"Give up the task."

"Give up?" Gold coin looked at me in surprise and asked: "We have already planned so much. Give up?"

I looked at gold coin helplessly and said, "What do you say if you don’t give up? Do you use Isinger Mobile Fortress to fight?"

"Actually, I think Isinger Mobile Fortress should also be able to withstand it?" Zhen Hong added in a low voice.

I immediately looked towards Christina when I heard Real Red say the same, and then asked: "You don’t think the same way, do you?"

Christina nodded and said "This is a fact! I think the defensive ability of Isengard Mobile Fortress is pretty good. Even if the free female Divine Idol has all reached the vicinity of Isengard Mobile Fortress, I think they should be impossible to move Isengard Mobile Fortress. Shoot down. So we can continue to complete our own plan to get rid of the divine force core of Free Divine Race."

When Christina said the same, I could only helplessly cover my face and said:" It seems that you really don't understand!" Seeing my reaction so much, Christina, Zhenhong, and gold coin are all puzzled looking at me and don't know what I mean. However, in the end, Rose was smarter and explained to me: "Purple Moon is not actually doubting Isinger's protective ability. If you say a hard attack, Isinger's Mobile Fortress can definitely resist. But Have you ever thought about it? If Isengard Mobile Fortress is forced to carry these free female Divine Idol's attacks, how much do we need to spend in this battle? Isengard Mobile Fortress repair costs and consumption during the battle Calculate? Don’t forget that this time the Ocean King Palace gave us an outsourcing task, and the price was paid in one lump sum. We simply didn’t get any more money from them, and now the valuable funds have been invested in. In other words, the more we do now, the more we spend.

If this is our own country’s homeland defense war, then it doesn’t matter how much we invest, because it is necessary to invest. But this is the United States We are working for the Sea King Palace, so it is unreasonable to invest too much for this kind of battle. Since this is just a business for us, we need to do it according to the business, and calculate the input and output in detail. Then evaluate the profit margin of the plan. This is normal behavior.

From a strategic point of view, we now let Isinger move the fortress to resist these free women Divine Idol, and then we continue to execute the previous The plan is the most suitable, but this is not a mere battle. This is business, and business has business practices. Of course, you cannot rely solely on the advantages and disadvantages of tactics to judge."

I heard Rose’s explanation. After that, everyone was silent, because they hadn't thought of so much before, but now it seems that they think things are too simple. According to Rose's meaning, their previous behavior was a purely decision-making behavior based on tactical needs, which is inconsistent with our current interests.

After listening to Rose’s explanation, she looked towards me and said: "Sorry boss, we didn't expect so much before."

"I didn't blame you again, but now Things are still very tricky."

Christina nodded and said: "Yes! If we abandon the offensive plan, we need to re-arrange the tactics, otherwise, even if we stop those free women Divine Idol, we will be very passive in the future, because at present, Rainbow Alliance and Divine Race still have a certain advantage, and the battle here costs money every minute. Our previous investment has obviously exceeded what we can earn. In other words, we are not only losing money now, but also losing more and more."

The projection map in front of Rose looked towards: "Let’s talk about future problems later, think tank We don’t participate in the war anyway, let them analyze. The problem we need to solve now is how to intercept these free women Divine Idol. Although we high-end martial power do not plan to deal with the core of divine force, these free women Divine Idol also It is not easy to solve, we need a plan."

"I think we have two directions to consider on this issue." Christina said.

I also followed nodded and said: "Christina is right, we have two directions to consider. The first is that we don't let the free girl Divine Idol approach the Isengard Mobile Fortress. Freedom Divine Race released these free female Divine Idols to destroy Isinger Mobile Fortress, at least to paralyze it. Therefore, the free female Divine Idol is equipped with weapons for the city, so as long as we use high-end battle strength in the free female Divine Idol destroys Isinger’s mobile fortress before approaching it, and there is no problem. As for the other one, it’s just the opposite. Let’s not resist these free women Divine Idol, but let them all enter Isinger. Once within the attack range of the mobile fortress, activate the weapons on the Isinger mobile fortress, use firepower to suppress these Isinger mobile fortresses, and then we high-end battle strength can take action to solve these free female Divine Idol. Relying on Isinger Mobile fortress fire support, our high-end battle strength wants to solve those free female Divine Idol, it shouldn’t take much effort."

The two solutions can be said to have their own advantages and disadvantages.

There are several advantages to killing the free women Divine Idol directly before they approach the Isinger Mobile Fortress. One is to ensure that the Isinger Mobile Fortress will never be damaged. Because the enemy simply cannot enter the range, Isengard's mobile fortress is naturally not dangerous. The second is that if these free women Divine Idol can be intercepted from a long distance, then even if a certain group fails, we can still have a chance to remedy it. After all, the distance is long and there is still time. The third advantage is that the enemy’s free women Divine Idol have not yet gathered. Now except for one place where there are two free women Divine Idols that are close to each other to support each other, the other free women Divine Idol are all divided. Very open, there is simply no way to cover fire between the two sides, so we have the possibility of breaking them one by one.

Of course, this method has many shortcomings, the most important of which is that it requires a lot of attackers and is very dangerous.

Without the protection of Isengard’s mobile fortress, our attackers need to destroy the free women Divine Idol by themselves, and the defensive power of these free women Divine Idol has been proven to be very strong. Depending on the player himself, destructive power may not be enough. In addition, the enemy's free woman Divine Idol does not act alone. They must all have expert guards, so our players not only have to deal with the free woman Divine Idol, but also deal with these defenders, so the difficulty of the task will be unproductive.

As for the other option, it is actually not perfect. The advantages and disadvantages are just the reverse of the first option. In short, it is not easy to choose either side. I feel that it is not good to choose either.

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