopped, but did not chase it out. The other party is not stupid, knowing that being close to us is nothing good.

We couldn't rush up, nor did we chase the other side. The fighting stopped for a while. But as Ivorite and Brigitte stepped up, the battle soon resumed.

When Ivorite was ready, he suddenly walked out of the lateral passage. The weapons on the ground immediately opened fire. Brigitte and Ivorite sparked flying in all directions, even He couldn't even stand, but was pushed back by bullets.

Ivorite also didn't expect that the firepower on the opposite side was so fierce that the weapons on his body couldn't be deployed at all, so he could only retreat back in desperation. Hans was unwilling to rely on the rebound and threw a few grenades in the past, but the two robots were not afraid of such low formidable power offensive grenades.

"Shen Lin, what do you do now?" Hans looked at me and asked.

I hung the gun directly to my back, then took out the shield and equipped it on my left arm, followed by the sword hanging on my waist and held it in my hand.

Hans was taken aback when he saw me like this. Before, he was surprised how many people on our side carried swords. Could this kind of cold weapon be better than a gun? Now that I was holding this thing in my hand, he immediately cast an inquiring look.

I didn't explain anything to Hans, anyway, he would understand after seeing the result. Pull the mask down directly, and then I said to Hans: "My person will be responsible for the assault for a while, and you can just follow."

Although I don’t know what I’m going to do, but since I’m Having said that, he did so. Slightly nodded, Hans also reached out and pulled down his mask.

Not every Dragon Clan member on our side is equipped with a sabre. Most people only have a dagger. The only person with a sword is my favorite. The reason why it is not fully equipped is mainly because the high-frequency vibration blade is too difficult to produce and is not suitable for mass production, so the equipment is limited, and it is quite good to be able to equip us.

Arrange tactics in the spirit net network, let my pets allocate teams, and then cooperate with me for a while, and mobilize several mechanical dogs from behind. After everyone was ready, following my order in the communication, there was a sound of pēng pēng pēng immediately around me. A string of at least 20 grenades was thrown over in one breath, and then the passage completely blossomed. Twenty or so grenades were not thrown out by one person, so they fell in a mess, but because they fell in a mess, the explosion completely obscured the entire passage, and we couldn't see the situation on our side at all.

Just before the explosion was over, I shouted "rush" directly in the communication. Lingling and I, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately rushed out of the corner and entered this passage. The robot dogs that rushed out at the same time as us were also very fast. In order to turn and even ran up the wall, they almost rushed into the passage like flying over the wall, and then began to advance in an S-shaped route, at least at a speed. Reached 120 kilometers each hour.

In fact, Lingling and I are about the same speed, and we thought we ran first, so we rushed farther ahead than the robot dog.

At this time, the explosion just stopped, and we rushed into the smoke before the smoke dissipated. The heavy armed robot has infrared perception ability, so it can naturally find us through the smoke and dust, but Lingling and I didn't run straight, but rushed out of the corners on both sides and crossed each other, and rushed to the opposite wall with the help of inertia. , And then recoiled down and rushed to the wall on this side. There is no way to aim at this S-shaped charge trajectory. In addition, we are all shielded and the speed is so fast. Although the firepower comparable to the battleship near-anti-cannon still hits a few times, it only hits a few times. . If it is an ordinary person, of course, we can't stop it, but we are not ordinary people, and we are wearing a shield, so although the arm is numb, there is no damage.

It took us almost two seconds to rush through the entire passage, and then when we got close to the two heavy armed robots, Lingling and I did something to let the group of people on the opposite startled to fall the chin thing. We did not bypass the two heavy robots, but threw the shield directly, and then, like a rugby player's collision action, we lowered our heads and rushed up, our hands slammed against the chassis of the heavy robot, and then we exerted force on our feet. Lift the front ends of the two robots.

The four manipulator arms of this heavy robot are all heavy weapons. Except for the grenade launcher on the left shoulder, the remaining three weapons are too long to aim and stick to it. Of us. Now the only weapons on this guy that can attack us are the two coaxial machine guns on the robot's head.

In fact, the armed robot did the same. The robot's head lowered, and then the two machines started firing. Lingling and I both bowed their heads and used the sturdy helmet top and thick shoulder armor to carry the bullets hard. In an instant we were sparks flying in all directions, but the coaxial machine gun on the head of the armed robot didn’t know if it was because of the fear of damaging the monitor or because it was originally an auxiliary weapon, it didn’t need too much caliber, anyway, its caliber was very small. , The formidable power is also very general. It is OK for ordinary person, but it is obviously not enough to deal with us. So despite the sparks flying in all directions that we were beaten on, nothing happened at all.

The enemy over there reacted immediately after a brief surprise and wanted to rush to attack us, but the robot dog, who was only a step slower than us, also arrived at this time. It rushed directly from the space on both sides of the robot, and then rushed into the crowd behind. There was a scream behind the robot for an instant, and because the robot dog was too flexible, the people behind didn't know how to fight back. Suddenly Ji Fei Gou jumped and couldn't fight back.

Just after the robot dog rushed over, Lingling and I had lifted the chassis of the two robots up to 45 degrees. Now, let alone the main weapon, the machine gun above his head has no angle. Unable to fire. However, the tracks of the two robots suddenly moved, and they were very clever and chose to reverse backwards.

This guy is not afraid to push forward and push it forward. But the problem is that it retreats, and I lose the strength to support it and immediately let it fall back to the ground.

The armed robot that regained the supply angle immediately wanted to fire, but our task has been completed. Lingling and I had won over this second, and Jingjing and Ling had already rushed forward. Jingjing and Ling, who were running in front, jumped up at the same time, and the shaking blade in their hands swept past. The bodies of the two robots were cut open like butter, half of their bodies fell directly from the ground, and then shaken on the ground for a few times and then they were completely motionless.

Without the obstacle of heavy armed robots, we quickly rushed through this intersection. The enemies behind were just ordinary troops. When we encountered us, we simply couldn’t control the situation. We had to be driven all the way back and left behind. A large number of corpses.

After advancing for a certain distance along this horizontal corridor, we found the longitudinal passage to the core area of ​​the building, and we tested the signal from Donovan Academician again. I don’t know why Donovan’s Academician’s signal is much weaker than the previous one. It is said that we could receive the signal in the outskirts of the city. But now there is no time to entangle this. Anyway, we already know that the signal is about one more than a hundred meters away diagonally above us, and the distance is already quite close.

Breaking through the enemy's firepower forcibly, we finally encountered a security door. This gate is quite heavy, not much more than a bank vault, but it was completely dismantled in less than two minutes in front of us.

When we blasted the door and rushed in, we were stunned at the entrance, forgetting to control the bullets that came. Not because we were stupid, but because we were so shocked.

"This, this...this is...spaceship? There is an immigration ship hidden in the building?"

I don't know what to say anymore. Everything in front of me made me completely stupefied there. At this moment, the space in front of me is not just as simple as just one layer of passage, but a completely open space. The building actually only has a ring-shaped structure on the outside, which is similar to the scaffolding built before the house is built, and its interior is completely empty. There is an immigration ship hidden in this huge space, and looking at the surrounding booms and workbenches, this place should be the construction site of this spaceship.

Although it is incomparable with our Chinese immigration ship, even the American immigration ship is several times larger than this, but it is also a space immigration ship after all, and it is relative to the size of human beings. In other words, this thing is still a huge monster. Don't forget that this thing occupies almost the entire interior space of this building, this is not an ordinary building. The bottom of this building is a whole block. Although it is not the tallest building in the world, it is not much worse. For such a big building, only the outer circle is a real building, and the spaceship inside is all. Can you imagine how big it is? The bottom of this thing is basically equivalent to the size of the four aircraft carriers being erected and tied together, and its height is approximately equal to the height of the two structures made up of four aircraft carriers just now.

Looking at this thing like a dementia for five or six seconds, I didn’t react until I was bombarded by a rocket. After we recovered, the first thing we noticed was that a large group of people were running from an escalator diagonally above us to the spaceship. Seeing that these people looked like the ones who finally participated in the immigration.

Obviously, this is the last resort. It is the real immigration ship of the other party. The previous ones were all pretenders, and the so-called masterminds were actually scammed by the owner here. They are just stepping stones and victims for the other side to find a shield to help them complete this huge plan.

The other party simply didn't intend to trust anyone's guarantee, and they did not use a large-scale spaceship, but instead built such a small spaceship. Although I haven't studied this thing, I saw a circle of six propellers at the bottom of it. That thing is simply not a human product, but an alien thruster removed from the ruins. In other words, the other party simply did not intend to use a low-speed immigration ship, but designed a super-high-speed immigration ship. Once this thing took off, we simply couldn't intercept it, because there was no missile on Earth that could catch it.

Of course, these people certainly don't know a secret... Our Dragon Yuan actually has a large particle beam weapon on the moon.

Because they don't know, this spaceship is invulnerable in the eyes of these people. Once it takes off, Earth simply has no ability to intercept them.

"Quickly, don't let them take off!" I pointed to the spaceship entrance over there and shouted.

Originally, people who saw me being blown up and wanted to come to help suddenly reacted when they saw the direction I was pointing, so everyone rushed over there quickly, and the fastest It turned out to be Ye Yue. Before, she had been performing cleanup tasks from behind, but when she got here, she seemed to have entered the home court. There are booms, pipes, and support beams all over here. These things are the best support points for Yeyue. She rushed up almost as if walking on the ground, and then rushed to the entrance behind those people. , And in the last second before the sealing gate was closed, he held the edge of the gate with his hand to organize its closing.

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