"What should I do? What should I do? What should I do?" Several Russian guild leaders rushed wildly around the headquarters, constantly seeking the people around them. Answered, but the problem is that apart from their Russian guild leaders, there are only a few soldiers left on the scene. Now that they have lost their square inch, how could the remaining soldiers on guard know the solution?

"Don't make trouble." Frozen Banshee let out a roar and calmed everyone present, including the mad Russian guild leaders. "This is not the time for you to be hysterical. Since the situation is already like this, we have to face reality and cannot give up, otherwise we will really be defeated."


< p>The president of the Russian guild next to him was interrupted by the ice-bound Banshee before he had time. "No, but. The current situation is indeed very bad, but we are not certain death situation. This failure can be regarded as let us understand the strategic deployment and intelligence capabilities of the Frost Rose League, but our losses can actually be counted after careful calculation. It’s coming out. Our first offensive force may not be able to keep it, but we still have the Second Army regiment. As for those cities...those are lost. The Frost Rose Alliance has no ability to occupy those cities. , If we grab everything in the city, we will retreat. We only need to be responsible for post-disaster reconstruction. As long as our will is not broken, with these cities and our vast number of players, we Russia will eventually stand up again."

I have to say that the ice-bound Banshee is indeed a talent. The main reason for the previous series of mistakes is the mismatch in intelligence. Making a wrong decision based on a series of wrong information is nothing, or it should be said that it is normal. And now, all the truth has been revealed, and in this state, the ice-bound Banshee immediately showed his true ability as a leader, quickly calculated the loss situation and guessed that we are against the western cities of Russia. The attack was actually aimed at looting, and there was simply no long-term occupation plan. So the Frozen Banshee's own command ability is actually quite good, but the previous false information was too pitted, so it failed so badly.

A group of Russian guild leaders who calmed down looked towards the ice-bound Banshee, and then one of the Russian guild leaders asked aloud: "If this is the case, then we can only do this. But what should we do now to reduce the loss?"

Frozen Banshee immediately said after hearing the words of the president of the Russian guild: "First of all, our First Army group must be hopeless. The Frost Rose League has spent so much effort to deploy such a big game, and their position must have been set up. Our offensive troops are easy to enter, but it is difficult to think out again. And the players and NPC troops The loss can be replenished. The loss is only time. But since we have admitted defeat and do not intend to expel the occupied area of ​​the Frost Rose Alliance forces, then we will have no time pressure. So the Chinese have The sentence is right, take a step back and broaden the sky. We acknowledged the occupation of our country by the Frost Rose League and its Allied Forces. After that, we actually loosened ourselves. Now, when we look back, we’ve been almost deprived of it during this period of time. The Frost Rose League and the Alliance forces are tied to the battlefield. The final system confirmation time limit is not so much a restriction on the Frost Rose League and their allies, but rather a reminder of our own. It is because we have to catch up with this time. That’s why our action pace is too fast, and many things are not fully prepared before we start to act, and the result is that we lose every time and lose every time."

After hearing the analysis of Frozen Banshee, those Russian guilds The president is also nodded. These people’s previous emotional out-of-control is just because of this continuous failure, which has caused many people’s psychological endurance to reach their limit, but after suddenly giving up some persistence, it is like letting go of their burdens. These people suddenly feel that they are themselves. It has become a lot easier. But at this time, from the perspective of an outsider, thinking about the entire battle, on the contrary, he can clearly see his own shortcomings and the reasons for his previous failures.

We often see that many people suddenly become acquainted and clear comprehension after experiencing a major life blow. This also makes sense. The presidents of these Russian guilds are now the kind of people who have been hit. Although it cannot be said that they are seeing through the world, at least they have a thorough understanding of this battle.

"Since the attack on Legion is not going to save anymore, will our rescue force be withdrawn?" a Russian guild president asked.

Frozen Banshee nodded and said: "This is inevitable. The plan of the Frost Rose Alliance did not one drop of water can leak out. Naturally, it is impossible to let our reinforcements go. The Chinese one. One of 36 Stratagems is called relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers, which specifically talks about how to force the enemy to send reinforcements by besieging key targets, and then ambushed reinforcements on the way. Our rescue forces are now there. Support the army, and the Frost Rose Alliance must have prepared the ambush circle on the route. If our team rushes past, it must be a heavy casualty."

"Then I will send someone to inform. They turned around and came back?" a Russian guild president asked.

Frozen Banshee hesitated a little after hearing this guy's words, but finally nodded and said: "Yes, go right away, tell them not to fight even if they are intercepted, and come back to me right away. "

"I know this." The guild leader was about to run out as soon as he finished speaking, but as soon as he reached the gate, he was hit and flew back by a person who rushed in.

This place is the ice-covered Banshee and their headquarters. The equivalent to is the core area of ​​Russia. In this kind of place, there are generally no enemy attackers, so they did not panic. And they quickly confirmed that the guy who hit the Russian guild president was their own.

The guy who hit the president of the Russian guild did not fall lightly himself, but this guy can't control the nosebleeds at this time. He immediately started to report as soon as gu lu got up. : "Ice Banshee President Banshee, it's not good. The unit we sent to rescue the offensive troops was intercepted by the multinational guild alliance army. At present, our forwards have been in a melee with the opponent's interception units. The casualties are still unclear. "

"What?" Although Frozen Banshee said he had been mentally prepared, it was their army after all. They were suddenly attacked, but they were always a very heavy burden in their hearts. Thinking of the current situation, Banshee dared not delay, and asked directly: "How is the enemy's military strength? What is the current situation of the battle?"

"The battle situation is not very clear. The opponent's army appeared very suddenly. , And appeared from both sides at the same time, the battle at first entered a white-hot, our offensive force was attacked by the enemy. In addition, our reconnaissance found that the number of enemies is not very large, but it is quite elite. Basically, it takes three times the number of opponents to make a tie with the opponent, and to defeat the opponent requires four times the force. Fortunately, the number of enemies is not particularly large."

"Elite interceptors?" Bing Feng Banshee frowned thought about it.

According to normal, the deterrent force should be defended according to the danger, but this force suddenly shot out from both sides, and it came close to thousands of times the number of its own. The large corps assaulted inside, which was obviously abnormal.

Frozen Banshee tried to swap his position with our position, and then began to hypothesize that if his own team is raiding our Frost Rose League team, the result is that all the elites will be dispatched. As soon as they came up, they began to carry out strong offensive assaults, so how should the interests be maximized at this time?

I have to say that empathy is a very powerful thinking technique, and Banshee instantly reacted when he changed his position. "Not good, they are going to beheaded!"

Not all idiots were present, as soon as the ice-bound Banshee called out this, the surrounding Russian guild leaders immediately responded. This interception force is so small, and it will actively attack its own formation. This tactical intention is obviously not to block, because if it is to block, you should choose a longer battle to delay the time. This kind of swarm of impacts The mode will only bring the battle to an end soon, so it is illogical and definitely not our intention. After the ice-bound Banshee reminded me, everyone finally understood that these people are not trying to stop, but are planning to eat their own troops! There must be more elite Peak martial power hidden in the elite force in the charge, and once they get close to the commander who rescued Legion from their side, their fangs will inevitably show up and begin beheading their troops. In other words, their rescue Legion will soon lose command.

For such a large army, if the headquarters is killed and there is no command, it is not too much to directly discount the battle strength, and at this time, if there are some enemies around, they have plans. In order to create chaos...Thinking of the Russian guild leaders present here could not help but shudder all over, because the result was really scary.

"No, you can't let them succeed." The frozen Banshee stood up and walked out and said: "Zhukov, Barzhnev, you two will go with me to take command. At this moment Rescue Legion is our last resort. We must not let this force lose control, otherwise the entire Russia will completely lose its self-defense capability and be ravaged by multinational forces."

"Understand." The two named. The president of a Russian guild immediately followed the frozen Banshee out, but their actions were a bit late.

Just when the player reporting the message was here to Frozen Banshee and the others, our first interception force had already inserted into the enemy's Legion like two sharp knives. Although the battle strength of the Russian rescue force is quite good, and there are many people, the battle location we choose is not arbitrarily chosen. There is a frozen lake on one side of this location, which is not suitable for combat, and on the other side is a mountain peak. There is only a road about fifty meters wide for large troops to pass through. Although the width of fifty meters is definitely more than enough for traffic, fighting in such a place obviously gets in the way. The troops simply couldn’t spread out. All the troops behind were stuck on one side of the passage. The troops in front could only attack one frontal width. The number of troops that could come into contact was very small. There was simply no way to quickly eliminate these attacks. By.

Because the battle strength of our attacking unit is super strong, the forwards still carry a large number of mobile angels to assist in the battle, so the Russian players can't stop us from advancing at all. Every time they use the heavy shield hand and the lance hand to form a shield wall, they will be attacked by the liquid magic crystal steam missiles of our mobile angel troops, and even when they mobilize powerful players to form a squad, they hope to stop our invasion. We will find that there are still several mobile angels for Divine Race hidden in our team. The battle strength of these big guys is entirely prepared for Peak martial power. Basically, the best high level players can only say when they encounter them. It's a one-on-one singles that doesn't suffer. To kill these guys is basically High Level dreaming. Because of this situation, Russia does not have the slightest ability to intercept these invaders, and can only watch them intersperse in the middle of their team a little bit.

Because our assault troops are inserted in the middle like two sharp knives from both sides, so at first glance our intention seems to be to cut off the connection between their front and rear Legion. However, our side The real intention was not this, and because of the previous misleading, the commander who rescued Legion also miscalculated our purpose, so this guy made a deadly decision, that is to personally bring the commander around him, and It was the elite Russian players who went to the front to intercept the invaders.

The situation in the game is different from the reality. In reality, the commanding ability of the military commander is just outstanding. The individual battle strength is not very prominent. However, in the game, each guild is a player organization based on the cohesion generated by the martial power value, so basically every guild has The president and leadership are the group of people that this guild can fight most. This also led to the high level battle in the game and also the commander of the side.

The advantage of this setting is that it is more enthusiastic when fighting. After all, the leader takes the lead in the charge. In this case, everyone is passionate, and the battle is particularly hearty. But the actual effect of this setting is quite negative, because once the commander is killed in battle, the troops behind will be messed up. Although the guilds also have their own staff, the problem is that the staff members do not have the ability to serve the public. After the guild leader and the original leadership players die, these staff members can't afford to be the leader. So once their Peak martial power is killed, The command system of this unit is also paralyzed.

Of course, the players in the guilds are not all types with muscles in their heads, so everyone knows that they have the highest battle strength of their own, and they are also their own commanders, so in general The presidents of these guilds will not really rush forward as soon as they come up. There are actually only three situations where Peak battle strength rushes forward as soon as it comes up.

First, Peak battle strength is really Peak. For example, like me, you can advance, attack, retreat, and defend. If you want to go, you can leave. No one can stop me, so you don’t need to care about the command system. Crash.

Secondly, people with muscles in their heads. This kind of person only knows to charge, so he doesn't care about the overall situation at all. Of course, this kind of person generally has limited achievements and will not be the leader of a large guild.

Third, the president of small and medium guilds in large-scale battles. Because large-scale battles are often contests between nations, the command power is vested in the largest guilds in the country. It's just like now, the Russian side's command is in Banshee's ice-covered place, so that those small and medium-sized guilds only need to follow orders, and their own command system is not so important. So at this time, the leaders of these guilds will rush forward.

Looking at the command team starting to move towards us, the few players who had been hidden in the center of our team, all wrapped in huge black robes, suddenly threw themselves off collectively. The black robe with a hood, and then the nearest Russian player was stunned, because they were suddenly surprised to find that they all knew the group of people in front of them.

In fact, the number of people in this group wearing robes is simply not many, and there are only seven or eight people in total. The foremost one of these seven or eight people is wrapped up in a golden light golden battle armor. There are not many sets of this kind of golden suit in the world, and there are a lot of Divine Dragon embossed decorations. There is only one set, and the owner of this armor is Zhen Hong, the most violent destruction king in the bank, nicknamed the director of the demolition office.

The appearance of true red in this place means that Russian players simply cannot stop her. The most powerful player in Russia can only suppress true red, and that person It is the ice-bound Banshee, and this is only in cold areas. If the ambient temperature is above zero, the real red can suppress the ice-bound Banshee in turn, so the Russian players simply arrogant does not raise in front of the real red. After all, the real red is also considered A super strong man who has been a fierce name for many years, the average player encountering her is like a rabbit and an elephant. Real Red can even completely ignore their attacks, and Real Red can kill a single person in a single move.

In the face of Zhenhong's powerful battle strength, the players here simply did not dare to fight her, and what was even worse was that there was a person they knew standing behind Zhenhong. This person is not someone else, it is Christina. As the world’s first fort, where Christina goes, it means that all non-friends in the area can rest, because once Christina’s elemental tide is activated, except for those she allows, she simply cannot contact the magic net, once she has the magic power Exhausted can only stare.

These two people are scary enough. What’s more terrible is that there are a few experts behind them who are slightly less famous than them. These people are all high-level players from the United States or Europe. He is also a celebrity, and a strongman who can make the top 100 in the battle strength list. Although it is incomparable to Zhenhong and Christina, it is after all the top 100 in the battle strength list. Anyone who can use that strength can go out and crush ordinary players casually, but now there are eight people in one breath. Don't let people live?

In fact, we really did not intend to let them live. After lifting off the robe, Zhenhong squatted down on the spot, and then a huge golden dragon formation suddenly appeared under her feet, and then golden light flashed. The people at the scene suddenly flew up and turned into a golden In the blink of an eye, light landed next to the Russian player commander who was moving here.

The opponent is actually preparing to run away at this time. These people all know that they have how many catties and how many taels. Facing a real red person, they may still be able to rely on their own advantage to deal with it, but here so many experts appear at the same time, they don’t even hesitate at all, just turn around. They planned to run, but they didn't expect that True Red did not hesitate to expend magical power and used all mobile skills to directly cross the crowded battlefield and teleport to them.

These people never thought that they would fall directly in front of them, and the next second they would be a collective tragedy. Zhen Hong didn't even bother to use any tricks. He reached out and grabbed the top Russian commander. Then, as soon as he pressed his fingers, he heard a burst of beans. The guy's collarbone was directly pinched into a comminuted fracture, and he followed closely. The other hand, which was really red, was pressed on this guy’s forehead with a light force, pu chi, that guy’s head burst instantly like an egg that was accidentally squeezed, and the surrounding The person looked really red in surprise with his mouth open as if frozen. Although I knew this battle strength terrifying before, it was too scary! Although their boss is not a world-level expert, he is also a powerful player anyway! How come this is just like paper in front of Zhenhong!

Although very surprised, there is no other way at this time. These people screamed and rushed up, because they knew that running was useless, and it was better to die.

The result did not exceed anyone's expectations, and all those who rushed up were killed in seconds. These people are not considered first-class experts in Russia, even more how are they facing a world-class powerhouse?

After finishing this group of commanders, Christina directly said to Zhenhong: "The mission is complete, take people to evacuate quickly, I will clear a way for you."

True Red nodded turned around and left. The high level players immediately followed, while Christina lifted off and raised the staff in her hand. A huge ball of colored light was suddenly released from her staff. As if it were a shock wave, the ball of light quickly expanded and swept across a large area with a radius of more than two kilometers. Almost all the Russian players that were swept smirked and fainted to the ground immediately, and then just like taking drugs. Lying there, smirking and foaming at the mouth.

One move brought down tens of thousands of people, and Christina was a little bit weak. After shaking her body in the air, she quickly turned and moved towards Zhenhong and they chased after her. However, just as Christina turned around and was about to catch up, she suddenly felt a chill behind her. Christina, who is super keen on magic induction, brushed herself with a magic shield in an instant, and then she was suddenly hit by a huge ice ball to the ground. Fortunately, Christina has complete magic immunity, and the physical damage caused by the ice ball was also destroyed. The magic shield was blocked, so her only loss was a fall.

Although it was aimed at Christina this time, the real red in front was also felt. Looking back, she just saw Christina falling to the ground, so she directly threw the task of leading the evacuation to He fought a player next to him, then turned around and rushed up.

As soon as Christina got up from the ground, a fast Icicle appeared behind her. The length of this Icicle is more than four meters, the thickest part is thicker than the waist of an adult, and the speed is amazing. If it hits, even Christina will definitely smash. However, just when the Icicle was about to hit, a golden silhouette suddenly appeared between Christina and the Icicle, and then hit the front of the Icicle with a violent punch, instantly smashing the whole root. The Icicle was completely crushed and turned into a large mist of water sprayed out in the opposite direction.

Icicle's ice-bound Banshee didn't expect after releasing Icicle. There were people who could directly defeat her single ability. When Icicle turned into a cold wind and blew back, she was shocked. But when I saw the silhouette of the opposite side clearly, Banshee Frozen completely understood the reason. If it was really red, it wouldn't be surprising.

"Isn't the ice-bound Banshee known as Russia's number one battle strength? Why did he play with something hurting people behind his back?" Zhenhong looked at the ice-bound Banshee on the opposite side and said.

Frozen Banshee asked confidently: "Then what are you doing now? A head-on challenge?"

"Soldier, deception. This is a tactical deception, but I am alone. When I choose, I’ve been really hard on the front. I’ve never done anything like you."

"hmph, you guys from the Frost Rose League are the best."

True Hong raised his left hand and pretended to flick the dust on the right hand and said: "Then do you want to try my fist? It should change your impression."

"humph." After coldly snorted, Banshee looked directly at the situation here and said: "Since you want to say this, then I will stay with you to the end."

"Very well, I am worried about you. That helper Taicai can't bring up interest!"

At this time, Christina pulled her red arm and said: "Don't fall in love, have you forgotten our mission?"

Zhen Hong hesitated a little bit or turned to Banshee Frozen and said, "Forget that I have a mission. If you want to find a abuser, please come to me at any time to ensure that you are completely satisfied." Zhen Hong said suddenly. Bending down is just a punch to the ground. As a golden light flashed by, a five-to-six-meter-high dirt wall directly rose on the ground to isolate the people on both sides. The ice-bound Banshee hurriedly shook the dirt wall apart, but he waited for him to run over. What I saw at that time was a group of black spots that were gradually disappearing into the sky.

The people in our guild all guard the long spear. Even though not all the people from our guild are here this time, the long spear can fly with two people, so you can still squeeze it. All the personnel were taken away.

Facing the ice-bound Banshee of the Air Force in our guild, there is no way at all. In terms of flying units, they simply have no existence comparable to the long spear. They can only watch our invading troops disappear into the sky. , I didn’t even plan to chase it, anyway, it’s useless to chase it, it’s impossible to catch it!

Banshee originally thought it was over. Who knew our plan of action was far more brutal than they thought. Just after our air force disappeared in the sky, a large, denser black shadow flew over from another direction. Because it was an air unit, it moved at an amazing speed. It took almost a few minutes to change from a small black spot. He had a clear goal, but at this time, Frozen Banshee felt that his heart was about to pop out.

This newly emerged huge air force turned out to be a large group of air combat mobile angels. The densely packed array can be seen at least as many as thousands at a glance, and there is actually a covering the heavens on top of these guys. , The huge object shielding the sun is approaching their team at a speed that appears to be slow but rather fast. Although this thing seems to be as big as two slaps, the problem is that the ice-bound Banshee tested it with his own skills. This thing actually stayed at an altitude of 12,000 meters. At that height, it seems that there are still two slaps as big, and it is not difficult to guess how big this thing actually is.

In fact, Banshee knows this thing because it is not a new thing at all, but the giant butterfly city of our guild, but we only used the giant butterfly city as a super transporter before. Because its defense is very general and its speed is not very fast, it is easy to be intercepted by enemy air units. It is nothing to fly domestic routes. Once it enters the enemy's area, it needs a large number of escort formations, if it is not a special mission. , Generally we will not let him appear. However, this time it is a very exceptional situation.

Isinger’s mobile fortress is in the vicinity, and there is a large group of air combat mobile angel formations. These guys fly very fast, and they can’t delay anything when going back and forth, and the giant butterfly Although the city is not suitable for dealing with those small targets, but here the Russian rescue forces are gathered together, this is a living target. If we don't attack such a good target, wouldn't we be sorry for the Russians to cooperate so well?

Almost at the same time that the giant butterfly city was confirmed, Banshee knew what we were going to do, so she also made the most correct command, first ordering all air units to take off to intercept the giant butterfly city, and then All personnel on the ground are required to spread out as much as possible and not to gather together to avoid concentrated bombing. As a large flying unit like Giant Butterfly City, it is not armed. The only battle method that can be thought of is to act as a bomber. It is said that the maximum payload of this thing is as high as 25,000 tons. How many bombs do you need to load? If the Russian troops do not separate, it is estimated that at least 70% to 80% of their troops will be reimbursed when the Giant Butterfly City flies over. Therefore, Banshee Immediately let everyone disperse quickly and never gather together.

This time also thanks to the ice-bound Banshee who came over. Otherwise, according to our original plan, the super players who are really red will behead the commander of the Russian player. After that, the Russian player has no Under the condition of unified command, the carpet bombing of Giant Butterfly City would be able to reimburse more than half of their troops, which is definitely a big profit. But unfortunately, the ice-bound Banshee reacted quickly, and he actually ran here to take over the command before the team was chaotic, and immediately made the most correct decision when he saw the giant butterfly city.

However, although the decision to freeze Banshee is correct and the time is very fast, the problem is that there are too many people below. Even if the order is obtained in advance, it is absolutely impossible. It is completely scattered so quickly. Come. So this is still a massacre, the only difference is that the effect will not be as exaggerated as expected.

After the order was issued, Russian players immediately had a large group of flying players lifted off moved towards the bombing formation of our guild to greet us, but we have assigned so many to the giant butterfly city here The air combat mobile angels were originally prepared to escort, so after seeing the Russian players here take off, the air combat mobile angels in our guild immediately separated from the formation and began to be like a wasp out of the nest. moved towards The Russian player below rushed up.

The fighting will of the Russian players is actually very good. After taking off from below, they know that it is not cheap to fight against the maneuvering angels diving down, so they first avoided direct contact and started in the vicinity The airspace hovered into the air. Although many people were lost due to the active interception of the mobile angels, at least they would not be suppressed due to the speed difference caused by the altitude. However, when these players flew up, they found that things were not as simple as they thought. These air combat excited angels are very different from ordinary mobile angels. Although their appearance is only slightly slender, they are the difference between Heaven and Earth in terms of air mobility. Those terrifying air combat excited angels are not only extremely fast, but they can also be turned in any angle and posture in the air, almost as if they are not affected by inertia. This kind of abnormal maneuverability is really the biggest bug in air combat. Russian players simply don't know how to fight against this kind of enemy.

Actually, the air combat in the game is very different from the real air war zone, because there are not as many long-range attacks in the game as there are in reality, so in addition to the mage or archer type long-range units, you can separate them in the air combat. In addition to air attacks, in most cases the air forces of both sides are engaged in hand-to-hand combat. This kind of melee is not a metaphor, but a real melee. Because most players do not fly by themselves, the essence of the final air battle is often that the flying devil beasts that the players on both sides ride bite and attack each other in the air. This is the essence of the air battle in the game.

However, the air force of our guild is quite unreasonable. Let’s not talk about those air battleships like armed hedgehogs. The long spear formation originally has long-range skills, and coupled with its high speed, it can often repeatedly use long-range skills and high-speed advantages to approach the attack and leave immediately, making the enemy air force completely unable to find it. When the locals start, they can only be beaten passively. Mobile angels are better. After all, these guys have a big sword, so sometimes they get close to melee, and their speed is not as exaggerated as the long spear. However, even so mobile angels are still quite abnormal air combat units.

First of all, mobile angels are a kind of humanoid combat unit. Their body structure determines that these guys' steering ability is not like ordinary aircraft. Their turning radius can be very small, and they can even hover and hover. Strange flying maneuvers such as inverted flight. Second, although mobile ang

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