"Of course we ourselves are not suitable, but don't you think we have many alternative goals for this kind of thing?"

"You mean the Iron Crusade? "

"How can this kind of thing be done by the Iron Crusade, of course it needs a reliable force."

Rose’s words made me hesitate a bit, after a few minutes In seconds, he asked tentatively: "You mean the European Light God Palace?"

"You finally thought of it." Rose said with a smile: "We absolutely cannot use anyone to come forward. Yes, the European Light God Palace itself is an NPC force. Players have very bad internal information collection capabilities, and most people don’t think about it in this direction, so I think the most appropriate thing for this kind of thing is the European Light God Palace. ."

"Sounds good, then I will let them arrange someone to come over."

"Let them hurry up, we don't want to rush to the United States directly."< /p>

"Where are we now?"

"Just after the Japanese island chain, there is still some time. But you also know the speed of Isinger's moving fortress, if there is too much delay there Before long, we will really rush to the mainland of the United States."

"I will do it now, you run first." After I finished speaking, I turned and left the Rose side and sent it to Europe.

It’s not at all difficult to find someone to attack Light God Palace. The two Goddess of Light are just like cute puppies in front of me. They climbed up to my bed and thought that they would also give themselves unreservedly without hesitation, let alone such trivial matters. However, although the two Light God Palaces are responsive to me now, I can't really careless myself. Balance is critical, and holding a bowl of water level is the key to controlling these two huge institutions. In order to make both parties think that I have received enough attention, I did not simply find someone from a certain house, but ran on both sides, and then picked out a team of eight attackers from each of the two temples. Squad.

After taking the sixteen Templar Knights away, we diverted directly to Germany instead of returning directly to Tianyu City from the passage on the French side. Of course, the news of my appearance in Germany could not be concealed from the landlord Ashford. Besides, I didn't intend to hide it, so I rushed to their base camp.

Ashford just came back when I arrived at Eagle Fort, and I explained to him directly.

Because this is a secret mission, I can't just and honorable take people back, and the most suitable person for this cover mission is Ashford. After I talked to Ashford about the need for cover, Ashford quickly picked a few large trucks from the Iron Crusade’s transport team, and then used a few large boxes to divide the group of us. Loaded in.

The sixteen Templar Knights and I were sent to Tianyu City under the name of the goods, and then taken over by our guilders, and then sent to South America using Transmission Formation, and then using the transnational Transmission Formation Perform a second transmission to reach Isengard Mobile Fortress. The reason for the additional procedure is to further reduce the probability of being discovered.

After successfully circling back to Isengard Mobile Fortress, we still did not get out of the box, but were sent directly to the warehouse area under Isengard Mobile Fortress together with the box and sent for maintenance. Spare parts warehouse.

When we arrived here, the box was opened, and then the people arranged by Rose took over and took the group of people to collect the explosives and instruct them how to use them. Of course, there is a more important point. Let them know where they need to be detonated, otherwise it will be troublesome to explode in the wrong place.

Speaking of which these things are complicated, but they actually get done very quickly. The preparations were completed almost when we reached the middle of the Pacific Ocean, and then the plan was formally implemented.

First of all, the Templar Knights are divided into two groups, separated according to the personnel of the two temples, so as to facilitate their cooperation and avoid internal fighting. After all, the relationship between the two temples is not very good now.

The Templar Knights of the two temples successively produced two explosions inside the Isengard Mobile Fortress. The targets of these two explosions were the two sets of gravity resistance devices that were most damaged last time. Because these two sets of devices are in operation, and Isinger Mobile Fortress can fly because of the power of this thing, when the gravity resistance device exploded, the entire Isinger Mobile Fortress shook violently.

So far, the Second Step plan is launched.

In fact, there are foreign spies inside the guild, but we know the identities of these people, so we deliberately kept them in order to use them when necessary. After the Templar Knights made two explosions, we immediately arranged the squad where the spies were located to participate in the work of encirclement and suppression, and Templar Knight also fought some battles with these squads where the spies existed in designated locations as required. This process is very short, because we just need them to send out the news so that everyone knows that we were really attacked.

The Templar Knights who were out of contact soon produced several explosions one after another, perfectly blowing up all the damaged parts that needed to be replaced and repaired. These things Anzheng will need to be replaced sooner or later, and now we just demolished them by blasting in advance.

When these damaged parts are removed, Isinger Mobile Fortress still has some simple flying ability. At this time, Isinger Mobile Fortress really wants to fly, just close one of them. Several sets of gravity resistance devices, and then turn on the power of the remaining sets of gravity resistance devices to the maximum, to ensure that Isengard Mobile Fortress is back on the road. Of course, due to the loss of the gravity resistance device, the moving speed of Isengard Mobile Fortress has slightly decreased, but overall it has little effect.

In fact, the gravity resistance devices that were blown up are almost all concentrated on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress. After all, this is the impact damage caused by the crash, so the damage is almost all in one direction. Now that they are blown up together, the power of Isengard’s mobile fortress is still greater than its own gravity. It’s just that the distribution of the gravity resistance device is not evenly distributed, resulting in unstable forces and unable to maintain balance. We only need to reduce the power on the side with the larger output, and then maximize the power of the remaining undamaged gravity resistance device on the other side, so that the gravity on both sides can maintain a balance, and the Isengard Mobile Fortress can continue. Fly away. Of course, because of this, the gravity resistance devices on the damaged side of Isengard Mobile Fortress will have to bear a lot of pressure, so it may be necessary to replace these gravity resistance devices after arriving in the United States, but this is not a problem in itself.

However, our purpose is to delay the time, so after the explosion, the Isengard mobile fortress tilted significantly due to the unstable power output of the gravity resistance device, and we did not treat it at all. To make a remedy, instead, gradually reducing the output power of all gravity resistance devices, so that the overall lift of Isinger's mobile fortress dropped and began to gradually lose height.

In order to simulate the effect of the crash, we even closed everything directly after Isinger Mobile Fortress approached a safe height, so Isinger Mobile Fortress slammed into the water with a bang.

In fact, Isengard Mobile Fortress will not sink even if it does not activate any power. Although the mass of Isinger Mobile Fortress is great, it is not small after all, and the interior is empty, so Isinger Mobile Fortress itself can float on the water. This huge monster suddenly smashed into the sea and raised the waves, which is naturally conceivable. Such a terrifying formidable power sent all the surrounding sea water out at once, and the Isengard mobile fortress also suddenly sank. It wasn't until the sea almost fell out of the top that it started to float again. In this way, after swaying up and down on the sea several times, the Isengard Mobile Fortress finally became a little more stable. Compared with flying in the sky, it naturally swayed with the waves on the sea, but it’s not bad, Ai Singh Mobile Fortress is big enough after all, so the impact of the waves on it is actually very small. The city only shakes very weakly. After the impact of the previous fall is offset, it gradually stabilizes.

"Did those spies send the news?" I started to ask Rose about the Isengard Mobile Fortress just after it stabilized, and she arranged the follow-up work on this matter.

Rose nodded with a smile said: "Well, it has been sent out. I sent them back to escort the parts to repair Isinger Mobile Fortress. Those guys thought it was a good opportunity, so they would send the news soon. I’m out. Now I think everyone who wants to know this should already know."

"Anyway, as long as we have a reason to explain it."

"Of course. "After finishing talking, Rose looked at the distant sea and said: "It's not bad to float on the sea like this, it's rare to have such a leisure time."

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Of course, otherwise you think the Frost Rose League is such a huge organization that is usually operated by itself?"

I smiled and rubbed Rose's hair. "Knowing is all your credit."

"It's good if you know." Rose shook her small fist in demonstration at me, looking terribly cute. Of course, this is also for me. It is estimated that others will not see her like this, and even if she really sees Rose's small fist, she will definitely not feel cute. Nobunaga Guishou had seen him once before, but the fucking person who was beaten almost didn't recognize him, and after seeing Rose, there was a psychological shadow.

We were talking here, and suddenly we heard a player running over and calling us. "Report, there is a message from the Sea King Palace asking where we are."

"Attack speed their position, and then talk about our current situation, and tell them that the attacker has been ruled out, now We are rushing to repair it."


In order to facilitate contact, we have also left a communicator in the Sea King Palace. After receiving the message from us, the inside of the Sea King Palace was already in chaos.

"What to do? What to do? Isengard mobile fortress was attacked at this time. The allies on the Frost Rose Alliance can't be there, but we have to face such a powerful enemy, and then we will fight. What should I do?"

An American player looked at Long Lan and said: "President, we can’t just think of people who rely on the Frost Rose Alliance! Although they have already started repairs, we The intelligence learned from the spies of sieves showed that Isengard Mobile Fortress was seriously damaged. Although no problem can be seen from the outside, the gravity resistance device supporting the flight was damaged very seriously. It is said that even the energy core has been damaged to a certain extent. Even with the repair ability of the Frost Rose League, I don’t think it’s easy to repair this kind of damage. If they can’t catch up, will it be so difficult for us to wait for death by ourselves? So I don’t think we are discussing how to make Frost Rose. When the people of the alliance come quickly, we should first think about what we should do if the mobile fort Isengard does not arrive as expected."

Long Lan sits in his place. The last hand held his head and thought for a long time before he said: "What Hank said just now makes sense. We can't just think about the problems after Isengard's mobile fortress came over. We need to think about in case the Frost Rose Alliance can't come. Supported, we have a question of what to do."

"Everything was planned. Who knew that the Rainbow Alliance would hide those two blockbusters!" Another American player said .

"Rainbow Alliance is one of the Big Three, after all, we have that kind of existence. We can't be surprised that the Rainbow Alliance has our own cards, right?" Long Lan said.

An American player next to him said: "But our killing move is useless on land!"

Everyone at the scene fell into silence. , Because everyone knows that this battle is really a miscalculation. Originally, I bought the first-hand information about the Sea King’s Palace from our Frost Rose League as it should be by rights. It should be able to pinch time to destroy the Holy Spear League, but what is surprising is that the gun god guy actually did it for us. The Frost Rose League held it in anger, just refused to give up, and had to drag the Sea King Palace into the water. In fact, this kind of battle is of no benefit to the Gun God himself. No matter whether he wins or loses, it is a meaningless war for the Gun God, and he can only invest without reward.

In this case, the gun god is actually purely angry. But I hate it, I hate it here. The angry spear god concentrated all the battle strength on this, and then the attack of the Sea King Palace was blocked. The Rainbow Alliance was actually a bit slower than the Sea King Palace because there was no news, but the problem is that the stubborn resistance of the Holy Lance League bought this precious time for the Rainbow Alliance, and the result is that the intelligence fee of the Sea King Palace is wasted. What’s more, after the arrival of the Rainbow Alliance, the Holy Lance Alliance actually surrendered to the Rainbow Alliance one-sidedly. Although there are two guilds between the two after all, it is impossible to unite as smoothly as if they were supported by reinforcements. Place, but at least people are happy to start forming a group to pit the Sea King Palace.

Facing the joint Sea King Palace of the two were not without strength, but at this time, there was a little accident.

Something that everyone hadn't thought of happened, that is, two players from within the Rainbow Alliance unexpectedly ran out of two players, two powerful players in a mess. The things worn by these two players have American characteristics. After a little thought, everyone reacted. These two players are likely to be holders of American national equipment.

In fact, the original U.S. national weapon holder was from the Rainbow Alliance, but there was only one at the time, and the other was the Gunner himself, which means that the original Rainbow Alliance had a national weapon holder. of. However, this national weapon holder of the Rainbow Alliance seems to have disappeared from the face of the earth after successfully being signed by the Rainbow Alliance. There has been no news. Even the people in the Rainbow Alliance think that this person is missing. . However, in this Danger Land counterattack, the national weapon holders of the Rainbow Alliance appeared again, and two people came out at once. What's even more strange is that neither of these two people were actually the holders of the national weapons when they were young.

No matter what happened to the original national weapon holders, the current situation is that the Rainbow Alliance has two national weapon holders, and they are both very powerful. The battle strength of these two national weapon holders is simply invincible on the small battlefield. With their presence, the headquarters of the Holy Lance League can be said to have become a meat grinder, and the Aquaman Palace’s attack for a long time without any success, gradually Lost his energy, but I was forced out. The battle situation changed from the attack of the Sea King Palace Lord to the main attack of the Rainbow Alliance, and there was no sign of the transition.

In fact, regarding the changes in the war situation in the United States, our side is also quite surprised. What Rose and I discussed at the beginning was that we made terrorist attacks, and then waited for the war between the Sea King Palace and the Rainbow Alliance to become fierce, and finally when the Sea King Palace was about to end, we would appear behind the Sea King Palace as a savior to help them defeat the Rainbow. Alliance, and then push back.

However, although we have completed the first half of the plan, the situation in the United States has completely exceeded our expectations. Originally, we expected that the battle would continue from this afternoon to the early morning of tomorrow. In the early morning of tomorrow, when the online players of the Neptune Palace have basically reached the fatigue limit, that is, the end of the Neptune Palace, and at that time we will arrive again. On the spot, then you can become a savior. However, it was just around noon, and the Sea King Palace had actually begun to collapse, and the rate of collapse was far beyond our expectations. According to this rate, don't tell me the morning. It is not always possible to tell the winner before dark today. This speed not only made the Sea King Palace unstoppable, but even we were a little unresponsive.

Holding the latest report, Rose said with a weird expression: "I knew Terry that idiot would be beaten like this. We had to plan a terrorist attack to delay the time?"

< p>The idea of ​​rose is actually my idea. We planned a terrorist attack before to find an excuse to delay time, but looking at this progress, where is there to delay time? We didn't have to engage in terrorist attacks at all. As long as we flew past at economic speed along the way, we could just pinch a point to reach the United States. But now...

"Don’t stand stupid, and work on me. The preparation team, go to remove the gravity resistance device on the east side, and move it directly to the west side to make up the quantity. Give Ai Xin first The grid mobile fortress is restored to balance, and the underpowered parts are repaired while walking. We are in a hurry now!"

Standing on the power and pipeline level of the Isengard mobile fortress, we are directing a large group of repairers to speed up the repair. Now I really regret that he arranged a terrorist attack at the beginning. This grandfather's purpose is to hit himself in the foot! But we can’t blame us, although it’s not the world that is wrong, but the Sea King Palace, who told them to be so useless?

We have no time to fix it slowly in a hurry. The original plan was to use the brand new gravity resistance device parts sent from Isinger, and then re-weld and install the new gravity resistance device on the side of Isinger Mobile Fortress. However, that plan took too long, so I gave up the plan and chose to let the maintenance staff directly demolish the east wall and repair the west wall. Anyway, Isinger Mobile Fortress is not underpowered, but the output is uneven and cannot maintain balance, so as long as the gravity resistance device on the intact side is moved a few more, Isinger Mobile Fortress can move first.

Moreover, compared to using parts to assemble a gravity resistance device on site and then laboriously debugging, those gravity resistance devices that have been debugged only need to remove the screws that fix the connection device and move to the west. , Just screw it back. This amount of engineering is much smaller than reassembling a new machine.

As long as Isinger Mobile Fortress can move first, we can rush to the United States as soon as possible, and the gravity resistance device on Isinger Mobile Fortress can be installed slowly, anyway, less gravity. The resistance device is nothing at worst. At most, the speed of ascent and descent slows down, and if there are some problems with the gravity resistance device, it will become a real crash, because when the time comes, there is no backup. The gravity resistance device is ready for use.

Of course, compared to the annihilation of the Sea King Palace, turning the Rainbow Alliance into the dominant guild of the United States, this little problem is not a problem.

"Boss, don't rush you. Even if you take a whip behind us, we only have one pair of hands, and we can't become Thousand Hand Goddess of Mercy. Let me fix it in seconds, right?"< /p>

"I know you have difficulty, but I am not in a hurry!"

"If you are in a hurry, you can go there first. Isengard’s power to move the fortress is out of order. Can’t you go by yourself? Transnational Transmission Formation is not bad."

I have to say that sometimes people can’t come back if they get stuck in a dead end. Just a word from the damage management team just gave me Woke up. Isinger Mobile Fortress has no way to rush to the United States quickly. Isn’t this still me? Damn, I completely forgot before that I can go by myself! Really dizzy!

After thinking about it clearly, my speed was also very fast, and I ran to the teleportation hall. By the way, I greeted Rose on the way, and then rushed into the teleportation hall and teleported directly to the sea king hall. Although I know I’m impossible to stop the Rainbow Alliance’s attack, but at least with me, a super shit stick, the Rainbow Alliance battlefield will definitely be messed up, and more importantly, my existence is one. Kind of deterrence. The Gun God is basically maimed by me now, because of successive downgrades, unless he uses all gold coin bullets, he is not my opponent at all, and the result of the lack of the ultimate power to suppress me is that I will be able to be in the Rainbow Alliance army. Rushing back and forth like entering an uninhabited state will have a great impact on the morale of the Rainbow Alliance and the formation of battle strength.

The transmission speed of transnational Transmission Formation is very fast, but the problem is that I can’t go directly to the United States, because the starting point city was attacked by Americans before, and the transnational Transmission Formation has not been completely repaired yet, so I just I was able to go to South America first, and then fly back to the United States on my own. Fortunately, the distance between the two sides was not too far. Coupled with the hypersonic flight capability of Asuka, I soon rushed to the United States.

After entering the United States, I did not continue to fly, and directly transmitted to the headquarters city of the Neptune Palace, and the selected Transmission Formation was the other party’s internal Transmission Formation. Once I came out, I was in the headquarters compound.

Seeing me suddenly coming out of the Transmission Formation, the surrounding Aquaman Temple players were all taken aback, and then one of them suddenly reacted and rushed up and rushed me and ran away, and It was running and saying: "Purple Moon President, you are finally here, hurry up, our president just needs you!"

"I know you need me, but what are you doing now? What's the situation?"

I knew that the situation here is quite bad when I was at the Isengard Mobile Fortress, but when I waited here, I realized that the situation was worse than I thought. .

After leaving the headquarters compound of the Neptune Palace, I found that the streets were all wounded. Of course, it is not the player, but the NPC. Compared to players, NPCs themselves are consumables, at least most guilds think so, and do so. Therefore, from the perspective of cost performance, NPC soldiers are generally not equipped with too good medicine, so after these soldiers are injured, they can only use simple medicine, and then come back to cultivate. This is why there will be wounded in the game. If it is a player, of course, he will immediately find a priest or take medicine to solve it. Impossible is as slow as in reality.

The appearance of the wounded in this battle was originally understandable, but this is the headquarters city of the Neptune Palace, and it is the city near the sea, which is tantamount to the last fortress of the Neptune Palace. Although the wounded on the battlefield needs to be evacuated from the battlefield, it shouldn't be to withdraw directly to their hometown, but just leave the front line. After all, the wounded in the game recover faster, and they may need to go back and continue to participate in the battle after a while. . However, these wounded people appeared on a large scale in the headquarters city of the Sea King Palace, that is to say-the battlefield is actually not far from here?

Only when the battlefield is in the vicinity, can we explain why all the wounded are here. However, if the battlefield is in the vicinity, doesn't it mean that the Sea King Palace is about to be beaten back to his hometown? Although I have heard the term "defeated like a mountain", but this person is too quick to face it, right? I'm not surprised that you can't beat others, but what's the matter with this speed? Do you want to follow the French army during World War II by releasing water collectively?

No matter what caused the situation at the scene, anyway, I know that the Sea King Palace is really going to be dying, so I don’t get distracted anymore, but ask the guy who is pulling me now. About the situation, one side is planning how to help for a while. Of course, if you want to help, you must first figure out why the Sea King Palace collapsed so quickly.

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