"Come on..."

At this time, the cavalry of the various guilds who were chasing after the Russian players all the way were really messed up, according to some personnel. Later, he said that it was even more exciting than when they were taking drugs in the bar before. The Russian player in the front is obviously actively attacking, but because he has crossed the line of defense, the unfathomable mystery has changed from an offensive state to a state of being chased. All enemies behind are all enemies. Simply can’t stop and can only move forward. Forward and then forward, stop is death, but even running forward does not mean that it is safe, because the front is not their own territory, but the area behind our occupied area, which is equivalent to saying that the more you run, the more you will get Going deep behind enemy lines, the hope of surviving becomes even slimmer.

Even if you already know that running like this is not the way to go, Russian players still have to keep looking and running. Some of them will suddenly look back and start trying to resist. A moment, but the problem is that the effect of suddenly turning around in the process of escaping is really not very good. Behind is the formation of cavalry regiments lined up in a neat line for group charges, and what they turned around to resist was all personal actions, there was no line of defense, no formation, and even no people to cooperate in battle, just rely on a few people in the battallion. The cavalry was pulled up by the roots as easily as a sapling in front of the tsunami, and then rushed to a place where they didn't know.

Compared with the miserable experience of the Russian players, our alliance players feel that they are going to go to heaven. There are a large number of enemies in front of them, but they have no decent resistance. They are almost slaughtering unilaterally. They stepped on and watched their EXP constantly turn upwards, but their consumption was minimal. This kind of coolness is bursting. The feeling of is usually unthinkable, but now they have realized it personally.

In fact, although the cavalry kills quite well, it is not the cavalry that kills the enemy the fastest, but the Japanese players led by Matsumoto Masaga. Although the cavalry are chasing Russian players all the way, they can only attack those Russian players in the last row, but they dare not go deep into the central area of ​​the opponent's large forces, because these Russian players are unfathomable mystery from the attack because of our arrangements. The victims have become the targets of being hunted down, but in fact they still have a complete organizational system, and the number of opponents is actually quite large, and the loss has just begun. Although the casualties are fast, the total number of opponents has actually declined. not much. Facing such a large army, ordinary players don't dare to rush in stupidly, and can only scrape people down from the opponent's large army layer by layer, but no one dares to actually kill in. Moreover, our side actually issued orders before the start of the battle. The cavalry must ensure that they always move in a formation, and it is absolutely forbidden to rush into the enemy's array.

We arranged this to prevent the cavalry from dispersing the opposing force, because after all, the Russian players are still very strong. If we disperse them, then once these stragglers disperse, we It also takes time and energy to encircle and suppress these people, and this speed may be slower than our level of peeling down. More importantly, because the second battle field requires more precise command, we transferred the superior leadership of these guild players away, so the cavalry here are actually under a very low control. It can almost be said that they have no direct commanders. What they can do in this state is to fight according to the pre-determined method, and changing the battle method without authorization will cause the entire battlefield to lose control. We will never allow this kind of thing, so we will fight well before the war. After hello, if anyone dared to run out of the array to make a solo assault when the time comes, then the people around have the right to kill this guy directly, and they can get rewards when they look back.

Because we restrict the cavalry from letting them charge at full force, they can only pull people down from the Russian player’s army one after another, and then peel them down one by one. The human situation also promoted further chaos for the Russian players, and then used the battallion cavalry to drive the Russian players to our designated direction as if they were a shepherd driving the flock.

In fact, the routes that these Russian players move forward are all planned routes that we have planned in advance, because these routes have traps that we set up in advance, and these are the things that are really used to consume a lot of opponents' personnel. As for the fact that the Russians don’t follow the route we designed, don’t worry, because our cavalry will help them find the “right” direction.

The Russian players who were driven like sheep rushed forward and soon entered the real ambush circle. The advancing large forces quickly rushed through the first trap area, but at this time the organs here did not activate. We also made a special arrangement for this ambush circle, that is, letting go of the troops in front, and then specifically start from the middle and back. There are two advantages to this. One is that it will not cause the Russian players' large forces to suddenly stop. The reason why the large army of Russian players has been running is actually completely compelling. The players behind did not want to be killed, so they ran forward to the center area. Although the players in front did not want to run, the people behind would push them to run. If they stopped, they would be crushed by the troops behind. It was trampled to death, so the people in front did not dare to stop. However, if a large number of traps suddenly appear in front of them, then out of instinct, these players in front will inevitably find a way to stop, and the result of this will cause the entire Russian player's army to slow down or even stop completely. .

Many people, the large army of Russian players. If we want to kill these people with the least cost, we must keep them in motion, because only when they are in motion will we let the commanders of Russian players We cannot gather troops and organize defenses, so we cannot stop them, we must move them, so we cannot set traps in front of them.

In addition to not affecting the advancement of the Russian player's large army, starting a trap in the rear of the Russian player's large army has another advantage, that is, it can disintegrate the opponent's army.

When most of the Russian players have passed, we will activate the trap, and then swallow some of the Russian players, but the Russian players after that will fall into the trap because of seeing the people in front of them. And automatically decelerate, so that the Russian players in the front will be separated from the people behind, so we can surround the blocked group of people behind and eat them, and use this method repeatedly to get a bite. It cannibalize all the Russian players' troops in one bite, so the timing of opening this trap is also exquisite.

In order to take care of Matsumoto Masaka, all the people responsible for the hands-on work in this trap are all those selected by Matsumoto Masaka who are particularly loyal to them. These Japanese players are all very loyal to Matsumoto Masaga and August Kaoru. Basically, as long as Matsumoto Masaga and the others say, these players will immediately execute them, and simply will not doubt or oppose Matsumoto Masaga’s motives. . For such people, Masaga Matsumoto certainly has to give them some sweetness, so that they will be more loyal.

Just as the Russian players’ army was about to pass through the first trap area, Masaga Matsumoto, who was observing the situation at high altitude, immediately shouted at the Japanese players below using the communicator issued by our guild. : "Attention to all in area A, prepare 3, 2, 1, and pull."

Following Masaka Matsumoto’s order, the Japanese players below immediately pulled the drawstring they had prepared for a while, and then went to the ground. The land where there was no problem at first suddenly collapsed. Nearly two thousand Russian players fell into a big ditch with a depth of seven or eight meters without any preparation. The underside of these ditch is not flat, but The wedge-shaped, falling people simply can’t stand up and can only stick to the inclined ramps, but these ramps are full of holes, and a handle of all kinds of weapons suddenly protrudes from these holes, in an instant Caused huge casualties to these people. Fortunately, those who did not die desperately supported the slope to get their body away from this slope, but unfortunately the slope of this place was too large, and there were corpses everywhere, and simply couldn't stand up, so they could only watch what they were left behind. The weapon protruding from the hole pierced into a sieve.

In fact, the slope below is a metal mesh full of holes, and Japanese players are waiting on the side of this metal mesh. As long as someone falls on it, they can tell the weapon from the mesh. Passing through to kill the opposite person, and because the Russian players on the opposite side fell suddenly, they couldn't take advantage of the metal net without any preparation. They couldn't fight back at all and had to be slaughtered unilaterally.

The Russian players who dropped down were quickly killed, while the group of Russian players who were blocked behind the traps looked desperately at the big pit in front of them and the cavalry wandering around. Crying without tears. These cavalry simply did not go forward and fight with them, but let the archers and wizards on both sides that had been prepared for a long time continue to kill them by means of long-range attacks, and as long as they tried to break through, they would be fired by the wizard group. In the end, It wasn't until their numbers were reduced that they couldn't bring out any storms. The cavalry suddenly started to rush to the two and hacked to death more than half of the remaining people. The rest were all driven out of the big pit, even if they didn't die, they would be down Japanese players made up the knife to kill.

Just such a simple trap directly pitted nearly 5,000 Russian players. The number of Russian players who were isolated and killed was as high as 20,000, which means that After this big pit, the Russian player's force has been reduced by 25,000 people.

Although the large army in front lost 25,000 people after the pit was activated, the cavalry chasing behind was also blocked, so the player who was lucky enough to cross the pit was still happy, and the speed was also Gradually slowed down, but before they were happy, they discovered that two new cavalry units joined from both sides, and then quickly formed a new cavalry array behind them.

This trap group is our own design, how can we not think that the trap will block the cavalry of our own people besides dividing the enemy? Therefore, we have made arrangements for this a long time ago. There are two brand new cavalry teams on standby near each trap. As long as the trap is activated and split the tail section queue of the Russian player's army, the two cavalry will be separated from the two. The side attack continues to take over the previous cavalry team to carry out the chasing mission, which means that regardless of our division, there will always be two teams of cavalry behind the Russian players chasing and driving them forward. Another advantage of this method is that it allows our cavalry team. Carry out rotation, so that there will be no excessive consumption.

Those our cavalry who are blocked by traps cooperate with the archer and wizards to kill the divided Russian players, they will run forward through the three trap areas to stand by in front, and wait until the Russian players pass through. After that trap area, they can again rotate into the pursuit array.

Using this phased pursuit method can ensure that someone behind the Russian players' large forces is always chasing them, so they will never stop.

After the first trap group was successfully activated, Masaga Matsumoto immediately shouted: "The personnel in Area A have cleared away the remaining enemies and immediately evacuate and go to the front. Area B prepares, and the Russians are about to pass."< /p>

Soon a large group of Russian players passed through this so-called B area, and then with the order of Masaka Matsumoto, the flap on the ground was activated instantly, and a large group of Russian players were directly turned over. In the hole below. The cave this time is different from before. The area of ​​the flap is not too big this time, and it only brought down hundreds of people in one turn, and the bottom is not an untenable slope, but a solid flat ground. However, although the environment below is okay, there is not a trace of light.

It was originally daytime on the ground, and the light was very good. It suddenly fell into a dark and dark room. Of course, you can’t see anything. In addition, if you suddenly fall from above, you will get some injuries. And lost his balance, and the ninjas hiding in the dark immediately rushed up. The ninjas and assassins who have been lurking here have long been accustomed to the darkness here, so they can not only see clearly, but because the enemies have just fallen from above, there is simply no resistance, almost Before he could react, he was wiped off his neck.

In fact, the flap trap in Zone B is very different from Zone A. It is not activated when the team is about to pass, but the Russian player’s large force has been activated in the past half-and-a-half. , And because of its small area, this thing will only drop a few hundred players at a time. After all, there are not many players who can see these people falling. So when they bypass these flaps, the people behind do not know that there are flips. The board will fall off part of it again, so that the cycle will continue, and a group of people will fall in the dark small rooms below, and the ninjas and assassins only need to kill the ones that have just fallen one by one in the dark. It's hapless.

Don’t look at the fact that this B-zone flap can swallow many people every time, but because it’s always working, it’s actually quite efficient. After the Russian player’s army passed by, there were more than 50,000 fewer people than before, while those from Japan’s ninja players and other guild’s assassin-type players were sluggish. After the troops passed, they simply sat on the ground. If someone told them before that they could wipe their necks and feel their hands soft, I guess they would have sprayed that person's face, but now they have really gone through this process, it feels really - so cool.

In the sky, Masaka Matsumoto, who is in charge of the command, looked at the Russian player’s army below, and immediately commanded after passing through Zone B: "The Cavalry is in three or four groups. Don’t run forward. Go and help. Groups 5 and 6 compress the Russian team together. The effect of area B just now seems to be very good. The Russian army is a bit loose. You can increase your attack to tighten their team."

The following team immediately began to move after receiving the order, and then he quickly formed a powerful cavalry team and began to continuously attack the periphery of the Russian players’ large forces. Those Russian players could only move to the central area if they didn’t want to be killed. As a result, the large army of Russian players running around was compressed into a fairly dense cluster.

Seeing that the following team has been compressed almost, Masaga Matsumoto commanded again: "Induction team, take them to Area C, prepare for barbecue."

"Understood. "The cavalry team that was in charge of oppressing the Russian player's change of direction suddenly began to push them to turn. The Russian player's army could only turn to the trap area according to their predetermined route when completely unable to do so, and then ran. Just entered the trap area. A large crater suddenly appeared at the rear of the Russian player’s army that was advancing. The size of the crater this time is comparable to three or four football fields connected together. There were at least one hundred thousand people in an instant. Fell in, and just after these people fell, a large group of mage-type players suddenly appeared around, so all kinds of flame magic came out of the cage, and they were all thrown into this big pit, and this big pit Obviously, a large amount of combustibles had been prepared for a long time, almost at one point. In an instant, these tens of thousands of people were completely swallowed by the fire sea. The terrifying heat wave even made the outside Fire Element wizards have to move quickly. .

Looking at the billowing smoke behind, the president of the Russian guild who was in charge of the command now really wants to die. The total number of troops they brought out this time is also over 100 million, of which about 20 million are players, and the remaining 80 million are NPCs, and these people are all mixed together. However, this unfathomable mystery lost nearly 300,000 people in less than twenty minutes after entering our position. The rate of casualties is too scary. Moreover, as their number declines, the rate of cannibalization on our side will inevitably increase gradually, because the smaller the number of them, the lower the deterrence, and the more we eat deliberately. And there is another point, that is, after running for so long, their stamina value drops very quickly. Once the large unit is chased and has no stamina value, when the time comes, they will definitely face a side-to-side slaughter, which is almost unnecessary. matter. So, if they run like this now, it's simply the end of all deaths, and it's impossible to survive.

Looking at this situation, that guy finally couldn't help it. He said to several trusted players around him: "Sooner or later we will be killed like this."

"But now it's like this, do we have any other way?" the player next to him asked.

The player in charge of the command said: "There are ways, but I don't know if I should do this."


"Because although some people can be saved by my method, we will not explain clearly and be regarded as cowards by all those involved in this operation. After that, we will be cast aside by everyone, and Banshee will not be frozen. Believe me again."

The player was stunned when he heard his boss actually say this, and then suddenly raised his head after a few seconds and said: "In this case, let's not do it. at worst There is nothing terrifying to die here."

Actually, the commander thought of a very simple method, that is, regardless of the large forces, just gather some of his own people, and then leave the formation alone to rush out. In this case, they are tantamount to fleeing, and other Russian players will instinctively follow their actions. In this case, they actually have a certain probability to take some Russian players out, but they are charged with fleeing afterwards. You can't get rid of it. So although this method can solve the immediate problem, it may not be a good thing for them.

After hesitating for a long time, the guy finally told his cronies about this method, hoping to get some advice, and this cron is obviously the kind who is loyal to this guy, so he thought about it a little bit. The suggestion that is most beneficial to them but harmful to Russia as a whole is immediately made, that is, complete inaction and let the flow go.

The advantage of this method is that they don’t have to bear any responsibilities. After all, the biggest reason for this failure is the previous intelligence error. So if you want to talk about the responsibility, Banshee and the talents who provided the intelligence were frozen. Is the most responsible person. Those who sent the information were wrong, the enemy deliberately released false information, and the responsibility of the ice-bound Banshee lies in not judging that this is false information and based on this, formulating a plan to execute exactly in accordance with the enemy's intentions. As for people like them, they are just following orders. Because their superiors made mistakes in their decisions, their responsibilities are actually minimal. In contrast, if they were charged with a charge of fleeing, they would be really finished. Because if they are really judged to be fleeing, part of the responsibility for the failure of this battle will also fall on their heads, which is equivalent to helping Banshee to top the tank for no reason. Therefore, after hesitating again and again, they decided to completely let it go. Anyway, the death of the people here is nothing to them.

The situation was quite critical at first, and now even the commander-in-chief has made up his mind to completely ignore it. Now this large force of Russian players has no hope of leaving here.

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