The internal structure of the eight manned spaceships is actually not exactly the same, but is divided into two types. Just as there are rich areas and slum areas in the city, the eight spaceships are also divided into luxury spaceships and ordinary spaceships. Three of the eight ships are the deluxe version and five are the regular version. The luxury version of spaceship is said to have more luxurious internal facilities, of course, at the cost of fewer people.

I was shocked when I heard that the group of people were madly repairing the artificial forest in the spaceship. Now I heard that the design was a normal version, and the deluxe version has a more exaggerated structure. , I was trapped at that time. These people really have no lower limit!

The spaceship we are in charge of is one of the three luxury spaceships. The other two are said to be in charge of the Germans and Russians. The most important reason for this arrangement is the assault forces of our three countries. The strongest.

I don’t know if that group of people has done too many bad things, even God can’t stand it anymore. When we return to the airport, we will bring all the people and heavy equipment left on the plane and arrive directly by plane. After the nearest airport to the other party, the sky suddenly started to become cloudy.

It is said that the rainfall in this place is very small. Rain is a rare thing, but it is rare that we ran into it, and we heard about the rainfall in this place when we left the airport. If the above is no less, it is amazing. There are only a few rains here each year, but every time it rains, it must be an extremely heavy rain, which can change the road surface into a river in half an hour.

After our convoy left the airport, the sky was completely dark before it ran far. Although the current time is 5pm local time, it is far from dark, but it is actually dark. It seemed like it was very late at night, except for the momentary light brought by the occasional lightning. It was almost completely dark. This kind of weather will have a great impact on the take-off of the immigrant ship, so the other party has absolutely no way to take off in this kind of weather, and the better thing is that once it really starts to rain, then our actions will also get heavy rain. It’s important to know that any detector is ineffective in this kind of heavy rain.

The low temperature rain water can greatly reduce the infrared radiation. Unless the distance is very close, the target cannot be found at all. At the same time, heavy rain can also obscure the line of sight, the observation deck will be useless, and the radar is almost useless in this kind of weather. Existing detection methods such as this Reverend will all become blind in this kind of weather.

If this kind of weather can continue until we successfully sneak into the spaceship, then our actions will be greatly facilitated.

After our motorcade left the airport for more than ten minutes, the first drop of rain finally fell on the windshield, and then it suddenly became a downpour in less than two seconds. The weather in this place is indeed the same as Terry said. Not only was it raining suddenly, but also the amount of rain was amazing. We can only use our Dragon Clan internal network to communicate in the armored car, because the sound of the rain on the car body is simply deafening. , Even if you shout loudly, you can hardly hear what the other party is saying.

Of course, there is actually an intercom in the car, but we have an internal network, so using that thing is totally unnecessary.

Looking at the action plan in front of us, we seem to be in a daze on the surface, but in fact we are making tactical arrangements in the internal network.

According to the content written in the plan, what we need to do is to sneak into the spaceship without being discovered as much as possible, and then go all the way up to the location of the central computer inside the spaceship. The next job is to directly connect to the central computer, and then insert the special data exchange we brought. This switch is equivalent to a dedicated wireless network card. As long as it is connected to the central computer, the dedicated radio detection vehicle parked outside can establish communication with this computer, and then our Longyuan Nuwa super biological computer will Directly connect with this computer through the private network of the US military.

Although the central computer on the immigration ship is also a very powerful computer, it is still far behind the super-super biological computer like Nuwa, which is just one of the whole world. Therefore, as long as the communication is established, Nuwa It is possible to break the protection of the immigration ship’s owner’s computer in a very short time, and then take over the entire spaceship.

When spaceship is taken over, Nuwa will lock all access channels and cut off all communication lines. After that, those people in spaceship will become turtles in the urn, and we can have room by room. They can’t get out, nor can they gather together to resist. More importantly, after the spaceship is controlled, it can't be fired, and as long as it can't fly, we have 10,000 ways to get them.

Of course, if there is a problem with the work of invading the host room, for example, it is discovered in advance, then our action plan will be changed.

If we are discovered, there should be only one choice the other party may make, which is to send combatants to intercept us while speeding up the take-off process, and then forcefully take off. Once this happens, the first thing we need to do is to go to the engine room and find a way to cut off the main power before the opponent ignites.

The power system of the engine compartment needs the main power to ignite, and the fuel is not injected by its own pressure, but is drawn from the fuel tank by the pressurizing pump, and then sent to the reaction chamber to be ignited. The process requires the assistance of electricity, and once the power in the engine compartment is cut off, the main engine cannot ignite. Even if it is ignited, as long as the electricity disappears, the main engine will immediately turn off. The super electromagnetic engine alone can only fly in space. Without the participation of the main engine, a huge monster like an immigration ship can never escape from the gravity of Earth.

Of course, there is another possibility that we were not only discovered in advance, but also failed to prevent spaceship from taking off as planned. Then we need to proceed with the third plan, which is to give up the work of grabbing control and wait first The spaceship breaks out of the atmosphere and reaches a safe height, then installs bombs on the spaceship, and finally uses the escape pod on the spaceship to escape from the spaceship and directly detonate these spaceships.

To be honest, I actually prefer the plans that Nuwa and I planned before I came to the United States, but since it’s a joint operation, we must follow the plan. After all, this kind of thing is an international affair. , If we do everything in a big way, not only will no one remember you well, it will cause trouble instead.

After reading the plan, our convoy finally merged with another US army outside the opponent's spaceship. The number of US troops here is not much, but by looking at the equipment, it is known that it is a test force, that is, the kind of powerful force with extremely advanced equipment.

The route from here on can not use armored vehicles, because it is easy to find, but we don’t need to walk there. The Americans have prepared a pure black transport truck, which is ugly in shape, and it feels like a coffin with four wheels installed under it. However, this thing is said to use invisible materials, which can avoid the close-range scanning of radar and infrared detectors. The dark color is also very suitable for this kind of rainy night action. The only uncomfortable thing is that his grandfather is driven by humans. Can you die if you install an electric motor?

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