After a brief hesitation, I made a decision, which is to run quickly.

The current situation is obviously not good for me, and our overall strategic plan is more like a guerrilla warfare rather than a frontal decisive battle. If I can't hold it down, someone from our guild will inevitably come to rescue me, and this will lead to an escalation of the battle. As a result, the guerrilla warfare will become an encounter, and it will be the most terrible refueling tactic. This is not in line with our strategic intentions, so there is no benefit at all to stay.

Since I want to understand, of course I won't go to waste with them here. I grabbed the Heavenly Venerable shirt, turned around and jumped on the back of the flying bird that just appeared. The crowd on the opposite side immediately showed nervous expressions when they saw my actions, but I wouldn't pause at all because of their expressions. The flame sprayed behind Asuka, leading me straight into the sky, leaving only a belt of white smoke like a ladder.

During the ascent of the bird, I opened the communicator to notify the military god, and the military god immediately connected to the communicators of all our guilds and sea king hall personnel on the scene.

"This is the command center. Attention, everyone, immediately evacuate the scene, repeat, everyone immediately evacuate the scene."

Christina looked red and asked: "You Can you move?"

True Red waved her hand weakly and said: "No, I can’t use it!"

Christina thought for a while and just let go of True Red and turned her stick on the ground. A circle was drawn around the real red, and then he reached out his hand and took out a large bottle of liquid from his body and poured it into the gully that was just drawn on the circle. The liquid quickly filled the circular gully, turning it into a red circle.

After completing this, the surrounding Rainbow Alliance personnel have been close to a very close distance, but Christina did not appear to be anxious, but sketched some lines outside the circle, following her The wand pulled out a trace on the ground, and the red liquid permeated to form a new pattern, and in a short while, a large dense magic array was created.

"What are you doing?" Zhen Hong recovered a little bit, and asked Christina, who was sitting on the ground watching Christina walking back to her.

Christina smiled, and then said: "I found a very interesting thing last time, take this opportunity to do an experiment to test the effect."

It's really red because it doesn't I knew what Christina was talking about, so I didn't ask much, just watched the surrounding enemies gradually surround her.

Because our staff are in the car, only Christina and Zhenhong are left here. Usina took a large number of Rainbow Alliance experts to surround the two of them, and then walked outside the circle that was obviously a magic array. First, he looked down at the magic array on the ground, and then said to Christina on the opposite side: "Kristina, do you think this thing can block us so many people? The Purple Moon guy has already left you and fled. , You two didn’t run a while ago, and now you still expect to survive?"

"Correct it. The president just feels that the current form is not necessary to continue fighting, instead of fleeing, because he has not used the last So even if you leave, it’s definitely not an escape, you just don’t want to fight. Besides, if you really think this magic array is nothing at worst, then why don’t you come in and try it?"

" hmph, don’t think that the radical method is useful for me, you are still tender." After Usina finished speaking, she turned around and shouted to the people around: "Don’t get close to this thing, use a long-range attack."

Around Of course, the people who heard Usina said nothing, a mess of long-range skills or things like arrows moved towards Christina and Zhenhong in the middle shot past. However, just when everyone thought that the magic array on the ground would unfold a protective shield to block all attacks, the thing showed a way of reacting completely beyond everyone's expectations.

Those people in the Rainbow Alliance thought that this should be a very powerful protective array, but in fact this thing is completely different. Just when all the attacks hit the range of the magic array, there was a scene that everyone hadn't expected. I saw that the attacks on the magic array disappeared the moment they touched the range of the magic array, and then the next second they would emerge at the corresponding position opposite the magic array, and then continue to move forward.

Originally, Christina and Zhenhong were surrounded in the middle. These attacks came from all directions. They should have all hit Christina and Zhenhong in the middle, but now because of this thing, all attacks will pass. Go to the position opposite to the magic array and move on, so the result is like a circle of people attacking each other. Everyone sees the attack by the opposite person flying out of the magic array in front of them, and then the scene becomes chaotic. , Everyone was messed up by their own attacks. Magic attacks are good, at least with identification of friend or foe. After your own attack is hit, only some basic damage is calculated, and most of the damage value will be exempted. However, there is no accidental injury exemption for physical skills or arrows. The result is an instant on-site. There were a lot of casualties. Of course, the casualties were all from the Rainbow Alliance, and Christina and Zhenhong had no loss at all.

"hahahaha...! This thing is so interesting!" Zhenhong sat on the ground while drinking a healing potion, and the Rainbow Alliance staff laughed as they watched the people around.

Just because Usina didn’t expect this result, she was hit by the opponent’s attack. Fortunately, the player opposite her used the Fireball Technique, so most of the magic attacks were exempted. It just blackened her body and face a lot, and she looked as embarrassed as a refugee.

I thought I could knead each other with so many people surrounded by Zhenhong and Christina. Didn’t expect that the first time I started it was my own bad luck. Naturally it is quite ugly. Yusina stared at Christina and Zhenhong angrily but didn't know what to say, she could only be angry there.

"Hey, aren't you going to kill us? Come on! We are waiting in a hurry!" Zhen Hong shouted in the magic array, fearing that the world would not be chaotic. The Rainbow Alliance outside Of course, the personnel are furious, but with the lessons just now, no one dares to attack this demon array anymore.

After all, Yousina is the president. After calming down a bit, the staff immediately surrounded the magic array, but it was not as dense as before. Instead, it was scattered into a larger encirclement. too close. However, she certainly didn't intend to let Christina and Zhenhong go, but just wanted to experiment.

Under Usina's order, a Rainbow Alliance player walked all over the magic array, and then took out a long sword from his body. This long sword is gray and gray, and you can see that it is inferior equipment. It should not be the player's main weapon, but the spoils of war that has not been sold.

Stand firmly on the edge of the magic array, and stab the long sword in your hand in the direction of the magic array. There is no resistance, just like swinging a sword in the air. This long sword easily penetrates the magic array, but the tip of the sword does not enter the inside of the magic array, but a section of the sword tip emerges from the opposite side. As the player continues to swing the blade left and right, the half of the blade that seems to be floating in the air will follow.

The player took back his long sword in surprise after swiping left and right for a long time. As a result, the half of the sword tip on the opposite side was also retracted, and what he was holding was actually a complete long sword.

People around have different expressions when they see this situation. Those who react slowly are dull and surprised, while those who react quickly are frowned with a worried expression.

No matter how the people outside react, the guy inside is bold. After experimenting with the weapon, this guy actually stretched one of his hands to the magic array, and then an even stranger scene appeared. His palm disappeared into the magic array, but he was in a palm on the opposite side of the magic array, and his fingers could still move.

Seeing this, the guy boldly closed his eyes and stepped forward, and then, unsurprisingly, he walked out from the other side.

"Spatial projection array?" After all, Yusina is the president of the Rainbow Alliance. It is inevitable that she is experienced and knowledgeable. She had never seen this magic array, but she had heard of this function, so she quickly determined that this thing was the legendary spatial projection array.

Originally, Usina thought she had guessed it right after she pronounced the name, but who knew Christina smiled and asked: "Why would you think of that kind of thing? My magic array and space projection Does the array look similar?"

Usina at first is pretty sure that this is the spatial projection array, but Christina started frowning when she said that. After comparing with the rumors of the spatial projection array that I know, Yusina discovered that this magic array and the real spatial projection array seem to be really different.

First of all, the real spatial projection array is actually a kind of high-order Camouflage Technique. Although it is indeed a spatial system and uses the ability similar to Spatial Teleportation, it is actually far from the magic array in front of you.

The function of the real space projection array is a bit similar to the optical camouflage technology in reality. It uses optical fiber and synthetic imaging to transmit the light behind the object that needs to be shielded to the other side. The characteristic of "transparency" appears under the optical system. The result is that the obscured object becomes invisible. Of course, because this process is quite complicated, no country can truly achieve complete optical invisibility, at best, it is not easy to be discovered, so this kind of technology will be called optical camouflage in reality instead of invisible technology.

The function principle of the spatial projection array is similar to this optical camouflage, which is to use Spatial Teleportation Technology to transmit the light behind the person to his body, and cross-transmit the light from the surrounding 360 degrees, so It can form an effect similar to invisibility, and there will not be too obvious fluctuations in the movement. Compared with the pure invisibility skills, it has more advantages in mobile invisibility.

Hearing here, some people may think that this spatial projection array is indeed the magic array arranged with Christina, because the thing that Christina has made is to perform 360 degrees of surrounding matter and energy. It seems that it is exactly the same as the spatial projection array.

However, the two are actually quite different.

We all know that the energy consumption of Transmission Formation to transmit objects is not exactly the same. The greater the physique of the transmitted objects or the higher the energy intensity, the farther the transmission distance, the greater the energy consumption for transmission. As an invisible skill, the spatial projection array consumes very little. From this we can know that the transmission ability of this spatial projection array is actually very weak. It cannot transmit things with too much mass or too high energy intensity.

In fact, the space projection array can transmit only normal intensity visible light, sound waves and some ordinary beam energy. This is why the spatial projection array is an invisible skill rather than a defensive skill, because when someone attacks you, whether it is a physical attack or energy supply, the material mass and energy intensity of the attack it uses far exceed the spatial projection array. The limit it can bear, so the transfer cannot be completed, and naturally it will not be able to play a defensive effect.

However, the magic array arranged by Christina can not only transmit the attack energy and materialized objects to the opposite side, but more importantly, this thing is completely opposite to the spatial projection array and selectively filters some thing. For example, sound, such as light.

Usina and the others can clearly see Christina and Zhenhong outside, and from the reaction of Christina and Zhenhong, they can also see the situation outside, which shows the light Has not been transmitted. In addition, they had a conversation before, so the voice was obviously not transmitted in isolation.

Normal space projection array does not have the ability to judge, it just transmits everything it touches that does not exceed its transmission strength, and there is absolutely no selective letting go. The probability. Moreover, the normal spatial projection array will definitely not be able to transmit their previous attack skills, let alone a player who passed through it. Transmission of this intensity consumes very terrifying energy, and it is definitely not something that can be completed with a small temporary magic array, otherwise the Transmission Formation bases in the city will not have to use fine gold and mythril. Can be portrayed. If cheap materials can be used, fools will spend so much money to buy such expensive materials.

"Are you an improved spatial projection array?" Usina asked, looking at Christina.

Christina laughed, and then asked: "Do you think the space magic that can transmit a living person can be driven without a magic crystal? Even if it's just a few meters away."

After hearing this rhetorical question, Usina was only a little confused at first, but she quickly reacted, and then her expression became extremely hideous looking at Christina and Zhenhong and asked: "You are already not in Is it here?"

"You just found out now? It's really stupid!" Christina smiled and waved to Usina: "Thank you for playing with us for so long. , It's interesting to play with you. But we are leaving now. Bye." As Christina's voice fell, Christina and Zhenhong in the magic array suddenly disappeared, but the magic array was still there.

"Asshole!" Yusina roared and flies into a rage on the spot. Unfortunately, Christina and Zhenhong couldn’t see it because they were both moving from Isinger’s fortress at this time. Come out of the magic array.

In fact, there is no problem with the magic array that Christina placed in place just now. It is really a magic array that can make the surrounding attacks and objects pass through the past. However, in After the magic array was activated, Christina added a phantom array to it, which is why the magic array on the ground has two circles. As for Christina and Zhenhong himself, after starting the magic array outside, they flee through Transmission Scroll with the cover of the phantom array. As for the Christina and True Red that Yusina saw later, they were all made by remote control using the phantom array, purely for fun.

Of course, Christina's effort to arrange such a magic array is not for fun, but because otherwise, she can't leave.

At that time, Christina needed to cover Zhenhong and evacuate together, but they were surrounded by enemies. It would not be convenient to run directly. The key is that Zhenhong was too severely injured and inconvenient to move, otherwise it would be fine. Forcibly break through, anyway, the strength of the two of them can not be stopped by ordinary people.

However, Christina was not sure whether she could safely evacuate with her because of the redness, so she had to arrange such a magic array to protect them both, and then use phantoms The array blocks the outside view, so that they can buy precious time for them. Because the outer layer of protection can isolate various detections, the inner phantom array is basically impossible to see through, because no matter whether it is cracking the phantom or directly attacking, it cannot penetrate the outer layer and really touch the inner phantom array and Christina and the truth. Red himself.

Under this layer of protection, Zhenhong can take medicine to recover from the injury first, and then wait for the time of the fighting state to pass, because there is no way to use Transmission Scroll in the fighting state, you must wait for this State cooling. Since True Red was attacked before, it was pulled into a combat state, so there was no way to use Transmission Scroll, but it recovered after waiting for a while in this thing. After the battle state was lifted, Zhenhong and Christina immediately opened the Transmission Scroll and left here, and because of the protection of the outer layer, the Rainbow Alliance staff outside simply could not find the situation inside, even if the magical fluctuations were unable to sense it, because This magic array has shielded even the magic fluctuations, and people outside can only feel the magic fluctuations of the magic array itself.

Because of the protection of that layer of things outside, Christina and Zhenhong easily get away, and it can be said that they are walking leisurely, more chic than ours. However, Usina was really almost mad at her. I thought it was easy to catch the two big fishes. Not only did they not catch anything, but she was also knocked down several times by her own attacks, which was even more irritating. For a long time, a bunch of people have been playing with others. Yusina understood in an instant what is meant by "this hate lasts forever." At that time, Christina and Zhenhong's heart were really eaten raw.

No matter what Usina's mood is, Christina and Zhenhong are out anyway. After taking a lot of drugs, Real Red can already walk on her own, but it is obviously still a relatively vacant feeling. If Christina does not support her, she will even be a little unstable, but it has reached our own site, of course, nothing at worst. Of it.

"You two, come and help." Christina moved towards Transmission Formation. The two guards at the door beckoned, and the two NPC guards reacted very quickly. Seeing the red look, they knew it was going to be What are you doing? I hurried over to hold the real red one by one. Freed Christina rubbed her sore shoulder and said: "You send her to the medical temple first."

"I understand Lord Christina." The two NPCs quickly helped. Zhu Zhenhong walked in the direction of the medical temple.

In fact, the red defensive power is very strong. It shouldn’t be so simple and made like this. The key is that the gun god’s gold coin bullet is not only huge formidable power, but also terrible. The thing actually has a curse, and it is the kind of curse that simply cannot be washed away by ordinary methods, so it will cause the red to be completely restored until it returns to the Isengard Mobile Fortress, otherwise it will be issued by her high-level personnel. Those high-level medicines secretly made by our guild are absolutely impossible to recover after such a long time. But it’s okay to get to the Isengard Mobile Fortress. The medical temple in the city has the attribute of ten times the medical speed when the city is in a state of non-war. That is to say, as long as the medical temple is in the medical temple, no matter what method of blood recovery you use , Will get a recovery speed ten times the normal value, and at this recovery speed, in fact, even if you don't take medicine, the automatic recovery speed can quickly bring the blood volume back to full. In addition, the special effects of the medical temple also include curse suppression, which means that the curse effect will disappear when in the medical temple, and the effect of continuous blood loss skills such as toxins will end soon, and the formidable power will also be over. Will fall. In short, most people can't die as long as they still breathe when they arrive at the medical temple.

True Red has no mortal danger. All she needs is to quickly recover from her weakness. Her current blood volume has actually been restored to bits and pieces. If there is no problem with this blood volume under normal circumstances, the key is that the curse effect on the bullet causes her physical value to never recover. The medicine didn't work, and it made it really red now as if I had just finished a marathon. I couldn't get enough energy all over, and my whole person was like mud.

Zhenhong was sent for treatment, Christina turned around and went directly to the conference hall. Sure enough, when she got here, everyone on our side had already returned. Currently looking at the situation gathered back by the military god.

After Adopting our suggestion, the Sea King Palace began to send a large number of personnel to clean up the area controlled by the Rainbow Alliance. In this process, the Rainbow Alliance really started to divide the troops to fight the fire as we expected, but The result is just as we predicted in advance. The tactic of Concentrating the superior forces in the Sea King Palace and running after the fight completely left the Rainbow Alliance unable to find any way to solve it. The best way to deal with guerrilla warfare is to intercept and pursue high-mobility and high-attack elite mobile units, but the problem is that the Rainbow Alliance has advantages in overall battle strength and quantity advantages, and has no advantage in individual battle strength. What is more terrible is After our Frost Rose Alliance joined the battle, the Rainbow Alliance lost its advantage in mobility.

Concentrate your troops to chase the guerrillas that simply can’t run into the Sea King’s Palace. If they are divided into guards, they will be destroyed individually, but they can’t really be completely ignored. Therefore, the Rainbow Alliance is also very troubled and I don’t know what to do. That's good. But Usina is not the kind of person who sits and waits for results. Although she is a woman, Usina is actually more decisive than most men, so Usina still insists on letting them guild before they fully come up with a countermeasure. The people were playing hide-and-seek with the guerrillas in Haiwangdian. Although this has little effect, it can at least ensure that the Palace of the Sea King can take advantage of any impossible during this period.

"Let's talk about it. What are we going to do?" Usina, who was sitting in her seat, looked at the Rainbow Alliance executives and asked. In fact, there are not only people from the Rainbow Alliance in the room. The remnant forces of the Holy Lance League are also here now, but although the Holy Lance League is still a guild from the system point of view, they are already considered to be from a practical point of view. Part of the Rainbow Alliance, after all, this Conference Hall is actually the Conference Hall, the headquarters of the original Holy Lance League.

The gun god looked at Yusina and said: "We seem to be in an infinite loop now. The cities and resource points that have been controlled cannot be lost at all. Although we have an overwhelming advantage on the front battlefield, the Sea King Palace The people simply don’t fight with us. We, like them, can’t concentrate on fighting them."

"If we can’t catch up with their guerrillas, we will fight them. That’s the city.” A guy with a height of at least two meters and three loudly said: “The people in the Haiwangdian can run, but their main city can’t run. Even if their main city is flattened, I don’t believe they can’t. Come to the rescue."

"Are you all muscles growing in your head?" A female player next to him said angrily: "What do you think the Frost Rose Alliance Axinger Mobile Fortress is stopping on top of the Sea King Palace? That’s our sword of Damocles. Do you want to rush under it and try the consequences of this thing falling?"

"It’s really not possible, can’t we take that Isinger? Will the mobile fortress come down together?"

"Are you really an idiot tank?" Another player said: "Do you not know how strong the weapon is on that thing? Fight it down? You? Are you kidding me?"

The guy called the tank was still a bit unwilling, turned his head and looked towards the gun god and asked: "The gun god, don't you have a channel to customize the formidable power of the big gold coin Ammunition? Just ask if there is a bullet that can shoot down the Isengard mobile fortress. Can we get together if the money is not enough."

"I asked." Gunman said. Hearing this, everyone's eyes focused on him in an instant. Although they all felt unreliable, everyone still had some expectations for it. Unfortunately, the gun god added after everyone saw it: "They can really order a bullet that is enough to sink Isengard Mobile Fortress, but..."

"The price is expensive. Can't afford it at all?" Yusina said coldly. She had long known that cheating-like things could be done with just a little money.

The gun god opened the mouth and said: "The price of the bullet is not completely unacceptable, at least for the relative effect. The customized price of this bullet is one billion crystal coins per round, Speaking of which is actually useful in some special moments, but the cost of the seed bomb is too great. Launching this kind of bullet will permanently reduce the user’s lucky person two points. If the lucky value is not enough, it may become Negative numbers. In addition, only my divine spear can be used to fire this ammunition, and each shot will cause the gun’s full attributes to be halved, which is basically equivalent to firing a shot of my Divine Item magic gun. Even if it was abandoned. And after the shot was fired, my account was basically abandoned. We all know that luck value is something that most people have only three to four points. My data is slightly better, yes. Five points. But after reducing two points, it will become the same data as an ordinary account. In the future, it is basically impossible to do anything."

"In other words, it is necessary to pay for the shooting down of Isengard Mobile Fortress. Not only one billion crystal coins, but also a top ten player in the battle strength list and a weapon that may be the strongest weapon in the world formidable power?"

Gun God nodded and said:" Yes. So knowing that there is such a thing for sale, I never thought about buying it, because I can’t afford it. Oh, by the way. That bullet can only make a hole in the Isengard Mobile Fortress, and It caused a devastating blow to things nearby along the way, but impossible really made Isinger Mobile Fortress completely finished, so at most it would make Isinger Mobile Fortress unable to move for a short time, and impossible completely let that stuff disappear."

Usina said: "Even if it is really possible to make the thing disappear, it is not worth it. The price is too great. If we have a billion, we can solve many problems. There is no need to use this bullet. Yes. What about the gold coin bullet you bought before?"

The gun god took out a bullet with a purple red bullet and said: "This kind of ammunition with 200,000 crystal coins per shot is completely If they can’t penetrate Purple Moon’s defense, they can only serve as a hindrance, and basically don’t constitute lethality.” After speaking, the gun god took out a bullet with a completely red warhead from his body, and then said: “This 1.2 A bullet from a million crystal coin can penetrate Purple Moon’s armor, but it can only cause minor damage. Unless you buy me a few hundred rounds, it’s not a threat.” He said that he put the bullet on the table again. , And then took out a pitch-black coin popped up and said, "This is worth 3.5 mi The heavy sniper shell of the llion crystal coin can effectively kill high level players such as Purple Moon, True Red, Christina, and gold coin, but unless it hits the critical point, it cannot achieve a second kill. And if the opponent consciously intercepts or dodges, I can't guarantee the hit rate, even if it hits, it may not be effective. "

"The last kind of super formidable power? "Yusina asked.

The gun god took out a bullet that is completely transparent, like a bullet made of diamonds. "This is the kind of crystal coin I told you worth ten million. A bullet can be guaranteed to eliminate Purple Moon in one shot, but the premise is not to be blocked. The defensive power of the sword and shield in his hand is too high to pass through. But I need to remind you. Purple Moon has a Phoenix Familiar, so he has a chance of half-blood resurrection, so if you want to use this to defeat Purple Moon, you need at least two hits to be possible. "

"One shot requires 10 million crystal coins. Killing Purple Moon requires two shots at a time. Isn't this guy too difficult? "A Rainbow Alliance player said.

"Otherwise, why do you think that the leader is so strong that he can only be ranked behind him? "A former player of the Holy Lance League said.

When the gun god heard this, he quickly corrected: "I am no longer the president. We are now a member of the Rainbow Alliance. Elsa will The president is our president. "

Usina stretched out her hand and pressed it when she heard the gun god mentioned that she said, "Don't care about this kind of thing, I'm not that kind of person." In addition, if we cooperate with you, do you hope to solve Purple Moon with a slightly cheaper bullet? "

The gun god didn’t even want to shook his head and said: "Purple Moon’s defensive power has entered a completely non-defensive level, unless you can completely subdue him and let me hold his neck or eyes. The upper crystal lens fires, otherwise there is no point in finding weaknesses. By the way, Purple Moon actually also has killing move. "

"Have you seen? "The people around are obviously very curious, because this thing is really a secret in the secret. After all, I am not stupid. Of course, it is impossible to show my cards everywhere. Usually, people know that it is simply impossible. Only the gun god can force me. People who work hard may see me kill move in battle, so this kind of information is very new to most people.

The gun god sees that these people are so interested, but it’s not a problem. , He said directly: "Purple Moon not only has a killing move, but also more than one. There are several as far as I know, and I'm not sure if they are all of them. First of all, he has a few tokens given to him by their Chinese guardian beasts. With that, he can borrow the power of those guardian beasts for a short time. "

"The guardian beast you mentioned refers to the regional guardian beast? "

"Of course. "

"He can borrow the power of those guys, so is the borrowing completely borrowed or is it just a rough look?" "Usina asked with concern.

Gun God thought for a while and said: "It should be completely borrowed, but only one or two tricks can be used, mainly depending on the skill formidable power. But you all know the area guardian beasts, two moves are enough to destroy a Legion. If you fight in the city, the whole city will be ruined if you go down. "

"What else do you know besides this?" "Usina continued to ask.

The gun god said: "The other is Purple Moon, if it is really killed, it will not actually die. It seems that he will experience it after death. Once judged, if it passes the judgment, it will be resurrected, and then the strength will skyrocket, but this state seems to appear randomly, not necessarily every time. "

"Are there any more? "

"Also. "The gun god nodded and said: "Purple Moon has at least two Ultra Grade blasting scrolls. The formidable power is unknown, but the two scrolls are of Divine Item level. The system is priced at 1 million crystal coins. As you all know, the recycling price set by the system is low, so the selling price of the system should be at least 10 million crystal coins. I told you before that the bullet that can drop Purple Moon in a second is worth 10 million crystal coins. This scroll is also 10

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