"This...you better not know it." Anubis said, "This thing is also a taboo on our side. This time we spent so much The strength to extract the energy from this thing is to make this thing destructible. The current energy intensity of this thing is too high for us to control it, so we have to find a way to first export some of the energy before it can be destroyed."< /p>

"The energy is too strong?" I looked at this thing with a little surprise and asked: "How strong is its energy?"

"How strong?" Anubis slightly After thinking for a while, I said, "I don’t know how to explain it to you. The energy of this thing and your energy are not a concept, but if you change it to something you can understand, it means that this thing can release equivalent to every second. The energy of a large divine technique of mine."

"Can this thing release such a high energy every second?" I asked in surprise.

Kohpra followed: "This is for sure. We have confirmed it before."

I thought about it for a while and asked: "You can give that staff to May I take a look?"

Anubis hesitated a little bit or passed it to me.

The length of this staff is not long. Even with the ring on the top, it is only about 1.9 meters. Compared with many divine power staff, this staff should be considered a short one. Kind, but even short is relative to the divine power staff. Among ordinary staff, this is definitely a very huge staff, but the real special thing about this thing is its weight.

Because I can see the size of the wand, I had a rough estimate of its weight before I took this thing, but after the thing got in my hands, I immediately felt the weight of the wand There was tremendous pressure, if it hadn't reacted in time, he would have almost never grasped the staff.

"Damn it! Why is this thing so heavy?"

"The material used for this staff is strengthened fine gold, and some of which we don’t know are added What kind of material, in short, the density is very high, and the energy intensity inside is also very terrifying. This layer of energy and this material seem to resonate with each other, before the energy is exhausted, this thing itself is almost invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable, otherwise We don't have to spend so much effort."

"I have a suggestion about this." I fumbled for the rod of the staff.

Anubis looked at me and asked, "Don't say you want to buy it. We will never sell this thing."

"You plan to destroy this thing. That means you don’t intend to keep it, so what is the purpose of your refusal to sell it? Are you afraid that someone will find out that you own this thing, or that there is something wrong with this thing itself?"

Hopra and Anubis glanced at each other, and then Anubis said to me, "Forget it, tell you the truth. This thing was stolen, but how and why did you steal it back? I can’t tell you who the original owner is, what I can tell you is that the owner of this thing may come to us recently, so in order to prevent it from being discovered, we need to destroy this thing as soon as possible, so as not to make good between us. The easy-to-recover relationship deteriorated again."

After listening to Anubis’s words, I suddenly corner of the mouth raised said with a smile: "This thing belongs to a High God, right?"

Kohpra suddenly rushed to my face and covered my mouth, and then scared witlessly, said, "Oh my little ancestor! Can you say this too?" Don’t trouble us!"

"Okay, don’t be so exaggerated, okay? Isn’t it just a staff? I can’t tell you just don’t care. Otherwise, you I thought it was possible to find something with the power of High God and I could not find it now?"

When Anubis and Cohopura heard me, they looked at each other, although they didn’t. Said, but it can be seen that they already believed me a little bit. The energy intensity of this thing is so high, which means that as far as the energy world is concerned, this is a huge radiation source. A large area around it can receive strong radiation signals, and High God’s ability to sense energy It can no longer be described simply as a strong one, so this thing can't be hidden at all. However, looking at the appearance of Anubis and Cohopura, this thing was probably here a long time ago, but recently they heard that the High God was coming, so they suddenly remembered this thing in a hurry. To be destroyed.

According to this situation, this thing should not be particularly important, at least the High God did not take this thing seriously, otherwise it would be too simple for people to find this thing. .

Since that High God has never cared about this thing, the probability that he suddenly remembered is really very low. In this way, you can know that this thing is not for that High God. How important.

"If that person didn't care, why did he suddenly ask God Nu if we have the habit of petty theft?" Kohopra asked.

"Did the other party directly ask?"

Anubis shook his head and said: "We don't know the specifics, but it seems like the one who asked the question directly. Question."

"The probability of this kind of situation is generally speaking is not high, but it is difficult to say, but since that person has not mentioned it before, then you can continue to remain silent. As for talking about this thing , I think you can handle it for me. When the time comes, even if the High God thinks of this thing, you can just push the responsibility to me. Then you will be completely taken out of this thing. Why? So? What’s your opinion on this?"

Anubis hesitated for a while and asked: "Do you really mean to be in the wrong?"

Kohopura also followed. : "Don't make a mistake, that person is High God!"

I nodded and said: "Yes, I am sure. But the premise is that you can't take the initiative to bring up this matter, unless the other party tracks it down On your head, otherwise you are not allowed to divulge this matter."

Anubis and Cohopura thought about it for a while, and Anubis suddenly said, "I'd better ask God the Father. "

Cohopura shook his head and said: "no no no, Osiris still doesn't know about this kind of thing."

"There is something about Osiris in this?"

"I'm afraid it's not just Osiris." Kohopra said: "Anyway, this thing is a ridiculous thing that we did when we were young, so don't ask. Anyway, this It’s not easy to explain."

I shook my head helplessly: "It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know the whole sequence of events, as long as I can get this thing. How about Anubis? So, tell me can this thing be given to me?"

Anubis hesitated for a while and asked, "What do you want to do with this thing? If you want to hold it and use it, I am absolutely I won’t agree to you. As long as you use this thing, it will produce strong energy fluctuations, and it will be discovered by that person, so you simply can’t use it. There is no use value for this kind of thing to take back, but you have to bear a huge burden for it. I don’t think it’s useful to hold this thing."

"I’ll judge whether it’s useful or not. What you have to consider is whether you’re willing to give it to me."


Kohpra added: "As long as you don't take this thing out and use it directly, we don't care, and as long as you can keep this thing invisible, then we have to thank you."

"It turned out to be like this." I thought about it for a while and asked: "In this case, it feels unnecessary. Why don't you just send this thing to me? Let me help. You solve the future problems, you give me this thing as a reward, anyway you don’t want it anymore, is this way for everyone to be happy? "

After Anubis and Cohopura thought for a while, Anubis stood up and said, "We still can’t fully decide where this thing belongs. I think we should ask Osiris. God the Father is good. "

Kohepura also followed: "I also need to notify Tetu, and pull. "

"Damn, does anyone in Egypt know this thing?" "

"The low-level gods don't even know. "Kohpra's answer was super simple, but after speaking, this guy immediately began to contact the Divine Race they mentioned.

I don’t know if it’s because of this thing. The relationship is very important. Anyway, Osiris, Ra and Tetu have shown a super long level of attention. Among them, Osiris actually ran over.

It is not the first time that Osiris and Osiris. We met, but there was nothing sorry about it. After a bunch of Egyptian gods came here, they began to conspire. These guys are obviously Divine Race, and when discussing a problem, they are nestled together whispering like a group of thieves decide how to divide the spoils. After more than half an hour of discussion, it was finally confirmed.

After confirming this matter, their reaction was also very strange. Tetu and Ra, as well as several other gods in contact, I left here cautiously and quickly. I didn’t even say hello to me, as if I was afraid that others would know that they had been here.

Wait for the remaining gods on the scene after the irrelevant guys ran away. There are only three people, Anubis, Kohopra, and Osiris. After all, these three may be directly related to this thing, so the three of them are responsible for the final work.

Osiris Unlike Anubis and Cohopura, his relationship with me can only be regarded as a cooperative relationship, not very familiar, so the attitude towards me is obviously more official. Standing in front of me Ossi Reese looked at me very seriously and said, "We have discussed the situation just now. We don’t think it’s a big problem to give you this thing, but there are some things that need to be confirmed before we can decide whether to give it to you. "

Since Osiris is so formal, I can't refuse it. I can only nodded and said: "It's okay, you just say it." "

Osiris nodded and said: "The best you can understand. So let me talk about the first question first. How do you use this thing when you want it back? In other words, how do you make use of its value, after all, you are impossible to just put it in the warehouse, right? "

I nodded and said: "Of course, I certainly impossible to let this thing fall in the warehouse. My purpose is twofold. "

"Please speak. "

"First. I want to study this thing and analyze its characteristics. I think the scientific research department of the Frost Rose League should be able to get some inspiration from this thing, and even directly discover some underlying rules. "

Osiris gently nodded said: "This purpose is very good. very safe. What about your second goal? "

"My second purpose is to get energy from this thing. "I pointed to Anubis and said, "Anubis and Cohopura had wanted to destroy this thing before, but found that the energy on it was too strong to be destroyed, and after many times of energy extraction, they seemed to find that In some special circumstances. I heard that energy overflow and system overheating caused meltdown when they exported energy. This means that the energy of this thing is not that it cannot be led out, but that the energy is too strong and nothing can withstand such a large energy intensity. In addition, since Anubis and Cohopura would like to improve the equipment, it means that they have tried more than one or two times before. If it's just that the energy intensity of this thing is too high, I think you only need to cast a little each time, and sooner or later you should be able to reduce the energy intensity of this thing to within your control. However, it is clear that neither Anubis nor Cohopura can reduce the energy intensity of this thing even by any point, which represents a possibility-this thing can recover itself. Only this situation can explain why Anubis and Cohopura have spent so much effort to design a cooling device so that they can make a device that can release energy for a long time, because once the process of releasing energy stops this Things will quickly regain energy, so you can only do this. How about it? am I right? "

Anubis nodded and said: "It's worthy of specializing in these magic techniques, but it's better than us. "

I smiled and continued: "So, since this thing can generate a lot of energy, and the recovery speed is super fast, it means that this thing is completely a magic battery that automatically restores energy. Such a powerful and almost cost-free energy battery, why do you say I don’t use it? "

Osiris was stunned for a while after hearing what I said, then after a few seconds the expression on his face suddenly became quite excited, and then started laughing and said with a smile: "Okay, this The solution is good. The magic machinery of your guild can absorb and utilize this energy, so that the energy of the wand is absorbed and transformed into other energy situations, and naturally there will be no external energy radiation. haha, this method is good. Very good, since you decided to use this as an energy source, then I promised you. As for the research you mentioned... I only allow you to research in the energy center, don't take this thing to study alone, because that is very likely to be discovered. "

I promised: "You can rest assured of this. You don't want to be remembered by that person. Why do I want to cause trouble?" "

Osiris nodded and said: "This is a good way, but where do you plan to put this energy center? "

I hesitated a little and said: "I have three plans at the moment, but they all have some concerns. "

"Talk about it. "Osiris seems to want me to completely determine the situation of this thing.

Since Osiris cares about this issue so much, I can't refuse it. I can only tell him in detail.


"I currently have three usage trends in my mind. The first is to place this staff in the Isengard Mobile Fortress. "

"Do you want to use this thing to replace the energy core in Isengard's mobile fortress?" "Osiris asked.

Cohopura next to him also asked: "How do I remember that Isinger Mobile Fortress in your guild is a flying castle?" "

"It should be said that it is a flying city. After all, it is a mobile fortress. How can it be only as big as a castle? "I explained: "But I have some concerns about this plan. "

"I also have concerns. "Osiris said: "Your Isengard mobile fortress is obviously a war fortress, this thing is to participate in the battle, if it is sunk, what should be done if the things inside are exposed? And there is another problem, that is, this staff will be quite unstable when it releases energy. In case of a reverse energy impact generated by the energy impact during the battle, this thing is absolutely activated for us. Not a good thing. "

"Can this thing be activated?" "I looked at Osiris in surprise and asked.

Osiris said with some embarrassment: "In fact, this thing was sealed after it came to us, but because the energy flow inside was too strong, So our seal cannot completely limit its energy, but although the seal cannot completely seal the energy inside, as long as there is no external energy to cooperate with this thing, it will not pose much threat to us, but if you use it in Isengard On the mobile fortress, if this thing is affected by the elemental tide generated by the powerful magic in the war and breaks through the outer seal, it will be a disaster for you and us. "

When Anubis heard Osiris saying this, he also followed the accent to express how scary this thing would be if it ran away, but I don’t think they are exaggerating, after all, this thing is a High God thing. , It’s not surprising what happens.

Cohopura said, “Don’t you still have a choice? Tell me about it. If the other two options are suitable, can't this unsafe option be used? "

"Nor can it be said that it is insecure, it's just not mature. "After I finished speaking, I looked towards Cohopura and said: "The second option is to put this thing in the steel city as a power source. "

"Steel City? "Anubis and Osiris have obviously not heard of them. After all, Steel City is a secret weapons production base for our guild. It seems that a large part of the actual military factory is kept secret. Similarly, our steel city claims to be an industrial base. Although many people know that it produces magic machinery, there are very few people who know the specific output and types. After all, our guild has always been there. Deliberately downplay the information of the steel city so that other guilds will not notice this. Anubis and Osiris are both Divine Races, and they don’t know much about the player’s guild. Besides, this steel city is not in Egypt. , The relationship with them is even less. Anubis and the others don’t know that it’s normal.

I explained the role of the steel city a little bit, and then said: "The steel city is coming to our guild It is basically an industrial center, and the large manufacturing plants in it consume a lot of energy, and almost one third of the magic crystal consumption of our guild is used here. "

"This place sounds good, you might as well just put it here. "Osiris obviously thinks this place is safer. After all, this steel city is a hidden industrial base. It is located in a relatively desolate desert area and has a protective circle around it. Most people will not come into contact with it. Besides, it is still a semi-underground fortress. I really can’t find a place safer than this kind of city.

Although Osiris said that this place is wrong, but I have my considerations. The only condition that Osiris considers is safety. But I’m the president of the Frost Rose League, and my standing position is different. Natural thinking is different. For me, although safety is one of the issues that need to be considered, the more important thing to consider is the economic benefits and maximization of benefits. This kind of thing cannot be fixed just because of safety.

"Although Steel City is indeed very safe, there is a disadvantage of Steel City, which is that although it is a huge energy consumption point, , But the problem is that its energy consumption only accounts for about one third of the energy consumption of our guild, not the place where it consumes the most energy. And our guild also has a very important building called the Dream Pool. This building can absorb energy and convert it into an energy liquid. This energy liquid can be used as a magic potion if you drink it directly, and if the magic crystal that has used up the energy is placed in In this pool, the magic crystal will automatically restore energy, and the speed is very fast. That is to say, as long as this dream pool has energy, it can be used as a recharger, it can recharge the magic crystal we have consumed, and it can also produce a large amount of magic potion, which is of great significance to us. Although the energy used by Steel City is very difficult to deal with, if the magic crystal can be recharged with the dream pool, then we can use the dream pool to supply the energy consumption of the steel city. As for the energy source of the dream pool itself, it is completely You can use this staff. "

"You mean to use this staff to charge that dream pool?" "Osiris asked.

"No, the Dream Pool is a special building in the Twin Cities of Isengard, so my third idea is to put this staff in the Twin Cities of Isengard as Ai The energy center of the Singer Twin Cities, in this way, not only can meet the energy consumption of the Isengard Twin Cities, but also can use the dream pool in it to indirectly provide energy for the steel city. In fact, our guild is not only the steel city using magic crystals. Many of our mobile devices use magic crystals as power. In this case, if the Isengard Twin Cities have unlimited energy supply, it is equivalent to us. Many things in the meeting have energy supply, and this energy supply is almost free. "

Osiris thought for a while and asked: "Then is your Isinger Twin Cities safe?" "

"Isinger Twin Cities is the headquarters city of our Frost Rose League. Although many people hope to destroy it, it is our nest to us, and we will protect it naturally. Particularly serious. In addition, our protection work is very well done. Although the Twin Cities of Isengard have been attacked many times, there has never been a real occupation. "

Osiris hesitated a little after hearing my explanation, and said after a while: "First of all, I want to say that the Isengard mobile fortress I do not recommend that you install this thing on it. Steel City should be a good choice, but it seems that you are not very satisfied with this plan. As for the Twin Cities of Isengard, it seems to be the most suitable choice now. I think your Frost Rose League is not the kind of small tree that falls when it blows. As your foundation, the Isengard Twin Cities should also be a very safe place, so I theoretically agree with your plan. "

When I heard Osiris nodded, I immediately showed a said with a slight smile: "Thank you for your understanding. As long as we put this thing in the Isinger Twin Cities, we can get almost unlimited Free energy, this is definitely a great thing for us in the Frost Rose League. "

Osiris suddenly stretched out a hand to stop me from continuing, and then said to himself: "Thank you, no more, although we have decided to give you this thing before, but we don’t Intend to transfer impermanently. "

I know that none of these Divine Races is someone who is easy to deal with. Anubis looks fierce, but in fact he is an outspoken guy, and rarely has any bad intentions. , Belongs to the kind that looks bad, but is actually very sincere to people. Although the guy Kohopura feels a little wily old fox, he is actually an honest person, and he is also a good old person. Although occasionally a little caress, he is actually It’s not a bad guy. But Osiris is different. This guy is more like a politician. Of course, he’s not a particularly bad politician. He just knows how to fight for benefits. So even if you deal with this thing, it’s actually a big deal for them. Good, but Osiris is also impossible to give me a free energy generator.

Although Osiris made such a request, I did not intend to take advantage of it, so this request is not Very surprised.

"I wonder what price Osiris thinks I need to pay? "

At this time, Anubis and Cohopura both began to help and said: "Don't worry Purple Moon, we are all old friends, of course we won't cheat you. "

Osiris nodded and said: "Anubis is right, we will not cheat you. "

"So what are the specific requirements? "

Anubis said with a smile: "Does this still need to be asked?" Of course it is that thing. You know. "

Of course I know what the "thing" Anubis is talking about is nothing more than Power of Faith. Divine Race’s demand for Power of Faith is just like the ordinary person’s demand for food. Although modern society is rich in materials and there are many poor people, except for a few countries, people in most countries can still guarantee basic food needs, so most of us usually don't care too much about food. But if it is true One day when the food supply disappears, you will understand how important food is. It can be said that it is the basis of all human behavior. Without food or lack of food, people will no longer be human, but will Degenerate into a wild beast. The development of a country with chronic food shortage is a complete dream, and for a Divine Race force to buy medicine, it must have a large supply of Power of Faith, otherwise it would be good if it does not degenerate.

Of course, Divine Race will develop its own believers, and believers to Divine Race are like farmland to farmers. Farmers plow in the farmland and harvest food. Divine Race spreads faith among believers. Then harvest Power of Faith. However, it is slightly different from the actual food. There are limits to food consumption. No matter how you eat, the consumption reaches a certain standard. Increase the consumption of planting agriculture, but in fact there is still a limit to the consumption of food, which will not exceed too much. However, the amount of Power of Faith required for Divine Race is almost unlimited.

We Frost Rose The chaos and order of the alliance Divine Race The reason why Power of Faith cannot be used is not because they consume very little, but because the amount of Power of Faith produced by the Celestial Court is too large, and our chaos Compared with the order Divine Race itself, the number of people is relatively small, and it is simply incomparable to those places Divine Race, naturally there is a situation where Power of Faith cannot be used. However, this situation is an extremely isolated case, not a general situation. For most of the Divine Race forces, Power of Faith is the more the better, the more is not too virtuous.

"If you want Power of Faith, just say it straight. Although the Frost Rose League collects There are not many Power of Faith, but if it is used to exchange this wand that can provide unlimited energy, I think we can still squeeze Some come out. "I'm not a fool. Even if our Frost Rose League’s Power of Faith is so large that I don’t know how to use it, I can’t tell them directly! I really want to let Divine Race in those places know about our Frost Rose League’s Power of Faith. Power of Faith is so much that it can’t be used at all, so instead of making a deal with us, they rushed over to snatch it. Occasionally crying poor can not only prevent others from hitting our ideas, but also let others treat us. The perception has changed. After all, other Divine Races now think that the Power of Faith we traded is hard to squeeze out, so that they get a little bit of Power of Faith will be deeply grateful to us, and in turn, if they let them know about us The Power of Faith is too much to use up, so even if we give it ten times more, maybe a bunch of Divine Races think we are stingy.

Osiris sees that I don’t shy away from trading Power of Faith. The mood improved immediately. "Since President Purple Moon has said so, then we are not welcome. "After Osiris finished speaking, he turned his head and talked with Anubis and Cohopura in a low voice, then turned around and stretched out a finger to me and said, "We want this number." "

"One million units of Power of Faith? "My expression is calm and nodded and said: "This is no problem, I can be sure now. "

"no no no. "Osiris immediately shook his head when I said one million units of Power of Faith: "It's not a million units, it's 100 million units of Power of Faith." "

"How much do you say? "

"One hundred million. "Osiris said without blinking.

"What are you kidding?" "I asked with a surprised look: "Are you sure you really intend to exchange?" "

Osiris suddenly changed his expression, and said with a very sorry expression: "We also know that the price is a little bit higher, but we have no choice. Recently we encountered some troubles. It takes a lot of Power of Faith to solve the problem, so we really need Power of Faith. "

" Then you can't hack me! "I helplessly said: "Our guild has 100 million units of Power of Faith, but my Power of Faith is not caused by a strong wind!" "

"What? Do you really have one? "Osiris immediately jumped up when I said that we had 100 million units of Power of Faith.

Seeing Osiris’ reaction, I asked in surprise: "I didn’t know that we had such a How much Power of Faith? Then you still offer such a high price, don't you sincerely want to sell it? "

"No, no. "Anubis hurriedly pulled Osiris to stand up and explain: "It's not that we don't want to sell, but we need a lot of Power of Faith now, and we don't plan to let you really take out 100 million units of Power of Faith. what! Aren’t we thinking about repaying the price on the spot? "

"You really are...! "After shaking my head helplessly, I said: "If you need Power of Faith, I can indeed provide it, and it's more than 100 million units. "

"What? Can you provide us with more than 100 million units of Power of Faith? "This time, even Cohopura is not calm. Although Cohopura usually performs very calmly, but suddenly heard so many Power of Faith, even this veteran Divine Race is a bit unable to withstand it.

After a little reassurance, I said: "Our guild does have a Power of Faith reserve of more than 100 million units, and the actual reserves may be more than twice this. "

"What? "This time it was the three Divine Races, Kohopra, Anubis, and Osiris. They were surprised to hear that we had more than 100 million units of Power of Faith. As a result, I turned around. Doubled this number. It was like throwing a blockbuster in their heads and stunned all three Divine Races.

"You really have more than 200 million units. Power of Faith? "Osiris asked.

Anubis was more direct than his father, came up and pinched my shoulder and said, "Say, what do you want us to do?" As long as you give us all those Power of Faith, you can do whatever you want us to do. "

"hey hey hey, you are Divine Race!" Is it a bit of integrity, okay? "After taking off Anubis's paw, I said, "I have more than 200 million units of Power of Faith, but we have accumulated it so easily, so we are impossible and give it all for a staff. you. After all, this thing is a popular item in all Divine Races. As long as I shout out, I will ensure that the Divine Races of the whole world can rush to our guild to change it. "

"But you have come to us, which means you have decided to trade with us, right? "Osiris is really smart.

"You really have a good head. "I glanced at Osiris, and said: "Okay, I'll just say it!" What we need is really very simple, but the key depends on how much you can give. "

"Just talk about it. "Kohpra said.

I nodded and said: "You also know that we are fighting and we are in a little trouble, so we need troops now. "

"Are you going to buy soldiers from us?" "Osiris reacted immediately, and then turned his head and looked towards Anubis.

Anubis is not a fool, on the contrary, this guy is shrewd to death. As soon as he sees his father's eyes, he immediately looks He walked up and asked: "My Death God guard can be sold to you, how many do you want to report? "

"I want more than Death God guards. "I looked at Anubis and said, "I need a lot of things. In addition to Death God guards, I also need a lot of scarabs. "

"What do you want scarabs for?" "Kohepra looked at me and asked.

Kohepra is the god of beetles. Scarabs are actually his people. Suddenly I heard that I want scarabs. Kohopra is obviously I was very surprised, because although scarabs can play a great role in combat, the strictly speaking scarabs are not actually a kind of army. Because of this, Kohopra doesn’t understand why I should buy saints at all. Beetle.

"Just leave it alone what I want the Scarab. Anyway, what I need is the Scarab and Death God Guards. In addition, I also need a very special class of troops. "

"What else? "

"I need a lot of mummies. "

"Mummy? "

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