"President, if you have a way, please speak up? Don't let us down!" Everyone in the Rainbow Alliance looked at Yusina and urged her to answer quickly, because they are all true I want to get this answer too much.

Usina didn’t really let them wait long. After they were all focused, they immediately said, “What you said before is correct. The system restricts the Divine Race to participate in the civil war. So free Divine Race impossible really participated in the war between us and the Sea King Palace. But..." Yusina deliberately dragged her voice to the elderly, and then continued in the eyes of everyone's expectation: "But if there is another guild What about attacking Isinger Mobile Fortress?"

"Isinger Mobile Fortress?"

"Another guild?"

Everyone is for a while I didn’t fully understand what Usina meant, but this kind of thing was not too complicated, so someone reacted quickly, and then heard a voice exclaiming: "Ah! I thought about it."

With the appearance of this voice, the eyes of everyone in the room of course immediately gathered in the past, and then I heard the guy explain: "Isinger Mobile Fortress is a mobile city, it’s like a normal city. It’s a different city, but it’s still strictly speaking, and it’s very unfortunate that Isengard Mobile Fortress is a sovereign city with territorial rights in China."

This guy just talked about the surrounding area. There was a voice that suddenly realized.

In fact, this question is easy to understand. Isinger Mobile Fortress is not the kind of city that hangs under the name of other countries. It is a sovereign city, which means that when Isinger Mobile Fortress moves, the land around him will automatically become Chinese territory.

When Isengard Mobile Fortress moves within the country, this is of course no problem, but once Isengard Mobile Fortress goes abroad, it will be different. Because Isengard Mobile Fortress will automatically set the surrounding land as its own country, when Isengard Mobile Fortress is moved to the United States, territorial changes actually occur, and the sovereignty of a piece of land changes from one country to another. For a country, this change itself is tantamount to aggression. In other words, according to the system rules, after Isinger Mobile Fortress entered the territory of other countries, the Divine Race of other countries actually took action against Isinger Mobile Fortress. Allowed. Because Isengard’s mobile fortress enters the territory of another country is itself an act of aggression, no matter if he was invited or just passing by, or really came to invade, anyway, according to system regulations, as long as Isinger’s mobile fortress reaches another country In fact, it is already considered aggression on the territory.

But, why did Isinger Mobile Fortress go abroad so many times, but he was hardly attacked by the Divine Race of those countries?

The reason is simple, because we are a Divine Race related user and the procedures for attacking us are illegal.

The reason for the Divine Race relationship is well understood. Because the Ring of Discipline is currently under the trusteeship of our guild, the various Divine Races and our guilds are somewhat related. Of course, if there is a war, we will talk about it separately, but as long as we don’t actually run away Invading others, the general Divine Race forces will not want to be our enemy, this is for sure. Therefore, the Divine Race of those countries did not intervene when Isengard Mobile Fortress passed by or was invited to help fight in other countries, because we either went to help fight the civil war or passed by. It is not considered a real aggression. For our face, turn a blind eye will pass. The only few cases where Isengard’s mobile fortress was attacked occurred in Russia or Japan. These two places were really at war with us, so even attacking each other is understandable.

In addition to the reasons for this relationship, the second reason is that the procedures are illegal.

According to the system’s restrictions on Divine Race in various places, Divine Race cannot attack when the enemy’s personnel enter the country. You must first let the player fight. If the player can’t figure it out, then You can apply for assistance to the Divine Race in your home country, and this time the Divine Race in your home country can really participate in the battle. The Isinger Mobile Fortress passed by when he passed by those countries before, and there was no war with the local players. In this case, of course, the Divine Race forces could not attack us actively. Although it appeared in Germany when it helped the Iron Crusade to gain supremacy before, but because it was a civil war, the small German guilds that were attacked did not even think about asking Divine Race to take action. Naturally, the local Divine Race. There is no mobile phone meeting. Of course, even if the small guilds in Germany really ask for it, in fact there will be no Divine Race to come forward, because our guild has a close relationship with the European Dark God Palace, unless we really plan to kill a few The German guild establishes our own territory over there, otherwise it seems that this apparently only temporary staying behavior will of course not really let the European Dark God Palace take the initiative.

Because Isinger Mobile Fortress has been to many countries before but was hardly attacked by the local Divine Race, many people did not expect that there is such a method that can be used.

Seeing that everyone understood what she meant, Yusina began to say: "You are right. Now Isengard Mobile Fortress is really on our country’s territory, and it’s in the United States. A piece of territory belonging to China has been created within the national territory. This is a territorial change. Before, we and Haiwangdian have become a civil war mode, so Free Divine Race will not help us, but if there is a third-party guild that does not participate in the battle, it will attack directly. Isengard’s mobile fortress in the Frost Rose Alliance can be judged as resisting the invasion, and in this case, you can ask Free Divine Race to take action."

"But Free Divine Race really does. Do you want to shoot?" A player said worriedly: "Free Divine Race is not an NPC that does things according to procedures, and their thinking is very complicated."

"Because of complex thinking, free Divine Race must be Will make a move." Usina said confidently: "Some of you should know that the relationship between Purple Moon and Free Divine Race is actually quite bad. Free Goddess hates Purple Moon very much, so as long as we give As their excuse for taking action, Free Divine Race will do everything they can to take part in it."

"If Free Divine Race participates in our battle, it can really limit the battle strength of the Frost Rose League. , And if free Divine Race dispatches a few experts, maybe it can really kill Purple Moon." Someone said.

"Actually, it’s not a big problem whether to kill Purple Moon or not. One or two times is not a big deal for Purple Moon. It doesn’t have much practical value. As long as you are free to Divine Race, you can think of a way. We have already benefited a lot from limiting the high-end martial power of the Frost Rose Alliance. As long as the Frost Rose Alliance can’t get in touch with it, Aquaman’s Palace alone is definitely not our opponent. When the time comes, we only have to destroy the Aquaman’s Palace Frost Rose Alliance. They have lost the reason to stay. Unless they really intend to invade our United States, they will simply leave if they don’t."

"High, this method is really good."

The people on the Rainbow Alliance side cheered because they thought of a way to deal with us, and Isengard Mobile Fortress was not idle, because we already knew the other party’s intentions.

"You mean the Rainbow Alliance intends to let the Free Divine Race intervene in our civil war?" Terry asked in surprise.

"I have a live video here, do you want to watch it?" I directly rolled a crystal ball along the table, and Terry took it and immediately took it and took a look at what was recorded in it. .

This picture was taken by the scouting mosquitoes of our guild. There are not only pictures, but also sounds, as if a camera was installed on the scene, except that the mosquitoes were spotted upside down on the ceiling and the picture was completely Except for the upside-down, everything else can be said to be about the same as the live broadcast.

After watching this video, Terry immediately frowned: "Free Divine Race according to the method they said. Maybe you can actually participate in the battle!"

" It's not that it's bad, but it definitely will." I completely destroyed Terry's fluke. "You may not know that I have a personal grievance with Goddess Freedom, so as long as there is a chance, Freedom Divine Race will do everything possible to trouble me. This time Usina sent her a ready-made excuse. If she is It’s weird if we don’t come."

"What should I do?" A player of the Sea King Palace said anxiously: "Now the alliance between the Rainbow Alliance and the Holy Lance Alliance has already done this to us. It’s horrible, if even the free Divine Race is involved, we really have no hope!"

"Actually, that may not be the case." Christina said: "Free Divine Race we did before. If you have played against, if you really want to fight, the victory or defeat is only 50-50, and we may not lose. In fact, if you really want to speak of which, we have a greater chance of winning."

"You have So powerful?" A player of the Sea King Palace asked in surprise.

"It's not a question of not being powerful or not, we have a special way to deal with Divine Race." Gold coin, who just came back from the resurrection, walked to his seat and said: "Free Divine Race is about to participate in the battle, right? , It’s enough to kill a few more of our storage tanks."

"gold coin." I suddenly stared at gold coin and shouted.

Gold coin also knew that he had leaked his mouth, so he stopped and said, “Actually, I don’t think there is any need to worry about the free Divine Race. Among the Divine Races of all countries, the free Divine Race is the least. The threatening team, because their background is too small, and simply don't have many real high-end gods. The Divine Races that are patched together are all direct battle-type. We are not afraid of anyone who fights battle strength alone."

"Actually, gold coin is right. The most terrifying thing about Divine Race is not its battle strength, but their special ability and special equipment. Free Divine Race is the shortest establishment time among Divine Races in all countries. It’s almost impossible to have any inventory, so I don’t think it’s a big problem.” After Christina finished speaking, she added: “But then again, since the free Divine Race is the Divine Race of the United States, considering the power of the Divine Race of the various countries in the game. Equal to the reality of the national situation, I suspect that the battle strength of individual gods of the Free Divine Race may be very exaggerated."

"We can't discuss anything about this issue for the time being, because the Free Divine Race The battle strength is unknown, so we are all imaginary when we discuss it now." Rose said: "You are now like this. Instead of calculating things that are not reliable, it is better for us to do something practical."

< p>"Excuse me, what do you mean by actual?" asked a player in the Sea King Palace.

"The so-called actual..." Rose said: "In fact, it is not to let them have an excuse to participate in the war."

"There are as many excuses as this thing, how to make them Can't find an excuse?" The player of the Sea King Palace asked again.

"I'm not saying that I really want to prevent the free Divine Race from participating in the battle, but trying to prevent them from participating in the battle, that is, let them enter the battle as late as possible, so that at least we can gain a little more advantage. Even if it works well, we might be able to drag it until the end of the battle without allowing Divine Race to have a chance to participate in the battle."

When I heard Rose, even Terry became excited. "Is it really possible? Tell me what we are going to do?"

"You have seen the video. A prerequisite for the free Divine Race to participate in the war is that we must have a frontal war with the American Guild. , This is regarded as an invasion. The Rainbow Alliance cannot be counted here, because we were invited by your Sea King Palace. You and the Rainbow Alliance are now fighting a civil war, so the previous battles between us and the Rainbow Alliance did not have any reality. Effectiveness cannot be used as a prerequisite for the restriction of freedom Divine Race breakthrough, which is why Usina said to find third-party guilds to intervene. We can actually take some measures to avoid conflicts when they are looking for third-party guilds. For example. Said that as long as we see the appearance of American guild personnel outside the Rainbow Alliance, our Frost Rose League personnel can avoid fighting with them. These people let the people of the Sea King Hall attack first, as long as you people in the Sea King Hall Fight with this guild, even if you are in a state of civil war, and at this time our Frost Rose League has a reasonable reason to continue attacking each other."

Terry said with some enlightenment: "Also. That is to say, as long as those guilds do not fight with you first, but are dragged into the battle by our people first, it will be fine, right?"

Rose said with a smile: "Yes, that's what it means. The Rainbow League wants to use the loopholes in the rules to let the free Divine Race participate in the war, and we can also rely on loopholes in the rules to prevent them from participating in the war, but the speaking of which is simple, and the operation is actually not simple. If we were first attacked by an American guild outside of the Rainbow Alliance, or our attack accidentally hit a third party, then they can get an excuse, and as long as we don’t happen to this situation, it’s actually made by your Sea King Hall first. If the aggressive behavior is dragged into the war mode, then they can’t get out of the free Divine Race."

"It feels so complicated to do it!"

"It is indeed complicated, but this It's the only way to prevent the free Divine Race from taking action." Rose said.

Terry nodded and said: "At the moment it can only be like this. However, even the free Divine Race has never found a chance to participate in the battle, but how are we going to get the Rainbow Alliance next? The overall battle strength is stronger than us!"

"Have you not watched the battle report?" I asked Terry in surprise.

Terry asked me in confusion: "What is the battle report?"

"System's battlefield situation map."

"The thing only has rough data. , What's the point?" Terry asked unclearly.

"I have taken you! How did you become the guild leader until now?" I reluctantly opened the battle report icon to show him, and then pointed to the standing strength comparison on it. Said: "Have you found that your battle strength graphs are getting closer? This shows that guerrilla warfare has begun to take effect. As long as you continue, you can surpass the Rainbow Alliance to gain an advantage in overall battle strength. When the time comes, you don’t need it. If you worry about anything, it will be OK if you push the authority over."

"hahahaha! Sure enough, asking you Frost Rose League to take action is the right choice."

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