Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 309: trap

\ "Kill! ..." Along with the roar, the blood was sprayed everywhere as if it were not money, and even the picture in front of us was completely covered, so that I had to switch to another video signal before looking at it again To the screen.

In fact, Teri and the senior players in our bank are basically not on the front line, but watching the live broadcast in the conference hall of Isinger Mobile Fortress. The live broadcast picture comes from those players who have video capture equipment. Helmet video collector. This collector is not complicated in itself, just like a gizmo that combines a pencil with an eraser. We already have a recording crystal that can capture video signals, and Atlantis provided us with Crystal technology can transmit a large amount of data, so combining the two can get a video transmission signal.This is a very simple design and very practical.

Through the picture, our commanders can have an intuitive understanding of the battle situation even if they do not reach the battlefield in person. Of course, this system is mainly for the **** of war, because when the real battle is up, the commander is on the field.

The picture we see now comes from one of the resource points. This place was originally the site of the Paladin, but it is now controlled by the people in the alliance. Because it has just been received, the alliance players here are not very defenseable here The attack proceeded very smoothly. With the advantages brought by the sudden attack, the players of the Neptune Palace easily broke into the small village where this resource point is located. At present, the battle has entered the final stage. The remaining remaining enemies are being cleaned up.It shouldn't be long before this place can completely belong to the Temple of Neptune.

\ "It looks like your people are doing well. \" Switched to another battlefield again, I said while watching.

Teri said with a smile: "It's a raid now, and the enemy has not yet reacted to our sudden attack. It is normal to have such a record."

\ "You are modest. \" I asked again: \ "Yes. Have you all arranged? \"

Terry nodded: \ "They have already been arranged. As soon as the two holders of national equipment or other senior members of the alliance are difficult to handle, they will be notified immediately. \"

\ "That's good, can we successfully intercept the relationship between the opponents of the country's weaponry, although it is not very big, but if we can successfully intercept it, our chance of winning in the subsequent battles will increase by at least 10%. \"

\ "I know this too. You can rest assured. Our people have specially set up observers in every possible place. As long as the other party's holder of the national weapon appears, we can know it as soon as possible. \"

Just after Teri had finished speaking, we suddenly heard the alarm sound, and then saw the projection screen in the center of the conference hall suddenly operated automatically. The original picture suddenly disappeared, and then a map of the United States was mortgaged. A red flashing bright spot appeared on it. After a few flashes, the location of this bright spot suddenly widened, and then a similar battle screen appeared before. However, the side we saw before fell on our side. The people and the people in the Neptune Temple join forces to kill the Alliance. The people in this place are killing the people in the Neptune Temple, and they are completely reversed. And this picture only shows a few seconds after the camera suddenly cuts To another picture.

This picture is obviously also from a player's helmet monitor.In the picture, we can see that the guy who is like the ever-changing King Kong is falling down from the air, and then hits the screen.The picture disappears instantly.

Obviously, the player that was just switched out has been hung up. The shot that looks as if the other party hits the screen is actually the picture of the other player who flew towards us in the air and knocked it to the ground. Without the signal, most of the players are less ferocious.

Although one of our players was hung up. The last shot in the picture clearly showed us the two holders of the Chinese weapon. In fact, except that the deformed guy hit our player, The other Indian chief is also in the picture, but it is far away from the screen.

Since these two guys appear on the same battlefield at the same time, it is time for us to play. Before we did not go out directly to participate in the battlefield, we were actually waiting for the two national weapon holders. These two guys are The key to the Alliance's counterattack, as long as there are no two people, the battle after the Temple of Neptune will be much easier.

\ "Where was that just now? \"

\ "The high-level magic crystal mine behind St. White Mountain. \" The **** of war replied.

\ "Good, let's go. \"

Although there are only two national weapon holders over the Alliance side, our side is not a division operation, but the whole operation. All the senior players rushed out of the conference hall together. After coming out from the balcony outside the conference hall, we The players on the side immediately summoned the guardian spear and jumped up. As for the group of people in the Neptune Hall, they could only hitchhiker. Fortunately, there were not many of them. They came over.

In fact, we are not very surprised that the two national weapon holders of the Alliance attacked this place, but we have such a feeling, because we had already predicted about it before the battle began, this mine area is estimated to be The first place to get their support, and the reason is very simple, because the production of this high-level magic crystal is very high, and almost all of the magic crystals produced are red-grained magic crystals and above, and the reserves are not large. Saying that the appearance is good, it will naturally get more attention.

Because the value of this mining area is high enough, after suddenly receiving reports of attacks from all over the place, the alliance eventually dispatched both of the two strongest combat forces here, because they knew that they would save this one. Mine saved at least a dozen Pu. [,! ] Through the mining area, so in the case of intelligent rescue of one, they can only choose to start here.

Because it has been predicted in advance that this may be the first mining area that the holders of the other party's national weapons will rescue, so we have invested quite a lot of troops in this place, including several senior players. Someone came here and thought that they could quickly solve the troubles here. I did not expect to encounter two ruthless characters as soon as they landed. Possessing obvious advantages, but also knows that they can't be sure of each other in a short time.

\ "Don't struggle, you are not opponents. \" The two American weapon holders looked at the two players in our guild and said that they tried to use language to break the confidence of each other. But it was us who didn't expect them. The guild people were even more arrogant than they were.

\ "Haha, fool, I don't know if the death is near! You will know how you will die soon." (To be continued)

(Enlightenment Book Network)

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