The redness of one of the gorilla’s feet is still getting bigger, and the gorilla has gradually been overturned to the ground because of its inability to suppress the opponent’s power. However, because Zhenhong is now busy getting bigger, he didn't chase the gorilla.

The size of true red is obviously not that absolutely does not have limitation, because she just increased herself to a height shorter than that of the gorilla, and did not continue to increase her body size. At this time, the height of Zhenhong is already eight more than a hundred meters, and it is only a little shorter than the gorilla on the opposite side, which is nine hundred meters tall. Of course, the size of the real red is absolutely disadvantageous, because the gorilla's body is unusually burly, almost like a bucket, but the real red figure is the perfect shape of a human being. Although it is not skinny, it is human after all. The difference between the body and the gorilla is still very obvious, so even if the height is similar, the difference in size between the two is still very obvious.

When I was wondering why Real Red became like this, I didn't know when gold coin appeared by my side. I didn't know what was going on, so I asked the gold coin beside me. Although I didn't expect her to know the answer, after all, she and Zhenhong acted separately. However, what surprised me was that gold coin actually knew it.

"Before I practiced separately with Zhenhong and happened to be walking and ran into it again. Then Xin found a very challenging and valuable creature, and I confronted Zhenhong and defeated it. Things. Although the process is a bit hard, the rewards are very rich. Real Red got a demonic beast inner core, and after taking this skill, he can change his body size at will, and change himself according to the proportion of the body’s large Small Accomplishment The size of the power. That is to say, if the body is enlarged ten thousand times, the power will increase ten thousand times and gain the same level of defense and health."

"I rely on it, isn't it invincible?" Matsumoto Masaga also appeared by our side at this time. He obviously heard the words of gold coin just now.

I also quite agree with Matsumoto's words, because everyone knows the power of true red, and opening a mountain and cracking a rock is the same as playing. We asked her to practice tug-of-war with the giant dragon in the guild before, and we found that as long as she can find a place to take advantage of her feet not to slip, she can fight against the power of the nine giant dragons. What is the concept of Nine Strength of Dragon? An average adult giant dragon can easily throw a three-ton iron ball over a distance of more than five kilometers with its claws. How much power is the power of nine dragons plus one piece? But now, with such a terrifying power, Zhen Hong has the ability to multiply, how can he fight it? The Titans can be knocked down with a punch when they encounter her, is there any more punches?

Of course, impossible under the system system really appears invincible attributes, high-damage skills must have a long preparation time, high consumption, long cooling time or consumption of some special materials. Kind of restriction. In fact, the quality of large-scale skills often depends on the strength of these restrictions, because basically the formidable power of large-scale skills is actually very good. The key is that some large-scale skills have super lethality but can't be used at all, or used. It can only be done for a few seconds.

True Red's ability is almost invincible on her body, because her power has already reached the level of direct smashing void, which is too scary to double. Therefore, this skill is bound to have many restrictions, and it is very serious.

Sure enough, gold coin said directly: "Where is there such a good thing? This skill requires burning mana, and the burning speed increases with the multiplier value. Transforming twice the size will produce twice the magic power. Consumption speed. According to the current size, the real red supports up to 30 seconds."

"I rely on, what should I do?"

"Don't worry, I'll look at me later. Real red is not the only thing that benefits." Gold coin took out a seemingly ordinary gossip plate from his body when he said it. This thing is very common in Taoist priests. The difference is that they are all made of copper, while the real red one is carved in wood, and it seems that the workmanship is relatively bad, it is simply a defective product.

"What are you doing?" Matsumoto Masaka asked.

Gold coin seems to be waiting for us to ask. As soon as I heard Masaka Matsumoto's words, he immediately raised the thing to show off: "For shua BOSS, starlight reflection compass."

" What's the use?"

"Didn’t I tell you that it is used to brush the BOSS?"

"But how do you brush the BOSS with this thing?" I asked Matsumoto Masaga a lot One sentence.

Gold coin, of course, dare not fool me like Masaka Matsumoto, and directly replied: "There are two main ways to use this thing, depending on whether you are single or group|P."

< p>"As a beautiful woman, can you not talk about things like P together with N people?" Masaka Matsumoto finally found a chance to counterattack once.

"humph." gold coin glared at Matsumoto Masaka, and then said to me: "This thing can create a special space, and then pull a target into this space, and then choose a person Or a group of people will enter the space together to deal with the enemy. This way, it can be guaranteed not to be interfered by the other's allies, and if the enemy is a group of experts, they can come one by one without worrying about being beaten by the group."

"Then you said that there is a difference between one person and multiple people?" I asked again.

gold coin immediately explained: "If you go in alone to play BOSS, then no matter how strong the opponent is, this thing can suppress the opponent's strength on the same level as you, that is The opponent’s defense and attack are the same as yours. If the opponent’s strength is stronger than you, it will still be the same stronger than you after entering, but it will exceed a little bit, not much. Of course, this thing is not directly let If the opponent becomes weaker, it’s too ridiculous. Although this thing will make the enemy’s basic attribute become the same value as yours, allowing you to compete with the opponent, but the part of the opponent’s reduced attribute will be converted into health. That is to say, reduce the opponent's attack, defense, speed and so on, and then greatly extend the health bar. In this case, as long as you bring enough medicine and good combat skills, then some enemies that could not be challenged before are possible. It’s a fight."

"Damn, good stuff!" Masaka Matsumoto couldn’t help but sigh after listening. After all, although this thing will increase the opponent’s health, the problem is that as long as the opponent The offensive and defensive attributes are not too perverted, and life or something can always be polished. So, this thing really makes a lot of impossible possible. In addition, the more important point is that the enemy can't escape in this thing. And even if the opponent has a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, once caught in, it will be useless, because as long as the battle is not over, he will not be able to get out, and people outside cannot forcefully come in to help. This thing is simply to use the BOSSDivine Item. If I had this thing when dealing with the big tortoise before, how can I use it to cooperate with the eight-headed snake? I turned it over by myself.

"What if a lot of people go in together?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji intervened and asked.

"If there are a lot of people on our side, it will be simpler. This compass can forcibly split the goal into a number equal to our number. For example, if three people come in from our side, then the other party will It will be divided into three parts. One of them is the main body, and the rest is the Avatar. The strength of these Avatars will be the same as those of the people they are fighting against, that is to say, the attack and defense and even the health value are the same as ours. Of course, the power of these Avatars It is not for nothing, but it is stripped from the main body. During this period, the main body's strength will lose this part of the Avatar. Also, if the target itself is a large creature, larger than us, then the Avatar will still Reducing the size is of course the same as reducing the strength. After that, people on our side need to kill these Avatars, and there must be someone on our side to withstand the strongest subject to ensure that they will not be killed. When an Avatar After being killed by other people, the starlight bad luck compass will peel the Avatar from the main body again to let us kill, and the main body's strength will further decline. After repeated this several times, the main body's strength is getting lower and lower, and finally I can be killed."

After listening, I said: "Then the person carrying the main body is under a lot of pressure?"

gold coin nodded and said: "That Of course. This thing also provides a possibility, will not let you a player with a few hundred levels holding this thing to single-handedly challenge a few thousand level BOSS. The first method seems simple, but because of the other party's attributes In fact, I am stronger than myself, so I am actually fighting for the consumption of medicines and fighting skills. Because the consumption of this medicine is absolutely amazing, it is equivalent to spending money. The second method is relatively cheaper, but you must have a strong anti Live in that subject. Of course, if the target is not much stronger than your own personnel, then it is simple. After two or three people, neither the subject nor the Avatar is as powerful as their own personnel, then it will be a slaughter on one side. "

"Then if everyone enters this thing together, how many people are allowed to enter here?" I immediately discovered a loophole in this thing. After all, if this thing can be entered infinitely, then It's too shabby. If that's the case, then I can even kill Hongjun Sect Lord. After all, even if Hongjun Sect Lord is installed, it will be divided into many Avatars. When the time comes, I only need to pull in all the personnel of the entire Frost Rose League. There are tens of millions of NPCs and players. Hongjun Sect It is estimated that Lord's remaining strength is not much. So, this thing is definitely limited by the number of people, and impossible allows you to attract people infinitely.

Sure enough, gold coin said immediately: "The president is really smart. That's right, this thing is limited to the number of people. You can enter up to nine people at a time, that is, you can enter within the single digit. I’m not expecting more."

"That’s pretty good." August Xun said, "If it is divided into nine points, if people like us enter and help, the opponent’s remaining strength should be That's not much, right?"

Matsumoto Masaka followed: "No wonder you don't worry about that gorilla at all. We only need to pull it in for a while, and then all of us will go in together. , When the time comes, everyone has one point, this guy doesn’t have much strength."

Matsumoto’s words are only finished here, Chi Fire Dragon Ji suddenly asked: "That’s not right! You didn’t say Can the power of true red only last for 30 seconds? How come she hasn’t reacted yet? It’s almost one minute, right?"

The real red over there and the gorilla are observing each other, and neither of them has moved, so we have time to find out the situation first. However, the two sides confronted each other for nearly one minute and there was no movement. This is obviously not normal. Besides, the true red skill shouldn't be able to last for so long, right!

Gold coin immediately added when we heard our question: "Forgot to say, this skill has an advantage, that is, it consumes very low mana by itself, and maintaining the state does not consume mana at all, only moving It consumes magic power, so if you just stand still to scare people, really red can become a giant with a height of 10,000 meters and stand still for a few hours. But if it really becomes that big, it’s probably a sneeze. It can run out of magic power."

Although Zhenhong and the gorilla have not moved now, we already know the purpose of this gold coin compass, so then, there is no need to let Zhenzhen Hong went desperately with the gorilla over there, and it was useless anyway. Thirty seconds would definitely not be able to kill that gorilla, Zhen Hong hadn't had that kind of strength yet.

"Ghost car." I turned my head and yelled at Baqi Orochi. "You heard what you said just now? How about we work together to deal with that guy?"

Baqi Oro nodded and said: "No problem. I'll take the subject, you can eliminate the Avatar as soon as possible."

"No, I will carry the subject."

My words surprised Baqi Orochi, because he is the strongest existence here in terms of strength, so he wants to come Of course, the most difficult ontology should be him. Then when we continue to destroy the Avatar, the ontology gets weaker and weaker, and finally it can be killed by him.

"Don’t be surprised, I’m not wrong. Although you are the strongest here, it doesn’t make sense to give the ontology to you. If you are strong, you should deal with the Avatar, so you can quickly consume the Avatar and reduce the ontology’s strength. , And although the power gap between me and the main body is obvious, but because of my small size, I can deal with him, but it is easier to hold on for a while. If you carry the main body, you can only fight for consumption, which is not cost-effective."< /p>

Although Baqi Orochi wants to say that he will carry this subject, he also has to admit that this guy is very strong, and he can still distance himself in this environment outside. Once he enters the enclosed space, then His size makes it difficult for his opponent to deal with each other, so it is really not easy for him to be responsible for resisting the body. After all, he is not a power player. He focuses on speed rather than absolute output, so once the space is limited, he will suffer.

Seeing Baqi Orochi hesitating, I immediately continued: "Don’t feel sad, I am assigned according to the best combat effect, you don’t need to feel that you are taking advantage. Just listen to me, that’s right. Yes."

In the end, Baqi Dasnake chose to believe me, and then gold coin took the initiative to lead us closer to it, and Zhenhong had already known the arrangement of gold coin, at this time It's getting back to us while getting smaller quickly.

The gorilla over there saw Zhenhong retreating and getting smaller and thought she was scaring herself before, so she immediately rushed up angrily and wanted to trample us all to death. However, just when it rushed in front of us, gold coin directly flipped the starlight reflection compass in his hand, then pointed the disk at the gorilla, and in the next second a yellow beam shot the gorilla directly. Although the gorilla was blocked, this thing was originally not an attack skill, so it had no effect at all. It directly covered the gorilla and dragged it towards the compass, and in the process it was still shrinking, blinking. Time disappeared at the center of the compass.

"Okay, don't resist. Come in quickly. We only have thirty seconds." After gold coin finished speaking, he clicked on the starlight reflection compass, and then we received a question for help For combat issues, after choosing to accept, we were immediately shrouded in light beams and disappeared on the compass, and the compass automatically disappeared in place after absorbing us. So that no one can interrupt our battle.

After entering the compass, we did not directly enter the battlefield, but first appeared in midair. There was an endless darkness around us, and only a platform existed below. The shape of this platform is like a flower plate, with a circular area in the center. This is the center of the flower, surrounded by a circle of small blocks shaped like eight petals. The ground of these partitions is made of smooth black material, which looks like stone, and the top is covered by something like a glass cover, and the large central area and the surrounding small areas are also separated by this cover. NS. Can see each other, but can't make it through.

After we appeared here, I found that the gorilla had been sent into the central area, and was roaring and beating the glass-like ceiling for isolation. , But of course there was no response. The ceiling seemed to be completely immune to his attacks, let alone damage, and even the sound of the impact could not be heard.

As soon as we looked at the environment clearly, the prompt sound followed. "Please select the Chief-In-Charge member of the main area."

"I will." I directly shouted loudly.

Because other people did not raise objections, the voice directly said: "The Chief-In-Charge member of the main area is determined and assigned as the War Zone domain."

With this voice When I appeared, I found myself inside the glass cover of the main area below, but what was strange was that there was a horizontal separation wall inside this space, which separated me and the gorilla. After seeing me, the other party rushed up angrily to kill me, but it was blocked by the separation wall, no matter how it was smashed, it was useless, although it was visible, but no sound could be heard. This isolation effect is really not so good.

As soon as I appeared on my side, Masaka Matsumoto and their seven silhouettes appeared among the other eight petals. We came in a total of eight this time, which was only one short of the upper limit. Only the number of places, so except for a space around it is basically people.

Matsumoto and the others are in the same space as mine. They are also isolated. Then a lot of blue gas appeared on the gorilla on my side, as if they were sucked together by a vacuum cleaner. He flew upwards quickly, ignoring those glass covers, and poured them into the other seven battle compartments, and then condensed seven identical gorillas. However, although the appearance looks exactly the same, the size of these gorillas is have nothing common with each other.

The gorilla in the room where the Baqi Orochi is located seems to be slightly smaller than the Baqi Orochi. After all, the Baqi Orobo snake has wings and neck, and the support there appears to be very large, but in fact he The size is not so exaggerated, so when the size is equal, the gorilla looks not as big as the eight-headed snake.

There are also gorillas of the same size that appeared in the other people’s rooms. Of course, because of their body, these gorillas are the same size, but they look more like Matsumoto Masaga. Shorter, just a lot stronger.

After the distribution is completed, the gorilla body on my side has shrunk a lot. The main reason may be that the Avatar on the Baqi Orochi takes up most of the power and Because of its size, my body is not as powerful and bulky as Avatar.

The space in this compass is like this. Avatars are distributed according to the strength of the people who enter. Only the strength of the body is uncertain, but it depends on how much power the subject has left after the division. , May be stronger or weaker than the Avatar, depending on the result of the allocation.

Although the Avatar assigned by Baqi Orochi occupies most of the gorilla’s strength, the body of the gorilla remaining on my side is still not something I can handle alone. So my hope is not to get rid of this ontology, but to insist that others get rid of those Avatars first.

I have asked gold coin before. In this starlight reflection compass, when using multiplayer mode, dealing with the person on the body is the most important thing, because once I die, then the subject There will be no one in the room. Afterwards, the compass will not let go of the monster or other people here, but will immediately select a person from the remaining personnel to upgrade to the room where the body is located, and what is worse is that this person has dealt with it before. The Avatar will not disappear, but will follow. That is to say, at this time, the person who is drawn not only has to deal with an Avatar who is at the same level as himself, but also with a subject who may be more powerful than himself. There are only two ways for people in this compass to get out. Either die or kill the target creature. Of course, the same is true for the target creature that is sucked in. Either die or kill everyone here.

Because of this setting, this multiplayer mode is actually very dangerous. In addition to holding the ontology here, the most important thing is to maintain a balance. As long as I don’t fall down, other people here can deal with the Avatar they are facing with peace of mind, and as long as I persist for long enough. , We can gradually weaken the strength of this subject until its strength is lower than mine, and then we can completely complete the killing.

Actually, as a piece of equipment, this compass should of course assist the user rather than the enemy. Therefore, although it is impossible to create a scene where the enemy will die if the enemy comes in, this thing is overall It is still biased towards the owner. Therefore, this thing will actually create a variety of favorable factors for the user to change the situation of the battle. This is why I feel that as long as I persist long enough, I will definitely win. Because this place can be set up according to our own requirements.

When I was teleported here and separated from the gorilla's body, the previous tone began to remind me that I could freely set the environmental characteristics of the scene I was in. Of course I am happy to deal with this kind of thing.

According to the setting prompt, the setting of this battle scene has a certain setting range, and it is not arbitrarily set. The first setting is the state of the scene. The ranges that can be selected are: sky, ground, water surface, underground, underwater, and seabed. There is a limitation among these settings, that is, it is not possible to set the environment that will cause the direct death of the target. At most, this environment has a restrictive effect on the other party, but it cannot directly create a mortal environment. For example, if the target creature is a flying unit, you can choose the underground environment to prevent him from flying, thereby limiting his battle strength, but you cannot set the seabed environment to drown him directly. This is the limitation.

The target we are going to deal with this time is a gorilla-shaped creature. This guy has two legs and four hands. He has strong muscles and amazing brute force, but this thing can’t be water, so he carries water. The environment can't be set, and only the sky, ground and underground environment can be selected.

For a flying creature, this choice is too simple. I chose the sky environment without the slightest hesitation.

The so-called sky is not a certain height, but it means that we will always be in the air. Although we are falling down during the battle, no matter how long we fight, we will not hit the ground. , This is the so-called sky environment.

Although this gorilla is strong and muscular, he does not have wings, so the air environment is a huge limitation for him.

After choosing this sky environment, I found that there are additional options at the back. It turns out that the so-called sky environment is not a complete sky, but there are many borrowing points that can be used. There are three options for this setting. The first is the top of the sea of ​​clouds, that is, the sea of ​​clouds is all around, and at the foot are the tips of the mountain peaks protruding from under the sea of ​​clouds, just like plum blossom piles. Fighting on this is actually the same as on the ground. The difference is that these mountains are small pieces of land, so when maneuvering in a large range, you need to jump continuously, and the head-pointing requirements are very high. Because once it does not fall on the top of the mountain, it will fall. However, in my opinion, this option is not very restrictive to this gorilla. After all, this guy’s body is a gorilla. Although I don’t know if he has climbed mountains, in reality, gorillas are very good at climbing, so I think this environment has little effect on it.

This second option is safer than the first, and that is Fushan. With this option, there will be large and small floating mountains, and if you don't cross between floating mountains, the result is actually the same as when you are on the ground. Of course, I would not choose this environment, because there are too few restrictions on gorillas.

The Third Type selection is obviously much better. The content of this option is Fushan There will also be floating mountains in this kind of terrain, but the distance is so far, there is basically no chance to go up, and the main battle scene will be full of thick vines interlaced like spider webs, and the battle scene will be on top of this vine. It's like fighting on a wire. But like the first one, I think the orangutan might be more suitable for this environment, so I gave up decisively.

Fourth, and the last one, this is a pumice environment. Pumice is not the same as a floating mountain. This thing will not be too big, and the environment will be a lot of pumice scattered in the air, and at the same height as us. In this map mode, the gorilla is not that absolutely does not have a place to borrow, but it will obviously suffer a lot. Because the pumice is different from the stone on the ground, it is floating in the air, and it does not have the weight of a floating mountain, so it has poor stability, so once something is on it, it will sway and you will use force to go. If you pedal it, it will move. Therefore, the power of the gorilla monster is difficult to exert here. After all, under the unstable ground, no matter how great the power is, it is difficult to really exert all the power.

Compared to that gorilla, my advantage in the pumice environment is too obvious. Leaving aside my familiars, I alone have good flying abilities. At least compared to the gorillas who need to jump around on unstable rocks, I can at least control my flight status.

Because the benefits of this pumice stone scene are too obvious, I chose this option without the slightest hesitation.

After choosing this option, there are other options. This time I will choose the scene auxiliary environment. Because it is in the air, the atmospheric phenomenon has the greatest impact on the environment. Here you can choose thunderstorms, strong winds and the like to restrict the other party. Of course, common weather like rain and snow is all right, and sunny days are also fine.

Considering that extreme weather has more impact on my flight than the other party, I didn’t get any squally winds, but set up a medium-strength cyclone environment.

The characteristic of a whirlwind is that it will be left and right for a while, and it is fundamentally unstable, so whether it is flying or jumping, it will be affected by this whirlwind. However, because I set a mid-strength cyclone, although the sudden change of wind direction will cause our movement trajectory to deviate, I control the flight, so I just need to correct it a little. Relatively speaking, the gorilla was miserable. If he jumped up and encountered a whirlwind in midair, he would fall directly without touching the next stone because he could not find the landing point. Although there will be a lot of pumice in this kind of air environment, even if it falls, you can catch other pumice below and jump up a little bit, but this will consume a lot of physical strength for the opponent, and the most important thing is that it is very delayed. Time, and what I need is to drag time, as long as I can deal with this guy here, with the advantages of the environment, Yaqi Orochi and Matsumoto Masaka will definitely be able to kill those Avatars, and as long as each of them is divided. If you take an Avatar, the body will become weaker than me. When the time comes, isn’t it at my disposal?

After setting up the auxiliary control environment, a new setting appeared here. The content of this setting is the time point. In fact, it is to choose the lighting situation. I chose late night without the slightest hesitation, and designated it as a late night without moonlight and starlight. I have perfect night vision ability, and have many skills that can only be activated by shadow and dark environment. Therefore, darkness is my closest comrade-in-arms. Regardless of whether the opponent has night vision ability or not, the night is definitely a great help to me.

After the time point is set, there are the last two settings here, namely the ambient temperature and the space energy density.

The temperature setting range is very large. The upper limit of the high temperature is limited by the fact that the opponent will not lose blood due to this. That is to say, if the opponent is Fire Phoenix, then you will have no problem even if you set it to 1,000 degrees. Because Phoenix is ​​not afraid of getting hot. However, if the opponent is a snow demon, the maximum temperature setting cannot exceed fifty degrees, because the snow demon will start to lose blood in an environment above fifty degrees.

The gorilla doesn’t seem to be afraid of cold or heat. In addition, the environment itself cannot directly cause blood loss. I simply set an ambient temperature of 20 degrees. All my familiars can adapt to the environment, so I can switch between familiars at any time as needed.

The final energy density setting, this should actually be understood as the magic speed setting. Because the player and devil beast or NPC's demon recovery is essentially the speed at which the body naturally absorbs magic power from the surrounding environment. However, this absorption rate is not actually a stable value. In addition to the individual's magic affinity and certain special abilities, it is also affected by the intensity of external energy. If a mage is in a magical vacuum zone with zero energy density, then let alone return to magic, even if he does not move at all, his magic power will decrease at a slow rate, which means that he will not return to magic but also miss magic. .

For the same reason, if the energy density in an environment is so high that you can even use naked eye to see the almost substantial energy, then the magic speed will be as fast as the stopwatch, you just throw it away. A forbidden spell or something, it will be full in minutes. This is the impact of environmental energy density on the rate of magic recovery.

The world in the starlight reflection compass cannot adjust this energy density in a large range. It uses the basic energy intensity of the main world map as the baseline, and the energy density can be increased up to This reference value is three times, and the lowest is one third that can be reduced to the reference value.

This gorilla-like guy is obviously not magical. Although he has a lot of field control skills, the mana consumption speed of this skill is almost negligible, so he is limited by reducing the energy density. The use of skills is meaningless. In contrast, my familiar and my own magic are both very difficult to deal with and require a lot of magic support, so I simply set the energy density to three times, so that we have three times the magic recovery speed , It is of great help to our battle strength improvement.

After all these settings are set, the surrounding scene suddenly changes. The original black stone ground under my feet is gone, and the other rooms around cannot be seen. Our place has become a large area. The sky looks endless, as if simply has no borders. However, the sky is not empty, but a lot o

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