Chapter 454 American Emergency Plan

Once the spaceship of those people takes off, we will not have the opportunity to wait for the spaceship anymore, and even We went up, and how we came back after the spaceship took off is also a problem, so we not only have to go up, but also prevent them from taking off, so the time becomes very tight.

Terry urged us to almost rush out of the underground base, and then Terry started to explain the content of the operation to me and the others in the team on the way.

First we figured out one thing, that is, the troops dispatched in this operation, except for Terry and his two dozen men, were all foreigners. In other words, apart from Terry and the two dozen people dispatched in this operation, the rest are not Americans.

After learning that there were only two dozen Americans, the communication channel in the convoy was in chaos, but was soon appeased. When Terry and the others got into the car, they separated all of the two dozen people, and then each car had a Terry's man. Except for the armored vehicle we are in, Jingjing is driving, all other vehicles are driven by Terry's subordinates. Now these people also act as comforters in addition to driving.

Although everyone is a little bit emotional, the hundreds of people dispatched this time are all elites, so although we can't say that the discipline is very good, but at least they won't make a fuss. After everyone was quiet, Terry began to explain, and we quickly understood the reason for this arrangement.

Those guys who grab spaceship and abandon all mankind can do this kind of thing in the United States. It can be seen how profound their invasion of various forces in the United States is, although because they are now ready to run away, many The exploited people discovered that they did not intend to take them with them, so they no longer serve the organization, and many even voluntarily surrendered to help the government fight the organization that abandoned them. However, in any case, this organization is after all an organization with a strong ability to act, and we are still not sure what kind of state they have penetrated into the US government.

Because of this, we cannot be sure that any US force is absolutely safe. This is why there is no American gang of iron cans among the personnel dispatched this time, not only because most of those guys have been sent to various countries to perform tasks, but the more critical reason is that the US government can’t guarantee these troops. There is no other person’s eyeliner, and once our actions are exposed, then the whole world will be in danger. Therefore, none of the people in this operation came from the US government and military.

Terry is Crown Prince of the Eagle Group. His identity is very special, so he is absolutely reliable. The people who followed Terry this time are all the most important confidential units under the Eagle Group. Security personnel. These people are all personnel who have undergone emergency screening. Basically, it can be determined that there is no possibility of the other party’s personnel infiltrating. After all, this screening is very strict. People who can hold confidential positions in important units of the Eagle Group are already well-founded. People from this category have also been screened for ten selections at Level 1 this time, and the personnel are naturally more reliable. Concerning the future of all mankind, no one dares to be careless.

After the people in the United States are selected, of course they cannot rely on such a small number of people to carry out the task, so the people brought by the representatives of various countries have become the key. As a matter of fact, the heads of state had already known the news before coming here, but only two or three people in each country knew about this incident, and now these people in the team just got the news just like me.

All of us were selected by the heads of countries for secret screening before coming. If it is a normal meeting, obviously we don’t need to bring so many security forces. Although I was a bit weird before, but we didn't expect that our purpose is to do this. Now that I know the reason, I immediately feel that everything before is straightened out.

Tell us again why we were gathered here, Terry and the others began to release the real mission information.

First, Terry explained to us the source of this mission. Just like I thought before, because those people were planning to take off, and those outside of their organization who knew that the spaceship had taken off but had not received the boarding notice, they immediately understood that they were abandoned. Of course, these people will not continue to help those who abandon themselves, but some of them have chosen to be silent because they are afraid that the government will settle accounts after the fall. But some people stepped up out of anger, hoping that by helping the US government, that organization would pay the price, and at the same time, the US government would be able to give them a quota for the immigration ship. This is retaliation and a deal.

Among these people, there are some people who hold positions that can be slightly exposed to some important secrets of the other party. Although those bastards who abandon all mankind are inhumane, they are not stupid. The people they abandon are people who are irrelevant to their plans. Those who really hold the core secrets have been notified in advance, so the U.S. government accepted them. The information these people actually possess is peripheral information. However, when the external information is collected, some internal information can still be inferred, especially the US government itself is not a display. The intelligence system of others is still very difficult to deal with. Although this is a major mistake, it is because The top of the intelligence agency was also bought by the other side. Now the high-level of the intelligence agency has gone to Spaceship High Level to launch. Although the intelligence agency without the head temporarily lost the commander in chief, it is precisely because the commander in chief who was bought passed away, so those collected by the previous agents were The intelligence suppressed by the boss of the intelligence organization has now all been turned over.

If it wasn't because the boss of the intelligence agency was bought off, deliberately suppressing the intelligence, and deliberately interfering with the collection of intelligence, then the summarization of this intelligence would have been able to restore all the other party's plans. At this time, there were no internal problems of the intelligence agency. Comparing this information with the intelligence of those who surrendered, a lot of things were immediately clarified.

The organization's plan to threaten the whole world is nothing more than two aspects. One is to use false orders to command U.S. special forces to invade other countries’ Ark bases, and then threaten to blow up immigrant ships in these bases. , Forcing countries to let them go. The second is to use the nuclear weapons they control in the United States and use nuclear deterrence to force the nations of the world to let them go. Of course, there are secret bombs that they have installed in certain Ark bases throughout the United States. Once these bombs explode, the future of the Americans basically does not exist. When the time comes, what Americans can do is true. It's possible. So, this can even be regarded as three insurances.

Now that the US special forces that invaded the Ark bases in various countries have been blocked, the US government responded quickly and decisively ordered all US troops overseas to lay down their weapons. Although this order caused heavy losses to the Americans politically and militarily, it was a method of drawing salaries from the bottom of the pan, and it directly dismantled those people's first insurance.

As for the other two insurances for those bastards, the Americans have also used the intelligence re-assembled by the rebels and the Intelligence Section of their country to figure out the general situation.

They first determined that the bombs in the Ark bases in the United States were a mixed control bomb. This bomb has a timed detonation device, but this device has a remote reset setting. They planted some dead soldiers in these bases, at the cost of taking away their families, allowing these people to stay willingly to complete this task. These people are the original staff in the Ark base, and they brought the bombs in. At the same time, they also have a device in their hands, which is like a car remote control, which sends out a wireless command once pressed. The countdown devices on those bombs have actually been working, which means that they have been counting down to detonation since they were installed. However, these bought-in people will pass from the vicinity of the bomb once in a while. When they pass the vicinity of the bomb, they will press the remote control, and then the bomb will reset the time immediately after receiving the signal, that is, restart the countdown.

As long as these people reset the time without interruption, these bombs will never explode, because their countdown time is reset without returning to zero. However, once these people learn that the spaceship was not launched or was intercepted by anyone, they will stop resetting the time device, and once they do not reset the time, the bomb will detonate after the countdown is over. .

With regard to this threat, the Americans' approach is simple and violent.

They directly used the Ark bases of various countries to be invaded by their own special forces as an excuse to worry that other countries would also follow the same method to destroy their Ark bases and directly closed all the Ark bases.

These bases will enter a completely enclosed device from now on. Any personnel entering or leaving the base will be completely enclosed, and even the supply of raw materials will be suspended for a period of time. After all, there are some materials in the base, short It's not a big problem if you don't replenish it in time.

After closing the base, the U.S. government will close the communications within the base, and then use a set of fake communications information to access the base. People lose contact, they cannot receive network signals, and the only external information channel is one-way communication such as television and radio. Moreover, the television and the stopped broadcasts they see are not real, but are specially forged by the US government. of. The people at the base thought they were seeing news from the outside, but they were actually fake videos recorded by the US government. The U.S. government will pretend in the video that everything is going smoothly. The spaceship of those people will take off smoothly in the news, and then leave Earth, and these people in the base will think that things have not changed when they see the news, and they will continue to de-emphasize. The time to place the bomb so that the bomb will not explode.

Of course, this method is impossible to go on without limit. After a long time, people inside will definitely find the problem, but the US government does not expect to deceive for long. As long as the news is not leaked during our actions. Regardless of whether our actions are successful or not, those in the spaceship are estimated to be unable to survive. After that, as long as the launcher encounters problems with the excuse, the spaceship can wait indefinitely on the launch pad, which can further buy time. Then, while the base is closed, internal inspections will also be carried out.

Because it is known that these bombs need to be constantly reset by remote control to prevent explosion, so as long as a large number of radio detection devices are prepared in the base, the transmission signals of those radio reset devices can be detected . It's easy after that. As long as the time of signal appearance is compared with the location information of the personnel in the base, the person responsible for resetting the bomb can be accurately found, and because the effective distance of this radio recharge device is only a few meters, the location of the bomb can also be located by the way. Even if it is hidden, searching within a few meters will not be too troublesome.

As long as the person in charge of the remote control and the bomb are found, the next thing is not just how the Americans play? Therefore, the Americans have already had a countermeasure against this bomb issue.

Of course, the premise is that our actions cannot leave a fish that escaped the net, otherwise, once those people escape, and in case they release the information that they have been attacked, no matter how much As soon as someone here sees it and causes the bomb to detonate, it's over. Of course, this probability is very low, because the opponent has a very low probability of running away after being attacked, and even if it runs away, the information must be sent to the connectors in these Ark bases under the information control of the US government. Quite difficult, so the probability of failure of the action is very low. But after all, this is something that concerns the safety of all mankind. Even if the probability is very low, we dare not be careless. Accidentally the extinction of mankind was caused by us. Who would dare to be careless?

After explaining the bomb problem, the rest is the nuclear bomb problem.

About this nuclear bomb, the Americans also thought of a way. Because they do not know which nuclear bombs those people control, the method the Americans took is to seal up all nuclear weapons. Of course, it was not only the Americans who sealed it, but the major powers participating in the operation.

Some people may not know that nuclear weapons and conventional weapons work differently. Compared with chemical explosives that need to be treated carefully, nuclear weapons are characterized by stability. If the detonating device in the nuclear bomb is not working properly, whether you drop it from a high altitude, throw it into a fire, or touch various chemical substances, at most it will cause the shell of the nuclear weapon to rupture and leak radioactivity, the nuclear weapon itself. It will never explode. Even if there is a nuclear leak, as long as the radioactive material inside is not completely scattered in the air and cannot be recovered, there are many ways to deal with these problems easily. Therefore, it is actually very simple to neutralize nuclear weapons. There are even some methods that can be done by any person without any professional knowledge. Because the manual detonator of a nuclear weapon will lock the nuclear bomb as long as it is incorrectly entered three times in a row. Later, unless the detonator is changed, the nuclear bomb will be blocked. Completely invalidated. So, as long as you have access to it, it is actually very simple to abolish a nuclear bomb.

Of course, the Americans did not adopt this method, but the method of dismantling all the detonators of nuclear bombs.

This time the Americans’ plan is to let countries work with them to dismantle everyone’s nuclear detonators, and then store all the detonators together. As long as the detonators and nuclear weapons are not together, the nuclear weapons themselves are It is equivalent to scrap iron.

Countries are very strict in the management of military supplies. Even rifle bullets, such a large number of things, have specific numbers. There will be records wherever a shot is made and where a shot is destroyed. Even bullets have detailed records, so of course nuclear bombs can't go wrong. It must be very clear how many nuclear weapons a country has, at least for them. Therefore, as long as the corresponding number of detonators is recovered, it is useless even if some of those people control the code or authority to detonate the nuclear bomb, because the nuclear bomb has been physically sealed, not that you let it explode. It will explode.

Of course, the detonator can be rebuilt, and the other party can steal it, but it takes time. Before they succeeded because the US government and other countries in the world did not know the existence of this organization, now they have emerged When the water comes, the longer the time delays, the more impossible they will have the chance to win, because the US government must have more control than them. Besides, we will start to act soon. After this operation is completed, even if we fail and let the other party run away some people, they will definitely suffer heavy losses. The remaining people are simply impossible to compete with the U.S. government. Face it.

In fact, these all are considered in accordance with the worst plan. After all, this matter is very important, and everyone dare not have the slightest chance of luck. But even if everything is considered in accordance with the worst probability, we have already determined that there will be no major problems, so this action is executable and will not affect the safety of all mankind.

I explained the whole sequence of events clearly, and then Terry began to introduce us to the personnel of this operation.

Because the people who came this time came from different countries, the degree of cooperation would become a big problem. Even if they are all elites, there are inevitably some problems in the first cooperation, so the method used in this operation is to do their own things.

The target spaceship is more than one, but there are as many as sixteen, so there is no need for us to form a mixed formation. The countries participating in this conference are six particularly strong countries, including the United States, China, Russia, Germany, France, and the United Kingdom. There are also several strong countries such as Japan, South Korea, India, and Italy. These countries are all countries that build their own immigrant ships, so they are not the kind of weak existence, because even if the construction technology of immigrant ships is shared by all countries in the world, after all, everyone has a hand, so if you are completely basic No, it is certainly impossible to build an immigration ship by simply relying on shared technology. Besides, building an immigration ship itself is also a test of national power, but it does not mean that any country can afford it. Therefore, basically the countries that can participate in this conference and send delegations have a certain weight in the international arena. There is no need to think about backward countries, small countries, poor countries, and countries without cutting-edge industries, because they simply cannot play, nor can they play.

The distribution plan Terry came up with was discussed by representatives of various countries in the previous meeting. Eight of the sixteen spaceships in the target are tankers, and there are basically few people in them, so one of the second-tier countries is responsible for each, and the remaining eight main targets are each of our six strongest countries. One is in charge, and the remaining two teams are respectively responsible for the two groups of Japan, South Korea, India, and Italy. Although this still requires cooperation, only two groups are duo, which is not a big problem. Moreover, these two groups are relatively strong. Among them, Japan can almost be regarded as a first-tier country. Italy is similar. South Korea and India are slightly weaker, but they are also pioneers among the second-tier countries. So even if the cooperation is not too smooth, there should be no problem. Big.

The team is divided into groups, and the next step is the official mission content. Because this thing is designed for each spaceship individually, there is no notification on the public channel, but everyone will discuss it in teams. We naturally got our mission plan.

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