"Do you really want to know why you can make you a favorite of Japanese players if you cheat another yourself?" I looked at Yaqi Orochi and asked.

Baqi nodded looked at me pleadingly and said: "I have never been sought after by anyone. I really want to know how the situation you said was achieved!"

"In fact, this matter is very simple." I said: "Your posterity, the real Yaqi Orochi, is actually an idol in Japan now. His reputation in Japan is very high. Yes. But, we also told you before. The Baqi Orochi was actually crazy when he arrived in Japan. The current Baqi Orochi is a very crazy guy, and his status in the hearts of Japanese players actually comes. It’s a bit unrealistic, this is not his intention, so the impression of Japanese players on him is very different from his own image."

"But this..." I interrupted my speech.

"Don’t worry, listen to me." I calmed the Baqi Orochi and continued: "Because the image of the Baqi Orochi in the hearts of Japanese players does not match his own actual situation, so I became a Japanese player. Players will have a psychological gap when they see the real Eight-Different Orochi. This gap is very large. Moreover, you may not know that the current Eight-Different Orochi has a divine force core, and this divine force core is very It’s strange that there are a lot of Power of Faith. Of course, you haven’t seen the divine force core, so you don’t know what it is, but you can think of it as a kind of Heaven and Earth Treasure, and you can greatly strengthen your abilities as long as you get it."

The eight-pointed snake seems to be nodded. I wanted to say something, but when I saw that I remembered, I told him not to rush, so I endured it again.

I saw Baqi Orochi continued without saying a word: "Well, because the Baqi Orochi got this divine force core, his strength has been greatly improved in a short period of time. You know , You are very good at Great Desolate Era, do you know this yourself?"

Nodded: "I know, but what does this have to do?"

" Yes, of course. Although you are very difficult to deal with, you lose part of your strength after your head is cut off. Later, you hide in the volcano and your strength is still gradually declining. For so many years, the eight-pointed snake has been in the same position. This is a state of hiding everywhere, so the psychology will be distorted, and in this case, the strength of the eight-different snake who suddenly obtained the divine force core suddenly restored to its previous level, even more than a lot. In this situation He doesn’t know the immensity of heaven and earth anymore. He feels that he is the best being in the world, so he completely ignores other people’s views on him, and acts extremely arrogantly and very badly. Moreover, because he has been here before. Healing, he doesn’t come out very often, so Japanese players don’t have any intuitive impression of him, but since he got the divine force core, this guy’s strength advanced by leaps and bounds doesn’t need to be hidden for healing, so he’s now Constantly outside activities. With this activity, it is inevitable to have more contact with the players, and he now has this kind of personality, and naturally offends people frequently. What others say will not stop, and his attitude towards everyone It's very bad. He treats others as his slave's general command, and as long as he thinks of things, regardless of whether it will have a bad influence on others, he will do it, simply regardless of the life or death of others.

< p>Under such circumstances, you can imagine the image of the Yaqi Orochi in the hearts of Japanese players. However, although the private parts of Yaqi Orochi destroys his own image, the Japanese players still have his reputation. Hope, this is why he can still call on many people."

"Then I will continue to destroy the reputation of the name Baqi Orochi. After that, it will be more difficult for me to call on Japanese players?" Baqi Da Snake asked suspiciously.

"No, although you have destroyed the name of the eight-headed snake, when you really walk from behind the scenes, we will let Masaka Matsumoto cooperate with you and declare that you are The real eight-pointed snake, and that eight-pointed snake pretended to be you."

"Are you talking about inverting black and white?" Eight-pointed snake asked in surprise.

I nodded and said: "Yes. We will say that you are real, and that the real octopus is a counterfeit. When the time comes, you have to show that you are completely different from the octopus His character is already like that. Everyone knows that it must be unpopular. As long as you behave mildly and behave normally, don’t make any exaggerated behaviors. Naturally, many Japanese players will fall down. To you. They don’t actually believe in you or the real octopus, but choose to believe in the image of the octopus in their hearts, so it doesn’t matter who makes the octopus, as long as the Japanese players feel this He is a qualified eight-pointed snake, then he is the eight-pointed snake."

The eight-pointed snake asked in a faint and unintelligible way: "Then how do I get to the stage afterwards?"< /p>

"Let’s talk about this issue later. After all, you have just arrived here. Your task now is to get acquainted with our environment as soon as possible, and then cooperate with our personnel to corrupt the image of the eight-headed snake, and strive for as soon as possible. It’s best to make it stinky."

"What should I do?"

"I will tell you the specific method. Now you first Come and get acquainted with the people on our side. We will still need to cooperate with you in the future, so it is essential to get acquainted with our own people."

Of course, Baqi Dashe is very obedient and follows us. After all, he has become Matsumoto Masaka's familiar, even if he is not completely physical, it is also a familiar, so it is necessary to follow us.

Under my introduction, I introduced the high-level players in the Frost Rose League and the high level gods in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order to the Eight Disciplinary Snake. After all, these people will be Need to deal with him often.

After the introduction of these people, we chatted for a while, and then I asked everyone to leave first, and then stopped Vina.


"Is there something?"

"There is indeed something." I moved towards the eight-headed snake beckoned, He called him over, and said: "You take the Eight-Divine Snake to the divine force core of our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and then teach him how to control the divine force core."

"You are so Is he going to grab the control of the divine force core with that eight-pointed snake?" Weina asked in surprise.

I shook my head and said, "That’s not true. It’s just because Matsumoto Masakah happened to be just and honorable here with us, so let you teach Baqi Orochi now. How to control the core of divine force, it’s not easy to wait until Masaga Matsumoto and the others are gone, and then come back. After all, our identity..."

"I understand." After Vina finished speaking, she said to Badi. The Orochi beckoned: "Come, come with me, and take you to see the divine force core of our Divine Race of Chaos and Order."

The Orochi Orochi glanced at me, and then looked towards Matsumoto. Zhenghe. I smiled and waved to him with Matsumoto Masaka. After seeing it, the Orochi Orochi obediently followed along. This guy has become unusually cautious since he got here. I guess it's mainly because after becoming Matsumoto Masaka's demon, he always feels that he is now under the fence, so he has become much more cautious than before. But I think he will recover as long as he is familiar with the environment here. After all, the current eight-headed snake has not had its head cut off like the real eight-headed snake. Naturally, it is also very healthy in terms of psychology. So easy to go wrong.

After seeing Yaqi Orochi and Wiener leave, I called Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki over again. When I asked everyone to leave before, Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not leave because they all knew that I must have arrangements. After all, they need to use Transmission Formation to leave now, and the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate is locked. They They only have single-use permissions, and I need to enable them again if they are used again.

As soon as I turned around, Masaka Matsumoto and the others came around one by one, and then Chi Fire Dragon asked directly: "President, do you have anything else to tell us?"< /p>

I nodded and said: "There is indeed something to be said by you."

"Let's talk about it." Chi Fire Dragon Ji is impatient.

I said with a smile: "You have all heard about the stigmatization of the eight-headed snake that I just said. Now I have an idea to start using it right away. I need you to give me some advice. After all, the Japanese players are there. You are more familiar than me."

"Boss, just say it." Matsumoto Masaka said.

I nodded and said: "This time we are in Russia, which means we have overfulfilled the mission, but the resources on the Russian side are too rich. It is impossible to simply use predatory mining. But early- Stage, the benefits that everyone has received are definitely very impressive. The Japanese guilds you brought now should be a joyous one, right?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Although I am the I’m not there in the past few days, but I think about this kind of thing."

"So, you said, if at this time, a happily guild who was mining ore suddenly heard about it. The old Feng’s home was destroyed by others, what mood would they have?"

Ying Yu Shen Chou immediately said: "Think about it in another way. If we encounter this kind of payment, we will definitely be Let’s go crazy! After all, it’s a very bad thing to be taken by someone at my hometown. In addition, I need to go back to deal with the attackers, and the mining progress here will decrease. This way, the loss will be even greater, so this kind of thing I He must be very angry."

Fire Dragon Ji is also nodded and said: "Of course this kind of thing is to go back and find someone to die. Any questions?"

8 Yuexun's thoughts are obviously different from those of Yingyu Shenchu ​​and Chi Fire Dragon Ji. As the oldest person here, she wants to think more. "President, what do you mean is that the eight-headed snake we brought back will attack the headquarters of the guilds we brought back in Japan?"

I nodded and asked: "How about Is it feasible?"

Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru frowned and thought, while Chi Fire Dragon Hime said, "Can we participate?"

Shen Yu Shen Chi slapped her angrily and said: "You are anxious! If you dare to appear there, I believe the president will definitely not mind throwing you on the moon. "

Fire Dragon Ji immediately looked towards my face after hearing the words of Sakura Rain God Hina. I stared at the somewhat heartless Fire Dragon Ji angrily, and then asked: "Masaka Matsumoto He, what do you think? Give me something?"

Masaga Matsumoto hesitated for a while and said: "It is theoretically possible, but I am a little worried."

"How to say "I thought it was simple, but they didn't expect Masaka Matsumoto and they looked very nervous.

Matsumoto Masaka thought for a while before he said, "It’s okay to let my Baqi Orochi go back and engage in sabotage attacks. According to the way you discussed before, no one should find that there are two. It doesn’t matter if someone finds out an eight-headed snake, because they themselves can’t be sure if they made a mistake. After all, two eight-headed snakes are too weird."

< p>"Then why are you so hesitant?"

"I guess Song this Monarch and elder sister are worried about the guild here." Ying Yu Shen Hina said. I looked like Ying Yu Shen Hina was waiting for her to accept, and Ying Yu Shen Hina immediately said: "First of all, we attacked a guild's station, this kind of thing is very simple. Everyone's main force is on the Russian side. , So the Japanese side must be easy to succeed, not to mention that it is absolutely no problem with the eight-headed snake. Therefore, there is no problem with the 1st Step. The key is the latter situation. Of course, the attacked guild will quickly get the news. After their hometown is flattened, they need to go back for rescue, and they are all brought out by us. Although everyone is actually a combination of interests, they will not say that when they really need us. "Ying Yu Shen Chou clear and logical analysis said: "Those guys will finally hold on to the point that we brought them out, so we need to be responsible, and we need to be responsible for their safety. Now they The headquarters of was attacked. We are an alliance, so we need to go back and help them solve their problems."

I already know what their concerns are after hearing this, but I decided to finish listening to Yingyu Shen Hina's explanation.

Shen Yu Shen Hina continued: "We will face two choices at this time. Either we don’t care about them and let them go back and save ourselves. In this case, although we won’t have What kind of loss, and at the same time hit those guilds that usually don’t listen to us. After all, the target you are attacked must be the stab guilds that did not listen to us in the first place, so we can use this reason to refuse reinforcements. They. However, although we have reasonable reasons in this situation, the presidents of the Japanese guilds don’t think so. They just think that we are ungrateful, and we don’t care about the benefits after we bring them out, so they will I don’t think we are worthy of allegiance."

I frowned and said: "You will talk about another choice."

Shen Yu Shencu immediately said: "Don't talk about the other choice. . We help them back to help. How we think of this kind of thing is different from our original intention. What we need is to beat these guilds to build our own prestige and discredit the Ochi Orochi at the same time, but if we really do because If this matter goes back, then we will delay the work of mining ore, and then we will have substantial losses, and this is not what we want to see. Therefore, we will implement this kind of plan in the end. It discredited the Orochi Orochi, but we also need to invest a certain amount of loss. So I don’t think it is too good. But if the president thinks it is important to smear the Orochi Ochi, you are willing to pay some price for it, of course we don’t mind. , Anyway, we are all your subordinates, everything listens to you."

After hearing the analysis of Yingyu Divine Young, how can I continue this plan, at least not in this way. After pondering for a while, I looked towards Masaga Matsumoto next to me, and then asked: "Is there any guild that is particularly disobedient among the guilds that are developing with you here?"

Matsumoto Masaga nodded and said: "Of course there are, but even if they are particularly disobedient guilds, they will ask us to rescue them after they are attacked. After we refuse, the result will still be the same! Sakura Rain’s analysis is very thorough, right?"

"no no no, I don’t mean that." I continued: "Actually, I want to, since you can’t let these follow your behavior. It’s chilling, so if you don’t follow you, or if the guild that is working against you is attacked, then it’s nothing to do with you, right?"

After listening to my words, Matsumoto Masaga Frozen for a moment, then he reacted and asked: "President, what do you mean is to let us deliberately create friction, and then let one of the guilds completely fall out with us, and then let the eight-headed snake attack this The guild’s resident, when the time comes, they just fell out with us, they must be sorry to come to us for help, and even if they are really cheeky, we can completely ignore them. And when the time comes, no one will ignore them. I think there’s something wrong with what we’re doing. Even if we are benevolent and righteous, it’s impossible for us to rush to help others if we know that they don’t take us seriously, right?"

After hearing this method, Yingyu Shenyou It is also said with a smile: "The president is still the smartest, this way can be thought of. But how do we create contradictions!" When Chi Fire Dragon heard this, he directly took a picture of Ying Yu Shen. Then he said: "You are really smart for a while and confused. It is not easy to be friends. Is it not easy to pick the bones in an egg and make trouble?"

After hearing this, Matsumoto Masaga He didn’t agree casually, but looked at me and said: "President, to be honest, conflicts are very simple, but if we deliberately find faults, the purpose is too obvious. I think we still need to think of a safer way. That’s okay."

Actually, I also think what Matsumoto said is very reasonable, but this method is not something that I can think of at a glance, so I also frowned and started thinking, but, I can't think of it, but there are other people who can help me think about it.

"Military god, please contact Somei and Rose for me." I told Rose and Somei about the thing we are going to deliberately create friction, and then I went on to ask: "You can Do you think of any way?"

Rose and Su Mi are the smartest think tanks in our guild. Among them, Rose mainly has a stable mind, and has its own way to deal with big and macro-level things, while Sumei is basically quick-witted, that is, there are more cleverness, so two people can complement each other very well.

Just after I finished my words here, So Mi immediately said: "Is this question not simple yet? Purple Moon big brother, you can't even think of it!"

" Is it that simple? Don’t think that everyone is a child prodigy like you, OK?"

"haha! Can I understand that you are complimenting me?"

"No , I’m scolding you. Since you said it’s simple, then you must have thought of a way. Tell me quickly, or I’ll spank you when I go back."

"hahahaha! Okay, just tell you That’s it!" So Mi stopped joking, but said sternly: "In fact, this kind of thing is very simple! If Matsumoto Masaka and the others go to conflict with the guild, the purpose is too strong and the traces are too obvious, especially you As soon as this kind of thing happened here, there was an immediate problem in the country. Even if people are not sure, there will always be a trace of doubt in their hearts. Therefore, this matter cannot be initiated by Matsumoto and the others, but the other party must take the initiative."

"How can we let the other party take the initiative to find us trouble?" Ying Yu Divine Young asked directly.

Somi explained: "This matter is quite simple. Although Masaga Matsumoto and others are not suitable for this kind of thing, it is enough to find a third party. Masaga Matsumoto and others After making a conflict, you will immediately ignore others. Although this behavior will not be said by others, people will think that you are small and your recognition will decline. This is a bad thing. However, Japanese players are not. Saint. There are so many foreign guilds here. After that, just find a guild to create some friction with that Japanese guild. After that, Masaga Matsumoto, you will use stability and unity, and the development of minerals is an important reason to appease the guild. Let them ignore other people’s provocations. Of course, the guild will not listen to you, because the guild that harassed them is done with a purpose. This harassment does not seem serious, but it has a great impact, so they must not be able to bear it. At this time, Masaga Matsumoto, you ask him to restrain, other Japanese guilds will not help this guild, but will support you, because it is not them who are being harassed, and they don’t want to interfere with this matter. It’s cool to dig, and no one will go to nothing to find trouble and delay their own affairs."

Matsumoto Masakah heard it straight nodded. "It makes sense! For their own benefit, guilds that have not been harassed will definitely unite with us, and even if I pretend to help, they will firmly hold me back."

Somi nodded and said: "Yes, when the time comes, you can improvise and pretend to be a passionate young man to give someone a head start. After that, those other Japanese guilds will definitely hold you back, and you can just go down the donkey and give up. Rescue."

"But how will it become a contradiction between us?"

"It's very simple." So Mi said, "Let the foreign guild go Conflicts with this guild continued, and then the contradictions intensified. The other party entangled some of the guilds that supported him and had a large-scale conflict with you, and caused you Japanese guilds to suffer some small losses. In this way, you will suffer because of this. This guild suffers additional losses. In this way, those Japanese guilds will have a very bad impression of this guild, and you can take this opportunity to conflict with each other and accuse each other of not listening to advice to everyone. It caused a loss. Because you said this on behalf of those Japanese guilds, other Japanese guilds will stand on your side except for the guild that was split out. When the time comes, the other party just accepted it. The anger of outsiders, being isolated by you, is naturally more angry. After that, you just need to stir up casually. I don’t think it will be difficult to turn everyone’s anger into armed conflict, right?"

August Xun said with a smile: "What do you have in your little fellow's head? You can think of such a bad idea!" So Mi smiled and said, "It's not that I have many bad ideas, after all. It was you who brought it up, and you are really bad. I am just a poor child being used."

"Hey, don't behave maliciously. Say quickly, what will you do next?" Matsumoto Zheng He asked anxiously.

Sumi helplessly said: "What do you want to say? Direct conflict, then split, afterwards the Frost Rose League came forward to preside over the overall situation, let all parties return to their respective positions, and to all participating in this time Conflicting guilds will impose a certain amount of punishment, so that those Japanese guilds will hate this independent Japanese guild. Then I don’t need to say anything? Just do what you want, and no one will hinder you anymore. You are here. Moreover, you will stand on the commanding heights of morality. No one can despise you, only you can look down on them."

"It looks like the problem has been solved." Rose finished speaking and added One sentence: "Remember not to use your own people when creating friction. Let Ashford find a way. If they can't, they can do it themselves."

The relationship between the Iron Crusade and our Frost Rose League It's pretty good, so there is no problem finding the Iron Crusade for this kind of thing. Ashford will not even ask me why. As for the fact that Masaga Matsumoto and the others broke up with this guild and the guild was attacked, Ashford might feel a little strange. But once this is a matter on the Japanese side, it is not directly related to their Iron Crusade, so they will not pay too much attention to it. In addition, since the Frost Rose League and the Iron Crusade are strategic alliances, even if we speculate on something, Ashford will help us hide it without saying it. I'm pretty sure about this. Therefore, it is more appropriate for Ashford to do this kind of thing.

"This candidate is good." So Mi said, "If there is nothing else, I will be busy."

"Go and go." After I finished speaking, I closed the communication. Xun, then turned and looked towards Masaka Matsumoto and they asked: "Are you all clear now?"

Nodded, Masaka Matsumoto said: "All clear, but we are not suitable to contact Ashifuku now. Virtue?"

"Of course you are not suitable, and he doesn't know your relationship with us."

"Then boss, do you want to intervene personally?"

"Nonsense, who am I not going to do with this kind of thing?" I said to them after I said, "Okay, let's take care of the guild things first! I have been so young for so many days, I guess you are The side is also in a mess. Just go back and work hard to make alibi. When the time comes, you can also get an impression point."

"en." Matsumoto greeted him after he finished speaking. Yuexun and the others said: "Let’s go."

"Remember Transmission Gate. Don’t choose Isinger Mobile Fortress. Look for your own city. The Transmission Formation on South Heaven Gate requires specific transmission when entering. Point, you can connect to any teleportation point when you go out."

"It turned out to be like this! I thought I had to go to Isengard Mobile Fortress!" Yingyu Shenchu ​​and the others left directly, and I looked towards the outside of the great hall on the other side.

At the moment I seemed to feel someone staring at me here, but that feeling disappeared when I turned around. I don't think it is Xin, because if she is disadvantageous to me, she can do it directly, and I can't resist anyway. And Xin just gave me such a big help, so she turned around without reason and started hurting me, right? In addition to Xin, there may also be the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court, but I think this kind of thing is a little unreliable. Because Celestial Court knows my abilities, they definitely won’t send anyone to monitor me. Besides, I’m discussing the following things. It has nothing to do with Celestial Court. There is no reason for the Jade Emperor to risk a break with me. Listen to it? Besides, even if it is really sent by the Jade Emperor, can't it let clairvoyance and wind ears come? You can't guard against it for these two to engage in investigation. There is absolutely no need to let people fall by our side to watch.

After I want to understand this causality, I am even more weird. Jade Emperor They are impossible to monitor me, Xin is also impossible, but who else is the one who has left the Celestial Court in this kind of place? Celestial Court is not someone's yard, is it anyone who comes in?

Because I don’t understand, I would like to know what kind of payment is. So I walked directly out of the great hall, then suddenly jumped onto the roof, and then stretched out my hand. The white waves and darts appeared on the left and right sides of the great hall respectively, so that the surrounding environment was all within my sight.

I looked around and found nothing, then I let Bailang go over and smell the place where I felt the breath, but Bailang found nothing.

Although all the signs indicate that it may have been my illusion just now, the problem is that I am Dragon Clan and not a human being. I will not have the illusion of memory confusion, so I am 100% sure just now. I definitely felt something, but I couldn't be sure that someone was watching. After all, the surge of the magic tide may also cause this situation.

Because I believe in my own feelings, I plan to confirm it. However, just when I was preparing to search the carpet here with my own pet, I suddenly heard Four Great Heavenly Kings' voice appeared below.

"Purple Moon, why did you run on the roof?" Four Great Heavenly Kings was because people who saw us leave one after another, but I did not come out, so I came to have a look, but it turned out I found myself standing on the roof, so I asked aloud.

I looked back at Four Great Heavenly Kings and felt that it was not their breath, then I jumped down. "I just noticed a strange fluctuation. It felt like someone was in the vicinity, but I didn't see it when I turned around. There is no one in your side, right?"

Four Great Heavenly Kings heard it immediately said with a smile: "Purple Moon is a real joke. The guards of Celestial Court are so tight, how could anyone get in?"

I think this thing is weird, but it is Celestial anyway. I didn’t think too much about the Court matter. I simply said, “Maybe I made a mistake. Then I’ll go first, and I’ll give it back to you here.”

“Purple Moon, President Purple Moon walks slowly "

After leaving South Heaven Gate, I went directly back to Isengard Mobile Fortress. However, I did not come out of the great hall of Isengard Mobile Fortress, but landed directly. In the conference hall on the side of Isinger Mobile Fortress, it is on the Transmission Formation, which is specially used for meetings of our guild's senior staff.

When we left before, Masaga Matsumoto and us came from a different Transmission Formation, but we left at the same time. Now Masaga Matsumoto and I came back as soon as they came back. This kind of thing It’s still a bit bad to say it, in order to eliminate any possibility that we may be connected, so I did not go to the nearest teleportation hall, but came out from the conference hall on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress, and then walked on foot. When I arrived at the teleportation hall inside Isengard Mobile Fortress, I made a look like I had been inside Isengard Mobile Fortress.

Transfer from the teleportation hall on the side of Isengard Mobile Fortress to the area controlled by Ashford. The city here has been repaired, and the later installation of the armed system is in progress. My arrival also stunned the players here.

"Isn't this President Purple Moon?" An Iron Crusader player at the teleportation point recognized me, so he asked directly.

I nodded to say hello, and then asked: "Where is your president?"

"President Ashford went to another city nearby."

"Another city nearby? How big of an area do you occupy? Why is there a second city?"

"The place is not big, just the minerals within the city limits There are too many resources, so if there is only one city, there will be no place. President Ashford said that we should put three cities together to form a triangle, so that we can protect all the minerals."< /p>

"That guy Ashford is really stingy!" After I finished speaking, I asked: "What is the teleportation code of that city?"

"No teleportation is needed." The player one Refers to the direction outside the city. "Fly to the shore, you can get there in 3 minutes at your speed."

I nodded directly jumped up and summoned the flying bird, and then quickly flew over. Sure enough, the city over there is very close to here. . The two cities can see each other directly, and they are very clear.

After I got here, I found Ashford directly on the city wall. This guy was directing several players to install a very strange device.

"What are you doing again?"

"I didn't do anything but experimented with our new equipment." Ashford turned to me and asked after speaking. "Why did you come to me in free time? I heard that you went out recently, you look very busy!"

"You are just an Iron Crusader, we Frost Rose Don’t you know how large the Mondo is?"

"If you want to show off your Frost Rose Mondo, just say directly, don’t make such a roundabout. Okay, don’t refute. Now let’s talk about what you are doing here. I know. A busy person like you is fine and won't run around."

"It really made you right, but it's not suitable here. Let's change the place."

"No problem. "

Soon, Ashford and I switched to a big hole here and started discussing the problem. This place was originally the base of a cannon, but before the cannon was put in, there was only one left. The big hole is here. People from the Iron Crusade were all around at work. Ashford said hello to keep people away and we got in and started discussing the problem.

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter?" Ashford asked straight to the point.

"Actually, this matter is not too complicated." I directly stated my request. Of course, I didn’t say anything about Matsumoto Masaka’s side, so I didn’t need to hide it. Xiu Fu, but this matter has nothing to do with him, there is no need to rush to tell others.

Sure enough, it was just as I thought. Ashford said: "On this matter, do you even go there in person? Just find someone to share a message. Isn't it a major event?"

"This is really a major event. Love, it’s just that the part you are responsible for is not big. Anyway, if you help me with a snack, it depends on your p

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