"I just want to lie down and sleep." This guy Terry waved at me with a look of exhaustion and said, "The command is yours, you Do whatever you want! These few hours are simply a nightmare!"

"Damn, you really throw them all at me? Is your guild facing life and death or my guild? "

The guy Terry lay weakly on the table and put a finger up and said: "Ten billion crystal coins. Plus this thing, I know you've been looking for this." Rui directly threw two black stones on the table. The stone slid accurately along the smooth tabletop in front of me and stopped, while I slapped the table with two stones on the palm of my hand.

"What are the requirements." I asked as I stuffed things into the gaps in the armor.

"Get that bitch..."

Although Terry's words were blocked afterwards, I know what he meant. Nodded said: "No problem, I'm familiar with this."

"I know, don’t you Longyuan specialize in this?"

"The Longyuan War Agency is just a small subsidiary of our group, please Don't insult our professionalism." After I finished speaking, I turned and walked out.

Seeing that a guy who was lying on the table and pretending to be dead just after I left, jumped up and asked: "Boss, what is the Longyuan War Agency Company? It sounds like a dick. This The name has never stopped."

"Longyuan Group has always heard of it?"

"You mean...?"

"Yes , Longyuan War Agency is a subsidiary of Longyuan Group, which specializes in undertaking various war services, helping train soldiers, dispatching officers and groups to assist in command, directly sending troops to fight as mercenaries, or even directly contracting the entire war, as long as You pay to help you destroy the country you specify. You can send someone to take over the territory after the matter is over. In addition, this company has a special police, spy and engineering construction department, which can provide short-term security maintenance in the occupied area. Services and some restorative construction work. Anyway, as long as the things used on the battlefield, they take care of it."

"I rely on, so awesome?" The surrounding Sea King Palace personnel were all scared. For a hop, didn't expect there is such a company. "I thought that the black liquid mercenaries were already very good. The Longyuan War Agency Company seems to be more exaggerated?"

"Exaggeration? It's quite exaggeration. Anyway, the orders they receive are not small. Tens of millions of dollars is considered a trivial matter. Do you know the holiday action that the British did in Africa before?"

"Dragon Yuan War Agency did it?"

Terri nodded and said: "Yes, they did it. The British news is the same. In fact, the British army simply didn't participate in the war. When the battle started, their troops were still at sea. The troops of the Longyuan War Agency were on the same day. All garrisons in that small independent country were eliminated at designated locations, and then the security maintenance troops were stationed to control the local security. When the British troops landed, the battle was actually over. After that, the British only rushed in with reporters from the field. The occupied city fired indiscriminately, and then captured the government building that was swept a few hours ago."

"That's not right! Didn't the news say that the British had three injured people? Now that they are all occupied, where did the wounded come from?"

"You idiot! Since the British can make fake news and make up a few fake casualties, don’t they just come here? But that The list of casualties is not entirely fake. At that time, the British army did have three wounded."

"There were still wounded in attacking the occupied places? The British army wouldn't be so bad, right?"< /p>

Terry suddenly laughed when he thought of this. "This has nothing to do with the army's battle strength. Do you know how the three wounded were injured?" Seeing everyone shaking his head, Terry said with a smile: "One was injured by accidentally rolling off the upper bunk while sleeping. Also. One wanted to sit outside the tank and hitchhiking, but when he got out of the car, his foot slipped and rolled down and fell. The last one was the most unlucky. When the ammunition was checked, the man behind went off fire and hit the guy in the butt. This is considered the war. There is only one wounded who was actually shot and wounded. It was the guy who was received by the Queen later on the news."

"Fuck me, is this okay?"

" Politics is such a thing, don’t think about it, you guys. By the way. Purple Moon will definitely not be able to go out alone. The bastard group will probably not be obedient. All of you will help me, although the command is handed over. I gave it to Purple Moon, but you are always responsible for passing the order! It’s no wonder that the gang of our guild would listen to him without you!"

Although this group of people just started showing a picture that is almost tired It looked dead, but he jumped up from the position immediately after hearing Terry's words, apparently it was completely pretended before.

In fact, I am not completely clear about the situation of these guys. When it comes to playing with hearts, we Chinese recognize the second place. Those who dare to recognize the first place are a frog in well plus arrogance. The reason why Terry had to show frustration and exhaustion was to pretend to be pitiful. He just hoped that I thought they were so miserable and couldn't bear to make harsh demands with them. Moreover, although the main problem this time is not our Frost Rose League, we are a little late after all, so this strictly speaking is still part of our responsibility. Terry pretended to be pitiful to make me feel that I was more responsible, so that I could pay a little less.

However, although I know this is Terry’s careful thought, I did not bargain with him too much. On the one hand, 10 billion crystal coins are not a small amount, although our Frost Rose League is It's not bad for this tens of billions, but it's a big business, so it can still be done. In addition, in addition to this tens of billions, Terry also found me two Discipline Stones. The value of this thing is completely incalculable. If you say it is valuable, it is simply invaluable. But on the other hand, if you say that this thing is worthless, it is really worthless. After all, no one but us can use this thing, so it is just a particularly hard stone from others.

When we do business, we always know how to measure. I won’t give up if our benefits are even worse. Don’t fight if there is no need to fight, unless you don’t plan to do business in the future.

After coming out of the hall of the Sea King Palace, I did not walk far, but directly leaned against the wall next to the door, and then took out a crystal projection that appeared on the War Zone situation map while checking the situation. Waiting for the people inside. After a short while, I saw the group of guys who had been paid by Terry rushing out of the room. As soon as these people came out, they looked around looking for my silhouette, but when they looked around, they found that I was actually leaning on the door. A group of people suddenly felt embarrassed. After all, they died one by one 30 seconds ago. The dog pretended to be dead there. After a while, all the lively dragons and animated tigers got up. This shows that the behavior just now was pretended to be.

I am not waiting here to see a joke. While operating the display crystal without raising his head, he asked, "I'm all rested?" A few people scratched their heads in embarrassment and didn't know how to answer, but I didn't mean to wait for them to answer at all. I checked the situation directly. Close the crystal and put it back on the outer belt of the armor around his waist, and then said, "Come with me when you have a rest. There will be things you need to do in a while. If you have time, please tell me which part you are in charge of, and I can arrange the work. ."

This group of people dare not put any scores in front of me now, they just followed up and began to report the situation seriously. I didn't embarrass them either. After listening to what they were responsible for while walking, I took out the reality crystal that I had read before. Projecting the picture in front of us, I pointed out a few places on the picture with my finger as I walked.

"This is the focus of defense. You War Zone Chief-In-Charge are all squeezed in the same city now. They must not be commanded together, otherwise they will be chaotic. Since I am here to command, your command Ability can not be considered. So, your next task is to act as a section commander for me. Each person is responsible for a City Wall section, and your own battle strength is one of the very best in the guild. , So you have to be a mainstay for me, no matter what happens, crucify me in your section, not let the enemy rush through. If you can’t hold it, call for reinforcements, and I will send people to support you."< /p>

"But you guys from the Frost Rose Alliance haven't arrived yet?"

"How much money you can enjoy and how much service, this is the principle we have always adhered to. Since the local tyrant of Longlan is open If the price is 10 billion, you can enjoy the service of 10 billion, so..." I raised my hand and snapped my fingers. Suddenly, there was a black spot above our heads, and a huge Space Crack unfolded above our heads. Ai The huge silhouette of Singh's Mobile Fortress is slowly leaching out of the void and quickly condensing into entities. Almost in the blink of an eye, the huge Isinger's Mobile Fortress has completely covered the entire sky above the Sea King Palace. It wasn't until Isinger Mobile Fortress appeared completely that I continued in the dumbfounded group of people: "This is 10 billion service. Doesn't it feel very impressive? Don't worry, this is a standard service, and we can also give it a bonus. Two devastating blows to city-level targets ensure that the target area is completely erased from the map. Oh, yes, considering that your project is relatively large this time, I have also purchased some additional battle strengths, but for now It’s still on the way, it may take a while to get there. But I think now that Isengard’s mobile fortress has arrived, it’s not a big problem."

The guys have been affected by my words and the love of Ai in the sky. Singh's mobile fortress was confused, and now they can only open their mouths where they are nodded like fools. To be honest, they are completely blank in their minds now, and we are completely stupid by us.

When taking these idiot-like guys onto the city wall, these people finally recovered some, but then they were a little busy. Isinger Mobile Fortress brings a lot of troops, and there is a transnational Transmission Formation, we can send more troops at any time, these guys need to coordinate our guild troops and their troops to form a mixed line of defense, even if we provide The communicator is estimated to be exhausting their commanders. I hope they have enough stamina points when they level up.

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