After receiving my notice, the king immediately rushed back to the research institute that handed over the strange device before, but before he rushed in, the gate of the institute banged from inside. It exploded, and then I saw a large group of American players pouring out of it.

As soon as he saw this situation, the gun god immediately drew out his own weapons and chopped the two first players to the ground, but the problem is that there are too many enemies behind, and the king is impossible no matter how powerful it is. When one hits N, besides, although he can guarantee his own safety, he cannot block all the enemies. Therefore, after being surrounded quickly, he can only barely reduce the speed of the enemy's gushing out, and as the battle continues, he He is constantly being pushed back, and once he is forced to leave the front entrance of the institute and be squeezed onto the road, the effect of the blockade will be greatly reduced. When the time comes, he will be completely out of control.

After the King’s side was attacked, the two Divine Race who were standing on both sides of the gate immediately turned and looked towards the inside of the gate with mobile angels, and then suddenly reacted and pulled out the big sword behind to start. Up. However, the players of the Holy Lance League rushed out of it like a group of violent barbarians rushed towards Divine Race using mobile angels and directly following the two pairs of Divine Race using mobile angel bodies to start climbing, trying to use this Ways to restrict their actions.

The mobile angel that was hung on by many players on Divine Race immediately gave up the sword-cutting attack. Instead, he turned his body desperately to shake off the person on him, but although he succeeded in getting it A few came down, but the people behind were dash on bravely with no thought of personal safety, and the two mobile angels on Divine Race could only be helpless under the tactics of the Holy Spear League. Push directly to the ground. However, even though it was overturned, the mobile angels used for Divine Race are not ordinary mobile angels. The attacks of ordinary players are useless to these guys, so after the fall, the two mobile angels used for Divine Race did not stop their activities. , But just like swatting flies, slapping the people to death one by one or dragging them down and throwing them out, which also restrained many people for a while.

The king here and the mobile angel against Divine Race are in a bitter battle, but above the new continent floating island, there suddenly sounded like an air defense alarm, followed by the sacred guns that rushed out. Alliance players found that all the statues standing on the surrounding streets suddenly came alive and began to attack them, but these Holy Lance Alliance players just froze for a while and screamed and rushed up.

"red alert, red alert, the experimental base was invaded, the research base switched to C mode, all non-combatants took emergency evacuation, all armed systems were activated, the occupied area was closed, and the isolation shield was activated. Defense forces Please enter at entrances H to J. The rest of the entrances have been closed. The intruder suppression system has been activated, and all personnel B equipment mode." A huge voice echoed over the research base, and the players of the Holy Lance League were only slightly confused, and Did not make any response to this voice, but soon they discovered a very bad thing, that is, the legal system personnel in the team and the magic net have separated.

"This is the Forbidden Magic Domain?" A Holy Lance League player was the first to call out, and the magic power of all legal system personnel stopped auto-recovering, and the consumption of magic was increased by four or five. More than doubled, but the formidable power has dropped to less than one-tenth of the normal state. In this way, players such as wizards are almost equal to being abolished.

After discovering that there was a problem with the magic power, those legal players began to retreat, while the melee players of the Holy Lance League began to rush forward. Of course, the most musketeers of the Holy Lance League followed up. However, they found their bodies suddenly sank not far after they ran away, and many of them almost fell directly on the ground.

In fact, the reason why this happens is because of the so-called C mode. This mode is specially designed to deal with foreign enemy invasion. Its characteristic is that in this mode, the invaded area in the new continent research base will directly activate the gravity array, which strengthens the natural gravity to three times the normal. This kind of gravity is very serious for people in reality, because if the gravity is increased to three times the usual, then a person who weighs one hundred catties will become three hundred catties. Such a high load, let alone fighting. Now, it’s difficult to walk. The physical fitness of the players in the game is stronger than in reality, so after a sudden increase in weight to three times the original weight, although it may not be difficult to stand up like in reality, it is inevitable that the action will lose shape. In this state, I really don't know how much battle strength the general melee system can exert.

Although the increase in gravity has caused some trouble for these intruders, it is not a direct kill type ability after all, so it is still not a big impact, but they soon know how outrageous they are. , Because just when they were about to expand and plunder, they suddenly heard neat and heavy footsteps, and then they saw two uniformly overweight mobile angel battallions on both ends of the road.

These super-heavy mobile angels are not the same as the general mobile angels. Their height is close to that of the Divine Race mobile angels. They are much taller than the general mobile angels, but they are symmetrical to the body. The difference between the mobile angels used in Divine Race is that these super-heavy mobile angels all look short and stupid. These guys do not have any flying ability. The propellers and wings behind them can only provide short-distance jumping and gliding and landing capabilities. Simply fly does not raise. However, after sacrificing most of their mobility, these guys have all been transformed into The sturdiness of the human-shaped bunkers is really a headache for me.

The reason why these super-heavy mobile angels are equipped on the new continent research base is specifically to deal with this kind of intrusion. Because the experimental base has a neutral generator, it can be artificial Change gravity. After the gravity is strengthened, the enemy’s flying weapons will be greatly affected. After all, the trajectory of bullets or arrows will change after the gravitational field is strengthened. People who are accustomed to attacking under normal gravity will definitely not be able to quickly Maintain the accuracy of the attack under this gravity.

In addition to the huge gravitational field blocking the enemy’s long-range weapons, the forbidden field of the new continent research base can also seal the opponent’s magic attack ability, and in this case all the opponent can do is and Our guards fight in close combat, and the advantage of close combat is that they are not prone to accidental injuries, which is very important for the city defense forces. If it is to attack the enemy’s city, of course I don’t mind letting a group of maneuvering sky use liquefied magic crystal steam missiles all the way through, but the result of doing this in my own city is purely unpleasant for myself, so it is the most economical and effective way. The method is to force the opponent to fight with our city defense forces in close hands, and even if it is a hand-to-hand fight, we can't let the family take advantage of it. We directly send out mobile bunker-like super-heavy mobile angels to fight with them to see what they can occupy. Cheap.

The so-called super-heavy mobile angel is not simply adding armor to the outside of the mobile angel. This is a new model of independently designed mobile angel. They are all from the inner skeleton support structure to the power output. Independently designed, it is completely different from ordinary mobile angels. These guys are more sturdy than ordinary mobile angels, because they don’t consider their flying ability, so they can increase the weight without any scruples, so that the strength of each component can naturally be strengthened to a terrifying level. In addition to this lining, add a three-finger thick one-piece cast-shaped overweight armor plate, and then inlay a hydraulic booster buffer mechanism inside, and the result is a terrifying super mobile angel, which is us Overweight mobile angel.

Because these guys have a clear goal from the beginning of the design, the battle method presents a kind of extreme performance, that is, as long as the enemy fights with them, they are invincible, but once the enemy uses the other The battle method, these guys will have a lot of problems. Therefore, super-heavy mobile angels generally have only two purposes-defending the city or attacking fortifications. When defending the city, we occupy the home court by ourselves, and the rhythm and environment of the battle can be controlled by us, and we can naturally force the enemy to fight melee. As for the tough attack, anyway, the targets to be attacked are fixed objects, and they won't run away. The super-heavy mobile angel can run to the opponent no matter how slow it is. As for the opponent's interception firepower... the super-heavy mobile angel seems to be specifically responsible for charging against the enemy's attack.

After discovering the overweight mobile angel battallion on both sides of the road, the American players also realized that they would suffer a loss, but now they have entered here, they understand the difficulty of the opportunity better, and the gun god has been with them early in the morning. I said that this is a unique opportunity, and there will be no next time, so each of them understands that even if they die, this action cannot fail. Therefore, after a brief hesitation, these people took the initiative to rush toward the overweight mobile angels. Of course, using flesh and blood to fight against the super-heavy mobile angels like the mobile bunker is basically just to die. However, it has to be said that the death-death behavior of the previous players really dragged the footsteps of the super-heavy mobile angels, and bought time for the actions of the players behind.

Just after the players on both sides blocked the super-heavy mobile angels, the high level players of the Holy Lance League began to group through the gaps in the nearby buildings, and some people climbed on the roof. in midair leaped forward, and some people even ran into the building to go through the building. There are not many such people, but it is very difficult to intercept them after they are dispersed.

Although they know that these people are dispersed, the garrison team of the new continent research base is simply unable to intercept all the enemies, so it can only arrange manpower to stare at each other as much as possible. Anyway, our own defensive weapons are everywhere here, relying on these things, even ordinary players should be able to greatly limit the high level players of the Holy Lance League. What's more, the guards we deployed here are already elite forces.

"Damn it, come one step later!" Just when the Holy Lance League players scattered around the city, Zhenhong and I finally arrived at the scene, and at the same time, we arrived. There are other high level players in the guild. The new continent research base was attacked, and all the high level players in our guild would naturally come back to fight the fire. This is the foundation of our guild!

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