Immediately after getting my confirmation, Hong Yue took the only flying battleship on the mobile fortress Isenger out to rob, but our side is taking further action. action.

According to our pre-arranged plan, the two real fortification troops were successfully assembled under the city walls of two important cities in western Russia. At this time, the Banshee side was frozen. The judgment is still a firm belief that what we sent out is nothing but a group of cannon fodder troops, which is completely frightening them.

For the frozen Banshee and their judgment, of course we are in favor of it, because the more they don’t pay attention to our troops, the smoother our actions will be.

In order to achieve our goal, we also used some tricks this time. The offensive forces that successfully reached the periphery of the two cities did not immediately begin to attack the city, but first launched a large formation outside the city, and then began to slowly build the siege equipment. This action is not a meaningless behavior, but a specially designed psychological tactic, and it is the kind of kill two birds with one stone.

According to normal circumstances, the offensive troops should of course start attacking the city as soon as possible after arriving at the target city, because the faster you move, the more hurried the defender will be, which helps to improve The efficiency of the siege. However, our troops cannot do this, because it will not do us any good.

First of all, our offensive forces departed from Isengard Mobile Fortress, and Isengard Mobile Fortress has been attacking Bear Fort before, which means that our two offensive forces are both in The enemy’s eyelids are moving underneath, and there is simply no suddenness at all, so starting to attack the city as soon as we reach a place does not bring us any benefit. On the contrary, doing so will also cause our troops to become exhausted due to long-distance attacks. Such problems. Therefore, it is necessary to first take a rest on the periphery of the enemy's city. Of course, a normal rest period does not require us for such a long time, but there are other reasons for us to do so.

Our two assault troops are both real elites, so once they start attacking, they will be able to take down these two cities immediately, at least the other party will immediately find that the simply is not what they expected. The soft-footed shrimp in it is a powerful force like a monster. The reason why the Frozen Banshee sent their main force out to rescue the First Army regiment was because they believed that our two troops were soft-footed shrimp, so they thought that the city defense force alone could hold the city. However, as soon as we begin to attack the city, they will immediately find that they have been fooled, and the rescue forces who have not gone far at this time will inevitably turn around and return immediately. Although this will delay a lot of time, at least there is still time for rescue, so it is still a problem for us.

We can’t let the troops that were transferred back come back, so we must be slow and delay the attack as much as possible, so that the combat troops that go to rescue the first attacking force will go further. Distance, and the farther they go, the more difficult it will be when they come back. This principle is very simple.

In addition to the problem of this expeditionary force, there is another advantage to slowing down our attack speed, which is to paralyze the enemy. Because normally the offensive troops will not be as slow as we are, and the cannon fodder we used to attack Bear Fort is advancing at a super slow speed, so when our two troops are also like this, the ice-bound Banshee will be there. It will be more certain that our two troops are also cannon fodder Legion, so they dare not really attack the city slowly. This kind of misleading will cause Banshee to be more certain that the situation here is in their expectations, and then their rescue forces will run faster, and they will think about it when they find that our troops are really attacking forces. It's not that easy to come back. Don't forget that we still left the support troops on the way. When the time comes, even if they can't hurt them, it's not a problem for them to die of nausea.

The two offensive troops on our side spent two full hours outside the two cities to complete the tactical deployment and the erection of the siege weapons, and it was already midday, that is to say. The Russian First Expeditionary Force has actually begun to suffer heavy casualties.

At twelve o'clock at noon, the two offensive troops first began preparations for artillery fire as usual. Our Frost Rose League’s artillery and magic cannons are far superior in technology to Russia, so our 1st Step action is naturally shelling. Of course, these two cities are not the same as Bear Fort. These are two large-scale comprehensive cities rather than fortress cities, and the attack on Bear Fort is completely pulling nails, and we are going to rob these two cities, so The bombardment must not be as high as the intensity on the Bear Fort, it was just a deterrent bombardment. Of course, because the two cities themselves are comprehensive cities, their defenses are not as good as Bear Fort. Therefore, our cannons can be pushed to super-close places for precise artillery, especially the city-breaking artillery that our association is most proud of. , Almost the entire frontal city wall is lifted off. We don’t have to think about the city wall at all when we attack for a while. Anyway, the remaining part of the frontal city wall is less than three meters in height. For the players in the game, the height is basically just a little harder jump.

Although the intensity of the shelling is very low, but because the distance of the shelling is very close, our accuracy is obviously higher than in the bear castle, and in order to extend the time, the whole shelling process has been in A sparse state. Although almost every time the cannon on our side will inevitably lose something on the other side, the process is quite slow. From the beginning of the shelling at noon to the end of the shelling at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the whole process is two cities. In total, it withstood less than two thousand shells. With the firepower configuration of the artillery regiment of our guild, it took such a long time to launch such a small amount of ammunition, which is almost at the speed of shooting training.

After the end of the two-hour shelling, our troops finally started a slow formation, and then formed an unconventional formation and began to advance a little bit. The action is the same as the previous bear castle. The troops on the side were exactly the same, so that the defenders in the city over there laughed when they saw our actions, and they laughed and said that we were performing comedy here.

Of course, we are indeed acting, but it is not a comedy, but a reversal. The player on the opposite side laughed and watched us move to the limit of their archer and mage’s range at the same speed as the burlesque show, but the back of our battlefield suddenly remembered a drum beat with an obviously wrong rhythm. .

Along with the excitement of the drumbeat, a big drum was suddenly lifted from the rear of our position, and on this huge drum head carried by thirty-six people stood a big drum. A red-clothed beauty. The equipment on this beauty is quite small, and the lower body is fine, there is almost nothing on it except for the breast wrap, which can be described as quite cool. However, at this moment, those Russian players dare not underestimate the rhythmic beat of the drum, it turned out to be the dance of this beauty on the drumhead hitting the drumhead at the foot, and with this, it seemed to be hit every time. With the same drum beat on the individual’s heart, our offensive troops started to move faster and faster, and finally everyone screamed and immediately entered the state of rushing and sprinting, and the drum beats behind also became dense like a torrential rain. .

For twenty seconds, the fastest players on our side almost all rushed to the bottom of the ruins of the city wall when the Russian players there finally reacted and someone shouted With the formation of defense, many people only recovered from their consternation. They were still a little confused for a while and couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. As a result, there was chaos.

The Russian players and NPCs here are originally city defense forces, and the battle strength is far inferior to those field troops who are responsible for attacking other guild cities. This difference in quality plus the delay of shock and consternation, the result is that it was not until the fastest people on our side jumped on the city wall and the ruins that they were completely restored to normal, and at this time I was the first to rush to the city wall. Player Fang has raised his hand and threw the throwing axe in his hand. The Russian player who was targeted just saw the enemy leaping onto the city wall and was about to fight back with a bow and arrow. As a result, the opponent’s throwing axe flew first and cut open the longbow in his hand, and his power remained unabated. It was directly embedded in his shoulders, and after almost half of his body was split apart, he was completely stuck in his body, but the huge power in it still led him to fly backwards. Going out and knocking over a small group of people behind.

After this guy was thrown over with an axe, the player who threw the axe had already rushed to his side immediately. Without looking at the dead guy, the player pulled out and inserted him. The battle axe on his body then shook up from the bottom up, only two clinks were heard. The big sword in the hands of a Russian player who rushed up was cut off by the waist, and then his head flew out and half pulled. Although the axe is too heavy and slow, it is definitely incomparable in terms of formidable power. Unless it encounters the eternal Divine Weapon of this level, ordinary weapons basically break at the touch of a touch, and there are few things that can be set up. Live the frontal attack of the battle axe.

In fact, the player who rushed up was only the one who rushed the fastest. The following troops immediately jumped onto the city wall, and the siege war started in full. The forces on both sides just started. Once contacted, it was completely lopsided. All our personnel are covered with a layer of red light. Both the attack power and the attack speed are the same as when they are turned on. The guards on the opposite side feel that they are not facing enemy players but a group of small BOSS. Both power and attack are completely suppressed by the opponent, there's no resistance at all.

It is said that the game "Zero" has set its own characteristics for players from all over the world, among which the characteristic of Russian players is its infinite power. Basically, players on the Russian side are much stronger than players from other countries in the attribute of basic power. If other things are not as good as other Russian players, it is acceptable, but they are crushed in power, which makes them really It's quite annoying, but it's useless to be annoyed. Inferior to others is inferior to others. Even those barbarian professional players who are known as human tanks can't take advantage of our guild players at all, and at most they don't use their power. It's just a loss, but just not suffering a loss does not guarantee victory! Besides, the people around them are all retreating steadily. Those one or two people simply can't hold the line of defense. Even if they don't make a loss in strength, they will still be chopped into meat sauce by the people around them.

Russian players can't understand this kind of one-sided battle, but we are not surprised at all.

In this battle, our side is not a cannon fodder at all, but the real elite main force of our Frost Rose League-the Frost Rose League First Assault Corps. The specialty of this corps is that it is good at siege warfare, and it is especially good at close confrontation after its own fire suppresses the enemy.

The Russian players were originally the defenders of the second and third line guilds, but ours is the elite corps of the guild. The difference in strength between the two sides is normal. Moreover, our side is not really just naked. The one behind the team is the demon musician in the guild. The drum at her feet is a super Divine Item in some ways, because the general equipment is blessed by one person, and her drum is matched with hers. Skills can provide a large attribute bonus to your own personnel on the entire battlefield. It is equivalent to a campaign-level range BUFF, and it is also a super BUFF that adds several attributes at once, so her drum is simply a Super Divine Item! Previously, Russian players saw our guild players with red light. That is actually the additional effect of the drum sound. This feature is similar to the bloodthirsty BUFF, which can not only fully strengthen the player’s offensive and defensive physical recovery capabilities. , A more important ability is injury sharing. As long as the players within the range of action are attacked, 50% of the damage value will be distributed to the nearby friendly units with more blood. In this way, as long as the following healing units pay attention to increase the blood, the people on our side It is difficult to be killed, it can be said that it is a general skill of team battle BUG.

No matter what the Russian players think, anyway, we know that with so many advantages, it must be a battle of cutting melons and vegetables. Therefore, facing this kind of one-sided battle, our players do not have at all. The slightest worries are all confident and bold to move forward. The Russian players who played against the Russian players have been losing, and there is no way to hinder our progress at all.

While triumphant progressed all the way on our side, the headquarter of the Russian players finally received a report from the front.

"What?" Frozen Banshee jumped up from his position after hearing the report.

The player who came to report apparently did not notice Banshee's face, and still said seriously: "The frontline report, the two siege troops sent by the Frost Rose Alliance are elite Legion, battle strength Super strong. Both cities have fallen to one third or more. It is estimated that they will completely lose control of the city within half an hour."

The president of a Russian guild next to Banshee Bingbin listened to this. After that, he sat down on the ground and said: "We are done! We have been cheated again!"

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