Starting from Zero

Vol 22 Chapter 214: The 8th Show

"Remember, your mission is to destroy and **** items. Don't move those people. They dare not attack you, nor can they treat you. () All you have to do is find that thing and bring it out, like This is the only thing you care about. "I stood in front of the Yaki Snake and gave him the final pre-war guidance. Of course, what I told him now is something like precautions. After all, I should have taught it before. Now there is no way to teach the more complicated things of the Eight-Big Snake, but to talk to him about the problems that may be encountered in the operation. "After you go in, I will help you with a large-scale investigation in the sky. If you do n’t know what to do, report it at any time. My communicator has been running a dedicated line for you. I ’ll tell you what you need after filtering, so unless I tell you, you do n’t have to worry about anything else. Understand? ”

The Yachi snake nodded and said, "I understand, I understand, I'm so nervous!"

"Don't be nervous, it's nothing, it's just going on to the show, no one dares to touch you anyway."

"Then what if they attack me?" Hachichi snake asked.

"Crush him." My answer was super crisp. "From now on, you are not the little fierce beast in the flood era. You are the big snake, and here in Japan, you are the supreme being. Except for those super protoss, others are all ants in front of you, so if they dare Offense you, don't hesitate, run him to death, it's that simple. "

"Okay, I am a god. I am supreme. Anything that hinders my ants from dying directly is just fine. I am a god, I am a god, dying ants, dying ants ..." The self-hypnotic Yagi There were repeated thoughts, and I was explaining the coping strategies for various situations in detail.

In fact, the tension of the Yachi snake is only because he is acting for the first time. Do n’t talk about acting in the flood days before. There are not many creatures with brains. Most creatures do n’t even estimate the strength of the enemy. Rushed up desperately. This is why most of the creatures in the flood season went extinct. The main reason is that although the flood monsters are generally very strong in combat effectiveness. But they are so stupid, they do n’t even understand the basic gap between the enemy and me. The result is that the enemy is stronger than them and they do n’t know how to run away. Instead, they rush to death. How many lives are not enough to die in this way! Unless it's like Xin or Hongjun. It's really powerful enough to hit invincible players all over the world. Otherwise, it will only end up in front of a stronger creature in constant battles. Modern creatures run away when they find their enemies are stronger. Although this makes modern organisms weaker and weaker, many organisms can reproduce and not become extinct.

Of course, the Yagi snake that grew up in that environment does not know what is false. He didn't even understand why acting was too complicated for him to cheat. Sometimes he even preferred to fight a super enemy and did not want to lie or act. The reason why the modern Eight-Big Snake is so cunning is that he lived from the flood era. In the past 10,000 years, he has continuously suffered losses, learned, suffered losses, and learned again. Finally, he has trained more than these modern creatures. Sophisticated way of doing things, but our Bachi snakes do not understand anything, naturally very nervous.

What I can do for this kind of psychological disorder is to encourage him constantly. Of course, I know that this kind of encouragement is not very useful, but this kind of thing is only used to get used to it a few times and we are used to it. This is our first choice. The goal is not very complicated at first, so the Yagi snake should be able to adapt quickly.

Under my guidance to the Hachichi serpent, time soon arrived at three in the morning. This time point is basically the time when the number of people online is the least, because when you sleep late this time, you have basically fallen asleep, and you have not got up at this time, so this time period is unless the day and night are really upside down. People, or people like me who do not need to sleep at all, most people have activated the assisted sleep system to fall asleep in the game. And this is the best time for our attack.

"Okay, it's almost time, let's start."

When I heard that my voice was tense, the Yagi snake opened its wings and wanted to take off, but was frightened by a shout. "Don't be so nervous, it's okay. You see, you made a mistake at the beginning. The Yagi snake of this era is no longer hairy, and its flying ability is very limited. What you want to play now is that Yaki snake, so you have to Like him, he cannot pass through the sky, he must drill through the ground. "

"Oh, by the way, I'm a Yachi snake, I should have made holes to advance!" Then Yachi snake remembered that he is now imitating the modern self, so he can't follow his own habits. Big snake habit.

"Well, you must not be nervous. I will remind you directly in the communicator if there is anything wrong, so don't worry, relax. You are the strongest here, no one can threaten you, so you don't need Fear. This is not a duel with other people. Even if it is done, it will not hang up. What are you afraid of? "

"Okay!" The Yachi serpent nodded, then folded his wings and lowered his head and plunged into the ground.

As mentioned before, the nine heads of the Yaki snakes each represent nine attributes, including soil properties, so the Yaki snakes have a very strong ability to punch holes. After turning directly into the ground, the Yagi snake started moving towards the intended target, and I turned over and jumped into the night shadow and patted his neck. "Come on. Climb a little higher and don't let the people below see us."

"Okay." Ye Ying promised and immediately began to lift off, and then quickly climbed into the sky. At this height, I and I should be very small, and we are all black, except for Ye Ying hoof The flames of **** on it were glowing with a faint purple light, and almost nothing could be seen. Unless you encounter flying creatures at this height, most people will confuse us with starlight, and will not even notice our existence.

Although the Yagi snake walked underground, he had a communicator on him. So I can directly see his position at this height, but it is not very accurate, but it is not easy to miss such a large target.

The process of the Yagi snake passing under the ground is not like digging a channel under the ground and moving forward like an ordinary animal. In fact, the movement of the Yagi snake under the ground is more like a ghost walking through a wall. It will not leave anything under the ground. Of course, if you really need it, you can get a real channel, but in most cases, the Yagi snake travels through the soil and rocks without leaving any trace at all. The advantage of this method is that it is faster than digging, and you don't have to worry about noise and landslides. Even in places where there is a lot of groundwater, it can be easily crossed without causing problems such as water permeability.

Relying on this method, the Yachi serpent quickly arrived at the destination we chose, and it is now very quiet. Most of the players are sleeping or have gone offline, and their schedules follow day and night changes. It is now more than three o'clock in Lingcheng. And most of them are sleeping. Except for the patrolling guards and individual shops that need to open at midnight, basically nothing can be found.

In this quiet and serene night, the Yazi serpent suddenly emerged from the city center without any warning. Unlike under the ground, when unearthed, the Yagi snake will release that penetrating ability. As a result, when he emerges from the ground, he will directly lift up all the large buildings on the ground. Many people are completely unclear who died in their sleep. And the wounded was miserably struggling and mourning on the ground.

Looking at the surroundings, the Yagi snake seemed a little dizzy. Looking around, there is no further action. I watched the action of the Hachichi snake in the sky and picked up the communicator and shouted, "Don't be dazed, the target is in front of you right, yes. That is the building. Blow it up."

With my instructions, the Yachi serpent immediately knew what to do. This guy turned his head and looked at the building I was talking about. He had seen a picture of this building before, and now I was pointed out at such a short distance. Of course, he recognized it at a glance. Turning one of your heads around and suddenly spit out a huge lava ball, and only heard a loud noise, the lava ball directly lifted the entire building like a blockbuster, and a lot of high-temperature lava in the bursting rock crust Splashing everywhere, a big fire ignited in the city instantly, and the night sky of the whole city was illuminated.

"Very good, don't stop, keep attacking and lift all the superstructures off, that thing is in the basement."

Without saying anything, the Hachichi snake turned his head and a water polo smashed in the past. The water not only extinguished the flames, but also washed out the remaining building ruins. The basement was exposed immediately. The horribly proud Yagi snake immediately heard my roar. "Don't use water polo! The Yaki snake is not accustomed to using water system abilities. He absorbed too much fire energy in the underground lava river. Because it can't be supplied circularly, his water system energy drops very much, and he rarely uses water system spells. "


"Don't apologize, now you are the Yaki snake, no one is by your side, don't talk. While no one is paying attention, immediately use the flame to breathe away all the water nearby, hurry up."

The Bachi snake quickly turned all eight heads to the ground. A string of flame **** went down. This time, not only did the water dry up, but the surroundings became a sea of ​​fire, and the previous fire of the stars has now been completely lost. With control, there were screams everywhere.

"Fine, move on."

"What's the next step?" I was waiting for the action of Bachi Snake. I never expected to hear such a sentence, and I almost didn't fall directly from the sky. Probably knowing that I must be very angry, Hachichi snake said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, as soon as I was nervous, my head became blank!"

"Forget it, don't apologize. Hurry up. The next step is to dig up that vault."

"Oh." The Hachichi snake heard what I said and finally remembered what to do. He quickly started to arch upwards, and it seemed as if he was about to get out of the ground, scaring me quickly.

"Hey, stop, stop now. What are you doing?"

The Hachichi snake said timidly: "I want to dig out that safe with my paws!"

"Who asked you to come out? Take back a head and push the whole vault out from under the ground! There are really only eight heads of the Yagi snake, and you only have camouflage on it. The ninth head is just buried It ’s just that the land did n’t come out. Did you all dress up soon after you came out? ”

"Ah! I forgot this!" Then Yachi serpent remembered that his multiple heads could not be found, and he quickly drilled back again, and then retracted one of the eight heads outside, and then extended to that The underside of the vault bumped up. With a loud noise, the metal-built vault flew from the ground to a height of seven or eight meters, and was bitten by the other head of the Yagi snake.

"Good, good job. Keep it this way now. The guilds here have organized, and they will definitely ask you why you are attacking them in a while, and you do n’t want to answer randomly. I can hear their voices from the communicator. .I'll tell you how to answer in a while, don't speak without me speaking. "


The group of Japanese players who had just spoken on my side had already rushed to the side of the Yaki snake. This group was the guild that had a conflict with the Iron Cross yesterday morning and was expelled by Matsumoto from them. They just came over after they knew what was going on here, but it wasn't their president who came. It is the person responsible for defending the city. Their boss should still be on the Russian side. The people they sent for help estimated that they would have just arrived at Fulcrum City. From here to Russia, you need to use your own city's teleportation array to transfer to the Fulcrum City, and then use the fulcrum's transnational transmission array to transmit to the Isinger Mobile Fortress or the Isinger Twin Cities' transnational transmission array. The connection status of the array. After all, this thing is the same as an airline flight, not where you say you go, if you are in a hurry, you have to see where we have a flight right now.

When they arrive at the Isinger Mobile Fortress, they will use the battlefield temporary teleportation team to transfer to the city they built there, and then they will find their president. If they are to the Isinger Twin City, there will be more The process is to transfer from the Essinger Twins to the Sino-Russian border using the domestic transport array, and then use the cross-border teleporting array to the Russian side of the border, and then transfer to the Russian internal transporting array to the Essinger Mobile Fortress. It's the same procedure as teleporting directly to Isinger Mobile Fortress. Of course, I ’m pretty sure they wo n’t teleport to Isinger ’s Mobile Fortress, because we ’ve informed the War Gods that we ’ve just locked the fulcrum ’s international teleportation team in the direction of Isinger ’s Twin Cities, and it will take an hour. It will only be adjusted later, so the telecom soldier needs to delay at least 20 minutes to use multiple teleportation arrays for transit.

The purpose of using relay teleportation is actually very simple, that is, to make their chairman come back later, so that we can act well, otherwise, when they will come back, there will be a decision maker, and if they want to attack the Yagi snake, they can Decided. As it is now, the identity of the Yaki snake will cause the person in charge here to dare not order the player to attack the Yaki snake, and this is what we hope. So we have to delay the time when the other party's president returns, and resolutely keep him from keeping up with this time. We even planned for this. In case the other party came back fast enough, we deliberately made a cross-country transmission error and sent the guy directly to South America. After that, it would be a big deal to send it back for free. As for complaints or something ... do we care?

"Stop, stop!" Just after the Yachi serpent had agreed to me, I found that the guild leader over there had rushed to the Yaki serpent with a large group of players and guards. The leading guy waved his arm while screaming exhaustedly to stop the Yaki snake.

Of course, the Yachi serpent did not continue to attack when he heard this voice, but turned his head to this side. Although there is a head hidden under the ground, and a head biting the vault, there are nine heads in the Hachido snake, and there are now seven heads available.

Looking at this guy over here, then the Yachi serpent stared at this guy directly with those bunches of eyes, but couldn't say a word. The following guy rushed to the front and then braked quickly, then stopped and watched the Eight-Big Snake stunned for a long time before he said, "Oh! What are you doing? Why are you attacking our guild station? Doesn't seem to offend you? "

The Hachichi snake received my instructions, so I didn't say a word, but I have heard the other party ’s words through the communicator. I do n’t need to think about it, I said directly to the communicator: “You keep this posture first, and then keep your eyes on the prey I chose to stare at him from where I spoke. When UU read a book at, when he started to be afraid, you said to him in a high voice: 'Do I need to inform you what I do?' In this sentence, Remember, do n’t go too fast, say it in a slow and majestic tone. To be arrogant, he is a ant, you are a great god, you do n’t need a bird. When you talk to him, you give him face, so the tone must be Be proud. "

The Hachichi snake has not been exposed to this kind of thing before, and he is not inferior in intelligence. Of course, I have no problem in such detail. He looked at the guy directly with a look of prey, until the person in charge started swallowing and rubbing his hands, he said in a low voice: "Do I need to inform you what I do?"

"But ... but this is our resident!" The other person's momentum has been completely suppressed, and he is clearly the bitter master, and then he speaks as if he was justified.

"Very well, the other party has been suppressed by your momentum. Don't say anything now, stare at him, stare at him, imagine that he is the most delicious prey you have ever seen, and make a pair of where you are thinking about Look down. Good, that's it, keep it. "

Under my guidance, the Hachichi serpent finally started to touch the door a bit, and now he is performing very well. The Japanese player below is almost scared of urine. The expression on that face looked as if he would cry at any moment. (To be continued ...)

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