Because we can’t make up our minds on our own, in the end I decided to brainstorm and let the players in the army’s divine ability know the trade to discuss it. Didn’t expect actually did it. The Third Type program.

Our Frost Rose League always attaches great importance to quality first when recruiting people, so unlike ordinary guilds, our Frost Rose League members are of higher quality, although we cannot say that all of them are Elite, but at least the average level is high. as the saying goes Three heads have competed against Zhuge Liang. With so many high-quality talents here, we can naturally discuss some more useful methods.

According to the results of our brainstorming, the solution that everyone finally selected was the Third Type solution other than the choice.

The content of this third plan is actually a combination of the previous two, and it also unifies our original plan. Of course, this plan needs to be changed during execution, and it cannot be executed directly.

According to our initial plan, I assembled the high level battle strengths of the gods of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order and Christina and their guilds. The purpose is to give a free Divine Race to They draw their salaries from the bottom and directly attack their divine force core. In this way, the free Divine Race can no longer do anything to us, because if the divine force core is attacked, let alone what we did successfully, even if we didn’t do anything, it’s just divine. The news of the force core being attacked let those free Divine Races know, and they will immediately shrink their defenses, at least for a short time, it is impossible to make any more targeted actions against us.

So, as long as we attack the divine force core, all the gods of the free Divine Race will immediately gather towards the place where the divine force core is located, which is almost more effective than the summoning order.

For this reason, the plan we came up with after the guild discussion is to continue to implement the previous plan, and let the high-end battle strengths in these guilds attack the divine force core of the free Divine Race. Once our actions are discovered, regardless of whether we have touched the divine force core or not, all members of the free Divine Race will be automatically recalled to the headquarters anyway, so that those free Goddess golems will lose their protective personnel.

This is the 1st Step. When the 1st Step is completed, the gods of the Free Divine Race will be called back to the headquarters, and then we can take advantage of our Frost Rose League, that is, the strengths in mobility, and quickly pull back our high-end martial power. Then began to attack those free Goddess golems.

The battle strength of free Goddess golems is actually very general. The functions of these free Goddess golems are similar to siege equipment. They have high damage output, but their flexibility is very bad. This thing is almost a living target when acting alone, just like those trebuchets, dealing with city walls may be very difficult to deal with, but without infantry guards, the trebuchet itself is very fragile. Although these free Goddess golems are higher level than trebuchets and have their own defensive ability, for those of us high-end martial power, this defensive ability is almost impossible. Therefore, in our view, the free Goddess golem itself is not difficult to deal with.

After all the high level personnel of Free Divine Race are transferred away, the high level battle strength of our Frost Rose League will gather to attack the fifteen free Goddess golems on the move. If nothing else, according to our speculation, although we will first attack the divine force core of Divine Race of Freedom, it will definitely delay a certain time, but as long as we move fast, at this time the Golem of Free Goddess should not reach Isengard to move. The attackable range outside the fortress. That is to say, when we started to return to intercept these free Goddess golems, they were actually unable to attack the Isengard Mobile Fortress. Of course, because the opponent is already very close to Isengard Mobile Fortress, we definitely can't destroy all the free Goddess golems before they reach the attacking position, but at least half of them can be guaranteed to be killed. In other words, there are only seven free Goddess Golems that can approach Isengard Mobile Fortress in the end.

Because the free Goddess golem will be destroyed one after another during this transitional period of contact with Isengard Mobile Fortress, so this plan is actually a plan between our previous two plans, no It can ensure that we have enough maneuvering time and the safety of Isengard Mobile Fortress to the utmost extent. At the same time, it also takes into account our capital investment. Of course, the more important point is that we can threaten the divine force core of Free Divine Race by the way. This is what I value most.

As long as the divine force core of the free Divine Race is threatened, they will be very careful. In the subsequent battles, even if the free Goddess wants to do something to us, they can only take the free Divine Race. It's just a part of the strength to deal with us, because no Divine Race dare to use its divine force core to joke.

After the plan is made, the remaining part is the execution plan.

"Call everyone here, we are going to attack the divine force core of Divine Race of Freedom." I said to the god of war.

The military god quickly responded: "Understand, the convening order has been issued."

The speed of the guild’s personnel is very fast. After about ten minutes, all should participate in this meeting. The personnel of the operation have already been gathered by my side, and the location where we are standing at this time is not a secret place, but the transnational Transmission Formation on the mobile fortress of Isengard.

The reason why the transnational Transmission Formation is called the transnational Transmission Formation is that its transmission power is so large that it can be connected to the transmission signal of a long distance. The more important point is that the transnational Transmission Formation can penetrate national barriers. This thing It is the root that affects the failure of ordinary Transmission Formation to transmit to foreign countries. Otherwise, it looks like the Transmission Formation on the border between the two countries. In fact, it is separated by a national border, and the straight-line distance is less than one kilometer. As a result, it still cannot be transmitted. This is because of the existence of the national barrier.

Transnational Transmission Formation has the ability of breakthrough barriers. This capability is not completely aimed at national barriers, but all barriers can be used. However, it is believed that the general barriers are set up temporarily, and the transnational Transmission Formation itself does not have the ability of undirected transmission, so we generally cannot use it to forcibly block the breakthrough space.

But this time is different.

The headquarters of the Freedom Divine Race, which is also the Temple of Freedom, has a special space blockade. In this area, Transmission Formation and teleport spells are not available, which means that you can’t directly Teleported to the Temple of Freedom. However, this one doesn't work for us, because we have Pandora.

Pandora is good at spatial positioning and forced breakthrough transmission restrictions, and can carry out group transmission. Although it is a bit expensive, it is completely different if it is done on a transnational Transmission Formation.

When Pandora is leading this Transmission Formation on a transnational Transmission Formation, Transmission Formation itself becomes Pandora’s battery, and Pandora can extract the energy of Transmission Formation and use the energy of Transnational Transmission Formation to tear. Space and establish a stable space channel. During this period, Pandora only needs to provide a breakthrough protection barrier method and space coordinates.

Because of the assistance of transnational Transmission Formation, Pandora will be able to transmit all of us involved in this operation to the Temple of Freedom at once. This kind of centrally blossoming sneak attack is definitely Unexpected by the enemy.

Everything is ready. People on our side are all stuck on the transnational Transmission Formation, while Pandora closed his eyes and started to feel the position of the spatial signal, and then opened his eyes nodded towards me. Seeing Pandora's nodded, I immediately held Eternal in my hand and turned it into a sword shape, and then there was a rustling sound of weapon collision from other people around. In this raid, we will blossom from the center, so we may need to fight as soon as we appear. Therefore, everyone has directly prepared weapons. Some legal systems have even pinched the excited state spell in their hands, as long as a single thought You can throw it out at will.

Seeing that we are all ready here, Pandora immediately launched Transmission Formation. Accompanied by a burst of dazzling golden lightning, there was a burst of distortion on the Transnational Transmission Formation, and then a new golden light particle suddenly appeared in the center. The light particles expand to the surroundings, quickly turning into a huge ball of light covering all of us, and then suddenly contracting, the transnational Transmission Formation instantly calms down, and the us on the Transmission Formation also disappears above the Transmission Formation.

Just two seconds after we disappeared on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress, in the Freedom Temple of Divine Race of Freedom, a golden arc suddenly flashed between the wall and the ground above a corridor, The arc walked along the walls and the ground for a while and then disappeared immediately, but then more arcs began to scurry between the walls, the ground and even the ceiling like a group of small snakes. One of the arcs accidentally hit a vase placed on the edge of the corridor, followed by a bang explosion, and the vase instantly turned into fragments and sprayed a lot of white smoke.

The sound of the vase breaking is very obvious. Several free Divine Races working in the room ran out to see what was going on when they heard the sound, but they just opened the door and found a golden light outside. Brilliant, I can’t see anything at all, and when the free Divine Race right in the front was still holding his eyes to block the glare, a dark red blade suddenly came out from behind the free Divine Race. And that guy also had an incredible expression on his face and grasped the person in front of him desperately, but in the end his strength was getting smaller and smaller, and he was finally pushed aside easily.

As soon as I came up here, I brought down a free Divine Race, and then directly pushed the corpse away and walked inside. Hades followed me into the room and squeezed the neck of a free Divine Race with one hand. The guy instantly turned into a corpse. Then Hades pressed his fingers, and the guy’s body peng sound light sound directly. It became a pool of scattered sand and fell on the ground. On the other side, Poseidon is pulling his golden Trident from the chest of another free Divine Race.

Aphrodite walked in and looked around the layout of the room, and then said: "There is no one here. Where is the layout of the divine force core?"

Pandora, who just finished the teleportation, said: "Vena Lord God should be able to sense it?"

Vena hearing this nodded said: "I can feel it, it's in that direction."


As Vina's finger pointed, we looked towards the oblique side of the room together. Pandora said embarrassingly: "It seems that the free Divine Race's spatial shielding is still very strong, my transmission is disturbed, and the position is a bit off."

"Where are we now?" Golden Star God in Ox asked.

Pandora said: "We are still in the Freedom Temple of Divine Race, but the position has been a little bit off. Originally, I wanted to go directly to the core of divine force, but now it seems to be dropped. The functional building area in front."

"That won't be too far." Gold coin said: "Our confidant, we search forward, and we should be there soon."

< p>I nodded and said to Pandora: "Pandora, you recover well. You will need your ability when you leave for a while. Other people will pay attention to protecting Pandora. Let's move in that direction."

After I finished talking, the Pisces Star God standing at the back wanted to go out, but was caught by Golden Ox. "Where are you going?"

"Aren't you going there? Of course, I went out from here." Pisces asked without understanding.

Golden Ox knocked on the other side and said, "Why are you stupid than me! What kind of door do you go at this time!"

With the silhouette of Golden Ox, it is really red A punch blasted a big hole in the side wall of the room, and then a group of chaotic and order Divine Race walked directly over, anyway, feeling that the hole was not big enough and destroyed it. Most temple buildings are frame structures. As long as the load-bearing columns are not damaged, even if all the walls are demolished, the structural strength of the building will not be affected.

After almost tearing down a wall, those of us went directly to a side hall on the side. There are many clerks here who are busy with official duties, but there is no free Divine Race, and they are all ordinary Basically, the clerical staff of the clerk are all clerical staff without battle strength or some staff with very low battle strength.

Although these people here are civilians of the free Divine Race and basically have no battle strength, we neither intend to let them go nor waste time to quiet them, so we walk in the front Several Divine Races of chaos and order directly used small skills to kill all the people here, among which Hades's ability is the most terrifying. He has an ability similar to a domain. After activation, all life in the place he walks will wither. Almost the people he walked over there died, and he did not see him do anything, completely dead unfathomable mystery.

True Red looked at those who fell for no reason, and exclaimed: "Damn, this is the real Death God is here!"

Just killed them all. Afterwards, the people in this side hall collapsed another wall, and then we left the building. Look at the not quite clear situation inside the building, and it will be much better after it comes out. From here, we can see that the direction behind us is the main service hall for receiving players, and the place we just came out may be the back-end department of the office of advanced professions, similar to a place such as a database. There is a large building not far in front of us. It is the mission release point. It is regarded as one of the main windows of the free Divine Race to the outside world. Like the professional affairs management office, it is a particularly busy place. However, there is currently a civil war in the United States, and everyone has no time to deal with these things, so here is actually a little more leisurely.

After the mission release point, there are a large group of buildings. Those are the places where the free Divine Race lives and lives, but those are actually just performances. The temple built outside Divine Race has only a symbolic function, and their real residences are actually in special spaces. This kind of space will be called Divine Kingdom or some other name, which is what it means anyway.

According to Vina’s perception, our goal was in a certain building in front, and the direction was very clear, so we ran towards that side as soon as we came out. We are in a hurry now, so this kind of thing must be fast.

Our actions are fast here, and the actions on the free Divine Race side are not too slow. We just ran past the mission release center and walked around to the free Divine Race residential area behind, and immediately found there was Several high level free Divine Race moved towards this side rushed over.

Seeing a few free Divine Races rushing over there, the peacock and Xinghuo immediately greeted them, and as soon as the two sides met the free Divine Races, they were destroyed by the two great gods. It feels that Xinghuo and Peacock dealing with these ordinary Divine Races is like an adult bullying a child. They just go up and fiddle with it and just play it to death. It doesn't feel like they are fighting.

These free Divine Races are actually quicker to respond. After we eliminated these free Divine Races, the remaining free Divine Races finally began to discover the situation here. . We had just arrived outside the building that Vina felt and saw several teams of free Divine Race rushing in the distance.

Looking at the free Divine Race rushing over there, we didn't even plan to fight them. Our goal is the divine force core of the free Divine Race, not the free Divine Race itself, so we didn't plan to fight them here at all.

The Star God of Libra kicked open the door of the building in front of us, and then we found that there was a huge space door suspended inside the building, which seemed to be the entrance to Divine Kingdom of Free Divine Race .

After Vina confirmed that this is the location of the divine force core of Free Divine Race, we jumped directly in, and then discovered that this place is really a Small World. The area of ​​this world is quite large, but as long as you stand at a high place, you can find that this world is actually just like the ancient Chinese cognition of the world, it is a place with a round sky. In fact, I think this Divine Kingdom feels more like the kind of craft ecological ball. The entire world is wrapped in a round transparent material, and inside it is this Small World. If you look farther, beyond the edge of this world, you will see an endless starry sky. It feels like this world is like a floating island floating in the void. The difference is that this floating island has a relatively large area. It's like a continent.

In this Small World, Vina's induction is stronger. We followed her guide and flew towards the target, and it seemed that the target was not too far away from us. But these can't be taken care of, because there is a lot of free Divine Race coming towards us.

There seems to be something wrong with the gravity in the Divine Kingdom of the free Divine Race. Anyway, it feels light and fluttering. The whole person seems to be flying, it seems that the gravity is very weak.

To fight in this kind of place, you need a certain amount of flying ability. Otherwise, it will be very difficult to save. Fortunately, everyone on our side is expert and can basically fly, so this restriction is for us. The impact is not significant.

We are descending here, and the free Divine Race below has surrounded the two. There is no nonsense on both sides. It is not an enemy or an enemy to appear in this place, so neither side wants to waste their words.

The deity of the free Divine Race, the high level players of our guild, and the members of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order met and fought almost side by side. Although the core of guarding the divine force is the Divine Race with high battle strength, the problem is that our side is also the elite, so the other side is not dominant in quality. We quickly launched the super The strong battle strength advantage has killed a lot of free Divine Races in a short time. Real red and gold coin are obviously a bit over-excited now, and the reason for this situation is because real red and gold coin now find their own EXP It's skyrocketing.

You can get EXP rewards by killing players of different nationalities. This reward is to give some extra EXP on the basis of the EXP generated by the opponent. So, we can get extra rewards by killing Divine Race. In addition, the free Divine Race is the Divine Race, and the EXP that kills the Death God clan is an astronomical thing. Although the EXP we need to upgrade now is too astronomical, but because the experience given by killing the Death God family is also astronomical, and we also have an additional proportional reward EXP, so True Red and gold coin are both found to kill The EXP of these free Divine Races was so much that the two of them couldn't help themselves.

We surrounded and intercepted our freedom. Divine Race was killed before it lasted five minutes. We have several existences like main gods and twelve Star Gods. Fighting machines exist, so those Divine Races of Free Divine Race simply cannot stop our unilateral slaughter.

After successfully killing these free Divine Race gods, we approached a huge pyramid-like thing here smoothly, but this pyramid is not the kind of Egyptian pyramids. , But a structure similar to a Mayan pyramid, that is, a pyramid with a flat top.

At the top of this pyramid we found a staircase entrance. Whoever turned the staircase downwards, and it was very deep. After we got here, Vina sensed a stronger breath, so we started to descend Advance.

I have to say that our advancing speed is still very fast. It only took a few minutes for us to fly all the way from the top of the tower to the bottom of the tower. This place has actually gone deep underground, at least I feel our The height should be much deeper than the ground. A huge entrance can be seen here besides the stairs we descended, but there is neither guard nor any door lock in front of this entrance, and even the cracks in the door are not visible. Had it not been for the traces on the wall to show that this thing could be opened outwards, we simply could not have imagined that this place would be a door.

For this door, we didn’t waste time looking for a way to unlock it, because there is no keychain at all, but our best thing here is breaking it down, so soon we will be on the door A big hole was made, and then smoothly entered the door.

Behind this door is a huge hall. The floor of the hall is completely paved with marble, and the smooth one can be used as a mirror. There are many depressions on both sides of the hall, and in each depression stands a free woman Divine Idol, but in my opinion these are actually Goddess golems, but they are of different sizes.

The height of the hall in front of you is only eight meters, and the height of these free Goddess golems is also at two meters. This is because they have a pedestal under their feet. If the pedestal is removed , These sculptures are actually the size of daoist.

The free woman Divine Idol in the grooves on both sides of the entire hall plus a piece of at least more than 200 sets, but at this time these free Goddess golems are standing still, and they are not going to attack us at all. the meaning of.

"Should these be golems?" Peacock asked me when he stood at the gate. Although she is a type with relatively high battle strength, she is not stupid, but because she is too strong, she sometimes doesn't like to use her brain.

I whispered: "I feel that these should be golems. I don’t know if they are off or on standby."

Rose whispered beside me: "Want to know Wouldn't it be enough to just walk in? Anyway, sooner or later we are going to fight." Rose said as she walked in.

It makes sense to have to say Rose. Since this place is the storage point for the core of the divine force, it is almost certain that there are organs nearby. In other words, these free Goddess golems will definitely move, and it is almost inevitable, because the designer here is impossible for others to have. Bypass these free Goddess golems and directly encounter the probability of the divine force core.

Based on this knowledge, the rose did not have any reservations to step in.

Sure enough, as soon as Rose entered the hall, I heard a neat metal crash. Those free Goddess golems turned their heads toward us in a unified manner, and then all free Goddess The golems stepped out of the base in a neat step and stood on the ground.

At first we thought that this would be the end, because all the free Goddess golems were activated, but obviously we underestimated the protection of the free Divine Race here. Just after the free Goddess golems on all the pedestals came down, the walls behind the pedestals in the depressions suddenly rose, and then the pedestals fell backwards, and then immediately turned back, just waiting for these foundations. When the seat was turned back, it was no longer empty, but instead stood a warrior wrapped in armor.

"What kind of situation is this? Does the golem still have to be reloaded?" Gold coin asked in surprise.

Regardless of our surprise, the warriors that just appeared on the pedestal over there have already jumped down, and then lined up in front of the free Goddess golems, and then the foundations The seat was turned over again, and then the second batch of warriors were released again.

"I can't wait anymore, these things are endless!"

A reminder from gold coin finally made everyone react, and then everyone started Fight back.

The first thing she did was Real Red. She rushed directly into the camp of those free Goddess golems, and when she raised her fist, a circle of golden light was already moving on her arm, and then she A fist hit the door of the free Goddess golem. Just like a balloon filled with flour with bullet strikes, the head of the free Goddess golem burst into dust in an instant. Obviously, the defensive power of this thing is not very good.

However, before I was really happy, the free Goddess golem, who had no head, used the retractable torch to move towards the red head and smashed it down. True Red reacted quickly. Seeing the opponent's actions, he immediately grabbed the opponent's torch, and then right hand and pointed it into a knife to cut the torch's arm against the free Goddess golem. It’s still crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Real Red smashed the opponent’s arm directly with a single hand knife, but the free Goddess golem was hit with another hand, but Real Red’s movements are very fast. With an elbow back, he smashed the book that the opponent used as a weapon into shattered rocks, and then cut the free Goddess golem with a punch.

The free Goddess golem that was completely blasted apart was finally quiet, and at this time the people around were completely joined in the battle, all kinds of messy abilities and spells flying around, of course, there are some of them. Rely on your own body to beat these free Goddess golems and the golem guards in the form of soldiers who have just emerged.

In fact, speaking of which these new soldier-shaped golem guards are more powerful than free Goddess golems, but because there are fewer free Goddess golems, we did not pay much attention to this issue.

Soon the free Goddess golems here were cleaned up, and after all the free Goddess golems were cleaned up, the soldier-shaped golem guards suddenly stopped moving. For this strange phenomenon, our guess is that the free Goddess golem there is equipped with a control unit, and the soldiers outside are controlled by remote control, so once these free Goddess golems are completely destroyed After that, no one can control these little soldiers.

For whatever reason, one thing we can be sure of is that these golem guards here have failed. Now that there is no enemy interference, we can directly embed it.

After passing through this hall, there is another gate in front of it. This gate is obviously coming down from above. It is not only an all-steel structure, but also has magic blessings on the surface. Anyway, the defensive power is quite amazing.

"How do you open this door?" Zhen Hong asked.

"Open? Are you dreaming?" Just after Zhenhong finished speaking, there was a voice all around the door.

The people on our side did not sense the existence of anyone, so we immediately began to look around, but the voice rang again. "Hahahaha, you don’t need to look for it, I’m in it. This is just a magic array that can transmit information."

Although I haven’t touched this magic array before, the function is simple, just follow the video The monitored doorbell is the same. When there are people outside, the people inside can see the people outside and can talk. The people inside answered because they heard the words really red.

Christina immediately said after hearing what the other party said: "This is troublesome. There are people in it. They must have fully activated the mechanism. It will be difficult for us to get in again."

"Hahahaha! It’s good to know. This door uses a special material specially obtained from red planet, and it also adds a divine force seal and some very complicated things on the outside. Anyway, you can’t open this door anyway. It's."

After hearing the arrogant words of the free Divine Race inside, I was really red-haired, and then jumped directly to the front door angrily roared: "Okay, I will break the door and let you see." With all his strength, he hit the big iron gate with a punch.

The really red fist is not a joke, this fist hit the head with a loud bang. Like a big bell in a temple, the sound shook the entire great hall, and the roof kept dropping dirt and debris. It was obvious that the structure was affected.

Although the collateral damage caused by this fist's head is not small, when Real Red opened his fist, he found that the gate did not show the slightest sign of deformation.

Seeing the free Divine Race in this result, I immediately laughed more unscrupulously, because the real red's efforts were obviously in vain. The defensive power of this thing is unexpectedly high, and even the real red attack is invalid.

"I still don't believe it!" Really angrily began to prepare to use the big move, but was stopped. Real Red looked at us angrily and asked: "Why don't you let me blast open this door with a big move?"

Hades said: "What if you go down with a fist and the door is opened by you? The structure of this place obviously cannot withstand such an impact. You smashed the gate and the roof above it. Millions of tons of soil and rocks fell together. How long will it take you to dig a new road?"

True Red, who was planning to go wild, became misfired after hearing Hades's explanation, because she knew that Hades was right. The structure of this place is obviously designed in this way. If someone can penetrate the door, the ceiling above will collapse, and then the entire area will be buried. In this case, others want to secretly get the divine force core It has become an impossible thing. As for the opening of the passage, it will definitely take time, and the free Divine Race set up this thing to prevent theft, so once it collapses, people will definitely come back before you dig it again, that is to say, simply It is impossible to smoothly touch the core of divine force.

After Zhen Hong was persuaded to dismiss, the free Divine Race inside was immediately irritating and really popular again. Unfortunately, although Zhen Hong was straight-tempered, it was not really reckless, so the other party did not respond no matter how provocative.

Although Real Red cannot break this door, we have no plan to give up opening this door. After all, the divine force core of Divine Race is inside. We don't want to get stuck in this place.

Since brute force cannot be used, some methods with less collateral damage are needed to solve this problem. After thinking about it for a few seconds, everyone focused their eyes on me, and at this time, I was looking at it with eternity.

Eternity is a super Divine Item produced after the fusion of multiple Divine Items. Although the system does not set a weapon category of super Divine Item, in the player's own classification, Eternity is Super Divine Item.

There are many special features of eternity, but as a weapon, the most important thing is only one-lethality.

Eternity itself carries a super law-cut off. This law determines that the sharpness of e

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