"Don't look at me like this, I can do everything to win." Frozen Banshee threw the scroll in his hand to the gun god in the complicated eyes of everyone, and then said: "Cut off your finger and drop a drop of blood on it. The maximum capacity of this thing is three people. We each person gets half, each summon five Avatars, so there will be six me and six you, even if it’s from the Frost Rose League. No matter how many experts there are, there are six me and six you. Do you think we might fail?"

The gun god smiled and cut his fingers and squeezed a drop of blood onto the scroll, then put the scroll Handed it back. "Originally I have been wondering, where did you have such confidence, now I understand. With these things at the bottom, even if Purple Moon gives up the newly occupied land, it may not be your opponent?"

< p>"So you simply don't need to worry, we can definitely handle Purple Moon. No matter how many helpers he has, it's useless."

"Then I have one last question." Gun God pointed The wreck of the Eternal at the entrance below and in front said: "What about that thing?"

"I didn't think about this before, but I was not completely unprepared." Frozen Banshee said. He took out a fairly large yellow crystal from his body. Players who are present basically know this thing, because this is the detonating crystal, a crystal used to cause an explosion, and its function is similar to the real "detonator tube", and just like the real detonator tube, except for the detonating crystal In addition to being used as a fuze, it can also be used directly, and the formidable power is far more than ordinary explosives.

The detonating crystal in Banshee's hand weighs at least three kilograms. According to the explosive power of this thing, opening a hole on the Eternal should not be a problem. Of course, impossible blasting the entire hull to pieces can only open a way out.

"Are you using it as a detonator or directly as a blasting device?" The Gun God asked.

“Of course it’s the detonator.” Frozen Banshee said: “Although our battleship is frozen, I still have a lot of ammunition in my hand. The experts of both of us will attack this gate together. Even if we can’t make it through for a while, Purple Moon will never come over. When the time comes, the people behind us can install the detonating crystal here, and then take the shells from the ship and put them on. Detonated together next to it, so that’s enough to make a hole in the broken ship."

"It sounds like a very high feasibility." After the gunman said, nodded and said: "Then I don’t have The question is, let’s start the offensive now?"


After the battle plan was determined, the players and NPC troops on the US-Russian combined fleet immediately began to move. After getting up, a large number of combatants formed a fairly tight formation. If it is normal, using this formation to attack the Twin Cities of Isengard would be completely courting death. The defensive weapons on the Twin Cities of Isengard will let them know what it means to get together and die.

However, because of the series of special items used by Banshee, almost all the defense weapons on the city wall of the Isengard Twin Cities have lost their function, so the talents on the US-Russian combined fleet will be like this. Arrogant, just daring to rush forward when you put up a dense square, this is totally disregarding us!

"Those guys are too arrogant, right?" Ying Yu Shenniao above the city couldn't help but said as he looked at the US-Russian combined fleet personnel below.

The gang of Japanese guild leaders standing next to Ying Yu Shen Hina are all very angry at the guys in the US-Russian combined fleet just like Ying Yu Shen Hina, but now they What can be done is to be angry on the city wall.

In fact, we have discovered the problem that the weapon on the city wall cannot fly out of the city wall. The stone of the ice-bound Banshee is actually not a mysterious item. It is actually a stone of commandment. I have at least seven or eight pieces of this thing in my hand. I have seen at least a dozen pieces including the collection of Divine Races everywhere. This stuff. However, the Stone of Discipline is an accessory of the Ring of Discipline, so even if I get the Stone of Discipline here, I have to put it back and cannot use it casually. This is the price of getting Divine Race relationships around the world. Everything has two sides. Taking charge of the Ring of Discipline allows us Frost Rose League to obtain the support of Divine Races around the world, but it also makes us lose the right to use the Discipline Stone at will. However, my choice is actually the right one, because the stone of commandment does not appear much, and once you use it, it will become the common goal of Divine Race everywhere, unless you use it once and then take the initiative to call it out. Otherwise, the troubles afterwards will be endless.

I don’t know for the time being that the barriers of unknown origin on the city wall are caused by the stone of commandment, and even if we find this situation, we dare not give up the defense of the city wall. . Because we don't know if this thing set by the enemy is specifically used to lured the tiger away from the mountain. In case all of our people leave the city wall, and the enemy suddenly launches an attack from the city wall, it will be too late for us to go back. On the contrary, the passage under the city wall is so wide. With me sitting here, even if the enemy really does not walk from the city wall, I can insist until everyone comes down to help me defend the city wall.

The Japanese guild presidents who were with Matsumoto Masaka are excited about that group. Suddenly they saw the team of the US-Russian combined fleet begin to advance toward us. Look at them like this. Obviously, it came from the central channel.

Standing at the top of the Eternal, of course I immediately discovered this situation, but the military god told me to put the enemy near the city wall before fighting, so I didn’t make any interception. Watching them rushing here, anyway, they are still twenty kilometers away from me.

Speaking of which 20 kilometers is not too close, but the combatants in the game are basically the same as Superman. They ran fast and quickly approached the city wall. However, as the distance approaches, these people run slower and slower. It's not that the ice-bound Banshee deliberately slowed down everyone's movement speed, but that players who participated in the charge accounted for less than one-fifth, and the rest were all NPCs. Some of these players have been to Isengard, so their performance is not bad, but those players who have not been to Isengard and those fighting NPCs who simply don’t have free time are the first time. See Isinger’s city wall.

The distance of 500 meters on the ground does not seem too far, but a city wall of 500 meters high is erected in front of you, that is quite another matter. Nowadays, the height of residential buildings in cities is generally between two meters and two to three meters. Even if we calculate it as a three-meter floor, there are 160 floors at 500 meters. You can imagine what it would be like to stand in front of you with a building with a height of one hundred and six 10th layers and with no end in sight on both sides. Normal people feel depressed, very depressed, and have the illusion that they have become very small and unremarkable. If you are an ally of the Frost Rose League, or a neutral, then there is nothing, and the sigh will pass. But if it is an enemy of the Frost Rose League, before this city wall, there will be serious psychological obstacles unconsciously, because seeing such a high city wall, most people's first reaction is-we absolutely can't get through!

This mood is actually quite normal. It is caused by the basic information left in human genes in the evolutionary history of humans. As a kind of creature, in addition to higher thinking, the proportion of instinct is still very large. Don’t always think that humans are different from animals. In fact, humans are not much different from ordinary animals. It is simply because of their higher intelligence. Some things that are about to happen can be predicted based on the environment, so that you can make choices in advance to avoid undesirable situations. This is the difference between humans and animals.

Although human beings have reason, their instincts influence human behavior all the time. Most of the personnel of the US-Russian combined fleet are facing such a magnificent human structure for the first time. The distance was not so obvious before, but as the distance got closer and closer, these people began to show seriousness. The fear and frustration, the result is to unconsciously start to slow down.

Frozen Banshee, of course, quickly discovered this situation, but she couldn't do anything about it, because their command system is not as convenient as our guild command system. There is no problem with how to arrange the action before the war, but once the team moves, Frozen Banshee's command and operation are actually very limited.

However, although Frozen Banshee knew that her instructions could not be conveyed, she had been leading soldiers for so long after all and had experience in this area. "Follow me." Frozen Banshee suddenly turned over and jumped on his mount, then yelled and started charging with his Xuanbing sword. She had nothing to do with the first wave of charge, but now she has to do it.

The ice-bound Banshee rushed forward, and the players at Banshee House who followed her behind her naturally followed suit. These people are all cavalry, fast, and because they are all in a guild, the team is relatively neat, and the imposing manner is quite adequate after running. These people quickly rushed past the players who were stunned and slowed down, and then ran to the front of the team, and behind them were the players and NPCs of the subsequent units. These people in front were naturally awakened after being surpassed, because they were originally forwards, but now someone ran ahead of them, this is already negligent. Therefore, after these players and NPCs reacted, they immediately began to speed up the charge under the leadership of the surrounding Russian guild leaders.

According to the plan, these people in the US-Russia combined fleet intend to use four waves to complete our city wall defense line. However, because there was a problem with the first wave before, the plan was changed as soon as it came up. The four waves became a wave, and it was an assault by the whole army. To freeze Banshee in this situation is also helpless, because even if she has those secret trump card methods in her hand, she still needs the help of ordinary players and NPCs around her to win. Although the six herself and the six spear gods are fierce, they are not enough to fight our entire Frost Rose League, so the ice-bound Banshee knows that he can't let everyone's morale fall, otherwise they will lose the victory of the entire battle.

Looking at the enemies rolling forward, I stood on the Eternal and turned my head and looked towards Christina beside me and asked: "Do you have a way to knock down the frozen Banshee?"

Christina glanced at the frozen Banshee who was leading the charge, then shook the head. "I'm not sure. It is said that her battle strength will be greatly improved in the Extreme Cold environment. I don't know if this rumor is true or not, and she is not an ordinary person. Besides, this distance is too far. Use Legion spell, otherwise I'm not sure."

I nodded and asked Zhenhong on the other side: "Do you have a way?"

Zhenhong tilted his head and thought. I thought, and then I simply pulled out a flagpole from the battleship under my feet, and then said that the flagpole was picked up and used as a javelin for a two-step run-up and then thrown out.

Everyone has a general idea of ​​how powerful the real red is, so when the flagpole flew out like a rocket, Christina and I were not surprised at all. Of course, the effect is completely within our expectations.

Frozen Banshee, who was charging, was raising his sword while screaming and accelerating. Suddenly, he felt something flashed in front of him, and then he heard the pu' sound. As soon as he turned his head, he found that he was following The subordinate to his left, half a position behind him, disappeared.

In fact, this person is not the only one who has disappeared, but because the ice-bound Banshee has been rushing forward, there is no way to see the situation behind. In fact, the flagpole that was thrown out by True Red directly hit the player just now and then led him to fly backwards, and then pierced through three people in a row before taking this bunch of people to the ground. The formidable power at this time is obviously large enough, the only problem is that the accuracy of the head is not good.

Zhenhong probably also knows that he is 80% inaccurate, so he shrugged directly at me: "You have seen it too, I really can't help this kind of thing!"

" Let me try." We were talking here, and Bai Ling suddenly walked up from behind.

Although Bailing is one of the elders in the guild, it rarely shows up. As the second oldest member of the guild's senior management, Bailing's acting style; as it should be by rights is quite calm. It is estimated that this is the reason why she can see the uncle-level guy like Eagle.

Although white-collar workers rarely show the limelight, this does not mean that her strength is bad. In fact, the archer team of our Frost Rose League has not been very strong, which is an important reason why our guild has to vigorously develop technical weapons. Players in this guild generally lack long-range attack methods, so they have to rely on war weapons to suppress the enemy's archer.

Of course, there are not many archers in our guild, but their strength is average. Although Bailing is not the kind of one of the very best archer, it is considered an expert in our guild, and the most important point is that she is the veteran of our Hanghu, so she has a set of very good equipment.

Many people will find excuses when they can't beat others, saying that people actually win by equipment, but I think equipment itself is part of the strength, and the biggest fool is to reject equipment. If you don’t believe it, tell American soldiers not to use weapons, just use your fists to fight against the armed tribes of Africa. If the number of people is equal, you should not lose, but it is estimated that you will not be able to run away if the enemy is injured by one thousand and eight hundred. Therefore, being strong means being strong in all aspects, and the reason for rejecting being strong is itself a mistake.

After stepping up, Bai Ling took out the longbow on his back calmly, and then drew an arrow from the back that was different from the normal feather arrow. This is a weighted metal arrow, much longer than normal arrows, and the stabilizer wing of the tail section is actually a spiral structure.

"What kind of arrow are you?" Looking at this obviously different arrow, it was really red and couldn't help asking.

Bailing gracefully placed the arrow on the bow, and then aimed at the target. Without waiting, it stabilized for a second and directly released the bowstring, and then turned its head to replied: "Magic Can armor piercing arrows."

"Magic? Is this thing made by our guild?" Christina asked in surprise.

Bailing nodded and said: "Yes, it was created by the design institute for the archer of our guild before. The average player only has ten sticks, but I have a pot of two hundred sticks here."

Just as Bailing was speaking, the arrow had been shot away, and then it accurately hit its target. Although Bailing is not a great archer, but the archer profession itself has many assisting aiming skills, so the hit rate is obviously much higher than in reality, and with the addition of equipment, this ratio is even higher. However, Braun knew that she was impossible to get rid of the ice-bound Banshee with one arrow, so she didn't plan to shoot the ice-bound Banshee at all. Instead, she shot off the front leg of the horse on which the ice-bound Banshee was riding.

The so-called shoot person first then shoot horse, this trick has been tested in actual combat. The mount under the ice-bound Banshee was shot off a leg instantly, and then immediately rolled forward. The ice-bound Banshee didn't expect that his mount would suddenly fall down, and the whole person rolled forward with his mount. Got out. However, she reacted quickly. After landing, she hugged and rolled on the spot for a few laps and then bounced up. Seeing the men passing by, she simply stretched out her hand to hook his saddle and flipped up. However, although the ice-bound Banshee did not cause any crisis, it had a great impact on the psychology of the players and NPCs of the US-Russian combined fleet.

Although Frozen Banshee also knows that losing her horse is a morale-affecting thing, she also knows that there is no way to do anything anymore. The mounts in the game are very fast. After all, the players have very good physical fitness. If the running speed of the mount is too slow, it is not as fast as it is. Who uses the mount?

Because the speed of the mount in the game must be fast, the cavalry in the front is almost in front of the Eternal after a while.

"It seems that these people are really in a hurry to die!" Looking at the crowd below, Zhen Hong clenched his fists, as if he was eager to have a try.

Christina pulled Zhenhong and walked back and said, "Don’t be too impulsive at this time, and control your power. What we need is you to stand here to block the enemy, not to let you. Open the city gate."

After all, the Eternity is a battleship, not a city wall. It can limit the speed of those US-Russian combined fleet personnel, but it is impossible to pass them, but what we want is to limit the effect. . As long as the enemy can't rush in like the road, that's enough. With the wreckage of the battleship here, they can only find a way to line up from the channel they opened, and in this case, the battle will become a tactic of refueling. This kind of tactic is actually the worst case. Unless you really intend to exhaust the enemy with human lives, this kind of battle method will cause huge casualties, which is very uneconomical.

True red and my battle strength, everyone knows that there are two of us blocking here, and most people basically die if we touch each other, not to mention that there is a Christina behind us supporting us. If we come, we will be enough to contain this intersection. The personnel of the US-Russian combined fleet must break through our defenses if they want to pass. However, the two of us are almost invincible in such a narrow place, and the enemy will be impossible as long as there is no way to defeat both of us. However, if Zhen Hong can't control her power well and uses a big move to blast the Eternal, then it will be troublesome.

Although this passage is now inconspicuous to the city wall of Isengard Twin Cities like a small slit, it is because the city wall of Isengard Twin Cities is too high and too wide, not because of it. The passage is really narrow. It should be understood that this passage connects the inner port of Isengard Twin Cities to the outer sea, which means that the super battleships of tens of thousands of tons in our guild must pass through here, and sometimes there are many battleships in and out. How could such a busy waterway be only a little wide? This is a passage as wide as several hundred meters, and Zhenhong and I can't seal it. If the real red really destroys the Eternal, then we have to let other players behind to come up, and that will increase casualties back and forth, secondly, it will increase the risk, and these three will also cause us to want to rest. No one changed shifts at the time. So, this is very important to us.

Although Real Red really listened to it, it's a pity that Banshee Frozen didn't intend to let us do what we wanted.

After reaching the Eternity side, the ice-bound Banshee stopped immediately, and then asked the people behind to lift up a few boxes of shells and put them next to the Eternity, and then threw the detonating crystal upwards. , And then turned around and ran.

The detonating crystal can be detonated remotely, so it is very easy to use. Christina and I just stood behind the Eternity and they were ready to block the road when they heard a loud explosion sound there. Then the Eternity in front of us directly separated a big hole on both sides. Although we did not completely clear the entire passage, this hole Enough more than a dozen people ran side by side.

"Damn, didn't expect they still have this trick!"

Originally because the enemy's battleship was also frozen, so I didn't expect them to use weapons Destroy the Eternal, until I heard the explosion, I didn't remember that I could use people to carry the shells and use it as explosives. But now it's too late to think about it, and the bombs are all exploded. Would the enemy still give us time to make up for it?

Looking at the real red that was a little stupefied, I could only shrugged and said: "Now you are cool!"

Real red is a bitter face and said: "I'm cool What am I cool? So many enemies are coming in, I have to die of exhaustion?"

"If you are exhausted, you can't let them pass." Christina said, she pointed the staff in her hand at She slammed hard on the ground, and the gem on the top of the staff instantly burned with seven-colored magic flames, and she herself instantly transformed into the form of an elemental spirit and was ready to start spell support.

After Christina was ready, I also took out my weapon, but did not activate the combined mode, because it is not necessary to deal with ordinary players, and the explosive power of that mode is very short. It won’t last long, so it can’t be used now.

True Red didn’t have so much scruples. He stood in a position to pose for a combat preparation, and at the same time a golden flame was ignited with a bang on his body. Two miniature versions of Divine Dragon over one meter long started from Her arms emerged, and then quickly swam around the flames around her, like two guards.

I took a look at the looks of Zhen Hong and Christina, and I realized that standing barely like this seems to be insufficient for an imposing manner! After thinking about it, the body moved, and the purple Hell Raging Flames blasted up with a thud. At the same time, the ring of commandment behind it disintegrated. The two and a half moons broke down and flew around me and divided into three, turning into six handles. Moon blades flew up and down around me, most people would want to avoid them when they saw it. After all, these moon blades with high-speed rotation looked very dangerous, just like the mentality of barbed wire on the battlefield. Like hints, people start to be scared unconsciously.

After our side was ready, the ice-bound Banshee also rushed in with a large group of American and Russian players and NPCs, but the first ones were basically trash fish, only the ice-bound Banshee alone Count on the expert. Although the battlefield in the game pays attention to the leader's charge, the ice-bound Banshee is still more cautious. She wants to test our strength and use the miscellaneous soldiers to consume our state, at least to consume our body first. BUFF will work. Although she has Summon Scroll, she doesn't want to bear my first round BUFF attack.

The ice-bound Banshee standing in the gap waved forward without hesitation, and the players on both sides immediately rushed past her, and then came straight to our side.

Christina stood behind me and Zhenhong calmly and said: "Don’t move, all the fish are coming up, I will help you withstand it. This consumption is negligible for me. "

Me and Zhenhong both know Christina's ability, her magic power recovery speed is very fast under the element queen mode, the general low-level magic is simply impossible to consume her magic power, in fact, we used to After experimenting, if Christina uses her strongest and the best rainbow jet magic for unit magic output, then, as long as she appropriately controls the speed, she can completely contact the spell without interruption, and the magic value will not drop.

Rainbow jet this magic launches a low-level magic missile, which completely relies on the number to kill the enemy, and because Christina has a special skill bonus for this spell, she actually consumes a lot of mana when using this spell. Low, unless she uses all her strength, millions of magic missiles fly forward in one second, of course, it consumes amazing mana, but as long as the speed is slightly suppressed, the mana consumed by tens of thousands of magic missiles per second will probably be restored with her mana. The speed is exactly the same, so if she suppresses the speed, she can achieve uninterrupted vitality.

Me, Zhenhong and Christina are not directly at the front of the passage, but a little bit away from the Eternal. When the enemy rushes into the passage, we are more than two hundred meters away. The purpose of standing in this position is to prevent the enemy's long-range arms outside from having a shooting angle and sufficient range. Otherwise, if we stand at the entrance, the enemy can attack us from any position outside, so are we not a target?

The two hundred meters are not long or short. The people of the US-Russian combined fleet easily rushed through the front one hundred meters, and then they saw Christina on our side. Slowly lifted into the air, and then the staff pointed forward, followed by a colorful magic missile that instantly blocked the entire passage. The front row of players only rushed forward two or three meters before they died. The people behind were immediately covered by the magic missile rainstorm, causing a large number of instantaneous deaths and injuries, but the ice-bound Banshee did not order to stop advancing behind. So those people are still charging, but this casualty speed is very terrifying, people who rush up will always be suppressed at a distance of eight or ninety meters from us, and they will continue to fall down. Soon there will be a pile of corpses in the passage. The dam, so Christina had to fly up gradually to continue attacking.

"Frozen Banshee is crazy, right?" Looking at the piles of corpses in front of him, Zhen Hong asked me in surprise.

I shook my head and said: "No, she is doing an experiment."

"Doing an experiment?"

"Yes, just test our The ability to resist pressure, and then decide whether to use the miscellaneous soldiers to spend a little longer or directly to the elite."

"Oh. But did she measure it like this?" Zhenhong still doesn't understand. Asked.

I shook my head and said: "It was okay, but according to Christina's style of play, it is estimated to be a problem."

The facts are also about the same with my guess. Seeing the pile of corpses in front of him and Christina's uninterrupted magic blows, Frozen Banshee's brows wrinkled and tightened. Christina’s attack method is obviously not normal, because if it is for long-term planning, the best case is for the three of us to work together. In this case, all three of us are consumed, so the automatic blood recovery of all three people can be used. Play a role, tantamount to improving the endurance. But now Zhenhong and I haven't moved. Christina is the only one to show off there. This is obviously a very serious mistake, and it's quite low-level. However, Frozen Banshee knew that I was not a stupid, impossible to make such a low-level mistake, so she quickly guessed the reason-Christina could fight like this indefinitely.

After realizing that his people were all dead in vain, Bingfeng Banshee immediately raised a hand, and the offensive troops came to an abrupt end, but instead of advancing forward with Zhenhong, I retreated instead. A distance. The corpse mountain in front of us is so high, which has a great influence on our battle, so we have to retreat.

"Guess what Frozen Banshee is going to do next?" Christina fell back to us and asked.

True Hong said disdainfully: "No matter what tricks she has, the three of us one stop here is the iron triangle of invulnerable, indestructible and impregnable. They don’t have enough martial power. They don’t think about anything. In the past."

Seeing us retreating, the frozen Banshee immediately moved to the top of the corpse mountain. But she also knew that we were impossible to retreat all the time. The reason why we didn't continue to stand in place was just that we didn't want to climb the Dead Mountain. After all, this corpse mountain is only two hundred meters long, and it is very unstable when it is piled up, so standing on it will affect the performance of strength. Besides, this corpse mountain is inclined. At a distance of two hundred meters, it will enter the enemy's long-range strike range, and if you don't stand on the top of the mountain, you will be condescending. It is better to step back a little to at least ensure that everyone is in the same height.

Frozen Banshee stood at the top of the corpse mountain and then beckoned to the back, and then we saw the gun god guy walking next to her. In addition to the gun god, I also saw several other Russian guild presidents. These people are the elite of Russian players, and they are considered the strongest in battle strength.

With such a group of people in front of the team, you don't need to think about what Banshee is doing next.

Zhenhong and Christina are both old players. As soon as they saw this situation, they immediately became alert, because we all know that the real battle is about to begin.

However, just as our side was ready to face off, Frozen Banshee suddenly took out a scroll, and then raised it high. Seeing Frozen Banshee's behavior, we were all puzzled. We didn't know what she was going to do, but we didn't ask because I knew Frozen Banshee would use that scroll soon.

I am not too worried about the scroll in Banshee's hand, because I am basically sure that it is not a spell scroll of forbidden spell, because it is a relatively closed channel and used in this place The scroll of huge might will only involve them all, and this kind of strategic thing does not need to be used so close at all. Besides, the Isengard Twin Cities are not ordinary cities. The entire Isengard Twin Cities are lined with a huge magic circuit under the ground. This circuit is an energy-gathering array. As long as the enemy uses magic or skills within this range, we can collect a lot of magic power, and then the magic power will be converted into energy for storage. As for the specific energy used to supplement the magic of our players or NPCs, or to produce low-level death Kind of spiritual weapon, let us be happy.

Because we are not worried, we did not move, just waiting for their response. Frozen Banshee didn’t let us wait for a long time. After lifting the scroll, it was immediately excited. Then we saw ten light spots flying out of the scroll and falling on the side of Frozen Banshee and the gun god. After the light spots stabilized, Christina and I were both stunned, because those light spots turned into five ice-bound Banshees and five spear gods.

"Is this a summon phantom or an Avatar?" Zhenhong asked with some uncertainty.

Christina frowned: "These all are daoist in the magic wave, and the magic level is the same as their body."

After hearing this, I and Zhenhong are both The brow furrows deeply, because we all know this is in trouble.

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