"What? Qiongshan City was attacked?"

Suddenly heard the message from the domestic branch of the Frost Rose League, Rose and I were both stunned. Not because I felt scared because of being attacked, but because I felt incredible.

"Someone would attack a large barracks?" Rose looked at me in surprise and asked: "Are you sure that the information came from the military god?"

"I heard The news was the same as your reaction. Unfortunately, this is indeed the truth."

After getting my confirmation, Rose began to think about why this happened. The so-called abnormal things must have demons. No matter how you look at this attack, it is a super abnormal thing, so there must be some reason we don't know.

Although Rose and I did not react to why the enemy attacked us for a while, our guild is not the only two of us. In addition to the two of us, there are all high level players in the guild who are thinking about this problem. Because everyone knows that this thing must be abnormal, so I want to find out what causes the enemy to use three. Individuals attacked our barracks city.

While Rose and I were bothering over there, the guild think tank had already come up with the results. The military god quickly contacted us and told us that the think tank had already analyzed the enemy's motives.

"The analysis came out? That's very good. Tell me, why did the other party attack our large barracks? And only sent three people."

"The answer is actually very simple. As the chief adviser of the think tank, Su Mei explained to me on behalf of all the players in the think tank: "According to our analysis, the purpose of the three players of the Rainbow Alliance attacking us is to drag us into war and thus free Divine. Race has an excuse to participate in the war."

Rose asked suspiciously: "No! Aren’t we already in war mode? Although there is no excuse for free Divine Race to participate in the war, even if we let us go deeper into the war. Still not..." At this point, the rose suddenly stopped. "I understand! It's not so strange!"

"I said that one of you can explain to me, OK?" I looked at Rose and asked.

Rose turned to me and explained: "We are mercenaries in the Sea King Palace, so even if we go deep into the war, there is no excuse for Divine Race to intervene freely, but if there is another American guild in war with us, and This guild did not enter a state of war with the Sea King Palace, so our mercenary status is invalid for this guild, so free Divine Race has an excuse to intervene. However, people who attack us in the United States can easily attract Sea King. People from the temple, and attacking Isengard’s mobile fortress is not a simple matter, so they found the easiest place to start, and that is the country."

After listening to Rose’s explanation, I think it’s thorough. I understand why three people of very average strength ran to attack our city. This kind of death-death behavior is really for death, because as long as there is a conflict between the two sides, the war mode can be activated.

Although we have figured out the entire process of development of this matter, even if we understand the entire process of development, this kind of matter can only be allowed to continue to develop.

The Rainbow Alliance did a very thorough job. The three players carried bombs on their bodies when they attacked our city, and they were self-destructed directly after being caught. The death of these three people is not a big problem in itself, but the key is that these three people have joined the re-registered small guild in order to drag our Frost Rose League into the war mode. The number of people in this guild has just reached the minimum number required by the system for guild registration, and all the people in it are made up of the trumpets of those players in the Rainbow Alliance.

This kind of temporary guild spelled out with a trumpet is of course no one knows except themselves, and they committed suicide immediately after attacking our Frost Rose League. In this way, although we know that we and This small guild has entered a state of war, but there is no way to end this state, and there is no way to change its nature.

There are three ways to end this state of war. First, the two sides negotiated a solution, and then the state of war was lifted. But this one is obviously impossible for everyone to know. The guild was registered just to get us into a state of war. How could it be possible to agree to lift the state of war?

The second method is to make one of the two sides of the battle disappear. A war requires at least two forces to fight, otherwise you can't fight yourself, right? Therefore, as long as one of the parties completely eliminates the other, the war will naturally end, because there is no more to fight.

However, this trick is still useless for this guild. First of all, we definitely can’t destroy ourselves, so we can only destroy the other party, but the problem is that the other party is a temporary guild. The ghost knows where their headquarters is, and apart from the three players who came to die, we don’t even know this. There will be several people and who they are. In other words, our knowledge of the enemy is basically zero, except for knowing that the other party was deliberately made by the Rainbow Alliance to pit us, we don't know anything else. What do you want us to do with this kind of guild?

Just like when Lao Mei was attacked by **uncle, it was clear that the nuclear weapons in their hands would not be a problem for all mankind, but they couldn't find a place to start. It feels like a fist hit the cotton. We are in this situation now. Although our Frost Rose League is the number one guild in the world and our battle strength is extremely powerful, we don’t know who the enemy is. What do you want us to fight? You can't kill you when you see someone, right?

Third Type method, and the only method we can achieve, that is waiting time.

The state of war does not last forever. As long as the two sides do not continue to fight, the state of war will naturally be lifted after seventy-two hours. However, if you participate in the free Divine Race, ten hours is enough to join the battle, so seventy-two hours is meaningless to us. Besides, even if this time is shortened to only one hour, can the enemy not have another sneak attack? Our Frost Rose Alliance’s industry spreads all over the world. In this case, it is not easy to defeat us. If you just want to harass, it is too simple.

Failure to dissolve the state of war means that the Free Divine Race will sooner or later participate in the war, so we now have to count the Free Divine Race into the ranks of our enemies. Moreover, because my personal relationship with the free Goddess is not good, I estimate that the free Divine Race will hate us very much, which means that the two sides will enter a deadly battle when they come up, and there is no room for relief, even if they are to be slightly It is impossible to converge a little battle strength. On the contrary, a free Divine Race will completely burst out its battle strength.

"It seems that the participation of the free Divine Race is an inevitable result. We shall stop discussing things that prevent them from participating in the war. What we need is how to block the counterattack of these free Divine Races." Rose said Afterwards, I looked towards me and asked: "How many troops did you bring back this time?"

"They are all here." I gave Rose the number of troops, and Rose briefly took a look He handed it back to me.

"Although these forces are quite a lot, they may not have much effect on the battle between our high level personnel!"

"Divine Race over chaos and order Can you deploy staff?" I asked Rose.

Rose did not answer my question but instead looked towards the side of the military god. The military god also knows that Rose needs intelligence support, so he said: "The Russian side has been mobilizing frequently recently, but it is not certain that they are deliberately attracting our attention just to cooperate with the Rainbow Alliance, or really plan to take the opportunity to make a surprise attack. I can't draw a conclusion for the time being, so..."

"That is to say, there is no way to determine how to allocate battle strength, right?" I asked.

Military God nodded and said very directly: "This is already the limit. Our intelligence network has been severely hit within Russia, and most of the current information is deduced through peripheral intelligence analysis. Come out. Besides, we have now joined the American Civil War, and the guild’s investigative methods have been concentrated on the US side. Naturally, Russian investigations have dropped a lot."

I nodded and said:" I didn’t plan to blame you either. But to be honest, it’s really not a good solution now! Russia has attracted a lot of our troops, and the US has another civil war. We really can’t take care of both. That's it!"

"Fortunately, Europe has been relatively peaceful recently, otherwise we would really be overwhelmed!" Rose suddenly sighed.

Suddenly, I was stunned when I heard Rose’s sigh. "You just said that Europe is more peaceful?"

"Yes! Is there any problem?" Rose didn't expect that I suddenly paid attention to this issue, so she asked, because she knew I probably I thought of something, otherwise I wouldn't say it like that.

In fact, I did think of some problems, but it is still a rough framework, and I haven't fully figured out whether it can be implemented yet.

Rose probably also found out that I was still thinking about integrating my own ideas, so she didn't ask any more, and stopped the military god who wanted to talk, and waited for me to consider everything.

I didn't ask Rose to wait too long, and soon thought of a solution. "Yes."

"What did you think of?" Rose looked towards me and asked.

I smiled and said to Rose: "There is a solution to our problem."

"Tell me."

"Remember the Lord? "

"Holy See?" Rose didn't expect My thinking is so leap. I was still talking about Russia. Why did I jump to Italy in the blink of an eye? But although I don't know why I asked this question suddenly, Rose still knows that I can't talk nonsense, so my words must be related to the questions that follow. "Are you mentioning the Holy See at this time to use them to solve our problems?"

"You deserve to be my good wife. You guessed it. You want to solve the problem of our current lack of strength. , The easiest way is to get a temporary ally."

"How do you get this temporary ally?" Rose asked suspiciously: "Besides, the Holy See and Russia are not next to each other. If you are willing to help, what can you do? You can't expect God, the old man, to directly help us fight Goddess, right?"

"Of course it is impossible. Besides, I suspect that Jehovah may not have been able to fight Goddess. Although in terms of divine force alone, Jehovah is much stronger than free Goddess, the two are not a product of a single concept. Jehovah is stronger in Divine Race theory and has a more thorough understanding. His divine force is both strength and understanding. Power is much stronger than Free Goddess, but Free Goddess is like a trained female killer. Her strength and physical stamina may not be that of World Peak, but when fighting, she can easily kill existences stronger than her. So although Jehovah is stronger than free Goddess in strength, if two people fight, the result is really hard to say. But you don’t have to worry because I didn’t plan to let Jehovah go head-on against free Goddess at all."

"How do you plan to use it?"

"This design has some things between the European Divine Race forces that I have learned before, and one of them is the peculiarities of the Holy See."


"Is the Holy See special?" Rose asked suspiciously.

I nodded and said: "Yes, the Holy See is very special, they are not exactly the same as the ordinary Divine Race. You also know that in reality, God’s believers are all over the world, so in the game this Some adjustments have been made. This adjustment is very obscure, and the only one I know of this adjustment is that the gods of the Holy See all have very special attribute settings, and they are hardly restricted by the local Divine Race rules."< /p>

"You mean those angels in the Holy See can go abroad to fight without any excuses?" Rose asked in surprise.

I shook my head and said, "It’s not that there is no need for excuses at all, but excuses are very simple and easy to find. Anyway, as long as you think of a way you can come out, and you can run far away, and there are also restrictions on time. Quite vague. In short, everything about the Holy See is very simple. They can go abroad if they want to go abroad. There are almost no restrictions."

"But even so, would they come to help us fight the war? Is it?" Rose asked.

“Of course they won’t, at least I don’t think Jehovah will.” I said, “But we don’t necessarily need them to help us deal with Americans!”

“Your Means to let them invade Russia?" How smart is Rose? She understood it as soon as I leaked a little meaning.

"In fact, this question is actually very simple from another angle." I explained my intentions to Rose in detail, and Rose is smarter, so I just need to give her some key points. I can imagine a lot of things, so I probably let her understand what I mean in just a few minutes.

Actually, my idea of ​​speaking of which is very simple.

Before the European Dark God Palace, European Light God Palace, and Olympus Divine Race have been invaded by the Holy See, and the scale of this battle is very large, it can be called a religious war General large-scale battle. This kind of war directly caused the Dark God Palace in Europe and the Light God Palace in Europe to be a little overwhelmed. In the end, I even had to find me as an intermediary to help stop the war, but anyway, the Holy See showed its muscles to the outside world. , Let more people realize that this is a very powerful organization, not as simple as imagined.

Although in the eyes of other Divine Races, I saw the power and expansion of the Holy See, but I saw more things.

First of all, since there has been a religious war before, it is certain that the fellow Jehovah is definitely not a stable lord, he is very ambitious, otherwise he will never invade other Divines. Race controlled by the forces.

The second point. With so many Divine Race forces in the world, why is it that only the Holy See of Jehovah can take the initiative to invade outside? Although he was not engaged in a territorial invasion, but only engaged in a war of faith, no matter what the reason, Jehovah definitely has a way to let his troops launch a war outside. There are no other Divine Race forces at this point.

After understanding the above two points, if you look at Jehovah’s Holy See in reverse, you can find that Jehovah’s Holy See is actually a very expansive religious organization, and their foreign policy is actually quite aggressive. . So, why can't we take advantage of this characteristic of Jehovah's Holy See?

Before the expansion of the Holy See of the Lord was stopped by our Frost Rose League or by me, but now we can go and find a target for him, and this target is Russia .

The players in the Russian region are indeed very strong, but when it comes to the Divine Race in Russia...I really don’t feel good about it. The original Russian Divine Race and even our guild destroyed them all without much effort. Later, the newly formed Siberian Divine Race was slightly better than the previous Russian Divine Race. However, the Siberian Divine Race was formed for too short a time. It was completely a bad group composed of a group of young people. It had no plans or ideas, except for the full energy. I really don’t know what merits are worth mentioning.

Because the Siberian Divine Race in Russia itself is relatively weak, and they have been attacked many times by our guild before, the current Siberian gods are far from the Siberian Divine Race when it was just established. NS. Although everyone is getting stronger and stronger, this Siberian Divine Race has been ravaged by our Frost Rose League experts every three to five, so the strength has been unable to develop, and it is still in a very embarrassing state. On the one hand, they need to establish prestige in the country, so as to get the support of the Power of Faith generated by the believers. However, on the other hand, they completely can't beat our Frost Rose League and the chaos and order Divine Race to which our Frost Rose League belongs. Therefore, the Siberian Divine Race has been suffering from contact with us. This state has led to the current Siberian Divine. The Race has become a gathering place for a mess of run-down Divine Races. It can hardly be said that there is no decent battle strength.

However, although the Siberian Divine Race has basically become a Divine Race with five slags, the floor they control is unexpectedly large. Russia has the largest area in the world. Although the population density is not high due to its geographical location, the amount of Power of Faith per unit area of ​​land is not high, but after all, the base is there. With such a large area of ​​land, even if it is thousands of miles uninhabited, the final total population is still quite exaggerated. Of course, I'm talking about the population in the game, which includes a large number of NPCs.

These Power of Faith will be continuously supplied to the Siberian Divine Race, and the Siberian Divine Race is not many people because of the continuous war, plus it was just established before, so the current situation is that they only use very little , But enjoy a lot of Power of Faith. It is estimated that in the whole world, apart from our guild, the Divine Race in Siberia is the least lacking Power of Faith.

These Power of Faith make the Siberian Divine Race's recovery and strength improvement faster than the average Divine Race. Otherwise, the general Divine Race will be broken by our guild several times and three times. They can still hold on to the present, and that is the attack of Power of Faith.

A group of incompetent Siberian Divine Races control the super-high output of the Russian land. This kind of thing is basically equivalent to standing in a downtown area with children holding huge sums of money. There are a lot of double greed around. His eyes are watching these Power of Faith.

However, because of the game settings, a very strange situation occurred. Although the Divine Race of the surrounding countries is greedy for these Power of Faith on the Russian soil, but because the system restrictions are too strict, they simply have no way to snatch these Power of Faith, and can only find a way to encourage their own country. Of players go to help themselves seize Russian land. But the problem is, although the Siberian Divine Race in Russia is not good, but the Russian players are not at all afraid. On the contrary, the Russian bears are all sturdy, and the battle strength is all outrageous. Otherwise, our Frost Rose League is such a strong guild, the combination of the Rainbow League and the Holy Gun League, which can fight across seas, can't stand it. They, Russia, can actually resist our offensive, and often counterattack into our country. This is the best proof.

Because the Russian players are too strong, Divine Race is unable to show up in various places in Divine Race, so the surrounding Divine Race forces can only look at drooling, and they don’t know what to do. Eat these fats.

However, other Divine Race cannot eat it, but it does not mean that the Holy See of the Lord cannot eat it either. They can go abroad to mess around regardless of system restrictions, which is the greatest convenience. Russia's Siberian Divine Race is very weak, but their players are very strong, so it is much safer to take the high-end route.

My plan is to devise a targeted approach based on this status quo, and this approach is to guide the Holy See of Jehovah to Russia to compete with the Divine Race in Siberia.

Although the Siberian Divine Race itself is not too strong, it is a Divine Race after all, and the battle strength is not bad. Although these Siberian Divine Races can't do it alone, they, as high-end martial power, are still very threatening to us if they cooperate with Russian players. This is why we have not dared to move the Divine Race of chaos and order, but have to keep them on the Russian side.

However, if the Holy See of Jehovah really starts to invade Russia according to my intentions, even if they point their finger at the Divine Race in Siberia, it will also have a major impact on Russian players.

First of all, because the Holy See of Jehovah and the Divine Race of Siberia are fighting, when the time comes, Divine Race of Siberia will definitely not be able to help the Russian players against us. In this way, we only need to have regular battle strength. The safety of the Russian development zone is guaranteed, and the super-spec power such as the Divine Race of Chaos and Order can all be transferred to the United States to confront the free Divine Race.

If Russian players choose to watch the changes when the time comes, they can only wait for the Siberian Divine Race and Jehovah’s Holy See to decide their own victory or defeat before they can regain the support of the Divine Race’s war, and the Russian development period Now it is considered a semi-Chinese territory, and Celestial Court can assist in defense. Without Divine Race's intervention, it is too simple for us to defend the Russian development zone.

Of course, Russian players also have two kinds of probabilities. One is that they help the Siberian Divine Race or the Holy See of Jehovah. This can speed up the process of this divine battle and allow them to quickly regain the Divine Race. support. However, whether they continue to cooperate with the Siberian Divine Race or help the Holy See of Jehovah, the losses in the battle will not be too small.

The Divine Race in Siberia is a local battle. Once Russian players are found abandoning them, their actions to Russia are absolutely terrifying. In contrast, although Jehovah’s Holy See is a long journey, the battle strength is very strong. If Russian players help the Siberian Divine Race against Jehovah’s Holy See, then Russian players must pay a certain price, and the price will never be too small. .

No matter which side the Russian players help, anyway, as long as they intervene in the war, it will take time for their strength to recover. When the time comes, even if the Divine Race war can end quickly, the time for them to counterattack our development zone impossible in advance. And as long as we leave a window for us, we can make the Divine Race of Chaos and Order temporarily give up the defense here and go to the United States to help, when the time comes free Divine Race even joins the war, because we also have chaos here. It can fight against the Divine Race of Order, so there will be no one-sided situation. Even if our good luck can defeat the confidence of the Rainbow Alliance players, then we might be able to completely reverse the situation and let Aquaman Palace regain its dominant position.

Based on this situation, we can be sure that as long as the Holy See of Jehovah is really willing to go to Russia to grab territory, we are tantamount to solving the threat from Russia.

Of course, Russian players can also choose to ignore the Divine Race war and let the Siberian Divine Race and the Holy See of Jehovah fight themselves, and they will attack our development zone. They can indeed have a relatively sudden effect by doing so, but it will not have any effect on the battle situation, and will even self-castrate their own re-offensive ability. Because even if they don't care about the Divine Race war, it is impossible to get any help, and our Celestial Court has made it clear that they will desperately help us defend these territories. Although due to system restrictions, they can only send manpower based on the enemy's offensive intensity, and cannot send all the Celestial Court forces at once, but as long as Celestial Court has this mindset, it is enough. Our Frost Rose League players are not papery. With Divine Race to help support the strongest enemies, the rest of our guild players can definitely handle it easily.

In addition, if Russian players choose not to intervene in the Divine Race war, this is actually a failure, because whether it is the Siberian Divine Race victory or the victory of the Holy See in the future, it is not for Russian players. What a good thing.

If the Siberian Divine Race had won by themselves, they would think after the war that we are facing such a dangerous situation and you are not going to help at all. Can you still play happily together? And if the Holy See of Jehovah wins, it will be even more sad. How many times have you seen an invader confessing the enemy’s people as God after occupying an enemy country? How can you mess up afterwards without having to kill the power stick first? So, if Russian players choose not to intervene in this matter, then no matter who wins, the Russian players will definitely lose anyway.

I can think of this. Naturally there are people in Russia who can think of it. Therefore, they will definitely not stand idly by in the end, because in that case, even if this development zone is laid down, they will suffer heavy losses. . Russian players are not stupid. Who will do things that are clearly at a disadvantage? Therefore, they are bound to participate in this magical battle, and as long as they participate in the magical battle, they will not be able to threaten our Russian development zone again. And as long as the Russian development zone is not threatened in the short term, we can let go of our hands and join the American Civil War.

Our Frost Rose League is the number one super guild in the world. We fought so hard in the previous war with the Rainbow Alliance. It was completely because we couldn’t get out of our lives and faced two powerful enemies at the same time. We focused Without your own battle strength, naturally you can't threaten the opponent. But as long as we can draw out all our forces and concentrate on the United States, then we really won't be afraid of anything. As long as the chaos and order Divine Race is in place, plus our guild war machines and high level units, then you can really gods block then kill gods if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas.

After listening to my plan, Rose felt that the plan itself was good, but she still raised a question. "Although I approve of your plan, there is a problem in front of us that must be solved before your plan can be implemented."

"I know what you mean." No listening After Rose finished speaking, I said directly: "What you mean is that Rome, where the Holy See of the Lord is located, and Russia, where the Divine Race of Siberia is located, do not border, right?"

Rose nodded and said: "You have a way Solution? Although the Holy See of Jehovah can go abroad to fight, they should not be able to fight across several countries, right? Even if they can, how will the Divine Race forces of those countries along the way cut this matter? Will they let the Holy See of Jehovah Power can easily pass through one’s own territory? I think it’s impossible, right?"

"No, it is possible."

I said directly: "The first point. Jehovah The Holy See is really different from the general Divine Race. They can indeed fight across regions, and they can really go through several countries to fight without being restricted by the system. Of course, this just means that they will not be affected by the system. It’s not that there are no other restrictions."

"That means it will be restricted by the country you are in, right?" Rose found the point at a glance.

I nodded and said: "Those countries will not allow Jehovah’s Holy See powers to pass through their territory easily, but the plan is called a plan because it requires us to calculate and plan, not that things will come naturally. Finished. So, we need to complete the joints of these countries."

Rose fell into deep thought when she heard what I said. After ten seconds, she raised her head and said: "I think you can convince those The country’s Divine Race forces gave way to Jehovah’s Vatican forces, but do you have enough time?"

Rose’s words can be described as hitting the nail on the head, because what we lack most now is time. But the reason why I was able to raise this question was naturally that I thought of a solution.

"Generally speaking is not that simple, but I think I can give it a try, because I don’t need to find the Divine Race forces one by one. Don’t forget that we have a ring of discipline, so we are completely You can invite all the Divine Race forces from the relevant countries to our Frost Rose League, and then have a talk with them. If this is the case, the speed can be much faster, and in this operation, we can actually use Power of Faith to open the way "

Rose did not refute my words. After two seconds of contemplation, she suddenly smiled and raised her head: "You have convinced me. This method is feasible. However, there is still the biggest obstacle— —How do you let the Lord bring his Holy See power to trouble the Divine Race in Siberia? Don’t forget that the relationship between the two of you is very bad. No, a bad relationship is not enough to describe the state of your relationship. I I feel that if it is in an informal setting, the first thought of Jehovah when he sees you is how to eat you alive."

Rose is not a nonsense. I stepped on someone’s Temple Mount before. The fellow Jehovah almost died on the spot, and later he took a bunch of angels and chased me all the way, almost all the way to Mount Olympus. If it weren't for the fear that I would cross the border privately and cause a divine battle with the Olympus Divine Race, I guess the Lord would have to grab me to make a soup and drink it last time.

However, I am not worried about Rose’s concern. Although Jehovah hates me, the nature of this hatred is actually a matter of interest.

Previously, our Frost Rose Alliance helped Europe’s Dark God Palace, Light God Palace and Olympus Divine Race to fight against Jehovah’s Holy See powers. As a result, Jehovah’s Holy See powers suffered heavy losses, and more importantly, Jehovah Wild ambition’s religious expansion plan was completely finished because of the intervention of our Frost Rose League. The Temple Mount after that can only be regarded as an addition, so the real problem lies in the battle for Power of Faith, that is, the war of religion. Not the so-called Temple Mount. For a large organization like Jehovah’s Holy See, is a mountain a shit? If you want, you can forcibly rise from the ground in minutes, which is not impossible for Divine Race. Therefore, the collapse of the Temple Mount is at best a shame, and the actual loss is really not that big.

However, this time I went to find Jehovah not to fight him, but to give him benefits. As long as the power of the Holy See of Jehovah can successfully reach Russia, the battle with the Siberian Divine Race can almost certainly be a one-sided result.

Siberian Divine Race is not much stronger than our guild’s chaos and order Divine Race, and our chaos and order Divine Race is only the guild Divine Race, which shows its strength How bad. And even among the old Divine Race, the power of the Holy See of Jehovah is also a large power that deserves its name, and its battle strength and basic strength are very strong. It would be strange if such a large Divine Race force can't do a new small Divine Race. When the time comes, I don’t have to kill them with the Siberian Divine Race. It’s easier for the Lord to find a piece of tofu and smash it on it.

I am not worried about the power comparison between the Siberian Divine Race and Jehovah’s Holy See. What I really need to worry about now is whether the freedom Divin

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