"President, what's the situation now?" When everyone arrived at the new continent floating island, they immediately discovered that I was here, so they gathered around to ask about the situation.

"I don’t know much more than you. Ask the military god for specific information and try to intercept the enemy according to the distribution."

"Understand." We will follow my order 'S members contacted Shangjun Shen for intelligence support, and Jun Shen also responded quickly.

Military God’s battlefield command ability is specifically for this, so after we sent a command request, we immediately received the precise command of the Military God.

"President, please use the flying mount to go directly to the section in front of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. This area requires you to participate in the battle."

"Understand." After getting the detailed information, I Immediately summon out of the flying bird jumped up, and then directly burned on the ground like a missile and jumped out, less than one minute I have reached the designated coordinate point, but at this time I found the magic crystal power research institute The gate had collapsed in half, but the Holy Lance League players outside did not penetrate inside. Two mobile angels for Divine Race and three super-heavy mobile angels are stuck at the gate of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. Although the gate building has collapsed, you still have to go through here to enter the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. , Other places need to overturn the wall, and the speed is limited. Besides, there are a full row of twenty magic prisms flying on the roof of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute. Anyone who tries to jump over the courtyard wall will be set on fire. Even if multiple people jump together, they will be immediately called one by one by the precision-guided magic prism. Although the Americans never give up, knowing whether they are dead or constantly jumping in, but so far no one has been lucky enough to rush in alive.

Although the powerful melee ability of the mobile angels temporarily restrained the crazy charge of the players of the Holy Lance League, this containment is at the cost of a large amount of energy and durability of the mobile angels, so the mobile angels Although the performance is good now, it has always been like this, and if nothing else, it will soon be repelled.

Knowing that the mobile angels will not last long, I did not delay, did not let the birds land, but flew directly above the crowd, and I just flew directly from the sky when the birds passed over the crowd. He stepped out on his back. Accompanied by the huge air currents, I slammed into the densest place outside the entrance of the Magic Crystal Power Research Institute with a bang like a blockbuster, and instantly killed five players and sent all the around 20 people to death. The backlash took five or six steps.

As soon as I landed, I directly divided Eternal into two halves into two long swords, and then used the two-handed sword one by one. At the same time, the ring of commandment behind me fell off automatically, and the core of the inner law I took a few short sticks and flew over my head to unfold into a shield of law, while the remaining outer ring split from the middle and turned back into two moon blades and then surrounded me like a satellite with high-speed rotation.

With the whirling moonblade, I rushed into the crowd directly with two swords in my hand. I rushed wherever there are many people. Those American players have too many people so there is no way to effectively evade, and I In addition to the double swords, the moon blades around are flying around like a cutting machine. Anyone who is within two meters of my side can't even think about leaving.

The enthusiastic players of the Holy Lance League who were charging immediately noticed the situation on my side. The surrounding American players unconsciously formed a vacuum zone around me because of their fear of me. Wherever I move, this vacuum zone will immediately follow, and few people dare to lean on me. After all, these people are not stupid, they know that rushing is nothing more than giving food.

I’m here on slaughter all sides. Of course the Americans are impossible. They’re stupid, let me kill. Just after clearing a large group of people around, I suddenly saw a red light beam flying from the top of the building on the side. Almost in the blink of an eye, I kicked the player in front of me and leaned back. , And at the same time the wrist turned, the Eternal Sword stood up and blocked the red ray with its spine. But this thing turned out not to be an energy attack. The red light was probably caused by friction and heat. That thing was a physical bullet. After hitting my sword spine, it not only transferred huge kinetic energy, but the bullet itself even exploded.

This explosion plus the impact of the bullet itself, the formidable power is really not small, I was lifted up in the air with my legs close together, and I turned around for three weeks and stepped on a holy gun league with one foot. On the player's head, he directly stepped this guy's head into his stomach, and by the way, he helped me make a cushioning cushion.

The sniper on the top of the building on the opposite side immediately became calm when he saw my arrogant behavior. The guy actually got up from lying down and turned into a squat shooting position. In fact, if you don't consider the issue of exposure, the design angle of the squat posture is more than that of the state of lying there, and for my non-stop goal, the squatting posture can aim faster. But unfortunately, this guy obviously forgot that I am not a simple warrior. Just when he got up, a black shadow flashed by, and then he saw his headless body fall from the top of the building.

Asuka used the wingtips to easily cut off this guy’s head, and then rolled and climbed again to raise the height, and then shot out a row of air bombs to fly the two enemy devil beast Knights in the air to Shot down.

In fact, even if there is no banned air field, it is not easy to fly on the side of the new continent research institute. Aside from the artificial gravity we use to suppress the enemy, the environment of the new continent floating island itself is not suitable for flying units to fly here, because the new continent floating island is a very rare ultra-high-altitude floating island.

In fact, most of the floating islands are located within the range of 800 to 2,200 meters above sea level, and there are very few floating islands that fly more than 3,000 meters. However, the new continent floating island is a different kind. It not only exceeds three kilometers, but it also exceeds several times. This guy is directly suspended in the super high altitude 13,000 meters above sea level. This altitude has actually exceeded the actual flight ceiling of most flying creatures, so few things can fly directly from the ground to the new continent floating island. However, because the new continent floating island has its own protective shield, so as long as you come up, you can actually fly here, but this place is not better than the ground after all, so the flying ability of most flying creatures here will drop a lot. This is mainly because the airflow here is messy and the air pressure is low. In addition, because the protective cover outside the new continent floating island for heat preservation, wind protection and basic air pressure is not absolutely closed, you need to pay attention to the flight altitude when flying here. Wan accidentally flew outside the protective cover. So most flying units are absolutely impossible to return, because the air pressure outside the shield is so low that many creatures will not produce lift even if they fan their wings. However, the birds need not worry about this. The biggest advantage of jet propulsion is that it can make full use of air buoyancy. Therefore, compared with creatures that fly by fanning their wings, birds have an advantage of incomparable mobility at this altitude. Of course, even in a low-altitude environment, Asuka still has a powerful advantage in mobility.

After watching Asuka successfully kill the sniper, I went into the fight again, like a windmill, rushed into the crowd again and started massacres everywhere, but even so, I still couldn’t completely stop the crazy charge of the Holy Lance personnel. , It’s just that this can make the mobile angel troops easier to kill the remaining enemies, and will not fight with durability.

The situation is similar to mine. The other enemies are basically in similar situations. All the high level players in the guild and Divine Race of Chaos and Order are assigned to various places after coming over. To intercept the invasion of the Holy Lance League, but because the opponent's personnel have dispersed, our behavior of fighting the fire seems quite passive, and has been exhausted by the opponent. However, we are not unaware that this situation cannot be maintained for too long, but in order to preserve our research institute as much as possible, we can only fight fires like this at present. However, we are not really blindly being beaten. The three of Zhenhong and Gold Coin and Shadow Spring formed a temporary assault squad at this time. Their task is to rush into the original research institute and send it to us. What was suspected of being a bomb was destroyed. No matter what the thing is, it’s the reason why the Americans can transmit it, so as long as it destroys this thing, there will be no support for the Holy Lance League. When the time comes, the personnel of the Holy Lance League will become the fish that came ashore. , It can always be cleaned up after a little time. Of course, before True Red successfully destroys this thing, we must try our best to ensure that the Holy Lance League players here cannot get our technical information.

In fact, when Zhenhong and the others were trying to rush towards the teleporter in the army of the Holy Lance League, the elites of the Holy Lance League were also rushing in one of our research institutes, and their The goal is a very magical tower in the center of this research institute. The entire tower looks as if it is made of glass, and inside it, densely packed energy beams can be seen constantly flowing up and down, as if the inside of this thing is a laser channel. However, this huge thing is not actually a laser channel, but the information recorder of our guild, which is a variant of the crystal communicator, which has the same function as a computer hard disk.

Obviously, the Americans have done their homework before they come. At least they know that the technical information of our guild is stored in the record crystal. If you can’t get a complete reader of this kind , Even if they get the crystals for recording data, they will only be like primordial people who can’t find the computer while holding the USB flash drive. Even if they know that this thing contains all important data, they just can’t read it out.

However, although the battle here is very fierce, in fact, the most elite players of the Holy Lance League are not here because they are sneaking into another research base along with the gun god. The mobile angel research area in the block is the birthplace of the prototypes of all models of mobile angels in our guild. As long as you can get all the information here, you can go back and copy and produce mobile angels yourself. At this time, the gun god brought the most elite group of people he could find to touch here.

"Attention everyone, after going in for a while, watch my command line. Don't mess around with anything." Gun God looked at the huge building in front of him and whispered to several people around him.

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