Although I have overestimated the effect of this thing, it turns out that the ability of this thing is far beyond my expectations.

Just after the guy's transformation was completed, the two jet water sacs behind him immediately started to work, instantly asking him to increase the speed to a rather exaggerated point, and then they came to me in the blink of an eye And hugged me.

In the formal battle method, it is rare to hug people, because you need to use your own two hands to hold the opponent, and the opponent’s arms will not be controlled throughout the field, so after holding the opponent, not only It will make yourself lose the means of attack, and it will also give the enemy a chance to attack you. Of course, if you are a muscular man with a height of two meters and arms thicker than his thighs, it is also a good way to hug a thin guy with this trick, and then strangle him to breathe out. But the problem is that under normal circumstances, the physical fitness of the two sides of the battle is not too obvious, so most people don't use this trick.

However, this guy obviously does not belong to the majority category. He is actually a little taller than me at this time, but he still hugs my waist and is still tightening his arms, but his purpose is not to strangle me, because that is basically impossible. of. My body is wearing a dragon soul suit, and the dragon soul suit is not a normal armor, it is a full-covered heavy plate armor. To make me feel suffocated, I need to deform the dragon soul suit before it can press me inside. To deform the dragon soul suit, the most basic one is that at least 10,000 power points are required, and this is the case. The power can only cause partial deformation when using weapons, and impossible to cause overall deformation of the armor itself. If you simply want to squeeze this armor, you can't do it without more than 100,000 points.

After all, the Dragon Soul suit is the Divine Item in the Divine Item, which can be evolved equipment, and has been transformed by Hades's hades. If such a thing can be easily squashed by people, then the Divine Item is also It is not called Divine Item anymore.

Although this guy is not very smart, he at least knows that my armor is impossible and easily squashed, so he posted it not to strangle me, but to...discharge.

After successfully hugging me, a large blue arc suddenly appeared on the guy’s body, instantly illuminating the seawater around us, and a large bubble suddenly appeared below the sea level to completely envelop us. When I entered, there was a loud explosion sound immediately. A water column of ten meters high rose directly on the sea, and even the nearby battleship shook.

Actually, the explosion is not the player’s ability. He just released a large amount of electric current in an instant, but everyone knows that water is electrolyzed when it meets electricity, and then oxygen and hydrogen are generated. The current intensity of that guy was too strong, and the surrounding seawater was electrolyzed in a flash. As a result, a large mixture of hydrogen and oxygen was formed around us, and this is the origin of those bubbles.

Everyone knows that hydrogen can burn in the air, but if it is a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen, it will not burn but explode. Therefore, the hydrogen and oxygen that had just been electrolyzed by the guy were mixed and ignited by the arc generated by the guy's remaining electric current, and an explosion occurred.

"Your sister! Do you have to work so hard?" After shaking my head on the deck of a battleship in the vicinity, I was dizzy and stood up on the wall. The explosion just took off not only the sea water, but also me and that guy. My current location is a Russian battleship, but it's not a biological battleship, it's just an ordinary ship. As for that guy, I don't know where to fly. The formidable power of the explosion just now was not small. The explosion of the hydrogen-oxygen mixture was similar to a cloud bomb. With the restraining effect of sea water, the pressure generated at that instant was so strong that even I was dizzy. He lost his sanity, so I don't know how that guy flew out.

As soon as I stood up on the wall, I heard footsteps, my head was still a little dizzy, and my reaction was a little slow. When I turned around, I saw a Russian player holding a big The axe swept towards me. Although I was dizzy, I instinctively raised a hand to face the axe blade, and then I heard a sound that the axe was directly pinched in my hand, and I couldn't make an inch.

The player holding the axe was stunned for a long time before reacting. After letting go of the axe, I punched him, but I have recovered a little bit, throwing the axe away with one hand, and squeezed him. The fist that was swung over, and then to the outside, directly threw him off the deck and fell into the sea with a thud.

The group of people behind this guy looked at the fallen companions. They were jumping back and forth like a boxer’s attacking pace, but the problem was five or six meters away. Planning to attack?

I shook my head again to make myself more awake. After thinking about it, I still threw a "steel will" to myself, and then my head became clear for an instant, although I still felt a little nauseous. , But it's basically normal.

Reconsidering the surrounding situation, I quickly discovered that the battleship that had fallen before was not far in front of us, but the battleship is not so good now.

"Military god, what's the matter with the battleship in front of me?" The battleship just now is full of holes, obviously it has been shelled, but the problem is that I told the military god before. Priority was given to the battleship that was not covered by creatures. As a result, it fell into the water for less than five minutes. After coming up, it was found that the creature battleship was bombarded and shattered and looked like it was sinking. Do things according to my requirements.

The voice of the military god quickly responded: “It’s not my responsibility. Hong Yue Vice-President just ordered this battleship to test the ultimate protection of the biological battleship. I will follow your order and the current situation Judging from the environment, your original intention of the order is to avoid wasting firepower, not to save the biological battleship, so the Hong Yue Vice-President's order does not contradict your order, so I changed the order and called part of the battleship to this biological battleship. I did a fire test."

Military God is a battlefield command computer. He is not exactly the same as an ordinary computer. His intelligence level is quite high. Although there is still no creative thinking like humans, it is not a completely rigid ordinary computer. For example, in the situation just now, if it is an ordinary computer, it will never follow Hong Yue's command to do firepower test. Because I have a higher level than Hong Yue in the guild, my command has higher authority, and when Hong Yue When the command conflicts with my command, the normal computer should execute the command with higher authority. However, because of his high intelligence, Junshen further analyzed the content of the command and inferred from it that the commands between Hong Yue and I did not conflict in nature, so I changed some of the commands and executed Hong Yue's test plan. From this point of view, Junshen's intelligence level is indeed quite good.

After listening to the analysis of the military god, I directly affirmed that his judgment is correct, which helps to improve the military god’s judgment ability. In addition to high level intelligence, the military god also has a set of experience accumulation system. After he makes a judgment, I can evaluate whether his judgment is correct after the fact, and the military god will continuously adjust his judgment based on the feedback I give. Mechanism to improve the accuracy of judgment.

Since this is just a test target, there is nothing at worst. I quickly opened my wings and moved towards the battleship, flew over, and then landed on its deck lightly. Now the ship has obviously appeared a lot of cracks, there are traces of distortion and deformation, and the most important thing is that the biological tissue on it is rapidly decayed and fell off.

When I asked the military god just now, I got information about the situation of this thing from him by the way. I can be sure that the biological shell actually has its limits. If you suffer too much damage, this thing will lose its ability to regenerate, and then shrink and fall off, just like a plant withered.

Because the battleship itself has been hit hard and the biological shell has lost its function, the ship is actually almost finished now. In fact, if it weren't for my communication with the military god just now, it has now been killed by second round artillery fire. But because I told the god of war not to attack this ship for now, the subsequent shells did not fly over.

Although the ship was seriously injured, it has not really reached the point of sinking. In fact, it can actually run now, and the speed drop is not too severe, but the hull is tilted It’s very difficult to deal with, it can be determined that the starboard part of the battleship should be flooded. However, during the time I boarded the ship, the battleship was gradually regaining its balance. Obviously, the damaged tube was being rescued. It's just that their rescue method is not to drain water but to release water. The right side pressurized water tank of this battleship is probably completely damaged, so the flooded tank can no longer be sealed and drained. However, it can be seen from the fact that the battleship did not sink. The water tanks on the hull should have been sealed, so as long as they don’t continue to be attacked, they won’t sink. Just to restore the balance of the hull, they are giving the ship on the left. The pressurized water tank is filled with water, so that the draft of the hull will increase, which will slightly affect the speed, but at least the hull can restore balance.

I felt that the left side of the hull was sinking slowly, and the deck gradually returned to balance, I guessed that the ship should be fine. Unscrew the closed outer compartment easily, and after entering the inside, you can see the mud-like things all over the floor. In fact, it was not mud, but rotten flesh after the biological tissues decayed, but now the feeling of meat is no longer visible, it feels like mud.

Walking along here, I met a few NPCs at the fork in the road not far away. Because they were not battle-type, I took control directly. After forced questioning, the location of the frozen Banshee was determined. After killing a few NPCs, walked towards the back of the hull according to the route that was forced out, and not far away was a downward staircase. After walking down two decks from here, I stood directly in the water. There is already more than a foot of sea water on the floor of this cabin, but the pump is working, and it can be clearly felt that the water is slowly descending. But my goal was not on this floor but the lower cabin, so I had no choice but to put the mask down and walked into the vortex in front of me. This vortex is actually a channel leading to the lower level. However, because the water is being pumped below, the water in the upper layer is flowing from here to the lower layer, so a vortex is formed here.

I jumped directly into the vortex, and because of the resistance of the water, I gently landed on the ground of the lower cabin, but because the surrounding water was all around, the visibility was not high. Paddling forward from here, and after a short walk, I saw a sealed hatch, and the ice-bound Banshee was just behind it. But there should be no water there. This door was put down to isolate the compartments on both sides, but now I have to go through, this door naturally needs to be removed.

The common metal in front of Eternity is bean curd dregs. I cut an opening in the door at random a few times, and the water pressure automatically opens the opening. The sea water rushes into the opposite cabin with a bang, and even me is covered. Sucked over. But the person on the opposite side was even more miserable than me, and was washed away by the sudden rush of water.

Because the battleship has been sealed, the water intake here is not too serious. After the sea water rushed past, it stabilized quickly, and the water surface only reached my waist. Under the surface of the water, a few Russian players got up in embarrassment. They were all overturned by the sea, but it was actually better to get up in front of me at this time. I calmly walked past them who were still coughing, and then touched everyone's neck, and then the person covered his neck and lay back in the water. As I walked all the way, the sea water under my feet quickly turned into a magnificent rose color, and the last two players in front of them stood in front of a door while holding their weapons timidly.

"Is the frozen Banshee inside?" I asked.

The two players did not answer, but the ice-bound Banshee inside answered my question. "What the hell are you doing?" As the voice appeared, Frozen Banshee had already walked out of the room. She had obviously just been resurrected, and her equipment hadn't been completely put back in time.

"Don't you know what I'm going to do?" I asked, looking at the frozen Banshee opposite.

Frozen Banshee looked at me and frowned and said, "I won't give you that thing. You have to die."

"Just like you, I I am also confident that we must get the thing, so...we can only find a way to negotiate. Of course, if you don’t want to give it, I can grab it directly."

"hmph, then you come Grab it."

I noticed that when Banshee said the last sentence, the eyes were obviously wrong, because she was not looking at me, but looking behind me, so I was at the last second Suddenly leaned sideways to the side wall. Sure enough, with a bang, a huge tentacle suddenly slammed into the seawater in front of me, and took the seawater away, but it didn't hit me. However, after the tentacle missed a hit, it immediately drew it laterally, and this time I couldn't help it. The attack area of ​​this thing is too wide, I can't avoid such a narrow place at all, I can only watch myself being rolled up by it.

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