"You bastard!" The guy who was photographed on the deck supported me and then got up from the deck and immediately roared at me, and his body was still on the other side of the roar. Deformed.

When this guy first came out of the battleship cabin, he was basically the same as a normal player. He looked like an ordinary player, and he couldn't feel that he was also a person who had been injected with that kind of injection. But now, I can be completely sure that this guy did use that kind of injection, because the changes that are happening in him now are the same as the guys who covered the battleship before. A large amount of meat began to squeeze out from the gaps in the armor on his body, and then quickly swelled, finally completely enveloping his armor. However, after completely covering the whole body of this guy, these swollen pieces of flesh began to collapse again quickly, but did not retract the inside of the armor, but hardly transformed into a layer similar to the previous battleship on the surface of the armor. Something like armor of creatures.

Because I am curious about the ability of this thing, I did not stop the opponent from deforming. In fact, this deformation process is not very long, it takes only three to five seconds before and after. Of course, if I think about it, this time is indeed enough for me to give the place a combo.

The fully hardened shell of the opponent body is dark brown, and the surface is quite smooth, even oily. This is obviously different from the outer shells of the biological battleship, because the outer shell of the biological battleship is not reflective.

In addition to the color and texture, the shape of these carapace is also quite different from the layer covered by the biological battleship. The biological carapace wrapped around those battleships looks very irregular. The carapace pieces are connected in a mess, and the surface is very uneven. However, the shell on this player is like a precision-designed armor. Not only is the line smooth, but also the structure is reasonable. After the body movement needs to be shaped, it will not affect the activity at all, but it will give people a defensive power just by looking at it. Very high feeling.

That guy just received that kind of injection, so these abilities should be used for the first time, so after this layer of outer armor grew on his body, he actually looked down at his own. With hands and legs, obviously he was also very curious about this thing on his body. However, he still knew he was in battle, so he just rushed towards me again after looking around, but this time the situation was a little unexpected.

It’s not surprising that the guy rushed over to me, but what happened afterwards made us both shocked, because the guy just raised his foot and flew directly in front of me, that’s fast With my reaction ability, I barely blocked it with my hands in front of me. Then the two of us flew out of the deck and fell into the sea from the battleship tail section in the surprised thoughts of both sides.

The main reason why this happened is that this guy’s moving speed has increased geometrically. Although his speed was very fast before, it is far from such an exaggeration. The current speed It's completely a state of almost instantaneous movement. Moreover, judging from the guy's reaction when he hit me, he himself obviously didn't expect to have such a speed, so that he hit me directly without making any attacks.

After falling into the sea, of course that guy and I were separated. Because I was able to block with my arm, the impact damage was not great, so after falling into the water, I immediately turned over, my wings spread fiercely, and the whole person immediately slid forward. My wings actually have quite high mobility in the water, and using wings to propel in the water is actually quite good. Although it is a little harder, the speed is very good.

Compared to my flexibility, that guy was more miserable after he got into the water. He fluttered wildly in the water, stirring up the bubbles in the surrounding sea water, but he couldn't control his posture at all. I can see that he doesn't know how to swim. The reason why he loses control is entirely because he can't control his strength.

People who have played racing games should know that for a novice, a car with less horsepower and moderate steering ability tends to run out of high speed more easily than those top sports cars with high horsepower and high mobility. , This is not to say that low-level cars are more powerful, but because novice players do not use high level to run out of the exaggerated acceleration and agile steering wheel, so as long as you lightly tap the accelerator, you will hit something. Although most cars in racing games will not crash completely, they always rush out of the track or hit obstacles, so the speed naturally does not raise. Therefore, for novices, it is not impossible to drive them. Super running like bumper cars crashing everywhere, it is better to change to an ordinary car that can always run with maximum horsepower faster.

This is the problem that this guy is facing now. His body is like the kind of top sports car, with too much power and surprisingly fast response to brain commands, and because of the very good physical condition, he can no longer control his body. Moreover, this guy still appears in the water in this state, which proves that if he is on the ground, he will definitely be worse than now, because the resistance in the water is very large. Here he can suppress a little bit of body strength. Once water comes out, without the resistance of water to suppress it, his body will definitely become more difficult to control.

In fact, when I was on the boat, even if I avoided that guy, and there was not sea water behind, but a wide enough land, he would definitely fall miserably, because he hit me before In fact, the whole person has no focus at all. He basically tripped himself up first, and then knocked me out of the sea together as he fell forward. So, his power has actually been completely out of control. Of course, this state will not last long. Although it is difficult to precisely control the superpower, it is not as difficult to ensure basic actions as expected. According to my previous experience, it takes only three to five minutes to get used to the basic activity state of the body, and the initial adaptation is about ten to twenty seconds. As for the precise control of subtle movements...no one or two weeks is impossible. After all, it takes a year or two for a baby to learn to control the muscles of the whole body! Adults are actually weaker than babies in this respect. After all, the synapses of the brain have been stereotyped, and they are not as fast as babies in learning these things.

In any case, the guy probably found a basic control method in only ten seconds. Although the movements are still messy, he finally adjusted the direction of his head and feet. And finally changed from backing me to facing me.

If I really want to kill this guy, I have had several opportunities before, and I still didn't make a shot just now, just to see how this guy's body adapts to this change. However, after that guy has mastered a little balance, a little change has taken place.

The armor on his body that had already been shaped suddenly began to soften at this time, and then deformed again. First of all, this guy's feet began to lengthen, and soon grew out of a structure similar to the fins worn by divers, and this thing is also soft, which can play a good propulsion effect in the water. Of course, the webs on the palms did not fall, and the film connecting the fingers obviously played this role.

In addition to these webs, this guy's helmet has cracks like blinds on the side of his helmet, and it moves in and out. It is not difficult to see from the occasional bubbles that this thing should be a gill-like part. In addition, behind this guy, there are two things that look like wings, but they are not as big as the actual wings, they are very thick, and they are a bit like the air intake of an airplane. They hang on this guy like two big pipes. Behind.

Finally, in addition to the above changes, the surface of the armor of this guy's whole body has undergone slight changes. In addition to the overall structure that looks smoother, the surface of the armor has also changed. The mirror-like structure becomes a state similar to a matte effect.

Actually, I can guess some reasons for this strange texture.

The mirror-like armor structure on the guy’s body was transformed in the air, and according to the characteristics of fish gills that can grow in the water, this kind of biological tissue is very strong. Environmental adaptability. Then, it is not difficult to think that the armor on his body has become this structure in order to adapt to the underwater environment. The thing on the back is probably a jet thruster. I can think of the working principle. It is nothing more than a principle similar to the heart pumping. First, the back end of the pipe is closed, and then the central soft tissue mechanism expands, sucking in sea water from the front, and then the front end. Sealed, the soft tissue is compressed, squeezing out the seawater from the back, thereby generating forward propulsion. This way of working is very simple and conforms to the working principle of living organisms.

Not to mention the gills on the side of his neck, this thing is a scuba. The webs on the hands and feet should assist in movement and direction control. The more streamlined shape is to improve the underwater movement ability, as for the shell that looks frosted, it should also be to reduce resistance. It doesn't look like it has a matte texture, but I'm sure it definitely feels like sandpaper. In fact, shark skin has the same structure as sandpaper, and this rough skin can break the contact viscosity of water molecules with the body surface skin, thereby reducing the resistance in the water. This structure is far more suitable for water sports than a smooth appearance.

Although this guy can't beat me even if he turns into a shark, his super adaptability makes me want to get a bottle of this thing to study. With so many players in the guild, most people are only adapted to fighting in a part of the environment, and if we have this thing, and can let everyone get this ability to change appearance according to the environment, then everyone in our guild All will become all-terrain adaptable combatants. That will greatly strengthen the battle strength of our guild. So, the attraction of this thing to me is getting bigger and bigger.

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