After Rose said that we were a little late, of course I was taken aback first, but I quickly reacted.

The Neptune Palace and the Rainbow Alliance are now fighting for the supremacy of the United States in the future. In other words, whoever wins will be the future leader of the United States. This situation is somewhat similar to the original European Light God Palace division, but the two methods are completely reversed. One is split by the merged forces into two forces, and the other is the merger of the two forces into one force.

The difference between the two is not only the opposite, but also an important difference is that one is NPC power and the other is player power.

Although "Zero" uses an artificial intelligence matrix to completely personify most of the NPCs, it has an intelligence level equivalent to that of humans. However, the knowledge of NPCs is based on the game world. Unlike modern people living in an information explosion society, the knowledge of NPCs is relatively narrow. Therefore, our set of Light God Palace in Europe is obviously not available to players.

It is not possible to copy what was originally used in the Light God Palace in Europe to the United States. That is to say, impossible keeps the Neptune Palace and the Rainbow Alliance in a split state, and then profit from it. This behavior may be effective in the short term, but the end result can only be to create an extremely powerful enemy for us. Therefore, this trick is absolutely unusable.

Since the divide-and-conquer method of the European Light God Palace cannot be reproduced in the United States, we can only choose one side and support it to win the American Civil War. We have already made a judgment on this point, and we have completed the choice, which is to help the Sea King Palace and suppress the Rainbow Alliance.

This choice was not made by me alone, but was a comprehensive judgment made by our guild’s think tank after a series of analyses. It can be said that this judgment can be considered correct for the time being. However, Rose's words clearly pointed out something else to me.

Although we have decided to support the Neptune Palace, no matter whether Neptune Palace or the Rainbow Alliance will become the overlord of the United States in the future, the United States will quickly become stronger. Although the player's strength in the game and the national power in reality are not necessarily equal, the relationship between the two is actually quite close. Generally speaking, a country that is more powerful in reality will have more powerful national power in the game.

Then, when the United States is unified, with their national power and no internal friction, it will inevitably make the power of its hegemonic guild expand rapidly. In this way, we will soon see a fairly powerful opponent appear in the United States. This kind of thing is obviously not good for us.

In addition, in addition to this future super guild problem, there is a very simple truth, that is, icing on the cake is not as good as provide timely help. The current Neptune Palace and the Rainbow Alliance actually have no killers. Both sides want to become the overlord, but their attitude is not firm enough, and each has its own plan, so in addition to the Holy Lance League is really desperate, the other two In fact, the family didn't fight hard. In this way, the support of our guild becomes a kind of gift-like existence. It really doesn't make a big difference whether there is or not.

However, Neptune Palace and Rainbow Alliance impossible have been so consumed. Because the Holy Lance League is very difficult to deal with, it shouldn't be too long for the battle of the Sea King Palace against the Holy Lance League. Once the Holy Lance League is completely finished, the remaining thing is to divide the Holy Lance League legacy. The problem is. Even if the current attitude of the Rainbow Alliance and the Sea King Palace is not clear, once the interests are in front of them, both sides will definitely enter the violent mode immediately, and then it will inevitably be a deadly battle. In fact, the leadership of the two guilds is just a fan of the authorities. As an outsider, I see it very clearly.

According to this inference, the Neptune Palace and the Rainbow Alliance will soon push the civil war into a white-hot stage. After that, both sides will definitely have red eyes, and then the Neptune Palace will inevitably be defeated gradually. This is almost inevitable. After all, the Sea King Palace was originally not good at land warfare, and the overall strength was not as good as the Rainbow Alliance. They just fought the Holy Lance Alliance again. Even though there is only one empty shell left in the Holy Lance League now, it was after all one of the three major guilds in the United States. The so-called a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, even the dying, starved camel is not so good to chew. Therefore, after playing the Holy Lance League’s Sea King Palace, it is impossible to win the battle against the Rainbow Alliance, and they will definitely suffer.

If at that time, the Isengard mobile fortress of our guild happened to arrive when the forces of the Sea King Hall retreated to the headquarters, and then help them push back all the way, then the Sea King Hall is against us. The attitude must be obviously different from what we used to be.

We are in the past, they don't feel our importance at all. Even if they help them win the war, it is at most a deal, and we are dismissed by a small fee. The American players will definitely not remember our good, and will only treat us as mercenaries. However, if we suddenly kill when the Sea King Palace is almost driven into the sea, and then reverse the situation, then this is not a mercenary, but a life-saving grace. The difference between the two is big. Moreover, there is a joint in it. That is, if we go to the United States now, what we need to face is the complete large-scale guild of the Rainbow Alliance. Even if the Rainbow League is not as powerful as our Frost Rose League, it is still one of the three top guilds in the United States, and it is still the largest in terms of scale. How could such a guild fail to point cards, kill move, and other things? We just rushed forward, and the probability of being confused by the other party was quite high.

But, think the other way around. If we are late, when the time comes, and seeing the Sea King Palace is about to die, then the Rainbow Alliance will have nothing to lose? The two were originally similar guilds. Although the Sea King Palace would definitely not be able to beat the Rainbow Alliance, when the Rainbow Alliance drove the Sea King Palace back to their hometown, the Rainbow Alliance itself was mostly exhausted. In this case, we reappear in the United States, so what we need to face is a Rainbow Alliance that is already in an arrow at the end of its flight status.

It's too obvious which one is better to deal with a peak state Rainbow Alliance or a Rainbow Alliance that has been unable to succeed. Therefore, there is no benefit in going there early, it is purely unpleasant for myself.

Of course, although I want to understand the meaning of Rose, how to explain the journey time is still a problem.

Looked towards a rose with confidence, I directly said: "I want to understand why you made us late, but we are running so slow at this time, and the intention is too obvious, right?"


"Yes, the intention is too obvious. But just find the right reason."

"You have a reason?"

Rose nodded and said: "Isinger Mobile Fortress can use Space Jump directly in the past. It only took a moment to get it. However, Isinger Mobile Fortress Space Jump requires a lot of magic crystal support. Everyone knows this. For us, Isinger Mobile Fortress is not applicable. My reason for jumping ability is...the magic crystal is insufficient in reserve and I dare not use it."

After Rose finished speaking, I didn't rush to refute, but thought about it first. On the surface, our Frost Rose Alliance, who has always been a local tyrant, suddenly called out that the magic crystal reserve is insufficient, and it seems a little bit of suspicion of crying poor. After all, it is not a day or two for our Frost Rose League to have money. Everyone knows that what we have is money, and there are many magic crystal mines, so the magic crystal reserve of our guild is obviously not too low. However, if you look carefully, there are actually many articles to do.

Our guild just launched the war against Russia not long ago, and also opened up a large development zone on Russian territory. The scale of this war is very large and the intensity is also high, although it continues The time is not too long, but the consumption is definitely not small. After all, the Isengard Mobile Fortress was dispatched at the time, and super weapons were also used. Thinking about it this way, our consumption is of course very high.

After the war against Russia, our Hanghu was attacked by the combined US-Russian fleet. This process was much longer than the previous battle. Although the intensity was not very high, it was a naval battle, so magic Crystal consumption is inevitably high. After all, there are a lot of magic weapons on our side, and the flying mobile angels and single-person aircraft are not in vain. This all consumes magic crystal.

For two consecutive battles, a large consumption of magic crystal is inevitable. Moreover, the Russians are now gathering their forces on a large scale in the development zone. It is uncertain how many magic crystals will be consumed in this battle. Therefore, it is entirely reasonable and reasonable for us to reserve more magic crystals for emergencies. Besides, we sent Isinger Mobile Fortress out to help the Americans fight the civil war at this tense moment. If there is a fighting on the Russian side and our forces cannot hold it, the Isinger Mobile Fortress will definitely need to come back at any time. Support the battlefield. Therefore, at least enough magic crystal reserves for one jump must be reserved inside Isengard Mobile Fortress. As long as such a reason is stated, even if others know that we still have a lot of magic crystals, they cannot find any reason to accuse us of not jumping directly to the United States. Of course, if anyone thinks that we are slow and would like us to provide magic crystal to support this jump, of course we will not mind. As for the consumption of this jump...

No one knows the exact number except our guild. Other guilds know that the number of magic crystals required for a jump in Isengard Mobile Fortress is amazing. As for the specifics, They didn't know this amazing method, so even if the Sea King Palace dared to call out that they were willing to reimburse the travel expenses, we could completely scare them back with the consumption of cheating.

If you don't jump, then we can only let Isinger Mobile Fortress fly over by ourselves. The consumption of magic crystal in this process is not large, this can't deceive people. Moreover, the moving speed of Isinger Mobile Fortress is actually not slow, even if it flies over, it will not take long. So we have to think of a way to explain why our movement speed is so slow.

Thinking of this, I directly said: "The excuse for insufficient magic crystal reserves is not bad, and it can withstand scrutiny. But everyone knows the flying speed of Isengard Mobile Fortress, if we ran out Two or three times the time, it’s still hard to explain, right?"

Rose had already figured out how to explain it, so as soon as I asked her, she immediately explained to me: "Regarding our speed, I There is also a way. This method is actually very simple, as long as you design a terrorist attack."

"Terrorist attack?"

I was stunned again when I heard this, and then started again. Think about feasibility. Not to mention, if you think about it carefully, it seems to be really okay.

Although the defense of Isengard Mobile Fortress is good, the internal things are not particularly strong. If someone attacks our power system, it will affect Isengard Mobile Fortress’s speed and safety. It is understandable. Of course, this kind of thing cannot be talked about casually, it must be done. As for how to do it... I thought about it after a little hesitation.

Isinger Mobile Fortress was shot down once by the Siberian Divine Race when he was on the Russian side. Since then, I have been busy with the surrounding construction work. The Isinger Mobile Fortress has not been repaired too much. Heart, just made a simple temporary repair. We can completely self-direct and perform a retaliatory attack, anyway, we have offended a lot of people recently. Whether it's the Russians, the people of the Holy Gun League, or even the people who belong to Nobunaga Onitou in Japan, they are good targets for the blame. We can find someone to install a bomb in the power system of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and then blow up all the equipment that was damaged in the first place, but only after a simple repair and emergency response. Anyway, these things have to be replaced later, so it's not a pity to blow them up. Then, we can control Isengard’s mobile fortress to simulate a crash. Anyway, the explosion really happened. We can use those insiders in the guild that have been found out to spread the incident and let others know about us. Bian was really attacked. As for whether the crash was caused by the attack, isn't it just what we say?

After Isengard Mobile Fortress crashes into the sea, we can take the opportunity to stop and deliberately delay time. By the way, we will carry out a thorough repair to Isengard Mobile Fortress. Anyway, we will have to do it later, not as good as it is now. Take this opportunity to complete it together. The repair process can of course be faster, but the progress needs to be kept secret. Anyway, Isinger Mobile Fortress is our own territory. As long as we don't let the spies in the guild approach, outsiders will not know our repair progress. And we can totally look at the situation and adjust the progress as needed. When the Neptune Palace is almost dead, we will immediately "fix it", and then quickly rush to the United States to support the Neptune Palace.

With this series of arrangements, even if the Sea King Palace thought that we might have come to play deliberately, there was no excuse. Moreover, even if someone really doubts it, they are impossible in the big environment. Most of the players in the Holy Lance League will remember our help, which is enough.

"Yes, the method is feasible, but who do you plan to let the attacker play? Maybe the people in our own guild are not suitable?"

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