"Okay, this is the gap that Purple Moon blocked with the battleship wreckage. We have to... rush in from here."

I heard the ice-bound Banshee After that, a Russian guild president next to him asked with some confusion: "Why do you have to emphasize rushing in from here? Do you mean you can only enter from here? City wall we all gave up?"

Ice-bound Banshee nodded and said: "Isinger’s city wall is more than 450 meters high. The outer wall is almost perpendicular to the ground, and the inclination angle is less than three degrees. Now there is still a layer of ice outside. Bing, who do you think we can climb up here with bare hands?"

The Russian guild president said unconvinced: "But if you give up the city wall and just rush in from this entrance, we are very likely to suffer Fire attacks from people on the city wall will cause heavy casualties."

"There will definitely be casualties. How can there be undead people in battle?" Frozen Banshee suddenly smiled after saying this. Said: "But this time our casualties will be very small."

"Are there any further tricks?" The leaders of the surrounding Russian guilds are all looking at the ice-bound Banshee seriously and waiting for her. answer.

Sure enough, Frozen Banshee was obviously in a good mood and took another thing out of her body. This was the first time she laughed after the action began.

"Don’t look at the thing in my hand that looks like a stone, but you can’t imagine its function. I won’t explain the specifics to you anyway. Anyway, as long as you know, this thing can Build a layer of protective force field, so as to limit the people on the city wall from attacking us. Therefore, we only need to break through this gap, and no weapon or personnel on the city wall can hurt us at all, unless they Come down and fight with us face to face."

Although I don’t know what exactly this thing is in Banshee's hands, it is obvious to those Russian guild leaders after hearing the guarantee of Banshee solemnly vowed. Relaxed. At this time, Frozen Banshee obviously wouldn’t joke with them, and Frozen Banshee’s smile cannot be faked, which shows that the pebble in her hand can really produce what she said. Effect. Then, if the ability of this thing is true, then the rest is simple.

Although we have sealed the entrance with battleship wreckage, it is not a five-hundred-meter-high city wall after all, so it is relatively simple to get in. As for how to rush through the passage inside... this is nothing more than exhaustion. Anyway, they are also prepared desperately, sacrifice is inevitable, but as long as the goal can be achieved, everything else is not a problem.

The Gun God looked at Frozen Banshee with some worry and asked, "But even if it’s the same as what you said, people from the Frost Rose Alliance can only fight us if they go down to the tunnel, but you Have you ever thought about it? Such a narrow passage, no means are used, all you can do is to fight hard. But you all know the high-end battle strength of the Frost Rose League. When the time comes Purple Moon and his gang of high The level where the thugs go, how can we get there? If the frontal width is very large, Purple Moon alone can't stop our army, but now there is only one passage, and Purple Moon blocks there, we simply can’t rush over. Ah!"

"You don't need to worry about this, because I am fully prepared." Frozen Banshee said with a smile: "Although there are many high-end martial powers in the Frost Rose League, you have I never thought, what would happen if they were invaded on a large scale in the occupied area of ​​our country at this time?"

After hearing the words of Frozen Banshee, the gun spirit was obviously taken aback. The development zone that our guild has just established in Russia can be said to be a double-edged sword. Because of the existence of that development zone, we have become a two-line warfare. Once there is an attack, we must be here. I can't completely let it go. Even if I don't go there, the elite players in the guild must go to the rescue. Moreover, once the fight starts over there, the war machines and NPC troops in our guild will inevitably be pinned over there, causing Isengard’s defense problems.

Of course, we still have another option, which is to transfer personnel from the Russian Development Zone back to strengthen Isinger’s defenses. In this way, Isinger can be guaranteed to be foolproof, but the problem is this. The development zone will definitely not be able to keep it, no matter where the problem is, it is a good thing for the ice-bound Banshee, so she doesn't care about our choice at all, anyway, it is only good for her anyway.

"This alone cannot guarantee that we can defeat their defenses, right?" Gun God wanted to understand where the joints are, but this is the benefit of the ice-bound Banshee, and has nothing to do with their Holy Lance League. Isinger is their goal. As for the development zone...the victory or defeat has nothing to do with them. Before thinking that this operation had failed, Gun God really wanted to join the ice-bound Banshee and they planned for their future, but now he sees hope again and his thoughts are naturally different.

Frozen Banshee of course also understands the idea of ​​the gun god, so he continues: "What I just said is only one aspect, I have other methods. You have seen that, now the surrounding environment is already It has become colder than the Arctic Circle, and about my rumors, I think you don’t know it, right?"

The gun god just hesitated for a second and asked tentatively. Said: "You mean that as long as the temperature is low enough on the Internet, you can kill the rumors of Purple Moon?"

Ice-bound Banshee nodded and said: "Yes, it is not a rumor, but a truth Yes. I once used a special mission scroll to get a designated training field. Although it was only a training field with limited use times, it would not produce EXP or explode equipment, but it could train my own combat skills. And you can also do some tests. I designated Purple Moon as the test object, and then used the system to test the virtual target based on Purple Moon data and combat mode. I challenged Purple Moon in the environment of minus two Baidu Twenty times, and all of them won."

The gun god immediately frowned: "But Purple Moon is an individual, not a program. The simulation test does not necessarily correspond to reality. You defeated the simulation. Purple Moon does not mean that you can defeat the real Purple Moon, because living people will change their strategies according to the situation. Besides. When did your test happen? It seems that I have heard this rumor for a long time. Now, are you sure you can still win now?"

Ice-bound Banshee said with a smile: "Although the simulator is not equal to the daoist, since I can 100% guarantee in the Extreme Cold environment Defeating the Simulator of Purple Moon, then challenging his daoist is not that absolutely does not have a chance of winning. As for the test time... I just used the last chance of the training ground last night, and the one generated this time is yesterday. The strength of Purple Moon at night, I won again."

It’s hard to say anything when I hear the gun god here, but he still said: "Even if you can handle Purple Moon, the Frost Rose League won’t There is only one trouble. The rescue operation on the development zone does not require all their experts to go there. Zhenhong, gold coin, and Christina, these three people will leave at least one to accompany Purple Moon, even if you get Purple Moon, I also I can't guarantee that I will be able to handle any of the remaining three. "

"I didn't count on you. "Ice-bound Banshee said directly: "I just promise that I can kill Purple Moon. As for the other Frost Rose Alliance experts...Of course, I'll take care of it. "

"Are you really sure that you alone can deal with Purple Moon and other experts in the Frost Rose League? That's all of the top ten on the battle strength list, and the rankings are all higher than yours! "

"Of course not one me, but what if there are many me? Frozen Banshee said as he took out another scroll. "This is the Summon Scroll obtained in the last link of the training ground mission. You can summon up to ten copies that are exactly the same as the summon. The replica is like the test body in the training field. It has all the attribute data of the summoner and has the opponent's battle method simulated by the system. It can be said that it is very close to the battle strength of the replication target. Do you think if I use this thing, ten copies plus myself, can I switch cards? "

"You bull. "The Gun God didn't intend to continue talking when he heard this, because he already understood that Banshee had come prepared for the ice-bound Banshee, and this preparation is also a good thing for him.

When the Gun God was convinced that Frozen Banshee could break through the blockade, a Russian guild leader next to him suddenly asked, "President Banshee Frozen, do you want this scroll to be used by the Gun God? "

The words of the president of the Russian guild made everyone around him stunned. They didn't expect it before, but after a sudden reaction, everyone felt that this seemed to be a good suggestion. That's right. Frozen Banshee is indeed very strong in the Extreme Cold environment, but the problem is that the ranking of the gun god on the battle strength list is much higher than that of the Frozen Banshee. The strength of the clone copied from this scroll is based on the summon. Based on strength, then, if the target of copying is a stronger gun god, does it mean that you get more battle strength?

In fact, the benefits don’t stop there. Frozen Banshee is Players of the mid-to-close combat type are basically warrior-type personnel, and there are so many places around one person, and at most several warriors can attack at the same time, so even if there are eleven ice-bound Banshee, it is impossible to beat me together. However, if there are eleven gun gods, it’s different. They are snipers, and eleven people are aiming at one target... It looks pretty good!

However, although the presidents of the Russian guilds are all Thinking of this method, they didn't answer the conversation, because they weren't as reckless as the Russian guild leader just now. They thought of other factors. This thing is frozen Banshee. Would he be willing to give it to the spear god?

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