Kohepra hesitated when I asked him to decide how to exchange scarabs, although as he said, scarabs are actually no more valuable than mummies. How much lower, but the scarab is indeed relatively small from the appearance, and insect this thing always wins by quantity, so the price is impossible to sell too high, otherwise it will not be sold at all.

Although it’s a bit embarrassing, Kohopura also knows that one unit of Power of Faith needs to be replaced by twenty scarabs. It is indeed inappropriate, so he said after a little consideration. : "Because the Power of Faith you provided is what we urgently need, so I will sell it to you at a loss this time. Your previous price was too low. Twenty only a unit of Power of Faith, this will definitely not work. I think five One unit of Power of Faith is more appropriate."

"That means that with 100 million units of Power of Faith, 500 million scarabs can be exchanged?"

Kohpra nodded and said: "Yes, that's the price."

When I heard this price, it was already blooming in my heart, but it couldn't show it on the surface. In fact, my research on scarabs is not as superficial as Kohopra thought.

Although scarabs look like small insects, they are actually very terrifying creatures. Our guild has a large number of beetles in Steel City for devouring metals to help us smelt alloys, but those beetles and the scarabs of Kohopura are obviously different. The scarabs here in Kohopura are actually a kind of divinity. Creatures, that is to say, this thing is strictly speaking a Divine Race, but because the level is too low, a single battle strength is minimal, but no matter how weak a single scarab is, after all, this is also a divine creature. When used intensively, the battle strength is Very terrifying.

Some people may say that this thing is so weak that it will die after a big move. What's terrifying? Yes, these guys are indeed the kind that can drop a slice in a second, so it doesn't seem to be that powerful. However, although the scarab’s defensive power is not necessarily so powerful, the attack power of these guys is quite terrifying, and because these guys are divine creatures themselves, there is no divine force suppression problem when encountering Divine Race. , So they can cause serious damage to Divine Race, and because scarabs are impossible single use, but will appear in groups, so most Divine Race see these guys will feel scalp tingling, because these guys can connect Divine Race is eaten, and from the body to the soul, there is not even Divine Spark left.

Although we have been trying to prevent the participation of the Free Divine Race this time, I know that the best we can do is to delay the participation of the Free Divine Race. Impossible really prevents them from participating, so We need something that can contain the free Divine Race, so that we can hope to maintain the advantage after the free Divine Race enters the war.

After discussing the purchase of Scarabs with Cohopura, Osiris immediately asked: "Didn’t you say that you also want the Death God guard of Anubis? You just spent I lost 200 million units of Power of Faith and bought scarabs and mummies. Don’t you want Death God’s guards anymore?"

Anubis also said when he heard: "Yes! Count that staff." , You have spent 205 million units of Power of Faith, right? How much Power of Faith do you have left? Enough to buy a few Death God guards?"

Actually, I Knowing that Anubis and Osiris must know that the Power of Faith in my hand is more than that, otherwise they would not ask me how many Death God Guards I can buy with Power of Faith, but directly talk to me. There is a delivery problem, and they continue to ask me how much I can buy because they know that the Power of Faith in my hand has not been drained, so they hope to get all the Power of Faith from me.

I know the intentions of Anubis and Osiris very well, but I am not disgusted with Osiris and Anubis, because I am hoping to get more deaths from them. God guards. Compared to the skeleton soldiers bought at Dark God Palace, in fact, the creatures in Anubis and Cohopura’s hands are more cost-effective, but the skeleton soldiers themselves have special uses. No way, so I went to Dark God Palace. Besides, even if you don't need skeleton soldiers, I have to distribute some Power of Faith to Dark God Palace because I don't want to put all the eggs in one basket.

Looking at the eager eyes of Osiris and Anubis, I said with a smile: "Don’t be so exaggerated? I know you must know that I still have Power of Faith. I said before. , I have more than 200 million here, but not only 200 million Power of Faith."

"But you have used more than 200 million, how do we know how much you have left?"


"In fact, there is really not much left." I looked at Osiris and Anubis and said, "In addition to the five million that bought the staff, I still have 45 million units. Power of Faith."

"There are so many more?" Osiris and Anubis, including Kohopra, were taken aback.

I nodded and said: "I know there are many, but you have to know that it took a long time for a guild such as our Frost Rose League to accumulate, and part of it is our Frost Rose. Players of the Alliance provide some things about the chaos and order of the Frost Rose Alliance. The Power of Faith collected by the followers of the Divine Race. In addition, we have participated in several foreign wars before, and from other countries’ lands. Plundered some Power of Faith and came back. Except for some of these Power of Faith to be used by the Divine Race, which is used by the guild, almost all of the rest are here. It can be said that this is used to stifle chaos and order The growth of Divine Race comes at a price, so don’t think that there are a lot of these. There is a reason."

What should I change for the Power of Faith below."

Anubis also said: "Are you going to change for Death God guards, right? Forty-five million units of Power of Faith, I can give you four hundred and fifty thousand Death God guards."

"No, I want five million Death God guards." I looked at Anubis and said.

Anubis was stunned when he heard what I said, and then said: "My Death God guard is not a miscellaneous army. This is a very powerful unit. You already have a Death God in your hand. Close backs, you should know how their battle strength is. Your price is too low, right?"

"I know the price of Wokai is not high, but there is a reason." I said.

Osiris looked at me and asked: "Then let us listen to your reasons."

I looked towards Osiris and said: "I want five million Death God near Guard is because I need so much, but I only have so much Power of Faith in my hand. However, I am willing to use the extra Death God guards to exchange a promise."

"What What do you mean?"

I said directly: "As you know, our guild will often get some Power of Faith, and these Power of Faith are to be exchanged for things, but who should be exchanged for? But we have the final say. So, what we want to exchange with you is this promise. As long as you give me five million Death God guards, I promise to use more than 50% of the Power of Faith exchanged by our guild for you in the future. Divine Race in Egypt. What do you think of this agreement?"

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