Chapter 460 is done in an instant

"Assign goals, prepare, three, two, one, open the door."

Under our feet The airlock closing door suddenly retracted into the walls on both sides, and Ling and I immediately jumped down. At the moment the door was opened, all the lighting equipment in the room was lit, and Nuwa deliberately applied a voltage exceeding the rated standard to the lighting circuit so that the brightness of the lamps reached the endurance limit.

People who had been in the dark didn’t expect a sudden change of light around them. The momentary changes in light and darkness made everyone unable to help covering their eyes, and two of the eight bodyguards showed that they were not Ordinary bodyguards, in this case, the two men even used their memory to raise their guns and aim them at the gap opened by the airlock and start shooting. Accompanied by the blast of the submachine gun, the woman and child in the passage screamed at the same time, and we jumped down at this time.

Although my reaction was very fast, the airlock was not opened as quickly as it closed. Although the whole process took less than two seconds, this time was still enough for the opponent to fire in advance. But we don't care too much.

As soon as I jumped down here, I felt a shot in the thigh. Of course, it turned out unscathed. Before coming down, I had a constant force field barrier on the surface of my body, so even though the bullet hit the thigh, it bounced away. The gun on my side was still half-empty, and the gun was already locked on the target, and then he quickly pulled the trigger. Accompanied by the sound of ping, the guy who fired at the crack of the door began to twitch in an instant, and I didn't hesitate, the gun in my hand was shot at the same rate of fire as a submachine gun in single shot mode. Before Ling and the others landed, the eight bodyguards all fell to the ground.

The eight guys on the ground did not die, but fell on the lower gate and twitched constantly. I just used a stun gun. The effect is similar to that of a stun gun, but the difference is that the stun gun has a wire, so it has a short range. The electric shock bullet has a built-in battery in the warhead, which not only has a long range, but also can use any gun of the corresponding caliber. Launch without a dedicated transmitter.

Of course, the electric shock bullet is a one-time, and the price is not cheap, but anyway, this thing will not be used in large-scale wars, mainly auxiliary ammunition, so sometimes it is quite useful.

After we all landed, the remaining six people here have recovered part of their eyesight. Although Nuwa increased the voltage, it is a lighting lamp and not a flash bomb. Although the sudden change in light may make the eyes uncomfortable, it only takes seven or eight seconds, and then the vision will be quickly restored. Now that six seconds have passed since the lights came on, these people have gradually begun to recover their eyesight.

We did not care about these people next to us, but first reached out and pulled down the weapons from the eight guys who were still pumping, and then Jingjing and the others took out the plastic sticks from their pockets. The belt pulled the hands of these people to the back, and then tied their thumbs with disposable ties. The advantage of this kind of tie is that it does not take up space, and it is convenient to tie, and it is not suitable to break free. Of course, compared to handcuffs, this thing is easier to damage is also a problem. However, the weapons on these people were taken away, and without knives, these ties could not be removed by manpower alone. Even if someone is there to help.

When Jingjing and the others tied up the armed men, I had already walked towards the remaining six people. These people have regained their eyesight. One of the middle-aged man, who was about forty years old, saw us coming over and immediately opened his hand to protect the woman and child behind him, then looked at me and asked nervously: "What are you going to do? They are women and children." < /p>

With a click, my gun has been against the man's chin. "According to the latest resolution of the UN Security Council, since you boarded this ship, you have given up your identity as a human being. Therefore, you do not enjoy any human rights now. Legally speaking, they are no longer women or children, but some Kind of female creatures with wisdom and cubs of that creature. Because there is currently no war clause in the entire world that has designed creatures other than humans, so theoretically, I don’t care what I do to you, even if it’s sliced ​​into pieces. Hamburg, at best, was protested by animal protection organizations. You know what I mean?"

"Sorry sir, we don't want to cause trouble, can we surrender?"

" Surrender?" I deliberately pulled a long tone, and then said: "This may need to be discussed by my superiors, because we have no relevant regulations on whether humans can accept surrender as a foreign object."

"You can't do this, they are still children. Do you still have a little compassion?" A woman of about 22 years old who was blocked behind suddenly rushed out and shouted at me angrily.

I smashed her to the ground with a gun without saying anything. Of course, I paid attention to the strength, otherwise her head would explode. Seeing her face covered in blood rising from the ground and glaring at me, I said, "Sorry, mercy is for creatures of the same kind and for us humans, just like we don’t take mercy to suck our blood. Like the mosquitoes, compassion is non-existent for the inhumans who sacrificed all mankind for the sake of their own small part of people’s lives. Yes, they are children, but for the lives of these two children, they will There are more than a billion children who are as cute as them died in vain, and they didn’t have to die at all. Do you think it is necessary for me to have mercy on you for doing this kind of thing? No, I actually wish I would collapse now But unfortunately, because of some political problem, I have to ensure that the people who do not resist are alive, so you are lucky. At least for the time being, your life will be saved. Of course, I am also happy that you can find me something. Trouble, then I have a reasonable reason to kill you. So, this pretty-looking female creature lying on the ground, are you interested in giving me this opportunity?"

Originally a pair The woman with rather die than submit expression didn't speak any more, although she still stared at me, but she also knew that no matter how much she talked, I would really kill you.

Except for this woman's more aggressive temper, the remaining three adults and two children all cooperated abnormally. The two children were in a kind of extreme fear, and they kept holding the middle-aged woman's hand tightly and dared not relax. For them, we didn't use sleepy ties, but gave them a real anesthetic. This is the standard procedure.

After we got this room, we started to move in the direction they entered before, because that was the direction of the power cabin.

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