Under our guns, everyone was nervous and squatted against the wall as instructed. Hans’s men quickly entered the scene, and then began to stand in the crowd, directly One of the people on the side of the wall was intercepted.

"You go to the door and stand." Under the command of the Nine Headed Snake soldiers in heavy power armor, the selected part of the crowd quickly moved to the door, during which a woman refused to pass. In the end, he was caught by a Nine Headed Snake soldier and threw it over. Although it didn't take much effort, it was not lightly thrown, but he could barely stand up under the support of others.

With this example, the remaining people are much more honest, and they dare not move at all. The soldiers of Nine Headed Snake began to select people from the crowd again, selecting all the people from each section, and then the crowd in the room was divided into four sections and stood together.

After the crowd was separated, a group of Nine Headed Snake soldiers immediately stood with guns in front of three of the smaller groups, and pointed their guns directly at these people. The people on the other side became nervous immediately, but Because he was pointed at by a gun, he didn't dare to move.

After waiting for the people here to stand, the two Nine Headed Snake soldiers directly opened the door to go out and said to the group with the largest number of people standing by the door: "There are terrorists here. In the crowd, you are the part that has no problem with the screening. Now go downstairs and someone outside will answer. Be careful not to take the elevator and go down the stairs. Move fast."

When the crowd heard that we were not gangsters, and Now you can let them go, and immediately rushed to the door noisily. However, there are only a few dozen people in total, and there are soldiers on our side to educate them, and there shouldn't be any major problems.

People from here rushed out, and the three groups who were pointed at by guns couldn't stand it anymore. One of the young black youths who looked very young suddenly left their original position and ran towards the door, while shouting, "I am not a terrorist, I am..." There was a loud noise before he could finish his words. Then the whole person flew out horizontally as if hit by a truck, hit the wall with a bang and bounced back to the ground. During the period, he didn't even hum because the bullet had blown up half of his chest.

The soldiers of Nine Headed Snake wear heavy power armor. The standard weapon of this thing is a multi-purpose machine gun specially designed for them. Unlike ordinary machine guns, this thing is not only capable of continuous firing, but similar to an assault rifle. Not only does it have a single-shot mode, there are also three-burst and continuous-fire and rapid-fire modes, with a total of four states.

Although the caliber of this weapon is not an artillery, it is already an absolute large caliber in the gun. When using full formidable power armor-piercing ammunition, the bullet formidable power is very exaggerated, except for tanks and hangers. Except for armored vehicles with reactive armor, ordinary lightly armored targets cannot stop the bullets of this thing. And if conventional ammunition is used, the lethality to personnel is also very terrifying. Basically, as long as it is wiped, it will end up with a missing arm or a broken leg, which is fully in line with the concept of death if you touch it.

Just now that guy was hit by a bullet of this kind at such a short distance, and of course he was killed instantly.

We have already killed two people here. Of course, the remaining people dare not move, and can only stand there and watch us nervously.

I walked up to a guy who was of Indian origin at first sight, and then asked directly: "You have an anonymous account with Swiss Bank, do you know?"

The guy shivered. Nodded.

"This account has been remittance of unidentified funds in the last year, can you explain the reason?"


As soon as he said a word, I interrupted: "You have to think about it before you say it, otherwise I can't guarantee that you can get out alive."

The guy suddenly knelt down. Then he cried: "I'm really not a terrorist. That account belongs to the hostile company open for me. They want me to tell them the company's bidding plan, and then..."

"Okay, you Let's go. Your suspicion is eliminated."

I actually don't want to investigate the truth of the matter at all. Letting him speak is just a chance to stimulate his neural response, and then it is convenient for me to read his superficial consciousness.

The guy, such as the amnesty, turned and ran towards the door, but he suddenly heard the peng sound gunshot after two steps, and he shivered with fright. Crying and screaming. But after crying for a while, I found that I was okay. I looked up and found that we didn't look at him at all. When I turned around, I found that the guy who had just stood next to me was lying on the ground, and the upper half of his head was gone.

The reason why I shot this guy so simply is because I detected the desire to attack. Hope. On the premise that I have identified and released one person, the innocent of the remaining people should relax a little bit, because I have shown them that they can survive as long as they are not terrorists. However, after I released a person, this guy actually had the idea of ​​attacking me and then holding me to run away, and this idea was so strong that I could read it before I started paying attention to his EEG. This idea is coming.

People who can have this idea need not say that they are definitely a member of that group, otherwise it is impossible to have this idea.

After killing one guy, I immediately began to screen the remaining people. Among those yellow-marked people, two were real enemy personnel, and the rest were false positives. Among the orange crowd It's almost the same, three goals and two false positives. The red crowd has already been killed, and the remaining four people are right. They are all from the other side, and because they were left behind, they actually planned to fight back. Of course, the result is nothing more than a piece of ground meat. The worst one was directly squeezed by a Nine Headed Snake soldier next to him and his entire head was squeezed.

This group of people actually know that they are not saved. After all, we are all wearing power armor. They are bare-handed. No matter how they look at it, they have no chance of winning. After all, they can't even fight us close. There is no chance of resistance at all. But not resisting is also dead, so these people finally fought, of course, the miracle did not happen.

After we got rid of these people, we started to sweep the whole floor counterclockwise. Apart from the more than a hundred people who gathered there when we first came in, there were also many people hiding in the other rooms, but these people were not so easy to deal with.

Most of the people who gather are planning to leave, because they are all ordinary persons. Of course, when this happens, they want to leave. As for those enemies, they deliberately wanted to get mixed in the crowd and leave, and then waited for an opportunity to cause trouble for us. However, these people who have not left are relatively dangerous. Only a few of these people who did not plan to leave were too scared, or planned to hide for a while for safety reasons. Most of the remaining people were actually from the other side, because they knew the whole story, so they were conscious. Stayed to resist.

According to our speculation, the company that has leased two floors of real estate is a cover for the other party. The top executives of this company should be the other party’s people, and there are also very grand competition examples among the employees. The truth man. The purpose of their establishment of this company is to separate the upper and lower floors so that people below cannot snoop on the situation above. This is equivalent to establishing a secret base, and a secret base in the downtown area. I have to say that this idea of ​​hiding in the city is really good, at least it has been almost two years before, and it hasn't been discovered. This in itself is quite rare.

Since most of the rest are armed personnel, of course we can’t rush forward as we did before, we can only keep the tactical formation and move forward carefully. Of course, our advancing speed is actually very fast. After all, we are different from ordinary commandos. We are all wearing power armor, and ordinary weapons cannot hurt us. Although we should be careful, there is no need to be like a thief. So be careful.

In the promotion team, the Nine Headed Snake person is responsible for the fixed-point removal, and we are responsible for the channel promotion. The weapon of Nine Headed Snake is much larger than our formidable power when the electromagnetic force field is not activated, so it is suitable for heavy fire suppression and removal of obstacles. It is easy to remove a wall when necessary. Although our power armor is fully covered, the design goal is versatility and comprehensive performance, so it belongs to the lighter type. After all, we also have heavier external power armor enhancement components, so the basic type does not need to be too heavy. . Moreover, the lightweight power armor matches our own abilities, and the reaction speed and movement flexibility will be better. When advancing in the corridor, as long as the enemy dares to appear, we will immediately kill him at the opponent’s cover. The hit rate and response Time is much stronger than Nine Headed Snake.

Trotting along the corridor, the front office door will open from time to time, and a muzzle will be exposed. Our reaction speed is super fast, as long as there is a muzzle exposed, we will Shoot directly behind the wall. The advantage of huge might bullets is that they can kill people through walls.

Actually, it’s a good deal to open the door and shoot out. The real trouble is the kind of grenades that open the door directly, or the kind that hides in the room and can’t come out. We have to open the door and search. Instead, it is better for the other party to take the initiative to come out of the provinces and cities. But even if the other party does not come out, or opens the door to throw a grenade, it just creates some trouble. If the other party does not come out, we will directly break the door, regardless of whether you order the other party to surrender first, if it is the timid person who hides, it will come out at this time, and if it does not come out, it will be the other party's person. Regardless of whether you throw a shock bomb in, and then rush in to stun the enemy and drag it out. If you have weapons, you can solve them directly. As for the situation of the other party throwing grenade out, it sounds a bit louder to the silhouette of Nine Headed Snake, but as long as we are there, it’s fine, because our electromagnetic force field is similar to the dynamic effect of the thought in the movie. You can directly bomb the grenade in the air. Going back, we didn't even need to shoot, and the other party killed ourselves.

After quickly sweeping all personnel on this floor, move forward. Twentieth Layer seemed to be an important guard area for the opponent from the beginning. We were blocked by the opponent's heavy fire at the top of the stairs, and the bullets sparked flying in all directions at the top of the stairs, and there was no way to show up.

"Are you on me?" Hans looked at me and asked.

"Go on. You are good at this."

Hans is nodded, and he raised his left hand and pulled it under the weapon of the right hand, then took two steps back. moved towards the opposite wall in the corridor and fired a shot. When I heard peng sound, a can-sized object flew in, then hit the wall and bounced back into the corridor. In the next second, a loud explosion sound was heard, and the bullet in the corridor stopped in an instant. Hans and the two subordinates on the other side suddenly jumped out together, and then the two machine guns entered the burst mode, facing the channel in a random sweep.

"The cover advances." Seeing Hans and the others suppressed the firepower inside, I immediately shouted, and then rushed in with Jingjinglingling and Ling, and the four guns crossed the cover, behind There were also two machine guns suppressed by firepower, and the people in the passage could not fight back at all, and they would be killed when they appeared. But these guys also have a way. They will guard every intersection. Every time we go through a turn, we must face their firepower. And the firepower of these guys is obviously quite fierce. We can only use the standard battle. method, push forward a little bit, although the speed is a bit slower, but at least it can be guaranteed to always move forward.

In fact, the battle is far more than ours. After entering the Twentieth Layer, our side began to be attacked everywhere, so the team also dispersed and turned into a four-sided attack, and each way needs to be advanced. , But it can block all channels of the opponent to ensure that the enemy is trapped on the floor where we are.

After the firefight lasted for about ten minutes, the group of people guarding the roof of the building also sent a communication saying that they had been attacked. Someone seemed to be on the rooftop, but after a few people were killed, the rest were just Withdrawal, but did not continue to rush up.

This situation makes me a little bit puzzled, because if the opponent rushes to the top of the building and runs, then they should continue to attack, but now they only run away after a little contact, which is very Strange. They have so many people fighting with us one corridor one corridor, but no one goes to the roof to open an escape route. This is obviously impossible. The only explanation is that the other party does not want to leave from the roof. So why is this? The passage downstairs was blocked by us, and the other party was impossible to leave from below. Now they even gave up on the top floor. What does this mean? Should we wait for us to attack? Or does the other party think the guards here can stop us?

I can't guess the reason, but I can do what I can think of now, and that is to get in as soon as possible to see what's going on.

It took nearly half an hour and more than 300 guards were killed before and after. We finally found the entrance of the 2nd 10th layer to the 21st layer. It’s not that we have to go up through the passage. We thought about opening a hole directly in the ceiling before, but we soon discovered that this idea was completely impossible because of the difference between the two 10th layer and 21 layers. The partition was separated by armor plates, and it was still a super thick armor plate. Counting the reinforced concrete structure in it, the partition in the middle was almost two meters thick. With such an exaggerated partition, with the effort to make a hole in it, we might as well storm the entrance of the stairs.

Although it took a lot of effort to enter 21 layers, it really made us feel quite strange.

According to the information declared by the building owner, this building has been all residential buildings starting from 21 layers, which means it should be apartment-style residences. However, according to the information given by the US government, the current residential occupancy rate is still very low, and most of them are employees and family members of the company on the second 10th layer, that is to say, they live in the above part. Internal staff.

Originally, there was a company of this size, and the housing conditions of your own family must not be wronged, right? However, when we reached 21 layers, we were surprised to find that the rooms here are all like pigeon cages, and the rooms are only dozens of square meters. Although the land price in New York is very expensive and the apartment is impossible to repair, but by American standards, a house of one or two hundred square meters should be considered the minimum, right? What's the matter with this fifty-sixty flat house? What's even stranger is that the apartment above looks like a circular structure. All rooms are built along the outer edge of the building, and these rooms are so small that they can't use up the area of ​​a floor. In other words, there is still a lot of space in the middle of the whole building, which is completely unused.

Of course, I also tried to use the scanning ability to scan what is hidden in the idle part, but the other party turned out to be more abnormal than the layers below, not only buried steel plates in the walls, but also used The shielding device can seriously interfere with our detection signal.

The more the other party hides like this, the more we want to see the situation inside, so we keep pushing in the middle to find the entrance.

Although the outer circle of apartments and the core part of the building are separated by steel plates, I cannot detect the situation inside, but these apartments in the outer circle are just ordinary buildings and I can easily scan them. Thanks to the external structure, I quickly scanned the surrounding apartment buildings on several floors nearby, and it turned out that I found the entrance.

From here upwards, there is a passage leading to the interior at about the fortieth floor, which means that the corridor on this floor is different from the structure of the floors below. However, this passage also has an isolation door. I couldn't detect the situation inside, so I could only go up and look at it.

I don’t know if the other party concentrated all the defense forces on the second 10th layer and we were killed. Anyway, since the 21st layer, we have not encountered any decent resistance. Only sporadic personnel intercepted us. And basically they are very scumbags, and they will be killed as soon as they emerge.

In this way, we easily ran to the fourth 14th-layer and finally saw the entrance.

In my scan signal, this is an entrance, but for ordinary persons, this is simply not an entrance, because it looks like a circular corridor like the floor below, and then goes along the inside of the corridor There is a circle of rooms. However, in fact, the room in front of us that looks exactly the same as the left and right sides is a fake room. The door of this room cannot be opened at all, because the door is completely embossed. It is actually an integral part of the wall, and the whole wall of the room facing the corridor is actually a door, and it is a door. The rising gate.

"The passage is behind this?" Hans asked, looking at the wall in front of him.

I nodded and said: "There is no furniture behind this door, and no compartments. After passing through this wall, there is a straight passage leading to an area that I can't scan."

"What are you waiting for? Let me blow it up."

"Wait a minute." Xiaochun stuck to the wall and closed his eyes carefully groping, and then quickly found each Position, and then suddenly a faint smile turned his head and said to Hans: “In fact, sometimes violence is not necessary.” Following Xiaochun’s words, the road in front of us didn’t look like the surrounding walls. The wall of any difference suddenly made a bang, and it was obvious that the wall was retreating, and then after retreating about fifty centimeters, the wall began to rise vertically, and as it gradually rose, we finally Saw the scene behind this wall.

This is really not a room, but a white passage. To be honest, this passage does not look like an ordinary residential building, but it reminds me of a high-tech laboratory.

Hans turned his head and glanced at me, then beckoned, holding the gun and carefully walking into the passage. I keenly discovered that the ground uses a very soft material, which feels like a sponge lining inside. The six sides of this six-diamond channel look exactly the same. The light does not only come from the top of the head, but there are lights on the six sides. Of course, the light is built-in and will not stick out, so even if it is on the ground There are also lights, which will not become an obstacle.

It is said that this corridor should be full of combatants from the other side by now, but what makes us feel strange is that it is now empty. From here, we can see the turn that is more than a hundred meters ahead, and there is no one at this distance. As for whether there is an enemy behind the turn, we simply don't know this at the moment, because the environment in this place is too terrible for us, and our detection capabilities are simply useless here.

This place is completely covered by a stable magnetic field, which causes our electromagnetic ability to be severely suppressed. It's okay around us. Once we leave the range of our body, it will decay rapidly, and almost everything is a meter away. Can't feel it anymore. Our hearing is also useless here, because there is a deep noise everywhere, and we don’t know what it is. We can only hear the sound of some kind of large machinery, but the sound obviously has gone through too much. The secondary reflections and penetrations have become quite fuzzy, so we can hear nothing but a low buzzing sound. If we change the place, we can know whether the corner is hiding from people by our hearing alone, because people's heartbeat sounds are already quite loud for us. But it's useless now, because the environment is too noisy, and all sounds are suppressed.

In fact, we still have another ability, which is smell. If someone is in front of us, we should be able to smell it, but the ventilation system here is too advanced, not only has a positive pressure valve, but also has segmented air treatment, so the smell cannot be spread at all, even if I detonate a poison here qi bomb, people in the front corner will not inhale any poison qi, because the air here is supplied in stages, and ten meters away belongs to the management range of another air circulation system, and the gas on both sides will hardly interact with each other. Circulation, our sense of smell is completely useless here.

"Be careful, there is weirdness here." Without the ability to detect, we can only use the dumbest way, go straight to see, anyway, the other party is impossible to let us walk into the core area, what tricks do they have Always show up.

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