Following the Baqi Orochi’s guidance, we went all the way back, and it turned out that I found the Baqi Orochi not far from the first time I met. Of creatures.

In fact, this position is closer to the position where Xin helps us take care of the main body than the position where I first encountered the Baqi Orochi, which means that I am really about to reach the confluence point.

When I came here, what we meant was to send my familiar to step on something, but what I didn’t expect was that we were forced to get involved in the battle just as soon as we got here. .

In fact, this is simply not my problem, but Matsumoto's problem. Yes, it is the problem of Masaga Matsumoto and the others. This thing is like this. First of all, Masaga Matsumoto and the others are also constantly moving forward during their leveling, and then because they know that they will leave tomorrow, they also rushed back a little earlier. However, because the environment here simply has no roads at all, although the general direction is not wrong, the route of Matsumoto and the others is different from the route when they went. And the deviation between the two can be seventy-eighty kilometers.

Because of this seventy-eighty kilometer error, they entered the attack range of a powerful native creature, and the creature that attacked them was not the ordinary kind, but a super powerful existence.

Originally facing this thing, I should have run quickly, but the problem is that the meeting point is in the vicinity, so Masaga Matsumoto and the others feel that it is not safe to run because they don’t want to lead that thing to the vicinity. Click there. Ever since, Masaga Matsumoto thought of a similar method to me—to drive away tigers and devour wolves.

This move is very simple to implement. Just bring a monster over and let it fight the monster that intercepted Masaka Matsumoto and the others. After that, they only need to help the weak according to the fighting situation of both sides. On one side, let them perish together so that Matsumoto and the others can sit back and reap the benefits.

However, the premise of the establishment of this plan is that the strength of the monster they attracted and the monster that intercepted them cannot be too far apart. However, their luck this time was quite bad. First, I ran into this super monster and couldn’t get rid of it, but finally came up with a strategy to drive tigers and devour wolves. The result was the monster that Baqi Orochi told me before that we might not get rid of it. .

Everyone knows my battle strength. With my abilities and the Great Desolate Era at the time when the Great Desolate Era is in a state of full victory, the joint effort may not necessarily be able to get the monster. Without the assistance of the super creatures like the Great Desolate Era, Masaka Matsumoto and Kasuki are there. The four of them, Yingyu Shenchu, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji need to deal with such a monster. The result of this kind of battle is obviously not optimistic. Although they attracted this monster in the past to make him fight another monster, the problem is that I have a cooperative relationship with the Big Snake. We will actively cooperate with each other, which produces the effect of one plus one greater than two. However, the monster who originally blocked Masaka Matsumoto and the others was not with Masaka Matsumoto. Not only would that guy not help Masaka Matsumoto and the others deal with this stronger monster that was attracted, he would attack Masaka Matsumoto if he caught the opportunity. Congratulate them. As a result, the situation becomes extremely complicated.

When Baqi Orochi and I arrived, they were basically messed up here. Masaga Matsumoto and the others were chasing around by two monsters, let alone any cooperation, now it is very difficult to save their lives. Had it not been for the main energy of the two monsters to concentrate on each other's body, Masaga Matsumoto and the others would have been killed long ago. Of course, it is not bad for them to fight in advance, at least Masaga Matsumoto and the others have already tried out the battle strength state of that creature.

"hahaha, that thing actually fought with other creatures. We are just watching the show, and we will go down to grab things later." The Baqi Orochi became amused when he saw the fighting situation here. At this time, the Baqi Orochi did not know Masaga Matsumoto and the others, so simply did not mean hostile or friendly.

But how can I not know the Baqi Orochi if I don’t know it? As soon as I saw that the person below was actually Masaga Matsumoto and the others, I knew I couldn't do anything. Although the death of our Avatar doesn't matter, I have actually learned about it with Xin. After forcibly bringing us to this time and space, Xin needs to keep fighting against the law of the world at this point in time to ensure that we are not sent away. This is why Xin stopped taking action after arriving here. It's not because she really needs to take care of our body, she can complete this kind of work by splitting an Avatar out with her strength. The key is that she needs to fight against the laws of the world, so she really doesn't have the ability to act anymore.

Because of this situation, Xin's burden is actually very heavy. It is her limit that we can stay here for three days. However, our bodies are all shaped by Xin, and this process needs to consume her ability. Therefore, if we die frequently, it is actually increasing Xin’s burden, and the greater the burden, the shorter Xin persists at this point in time. If I don't want to be teleported back soon, I can't let Masaka Matsumoto and the others hang up, because resurrecting them will reduce our activity time here.

After trying to understand all this, I rushed out without the slightest hesitation, and at the same time yelled to the eight-headed snake: "Except for the two big ones, the rest are my people, please help me quickly ."

The Baqi Orochi who was still taking pleasure in other people's misfortune knew that he had to do it when he heard that he was all mine, but the Baqi Orochi now is not like the Baqi in the future. The Orochi is as cunning, the Eight-Different Orochi at this time is still quite innocent. Therefore, under the thought of the grateful graphic report, this guy rushed out without hesitation at all.

I have to say that the strength of the Baqi Orochi has improved a lot after the previous improvement. This time when he came out, a series of flame pillars swept over and directly swept over there. The two giant beasts forced a distance back.

This kind of strong entry is of course to immediately stop the battle, because everyone needs to re-examine the battlefield and confirm their own battle method. At least it is necessary to find out if this newcomer is an ally of the enemy.

The three giant beasts here are big eyes staring at small eyes with each other, while Masaga Matsumoto and the others gathered together without the slightest hesitation, but they were halfway through. At the time, Ying Yu Shen Chou stopped pulling down first, and grabbed August Xun next to him.

"Stop it!"

"What are you doing?" Masaka Matsumoto asked when she looked at the stopped Sakura Rain and Akatsuki.

Of course, August Xun didn't know what was going on, so he turned to look at Ying Yu Shen Hina, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji also directly looked over and waited for her explanation. Ying Yu Shen Chou immediately pointed to the big snake on top of my head and said: "If I read it correctly, it seems to be the big snake, right?"

The modern big snake is in Japan. A head was chopped off before, so there are only eight heads, and because the head and body of the eight-headed snake have been in the volcanic lava for a long time, the hair on the surface has been lost, and the skin on the body has also grown. A lot of things like thick blood scabs. It wasn't a burn, but a heat-insulating substance regenerated from the skin of the eight-headed snake in order to cope with this environment. In other words, the eight-headed snake is also one of the Ancient Ominous Beast, so the body's ability to adapt is still very strong.

However, although the body of the eight-headed snake is now adapted to the environment in the volcano, the appearance of this body is hugely different from the current eight-headed snake. I won't talk about it without a head. The feathers of the eight-headed snake are all fiery-red. Although I can't say how beautiful, it is not ugly at all, and it is a little handsome. However, the eight-headed snakes of our time are basically bald. You only need to imagine the difference between live ducks and roasted ducks to understand the difference between the two.

Because of this change in appearance, Masaga Matsumoto and the others did not recognize this eight-headed snake for a while, but the young Sakura Rain was very careful to observe, so she immediately discovered This thing is very similar to the previous form of the eight-headed snake.

I just didn’t pay much attention to this, but when I heard the cry of Ying Yu Shen Hina, Masaka Matsumoto and the others immediately looked at this eight-headed snake again, and the eyes were staring. Boss. In any case, the Baqi Orochi is still the Baqi Orochi. Although the foreign trade has changed a lot, it is the Baqi Orochi after all, so it is not difficult to recognize it if you are prepared.

"Damn, why is the Eight-Different Snake here?" Chi Fire Dragon Ji was the first to call out.

Matsumoto Masaka is not surprised why Yaqi Oro is here, his brain turns much faster than Chi Fire Dragon Ji. This is the Chinese Ancient Era, and the eight-qi big snake is the creature that ran over here, that is to say, the eight-qi big snake was actually above this continent in this era. Therefore, although it was a coincidence to encounter the Eight-Fed Orochi here, it is not too strange. After all, the Eight-Frozen Orochi should be here. The reason why Masaga Matsumoto was also surprised was entirely because of the current situation.

At this time, the eight divergent snakes are confronting the two monsters over there, and the three monsters are now standing in a triangle. They all regard the other two as their own enemies, but my position is compared. Strange. Because I was standing under the body of the big snake, it looked as if the big snake was protecting me.

When fighting with the large creatures here before, Masaga Matsumoto and the others have already understood the characteristics of the creatures here, that is, these large creatures are not very concerned about their goals of human size, after all, the size Too small, in their opinion, this kind of goal is not worthy of attention at all.

However, not paying attention does not mean completely ignoring. If Masaga Matsumoto and the others really dared to approach those monsters, those monsters would definitely not be polite to them, let alone let you get under his most vulnerable belly. But now I really stand under the eight-headed snake, and this situation clearly shows that I have reached a certain cooperative relationship with the eight-headed snake, because if we don’t know each other, then the eight-headed snake is absolutely It is absolutely impossible for me to stand in this position.

Although Matsumoto Masaka guessed that I and Yaqi Osaki might have cooperated in some way, this is why he was surprised. "President Purple Moon actually cooperated with Yaqi Orochi? How is this possible?" Matsumoto Masaka directly shouted what was in his heart.

Sakura Rain God and Chi Fire Dragon Ji originally didn't expect this possibility, but they also reacted to Matsumoto's call. Except for the possibility of this cooperation between me and Baqi Orochi, they really can't think of other probabilities.

"Hey, what did I say to you guys being in a daze over there? Come here!" I saw Matsumoto and the others were running and stopped, and immediately shouted loudly. stand up.

After hearing what I said, Masaka Matsumoto and the others almost instinctively ran up, and then they soon came to me. Masaka Matsumoto didn’t say anything when he got here. He pointed directly to the top of his head, and then asked, "What's the situation?" I didn't ask, but his eyes were clearly waiting for me to answer.

"Eh...this is actually very easy to explain, but now the situation is urgent, I will make a long story short. This thing is that when I was hunting a large monster, I encountered a nearly invincible defense. I can’t chew. I moved this guy, and then I thought of driving the tiger and devouring the wolf, so I attracted other monsters to help, but none of this guy’s opponents, and finally I ran into a ghost car." I pointed to the top, after all, the eight-headed snake Back then, he was not called Baqi Orochi. His current name is Ghost Car. As for Nine-Headed Bird, this is a racial name, just like a human being. After pointing a bit, I continued: "The ghost car then fought with the creature, and then I helped with it. As a result, we worked together to kill the creature, which was considered to have saved each other’s lives. Then we teamed up. Let's fight monsters together. He helps me clean monsters, and I help him grab Heaven and Earth Treasure."

Matsumoto Masaka nodded said: "I probably understand this, but why are you here again? "

"The creature over there is our next goal. He guards an incredible Heaven and Earth Treasure, so we will come over and see if we can kill it and get the Heaven and Earth Treasure .But we didn’t expect that we didn’t have time to step on it and found that you were all in a pot of porridge. I have to go straight to the battle."

"so that's how it is! "Sakura Yushen Hina said: "When I saw him suddenly, it really shocked me. I thought the Baqi Orochi was chasing me!"

I was talking to Matsumoto Masaga and the others. After explaining the situation, I suddenly found that the big snake on top of the head rushed out, turned around and found that the three monsters had actually completed the identification of friend or foe and the assessment of battle strength, and now they are back to fighting again.

Because it is a three-way melee, everyone is very careful in fighting. After all, they are afraid of being a third-party sneak attack, so the battle is always carried out in a fierce but controlled situation. As for me, I didn't plan to participate in the battle directly, but planned to check the Heaven and Earth Treasure first.

Originally, the mission of the eight-headed snake was to introduce the monster, and then I went to steal Heaven and Earth Treasure, but now because of the accident made by Matsumoto Masaka and the others, the battle has happened ahead of time, and because of the battle The situation is very special, so I guess that monster does not have much energy to care about the Heaven and Earth Treasure. Of course I'm impossible to let go of such a good opportunity.

"Hey, Masaga Matsumoto, you take the three of August Kazuo and the three of them here to fight the two monsters together with the Orochi Orochi. The battle task is mainly given to the Orochi Orochi, your main The task is to harass and assist. Don’t rush too hard. The battle strength of these creatures is too strong. You will die if you go up.”

Matsumoto Masaka immediately said: “Don’t worry, we already know the creatures here. I’ve lost my battle strength before!"

I nodded and said: "That’s good, you guys now pay attention to cooperating with the Eight-Different Orochi. I’ll go and see the Heaven and Earth Treasure first."

After the explanation, I immediately started to go around Heaven and Earth Treasure. Although I have never seen this Heaven and Earth Treasure before, and I don’t know where it is hidden, but here is very close to the Heaven and Earth Treasure, so even the monster over there is already in this Heaven and Earth Treasure With a seal attached, I can still feel the faint energy fluctuations.

When I followed the energy fluctuations to find it, Yaqi Orochi and Masaga Matsumoto were already completely ganged up with the other two monsters.

The monster guarding the Heaven and Earth Treasure suddenly rushed to the eight-headed snake, opened its big mouth and was about to bite it down, but at this time, August Xun suddenly flew up and launched a shot into that guy’s eyes. A light arrow. The guy whose eyes were attacked, of course, instinctively closed his eyes to avoid it. As a result, he was evaded by Baqi Orochi after such a delay. After all, Baqi Orochi was actually a bird, and of course his speed was very fast.

It’s certainly not polite to successfully get rid of the attack. A series of flames sprayed over that guy’s head. Although it looked like a gorilla with crocodile skin, The agility was still not enough, and he was directly pushed by the flames. Another creature rushed up when he saw the opportunity, and then bit the big guy's wrist in one bite. But this move is obviously not a good way, because this gorilla-like guy has four hands. After biting a hand this time, the other three hands immediately went up and hit the guy’s head with a hammer, and then the monster He vomited blood and fell to the ground, although he was not dead, it was almost the same.

Because of this monster's accidental casualties, the gorilla-like monster over there immediately turned all its targets to the eight-pointed snakes. Originally, there was the monster making trouble in the middle, and the gorilla didn't dare to directly move towards the eight-pointed snake, but now it's different.

Seeing the thing rushing over, Baqi Orochi immediately wanted to spread its wings and fly away from the fight, because we fought like this before. Every time Baqi Orochi shoots the monster guarding Heaven and Earth Treasure out of True Fire, then turns around and runs, and then the opponent will go wild and start chasing, and then I can start.

However, the situation is slightly different this time. As soon as the Baqi Orochi flew up, he heard the sound of fighting coming from behind. He turned around and glanced suspiciously, and immediately braked in the air and fell back to the ground, because he found that the gorilla was the same after he flew up. 'S monster turned out to be troubled by Masaga Matsumoto.

Actually, Masaga Matsumoto and the others are even more depressed than the Ochi Orochi, because they are not fools. They want to run when the Ochi Ochi is flying, but what makes them didn’t expect That gorilla-like monster turned out to be a very rare monster with special skills.

The characteristic of the generally speaking Great Desolate Era is that the basic energy of all living things is very strong, so the living things are generally very large, and the battle strength is bursting. However, this is when the world has just formed, and knowledge has not yet accumulated. Therefore, creatures in this era rarely have skills. Even if they do, they are instinct-driven abilities such as fire breathing. However, the gorilla-like creature in front of him can use special abilities, and it is actually such a weird ability.

The ability that this gorilla-like monster can use is a kind of ability similar to the gravity field, but it feels different. First of all, this ability will not have much impact on people on the ground, but as long as you jump up or fly up, once your feet leave the ground, you will suddenly feel a downward pressure, and it is very large. The result of this situation is that the flying unit simply can't fly, and this gorilla is so big, Masaga Matsumoto and the others simply can't run past him if they can't fly.

Although the Baqi Orochi flew up before, it was because he ran fast and ran out of the control range directly before the opponent’s skills took effect, but Masaga Matsumoto and the others were too close because they were too close. Failing to get out of this control range, now it is tantamount to being restricted.

I said before that the Baqi Orochi at this time is actually quite simple, and it may be more appropriate to say that it is simple. His thinking is still stuck in the state that others treat him well, and he treats others well, so because I have entrusted Matsumoto and their safety to him, he feels that he has an obligation to protect their safety. Therefore, after discovering that Matsumoto Masaga and the others did not run away, Yaqi Orochi turned around and killed him without any hesitation, because he knew that if he did not return, Matsumoto Masaka and Augustsuki would be bothered by that big snake. Kill the orangutan.

Matsumoto Masaka and August Kaoru thought they were dead, because they simply didn’t know that this guy had limited skills, but now they are controlled within the range of limited skills. They all know that they are simply not an opponent of that thing. As for rescue or something... they didn't expect it at all.

However, just when Matsumoto Masaka and Chi Fire Dragon Hime thought they were going to end this time, they suddenly saw a huge shadow leaping over their heads, and then with a bang. The gorilla-like monster on the side bumped into each other. Of course, the result is not optimistic.

The Big Snake is a bird-shaped creature with a light and flexible body, and the gorilla looks like a ground warfare. In front of this thing, the Big Snake is obviously at a disadvantage. Therefore, the final impact result is very obvious. Baqi Orochi was thrown out directly, and the guy only paused for a while.

Although the impact here caused Baqi Orochi to a certain extent, it did not hurt his muscles or bones, but he also began to worry at this time, because the other party began to approach again, and he actually found himself Can't fly anymore. The Baqi Orochi had already run out of this range before, so I didn't know that this guy had limited skills, but now it is too late to know, because he has entered the opponent's control range.

A flying creature is trapped on the ground by a melee creature and can’t fly. Does the result of this battle still need to be said? Although Ba Qi Da Snake has nothing to do for the time being, he has already predicted that he will be over.

However, just when Baqi Orochi thought he was going to die, the gorilla over there suddenly stopped, then roared and turned around and ran away. The speedy ones didn't even react to Baqi Orochi.

"Damn, what's the situation with that thing?" Seeing that thing suddenly turned around and ran away, Chi Fire Dragon Ji who had escaped from the dead asked out.

After hearing this question, Masaka Matsumoto did not answer the words of Chi Fire Dragon, but suddenly frowned and shouted: "Not good, it must be that guy who found that Purple Moon would grow him. Heaven and Earth Treasure.” Speaking of this, Masaga Matsumoto loudly moved towards the eight-headed snake and shouted: “Eight-headed snake, don’t be stunned! That guy is chasing Purple Moon, can’t let him pass!”

Orochi Orochi turned his head instinctively after hearing Masaka Matsumoto's call, but his head was quite confused, and he was still muttering: "Who is the Orochi Orochi? ? Look at the direction this guy is calling, is it calling me? But I am not the eight-headed snake!"

Matsumoto saw that the other party did not respond, but just looked at himself in a daze, so he immediately thought of the question. Where. Change your mouth quickly. "Nine-Headed Bird, don't be in a daze, that thing is going to intercept Purple Moon to snatch Heaven and Earth Treasure, you hurry up and hold him."

Although no one has called the Eight-Headed Snake yet Nine-Headed Bird is the name, but he has nine heads and is a bird-shaped creature. He knows this, so he knows it is himself when someone calls it like this. After hearing the Heaven and Earth Treasure, it was like starting a command. As soon as I heard the name Baqi Orochi, I immediately became sober.

"Yeah! Heaven and Earth Treasure, can't let him stop Purple Moon!" The eight-headed snake suddenly regained consciousness, then turned up from the ground, and then accelerated moved towards the direction that the monster left. Rushed over.

I have to say that this human beings will die for riches, just as birds will for food is quite reasonable. For this Heaven and Earth Treasure, the Eight Disciplinary Snake is also willing to use it as soon as possible. The speed rushed up. Although the gorilla over there has a relatively strong battle strength, but the speed of the eight-pointed snake can finish him, the result is that although the guy ran for ten seconds first, but in the end he reached the Heaven and Earth Treasure with the eight-pointed snake. Of the region.

Actually, I just came out of the cave that sealed Heaven and Earth Treasure when the monster saw me. This cave is actually not very big, only a few meters deep, this big monster can't enter it by himself. For him, this place can only put a hand in. For him this is just a place to put things. But seeing me coming out of it, this guy immediately knew that his Heaven and Earth Treasure must have been taken away by me, because just now, he suddenly felt that the energy fluctuation of his Heaven and Earth Treasure disappeared.

He has been guarding Heaven and Earth Treasure for so long, but was robbed. This time the monster was completely mad, and rushed up with a roar.

I certainly wouldn’t stand stupidly when I saw this monster rushing up, and I moved towards that guy’s eyes and fired a soul-chasing arrow, then turned and ran.

The monster battle strength was too strong, and Soulchaser was directly slapped to the side by his slap, but I saw the attribute of this guy.

This monster is called the multi-armed giant ape. It is a super creature that mainly uses melee combat but has a series of field control skills. This guy’s close battle strength is very strong. Because of his large arms and strong strength, this guy’s attack power is very terrifying and fast. Within one second, he can cause three or four consecutive effective attacks to the enemy.

Such a terrifying creature is originally not suitable for melee combat, because his output speed is faster than us, so the result of fighting with him is that we suffer, but the problem is that this guy has too many field control skills. We don't want to fight him close. Of course, running is also a good choice, but the problem is that there are two problems now.

First, Masaga Matsumoto's strength is still too low to get rid of this guy's field control skills, which means they can't run away.

Secondly, this place is too close to our body position. Although Xin said that it can protect us, but I know that if Xin is allowed to deal with this guy, we will immediately lose energy support and be forced to send Back to the original time and space, it is better for us to commit suicide directly instead of that. At least our duplicated body will die once and we will not go back immediately, and the price of Xin's action is obviously too high.

Faced with this situation, what we can do is to go head-on and flip it directly. There is simply no second way to choose! However, at least one thing that reassures me is that the Heaven and Earth Treasure has been in my hands, so we will not lose money even if we are killed this time.

The multi-armed giant spirit ape over there rushed at me directly after shooting my soul chaser. Before, we didn’t take our minorities seriously because we were too young. , I can't attract their interest, but now I have snatched his baby. Of course, this guy is impossible and doesn't take it seriously. So now I have surpassed the eight-headed snake in the eyes of this guy and become his first target to kill.

Of course, Baqi Orochi and Masaga Matsumoto also knew that this multi-armed giant spirit ape would probably regard me as the first target, so they were more courageous. Chi Fire Dragon Ji, the girl, actually rushed directly on the back of the multi-armed giant ape, and then stood on the other side and used a large skill, opening a huge blood hole in the back of the multi-armed giant ape.

The multi-armed giant ape who was mad because of losing his baby has always regarded me as the number one target, but now because of Chi Fire Dragon Ji's action, he is completely awake. Although he is not as smart as the eight-headed snake, he is not stupid either. Speaking of which is also considered a primate, so the intellectual development is still good, otherwise he is also impossible to master so many skills. This guy’s intelligence can still be analyzed. We are actually in the same group, so he knows that if he attacks me, he will be countered by others, so it doesn’t make much sense for him to stare at me now.

After I want to understand, this guy’s behavior is not as crazy as before. After regaining his sanity on time, this multi-armed giant ape has become even more difficult because he just remembered to I’ve been chased and killed. I have forgotten all the superior skills, but now it’s different. After calming down, the multi-armed giant ape finally thought of his skills, and this guy’s skills are all super disgusting. It makes people not have the will to live and be unable to ask for death!

Realizing that the multi-armed giant ape who could not stare at me was attacked by Chi Fire Dragon Ji immediately turned around, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji was not stupid, so he jumped backward at that time. He jumped directly off that guy and wanted to run, but when she just jumped up, the flying restriction skill that she had forgotten to release because of her anger was activated again. As a result, Chi Fire Dragon Ji seemed to be a It smashed straight under the feet of the multi-armed giant spirit ape like a big iron.

In addition to the fact that Fire Dragon Ji failed to jump away from the multi-armed giant ape, there is also a side effect that Fire Dragon Ji fell directly out of the hard value because of falling from a high altitude. , The whole person was dizzy after landing, but at this dizzying time, the multi-armed giant spirit ape directly lifted his big foot and moved towards Chi Fire Dragon Ji stepped on it.

If it’s another attack, others can consider helping, but the multi-armed giant ape directly stepped on the foot, Matsumoto and the others simply couldn’t resist, even if they rushed over, they would fight with Chi Fire Dragon. We were trampled to death together. As for Baqi Orochi, he is actually the same. Although he is not going to be trampled to death, our current counterattack is mainly dependent on him. If he is trampled and then hit repeatedly, then we have completely lost hope, so even if we give up Chi Fire Dragon, Ji can't let Hachi. Qi Da snake is damaged.

At first, we all thought that Chi Fire Dragon Ji was dead, and Chi Fire Dragon Ji himself had completely given up. In this case, she simply couldn't resist, and it was useless to resist, so she even closed her eyes and prepared to accept death.

The multi-armed giant psychedelic ape didn’t think so much, he just stamped his foot with the power of anger, and then, when his feet were about to land, a golden light suddenly flew. He came over, and after entering this field, he still ignored the rules here, continued to fly, and rushed directly under the feet of the multi-armed giant ape, and then stepped on the feet of the multi-armed giant ape.

Originally, we thought that Fire Dragon Ji must be dead, but after the multi-armed giant ape stepped on it, we discovered that this guy’s feet were actually a little bit Lifted it up, and then a golden silhouette was zooming in a little bit, and soon became a giant with a height of more than ten meters. Although it was still not as big as the Multi-armed Giant Spirit Ape, at least he could lift his feet up.

"Really red? How are you...?" After the huge golden silhouette lifted the feet of the multi-armed giant ape, we saw her silhouette, and this iconic equipment, except Really red simply don't want to be a second person. However, I remember that True Red used to not become bigger or smaller! Is this a newly acquired ability?

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