Because the immigration ship needs to sail in a vacuum environment, all compartments can be independently sealed. This is mainly to prevent the entire ship from suddenly losing air pressure when the hull is damaged. Setting up an independent sealing device for each room is equivalent to designing a waterproof compartment for a surface vessel. In this way, as long as there is no problem with most of the cabins, the safety of the entire ship will not be affected, and the reliability is much higher than that of an integrated hull.

Although this design itself is not a problem, for those people, the problem now is that these sealing devices are completely controlled by the computer. Of course, there is actually a manual release device, but not everyone knows where it is.

Currently, the immigration ships built by countries in the world are actually derivatives designed under a blueprint, which means that the main structure of the immigration ships is actually not very different, only some specific designs are based on their respective countries. Completed independently. In the original design blueprint, all immigration ships had only a small number of personnel activity areas. In order to maximize the carrying capacity, in addition to the necessary control and maintenance personnel, most immigrants need to sleep for a long time in a dormant hideout like a coffin. And just because these people will not actually move around, there is simply not much designed for ordinary persons on spaceship.

In fact, the immigration ship is completely carrying civilians as goods instead of passengers. Of course, this is not to say that the designers are insulting, but a compromise that has to be made in order to increase the number of immigrants. After all, if the passengers can move around freely, the space needed by each person will increase a lot, and if everyone is lying in the dormant cabin, then one person only needs less than two cubic meters of space, which saves it. The space can be loaded with more people. And because everyone is lying in a sealed dormant cabin like a coffin, the spaceship loads people more like a large amount of cargo than passengers.

Then, since the passengers themselves simply do not move around, naturally there is no need to design simple and easy-to-use operating devices for the passengers, but the main design ideas are to save space, save costs, and be safe and reliable. . Under this kind of thinking, although each cabin has manual devices, the design positions are not conspicuous, and the starting method is not very simple. After all, in the original plan, all these things were operated by professional astronauts. No need to be fooled.

Although the spaceship of these people has undergone a major transformation, the basic structure of the hull still adopts the original design. What has been changed is the function and basic decoration of the internal cabin. The modification to the main body of the spaceship is actually very significant. few. And because there are few such modifications, the manual opening device of the airtight cabin on the spaceship also completely retains the previous design. All manual devices are designed in quite concealed locations, and even because these spaceships have made some special designs for pleasure, the airtight devices in some cabins are completely covered by decorative materials.

These modifications are actually illegal according to the immigration ship standards of various countries, but because these people just want to live their own luxurious lives, they simply did not pay attention to these details. In fact, they simply don't know the existence of these details.

Space migrant ships are not surface ships. Even the aircraft carrier that sails on the water is so complicated that many countries cannot build it independently. The immigration ship that requires deep space navigation is naturally more complicated. You not only have to design various devices and general functional modules, but also consider whether these things will interfere with each other when installed together. Once you find a problem, you need to adjust. This amount of work is actually so huge that all countries did not dare to complete it independently. Instead, everyone worked out a set of basic blueprints, and then everyone built their own immigration ships according to this blueprint, and in order to avoid problems, these blueprints A large number of explanatory documents and technical standards are also attached, the purpose is to prevent the subsequent construction of auxiliary facilities from affecting the main structure of the hull and important functions such as flight and life support.

However, those people’s immigration boats are not just and honorable. They have been constructing spaceships in a sneaky state. Therefore, when designing and building, it is necessary to minimize the number of insiders. This has led to the number of experts they invited is too small. These people may not have any problems with their professional knowledge, but they lack coordinators, so if their designs are taken out alone, there may be no problems, but if they are integrated together, there will be problems.

Now spaceship is taken over by Nuwa, and the airtight cabin needs to be closed as soon as possible when the pressure is released, so all are controlled by the computer by default. After all, the response of the computer is definitely faster than that of the human, and the human needs to rest, but the computer can be on standby for 24 hours. This determines that all airtight devices are controlled by the central computer by default. When Nuwa successfully hacked the central computer on the spaceship, these airtight devices were equivalent to Nuwa's hands. When Nuwa closed these devices, the cabins inside the originally sealed spaceship immediately became a completely sealed environment.

These closed environments cannot exchange gas with the outside world. If there are no living things in the cabin, that's nothing, but if someone is in the room, he will continue to consume oxygen, and because there is no outside oxygen supplement, the oxygen content in the room will become lower and lower. Of course, this rate of decline mainly depends on the size of the room and the number of people. A place with a lot of space like a storage area is okay. If there are only one or two people in it, the oxygen in that place is probably enough for the people in it to last for a few days. However, in places such as some operating rooms and rest rooms, even if there is only one person in it, oxygen can only last for two or three hours at most. It must also be a state where the people inside can calm down and wait for rescue. If the people inside are excited and yelling, they might be unconscious and shocked due to lack of oxygen for half an hour. .

Of course, standard immigration ships will have emergency oxygen supply devices in all compartments that may be occupied, and even some compartments will have simple space suits, but that’s still the problem. This spaceship has been modified too much, and many spaces have been penetrated. As a result, many emergency devices in the originally designed cabin have been removed. Therefore, there are now many cabins without oxygen equipment.

Although these people’s designs are flawed, it is a good thing for us. They all passed out. Our job was simple.

Let Skote and the others stay and guard the central computer room, while I took the others and started moving to the engine room according to the blueprint. There is an emergency manual device on the engine compartment, which can switch the entire spaceship to manual mode when necessary, but this device requires three people to operate at the same time to open it, and there is an identification procedure that can only be done by authorized persons. use.

We don’t know if anyone here has turned on this permission to manually set it, but in order to prevent it, the easiest way is to go there first, and then decide whether to remove or destroy the device according to the situation.

Return to the previous vertical channel, and then we start to move downward, which is the direction of the stern. But unlike when we came here, the long and straight passage that originally looked like a deep well has now become section by section.

In this main passage, there is an airtight door every 20 meters, and now these airtight doors are completely closed, but these doors are under Nuwa's control, so whenever We are close to a door, and Nuwa will help us open the door in advance, simply without us having to spend it. Moreover, Nuwa can not only help us open the door, but also tell us the situation behind the door in advance. For example, now. There were three and a half people trapped behind the hatch in front of us.

Why do you say there are half people? This is Nuwa's problem. Because if a certain airtight door is operated alone, the central computer can control the opening and closing degree and speed of the door, but in order to take over the system as soon as possible, Nuwa directly forged a hull pressure relief signal and sent it to the emergency treatment of all airtight doors. unit. These processing units are subordinate branches of the central processing unit, whose role is to share the calculation pressure of the central computer, and at the same time can ensure that the most basic control functions are maintained after the central processing center has a problem.

Because Nuwa was transmitting the hull pressure relief signal at the time, these emergency processing units directly activated the emergency plan, which is to close the cabin door as soon as possible with the maximum force, because the faster the closing speed, the safety of the personnel in other cabins The more secure. Therefore, according to the emergency procedures, these doors will not go back to consider whether people are standing under the doors under the emergency pressure relief state, and they will use the maximum pressure to cut off everything that is blocking the doors. Unless the hardness of that thing is too high and the hydraulic device on the door is not strong enough, the situation will appear as it is now.

The hapless guy was cut in the waist because he couldn't dodge when the door came down. The lower body is on the other side of the door, but the upper body stays here.

Of course, this guy is not dead yet, but death is a matter of time. After all, there is only half left. This guy is not our Dragon Clan. Losing so much blood will soon be over.

Although this guy is dying now, the other three people who were sealed with him didn't care about him at all, because they couldn't see anything at all.

Nuwa cut off the lighting system while closing all the airtight doors. Except for the cabin we are in, the other cabins are completely dark, and the lighting will restart only when we enter. Now these three intact guys can only hear the screams of their companions, but because they can't see them, they simply don't dare to move.

This place is not on flat ground, but the main passage of spaceship. If the spaceship is lying flat, of course it’s okay, but now the spaceship is on the launch pad, it’s upright, so the passage becomes a vertical well, and the ground under their feet is actually an airtight gate.

Now that spaceship simply hasn’t taken off, how could there be a pressure relief on the ground? Therefore, the activation of this airtight door is definitely an accident such as a malfunction. These people are all engineers. They themselves are responsible for maintaining and building the spaceship, so they know the structure of the spaceship very well. Now they simply don't know why these doors will suddenly close, and they are also not sure if these doors will suddenly open in the next second. Once these doors are opened, the person standing on them will fall straight down, just like falling from an elevator shaft without an elevator.

Because of this concern, these people simply dare not get off the ladder. Although there are flat airtight doors below them, they can only stand still on the vertical ladder because they don't know if these doors will open suddenly, at least so that they won't fall down even if the door is opened again.

Don't dare to touch the airtight door below, and the surrounding area is pitch black. These people don't even dare to move at all. A group of people are breathing fast, as if they are drumming in their hearts. However, their fear was quickly over, because the airtight door above their heads suddenly opened without warning.

At the moment when the airtight door was opened, the cabin they were in was suddenly bright. They have adapted to this completely dark environment for a few minutes. These people’s eyes simply can’t adapt to the sudden light, and the result is When we jumped down, these people were instinctively covering our eyes with our hands. As a result, they all lost consciousness before they could figure out what was going on.

Of course, we didn't use a gun, but directly used electric shocks to make all these people unconscious. They will not wake up for at least a few hours, and even if they wake up, excessive electric shocks will leave these people in a state of whole body muscle spasms, and their actions will be like newborns, with no precision at all. Control your muscles, let alone escape, even crawling is a difficult exercise for them.

There are two main reasons why these people were not killed. First, they are all engineers and can build resettlement ships. In the current period, they are precious human resources that cannot be wasted casually. Second, these are all ordinary workers, and there is nothing evil to talk about.

After occupying the central computing center, Nuwa obtained the information of all the personnel here, so we can accurately investigate everyone. Useful, if it is not the most evil, it will be stunned directly, and there will be recovery troops to clean up afterwards. As for those who are useless, or those who took the initiative to participate in this event... Keeping it is also a waste of precious resources, it is better to directly destroy it humanely.

While stunning the three people, Xiaochun smoothly made up for the half-dead guy on the ground. This guy is not saved anyway. It is more humane to end his life instead of making him so painful, so Xiaochun directly scorched his entire brain with an electric current. The whole process was less than zero and one second, and he didn't feel it at all. Anyone who feels it will die directly. The automated slaughterhouse used a similar principle before killing cattle. Three electric discharge cones were inserted into the cattle’s brain instantly, and then they were killed by electric shocks. The whole process only takes zero and three seconds, and the cattle is dead without feeling pain and fear at all. .

After ending the life of the guy on the ground, we asked Nuwa to open the airtight door, and then continue down. After moving about five or six sections, Nuwa suddenly notified that there were armed personnel in the section below.

The invasion has been so long. This is the first time we have actually encountered armed men.

In fact, the number of armed personnel in this spaceship and the entire base is very scarce, because this is simply not a problem that more people can solve. When these people decide to abandon all mankind and run first, their enemies become all mankind. Although it is impossible that people from all over the world come together to attack them, the US government's army that bears the brunt is definitely not something they can handle. Therefore, these people designed the previous insurances to threaten the US government and other countries not to act against them. This is their only guarantee. As for the guarantee of martial power... Do you think how many troops are needed to work against the American government in the United States?

So, if the U.S. government is frightened and dare not start, they don’t need the protection of armed personnel at all, and if the U.S. government dares to do something, then they will be useless even if they have more armed personnel. Because of this, there are actually very few armed personnel here. After all, there are almost the same, so naturally it is better to have as few as possible. After all, there are not many places on this spaceship, and no one wants to waste it on a group of muscular men. After all, in space, these people have no value at all. Computing really encounters various dangers, do you still expect these bodyguards to fight alien creatures or natural disasters? Therefore, it is enough for these armed personnel to have a few, but more is not good.

Of course, their idea is now cheaper for us. Although we are not afraid of these armed men, the purpose of this operation is not to counter the insurgency, but to seize the spaceship. Siran may not have enough time and manpower to change this spaceship back to the previous design, but even if nothing moves, the ship can at least take more than 10,000 people, isn't it? So, this thing is actually quite important.

Because spaceship itself is very important, we try to avoid firefighting as much as possible. After all, if we shoot in spaceship, we don’t know what is broken, and the maintenance will be very troublesome afterwards. The best way is not to destroy these things and minimize the loss as much as possible.

There were no armed men along the way before. Suddenly, we ran into a group of people in this scene. Of course, we all became cautious.

Nuwa directly displays the pictures taken by the infrared monitor in the cabin below through the internal network of the electronic brain in our minds. We can see that there are about eight in the cabin below. There are armed personnel, but there are also six ordinary persons.

These people seem to be originally not in the main channel. There was an open door on the wall on the side of the main passage, which was obviously opened from there using a manual device. These people were supposed to be in the side room, and only came here after being closed here.

The strange thing is that the composition of this group of people is more complicated. Except for the eight armed men who knew they were bodyguards at first glance, there were not only two young women, but also two children among the remaining six.

These two children are not particularly small, the larger one is about eleven or twelve, and the younger one is at most eight years old, but they already have several mobility abilities at this age.

"Attention, there are children, ready to use non-lethal weapons."

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