"Quickly, quickly, everyone will run for me. People over there are not allowed to stay, enter the city to find a place to wait, and are not allowed to stand on the main road."

The voices of our Frost Rose League players resounded everywhere inside Isinger Mobile Fortress. They are now acting as traffic police, and their task is to squeeze hundreds of millions of players and NPC troops into Ising. Grid mobile fortress. The way to open up the second battle field in this battle will start with the leapfrog tactics of Isengard Mobile Fortress, because each Space Jump of Isengard Mobile Fortress will only consume energy according to the distance traveled, and will not be subject to self-respect. Therefore, we are impossible to make Isengard Mobile Fortress jump back and forth several times to transport people in batches. To ensure the least energy consumption, it is necessary to bring all the troops participating in the second battle field opening mission at one time. This is an economic need as well as a tactical need.

Although the total number of troops to open up the second battle field this time is only 30% of the total number of our combat troops, the problem is that this joint operation has assembled a large number of troops from the world’s main fashion clubs, so Even 30% is easily over 100 million, but Isengard Mobile Fortress is big and strong enough, otherwise so many people really can't fit in. However, that is more than 100 million people after all! Even the mega-city of Isengard Mobile Fortress is packed full of people, not to mention the houses and the roads, even the roofs of many houses are full of people. The current Isinger Mobile Fortress is really overcrowded.

The work of squeezing people into the city actually started last night, but at that time it was an NPC, and now it is a player. Compared with NPC, the player’s discipline is a bit worse. But fortunately, I have decided to take away the bosses of these guilds, so with the premise that there are strong people in charge, the discipline here is still reasonable. At least everyone quickly entered the city.

It has been busy until ten o'clock in the morning, the last player finally enters the interior of Isinger Mobile Fortress, and then Isinger Mobile Fortress begins the teleportation process.

I have to say that it is a bit too much to force more than 100 million people to come in. The Isengard Mobile Fortress needs to be lifted up before the teleportation is started. As a result, it was seriously overloaded and almost did not use the power unit during takeoff. It was burned. Thanks to the quick response of the commander and dispatcher, all the large-scale spaceships docked on the Isengard Mobile Fortress took off. This reduced the burden on Isengard Mobile Fortress a lot, otherwise the plan would not be possible. Well, it will fail because of the overload of the anti-gravity device.

Although it was a bit awkward, the Isenger Mobile Fortress was generally strong. It successfully and smoothly transferred the 100 million people who had been squeezed in to the western region of Russia.

Over the Sistine Castle, Russian players who knew in advance that there would be an attack today are waiting nervously for a possible attack, and suddenly they found a small black spot in the sky not far ahead. Then the black spot expanded instantly, and then a huge shadow of Isengard's moving fortress appeared in the air. After that, the shadow began to stare quickly, and finally appeared directly in the sight of everyone.

Seeing the emergence of Isengard Mobile Fortress, the Russian players below immediately activated the city defense system, but in the end, they did not have time to take action. Isengard Mobile Fortress was the first to attack.

First, the folded armor at the bottom of the Isengard Mobile Fortress unfolded all around, and then the armor plate of one after another in a large circular hole unfolded, and something that was obviously an energy weapon stretched out. . Then, in the surprised eyes of the Russian players, the tip of this thing gradually lit up, and finally a thick white beam of light suddenly hit the ground, and then a shock wave spread out and swept the entire city. The Russian players who originally stood on the city’s head were lifted under the city wall and killed many people in an instant. The weapons on the city wall also suffered a devastating blow. The city gate was even blown off. More than half of the city wall collapsed, and more than half of the houses in the city were lost.

This city can be said to have been destroyed in half, and this is not a direct hit. Isinger’s mobile fortress’s radiation cannon against the city is indeed the name is not in vain.

According to the original plan, Isinger Mobile Fortress should appear directly above the city, and then use a radiation cannon to erase the city from the map in one go. However, due to the severe overload and a series of damages caused by the overload of the previous power system, the jumping position of Isengard Mobile Fortress deviated by several kilometers. As a result, Isengard Mobile Fortress that should have appeared in the sky above the city. I went outside the city wall. But it’s not bad, the deviation is not too far, and the weapon itself is a large-scale attack on the city, so there is no need to aim too accurately, even if it is aimed at the open space outside the city, the city will still be destroyed. It's almost there.

After destroying the city's defenses in one shot, the Isengard Mobile Fortress began to slowly lower its height, but it did not land directly, but stopped at a height of only ten meters above the ground. Players have their own abilities, and even if they don’t have the ability to fly, it’s unlikely that they will be thrown from such a height by their own qualities, so letting them jump directly is the fastest way to unload.

If Isengard’s mobile fortress landed on the ground, the hatch at the bottom of the city would be useless, and now this will not only allow the hatch at the bottom to open and let people out, but also move from all directions Launch a large number of steel cables towards the ground, and then let these players and NPC troops directly slide down the steel cables. This kind of thing is nothing to players and NPCs, and it can speed up the release speed sufficiently.

More than 100 million people are packed in a city, it is not that simple to get out. You must know that when we let them in, we have been busy from ten o'clock last night to ten o'clock this morning, a full twelve hours! Although the speed of getting people out is faster than putting them in, we don't have twelve hours to release people, and let alone twelve hours, even two hours is too long for us. Therefore, we need to use all means to transport people abroad.

Thanks to the many exits at the bottom of the Isengard Mobile Fortress, a circle of steel cables around the outer armor, dozens of short-distance Transmission Gates, and the transportation capabilities of flying units, all of this started together. In the end, we were busy for nearly an hour and a half before we got all these people down. Of course, more than 100 million people were unloaded in an hour and a half. This speed is a miracle.

In fact, although we destroyed the city directly, because the Russians were well prepared, their reinforcements came quickly, but they did not make peace after they came. Our people touched, but ran away after a few hits.

I know what Russia means. They are afraid that we will discover that they have "know beforehand" our plan and change our strategy. That's why they sent troops to attack us, because this is the correct response without knowing it. When we acted for them, Russian players did not forget to act for us.

Although they had contact with our troops, the Russians immediately withdrew to nearby cities with the excuse that "the enemy is too strong, the enemy is not powerful". This is also part of the original plan. Now they We are advancing according to our preset script, and so far Frozen Banshee and their each step actions have not exceeded our expectations. For such a large-scale project, this is already quite a terrifying achievement.

After the Russians came and harassed a few times, our troops did not take a defensive posture. Instead, they all started to form a battle attack queue, and many large flying battleships also moved from Isengard. Flying over the fortress, what is needed now is offensive power, but these battleships are not good for field battles, but they are good at siege.

As the large corps on our side unfolded, the ice-bound Banshee was exercising in the combat headquarters.

Don’t forget that I also told the people at the giant mosquito outpost that they were responsible for staring at the frozen Banshee, and the frozen Banshee knew that they were unlikely to block our investigation, so simply You can only act. However, the ability of the frozen Banshee should not be wasted in the process of acting. Therefore, the Russian side used a very special method, which is to directly divide the troops into two halves.

Frozen Banshee pretended to be completely unaware of the situation and commanded the defensive forces to intercept these people brought by Isengard Mobile Fortress, and the part of the troops that went to attack our occupied area was completely handed over The president of another Russian guild. This person is also quite outstanding among the presidents of the Russian guild. He has a high commanding ability and has led Russian players to victory many times. So, considering that I said to let the giant mosquito outpost stare at the ice-bound Banshee, the ice-bound Banshee handed over the command of this part of the troops to the president of the Russian guild in advance, so that the two troops would act separately. Now, when we monitor the ice-bound Banshee, we can only know the situation on the battlefield here, but we can't understand that they actually still have a force rushing to our development zone.

Of course, this is the result of Banshee's self-confidence. In fact, everything about them is under our plot against and surveillance.

However, I have to say that pressure makes people progress. Frozen Banshee knew that I would monitor her all the way, so she also formulated a command plan before the action, which was to use code words all the way. She communicated with the two heralds under her in advance, and then came up with a set of command language similar to a secret language. When she said that she wanted to attack a certain position, it was actually another order, and all the command orders could not be simply understood according to what she said. This would only be misleading. The purpose of Frozen Banshee is to let us rely on her command as a reference. As a result, when we discover that the troops are not acting that way, our side will definitely suffer. However, what Banshee does not know is that although we did send someone to monitor her, we did not expect to use her command as a reference, because our only reference is the result of the battle on the development zone. This is what determines us. The key to the next action plan, as for the command of Frozen Banshee... that actually has no effect on the battle. After all, this is an urban offensive and defensive battle, not a field battle. Basic strategies and strategies are useless. As long as the guards in the city do not have a problem with their fighting will, all that remains is exhaustion.

Russian probing troops came into contact with us and then evacuated, and then they began to assume a posture that they would not be aware of holding on to the city. So our side began to be able to see directly outside their city wall Arrived at the position, we started to deploy and set up a posture ready to attack the city, and at this time, the offensive force led by the president of the Russian guild had moved very quickly to the outskirts of our occupied area. . In fact, they set off early today, which means that the Russian offensive forces actually set off first for this battle. In fact, they are the offensive side.

Because we set off early, we approached each other’s stronghold almost at the same time. The president of the Russian guild looked at the map and listened to a flying devil beast Knight next to him, and then told him the result of the aerial reconnaissance just now.

"I saw a defensive point in this position, there seems to be a magic crystal cannon, and this position. However, the barracks behind this place I watched for a long time and no one came in. It should be empty. . And their rear is almost no man’s land, only non-combat type workers are working, neither the player nor the NPC combat unit sees any of them."

"haha, it looks like we are going to turn around this time. The president of a Russian guild next to it said with a smile: "It seems that the previous information is correct. This time we can flatten the occupied area of ​​the Frost Rose League and take back our land. "

The president of the Russian guild responsible for leading the team said: "Although this is a good thing, don’t underestimate the enemy. Although Isengard’s mobile fortress has already left and taken a lot of The offensive troops of the United States, but don’t forget. Isengard’s mobile fortress can move in space. It’s really anxious. It can move back at any time. So we can’t act carelessly. Move fast, and we must not give them A chance to breathe."

"Understand, isn't it about carrying forward our glorious tradition? We understand this." The presidents of the surrounding Russian guilds all said impatiently. How could they not be excited about the rare opportunity to fight back after being frustrated for so long. This excitement is a bit uncontrollable, so every one of them seems to be out of control. But the guy who led the team was actually extremely excited, so he didn't think much about it.

"Okay, let’s calm down and let everyone rest for five minutes to regain their stamina, and then we will start the total attack. After the battle begins, only charge is allowed and no stay is allowed. If you don’t pierce through the opponent’s entire position, you can’t look back. , Do you understand?"


"Okay, let's go down, restrain your own people, and watch me order unified action in five minutes."



The presidents of the Russian guilds left this guy one after another and returned to the front of their team, and then ordered everyone to rest and replenish their energy. They used to force their way to reduce the probability of being discovered in advance, and many of them were dissatisfied with their physical strength, so now they need to take time to rest and supplement. In addition, some equipment wear and tear or other minor problems should be dealt with as soon as possible, and you should adjust yourself to the best condition and start attacking.

Actually, these people didn't know that, in the bushes not far away, there was a creature that looked a bit like a night monkey. This little thing has a pair of oversized eyes, and the head is disproportionately large with the body. However, this look is quite cute and very popular with girls. However, although this thing looks cute, it is not just a pet, but a devil beast for investigation.

This thing is small in size and fast. The most important thing is that it has high intelligence, is good at concealment, and has anti-reconnaissance magic, which can quietly approach the enemy's large forces for close-range reconnaissance. Now this little fellow is watching the surrounding Russian players with his long eyesight, and on the other side of the field, a player next to Masaka Matsumoto also has golden light in his eyes, and what he sees is the little thing that sees. Picture.

"The enemy has reached the critical line. They said they will start to act in five minutes."

Because the guild leader here is Masaga Matsumoto, he is now It is the commander-in-chief here, and all the remaining players are under his command. Of course, this position is decided by "lottery". As for fairness... Matsumoto Masaka and us on the surface are enemies, who would suspect that I am partial to him?

"Very good." Masaka Matsumoto said with a smile: "Go tell the brother in front, don't fight too hard in the fight for a while, to be collapsed on the first encounter, we have to reduce Necessary casualties."

"Understood," the player also agreed with a smile, and then left.

Five minutes is short, so it passed quickly. Just five minutes later, the leader of the Russian guild leader suddenly stood up and jumped on his mount. The people behind had already been waiting for him to move, so of course he jumped on the horse immediately when he saw him on the horse. Own mount. Looking at the team behind, the president of the Russian guild raised his weapon and waved forward, then shouted: "Go ahead, Ullah..."



Along with the roar of Ullah, this huge team of Russian players suddenly went from extreme silence to extreme movement. Everyone was running and shouting, and then rushed into our square.

In the front is a French guild occupied area, but they are not afraid at all now, because their order is to run away immediately after discovering the enemy. Therefore, when they saw the Russians on the opposite side appear, they immediately executed the order well.

As the front French player ran away, the team of Russian players immediately rushed into our line of defense, and then they started triumphant progress all the way, because they simply did not encounter any resistance. Those players and NPCs are not only scarce, but they almost run when they see them. As a result, they seem to be running in no man's land, not at all in a war.

Because the resistance here is too weak, the Russian president who led the team immediately discovered that the situation seemed to be wrong. Frozen Banshee can completely hand over the tasks here to this guy to independently command it, indicating that the Russian guild president also has two brushes, but the problem is that he knows too little information. Under the inducement of a series of false information, he simply could not make a correct judgment. As for now... he did discover some anomalies, but the problem is that the order he gave before departure was to charge to the death and never stop, now Even if he called to stop, it is estimated that except for this small group of people around, it is simply impossible to stop other troops. In other words, he has actually lost the ability to command the troops now.

In fact, most troops are the same in this situation, unless everyone wears a communicator like our guild, and there is a command system such as a military god that can be accurate to every Personal command, otherwise there would be no way to stop at this time.

In fact, this guy had already run away before being trapped by his own people. Originally because his mount was better, he rushed to the front, but because he found a problem, he unconsciously started to slow down. As a result, the team behind got faster and faster and gradually tied him, and because of the problem behind him Man is still accelerating, so he and his mount are already being carried forward by others. Now he couldn't stop even if he wanted to stop.

The speed of the troops in the charge is quite fast. This army quickly entered our position, and after they all rushed into our position, the front of our defense line, Many large holes collapsed suddenly on the original ground, and the collapsed part did not suddenly become a large pit, but one end sank and one end did not move, forming a diagonal drape. At the end of the ground under these slopes, a large number of fully armed cavalry are ready. Seeing that the front door suddenly opened, the cavalry rushed out according to the instructions they had received without ordering them.

Because these people rushed out from below the first line of defense, and the Russians had all passed by, these cavalrymen ran out behind the Russians. The Russian infantry who fell behind suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes coming from behind. When they turned around, they saw a wall-like cavalry rushing over. After that, they were knocked to the ground without waiting for them to make a defensive posture, and then they were knocked to the ground. The war horse stepped into a meat sauce.

If these people form a line of defense, the cavalry will not be so easy even if they can kill it, but unfortunately they and the cavalry are moving towards the same direction, and the result is like a large group of cavalry chasing Just like killing deserters, rush up from behind to chop down one after another, and then continue to chop the people in front.

During the running of the Russian players, people constantly ran out from the land around and behind them, and then joined in the pursuit, while the Russian players’ charge completely turned into escape, because behind They are all chasing soldiers, and they have been running, and now they simply can't stop and dare not stop.

When the guy who led the team found out that there were all enemies around, they were already trapped in our encirclement. This guy knew at the time that they were finished. Don't say these people have defeated us, it's not necessarily how many people can get out alive. This battle was a complete conspiracy, and the most damning thing was that they actually plunged in. But now it's too late to say anything. They are completely hopeless.

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