For my threat, the Japanese president was obviously very upset and wanted to refute something, but before he could speak, he was pulled from behind by Masaka Matsumoto. Going back, and after Matsumoto Masaka and him murmured a few words, the guy fell silent with anger.

The Japanese president over there didn't get involved in this matter anymore, so I turned my attention back to the gun god.

"The gun god, you and I are all understanders, you don't know what this action means, do you think it is really profitable to make a fool of yourself?"

" The United States is a free country, and our people enjoy a high degree of freedom. Since even the country does not impose any restrictions on us, as a guild, I am also impossible to restrict too many people under opponents. Now they feel that such expansion is beneficial. Kotu, my persuasion is invalid, so naturally I can’t manage it anymore. So it’s useless for you to tell me this kind of thing."

The gun god’s words seem to make sense, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that It's just an excuse. Although the United States is a highly free country, this freedom is also limited. It is not true that you can do whatever you want. In some respects, the United States may have stricter restrictions on its own nationals than China. Besides, as an organization, how can a guild organization have no binding force at all? The people below say that they want to expand, then expand externally. What is this called? If even the decision-making power of foreign wars is not in the hands of the chairman, is this still a guild?

The reason why the gun god said this is to deliberately shirk responsibility and shirk his own responsibility, so that I can't say anything to him. As for talking to those members of the American Guild... …Let’s not say whether those people cooperate, even if they are all from the country of gentlemen, don’t I have so much time to talk to them one by one? Therefore, the purpose of the gun god is very straightforward. It is to let I have nothing to say, so that we can't manage this matter.

"Very well, in that case, I won't talk to you about the Holy Lance League." Guns are so bad-minded, but I'm not someone who is easy to deal with. He turned around and said to Zhen Hong, “Don’t worry about things here. The people who notify our guilds to withdraw from the area, draw out the control line range in the original agreement and send a copy to each guild, telling them, A guild that exceeds the boundary line will be regarded as a violation of the agreement. We all follow the provisions of the agreement, and there is no need to talk about human favors."

"Okay." Nodded Zhenhong asked afterwards: "Then the Transmission Passage of the Holy Lance League...?"

"It's just a closure. Those who are out of range are not allies. Don't worry about it." I said this very loudly, and the gun god Of course he heard what I said, so he immediately ran over and walked in front of me and stopped me. "Do you have anything else?" I asked, looking at the gun god.

"Purple Moon, President Purple Moon, is it a bit unnatural for you to do this?" The gun god deliberately didn't ask practical questions, and directly sought the commanding heights from a moral point of view.

I deliberately squinted at the gun, and then asked: "What is not authentic? This is a cooperative development, we follow the agreement, there is no other relationship, what are you talking about is not authentic? Meaning? Did our Frost Rose Alliance violate any agreement?"

"The Frost Rose Alliance did not violate the agreement, but the previous actions of our Holy Lance Alliance..."

I directly Interrupted the Gun God’s words and preemptively said: "I repeat. Your previous losses are your losses. Although part of your losses were caused by us, please note that our Frost Rose League and your Holy Gun League are Two independent guilds, there is no emotional factor between us. We are a competitive relationship, not a relationship of friends. We can be partners, but we will never become relatives or friends, so don’t tell me about your losses. . Your losses are your own business. If you follow your logic, would it be possible that if our Frost Rose League and your Divine Spear League have a friction, can we still compensate you for your losses after the war? What kind of robber logic is this?"< /p>

"Why is this the logic of robbers? You have caused our losses, so it should be..."

I interrupted the gun god again and said: "Okay, since you are not If you want to use bandit logic, then I will also use it. Now I officially inform you that the Frost Rose League has lifted the temporary cooperation agreement with you, and from this moment on, we will unilaterally declare war on your Holy Lance League. This is in line with our Frost Rose League’s Benefits, as the president of the Frost Rose League, I only take the interests of the Frost Rose League as the final starting point. Your actions have harmed the interests of our Frost Rose League, so you are our enemies. Now you are limited to withdraw within one hour. The actual control area of ​​our guild, otherwise the martial power removal action will be launched against you. Okay, let’s go."

"Hey...President Purple Moon...Purple Moon..." I was confused by a series of remarks. When he reacted, I was already far away. The gunman who reacted quickly rushed towards me, but no matter what he called, I didn’t mean to stop at all. , And the gun god speeded up to chase me up when he noticed that I didn't stop, but he hadn't chased me, the two mobile angels walking at the back of the team suddenly turned around and stretched out an arm to stop him.

The blocked gun god immediately looked angrily at the two mobile angels and cursed: "I want to talk to Purple Moon, you two tin cans get out of my sight."

"The president does not want to talk to you, please stand back. Otherwise we will expel you with martial power."

Just when the gunman behind was fighting with the two mobile angels, Christie Na was asking me in a low voice: "President, are you deliberately scaring them or are you really planning to expel the Holy Spear League?"

"Is it like I'm joking?"

< p>"Boss, are you really playing?" Zhenhong was also quite surprised by my words, because they all thought I was scaring the Holy Spear League, didn't expect me to come for real.

When I heard the words really red, I looked back at the gold coin behind them, and then asked: "Don’t you all think I’m joking?"

See If you didn't answer, I knew they must really think I was joking, but then I laughed and said, "It seems that my deterrence is not enough! I really intend to fight them this time, not a joke. But I also have my plan, not a random decision."

"But we push the Americans out under this situation. If they unite with the Russians, wouldn't we? More dangerous?" Christina asked.

I said as I walked: "First, the Holy Gun League is just a guild in the United States. They do not represent all American players. We just impose sanctions on the Holy Gun League and republish the agreement information. Once, it means telling those other guilds that we have sanctioned the existence of breach of contract in accordance with the content of the agreement, and they can no longer use this excuse to quarrel with us, otherwise they will need to weigh whether their strength is really capable of fighting with us. We confronted. Second, the Gun Gods and their actions this time are obviously not individual actions, but the collective decision of the entire Holy Gun League, which means that the Holy Gun League has been quite dissatisfied with our previous behavior that interfered with their action plan. If we accommodate them, not only will they not remember our good, but they will feel that we owe them, and then they will become even more intensified. If we only have one of them as an ally, then we can bear it for a while, but the problem is that we have other allies. , And the combined strength of these allies is much stronger than the strength of their Holy Lance League. In this case, we need to hold a bowl of water level. We can’t favor one another. Therefore, we need to express our stance and let other allies know who we are not partial to. , Will not use their interests to pay for our own mistakes. Only in this way can we get their support and trust."

"But in this case, we still have a group of powerful enemies!" Zhenhong asked road.

I shook my head and said: "The gun god is not stupid. He won't really fight us."

"Why?" Gold coin asked: "They have been We’ve lost all our face. Under such circumstances, shouldn’t they endure it anymore?"

"No, they will endure, at least the gun god will, because they don’t want to be affected by others. The merger of American guilds requires preservation of their strength and strengthening themselves. Other guilds of the United States have also participated in this operation, and they will definitely gain some benefits and increase the guild’s strength. Relatively speaking, the expelled Holy Lance League is equivalent to that. It is a loss, and if they can use this time period to quickly toss in the United States while the attention of those guilds is here, they may be able to find a way to make up for it, but if they go to war with us, then Not only will you not get any benefits, but you will suffer heavy losses. Once this happens, the Holy Lance League is basically ruined. So, unless the gun god plans to go to other guilds in the future to be Brother, otherwise he would never let the Holy Gun League go to war with us."

"Damn, boss, your thoughts are so complicated, why can't I think of so many!" Zhenhong sighed after listening to the game. road.

Christina was not too surprised, but thought for a while and said: "President, I think what you said is reasonable, but you can't ignore the mood of the players of the Holy Lance League. Gun God does not want to The Holy Lance League disintegrated and became a younger brother, but for those members, this kind of thing did not have a big impact. And this time, ordinary players in the Holy Lance League will definitely not be convinced, and if the Gun God continues Crimping is not a problem, so I think the gun gods are likely to use certain methods to retaliate against us, while avoiding harm to their own interests of the Holy Gun League, at least it will not affect too much."

"What you said is a bit reasonable. I can't help but prevent it." I thought about it a little bit and said, "Well, when the giant mosquito outpost arrives, let them send some mosquitoes to monitor the actions of the Holy Gun League. There is no problem."

Christina nodded said: "Okay. I will inform about this. But what should I do during this period of time? It will take time for the giant mosquito outpost to get here. ?"

"Before the giant mosquito outpost arrives, let the mobile angels act as scouts to monitor at a high altitude, but it will cost a little more energy. We can still afford this investment."< /p>

"Then it's okay."

After explaining the work here, I quickly returned to Isengard Mobile Fortress and Christina and the others told me before. The contents of the agreement and the handling method of the guilds were released. The guilds immediately stopped their expansion after learning that we had expelled the Holy Lance League. Most of the guilds directly returned to the original set line. , The few who refused to return also returned after being questioned by our guild. Of course there are diehards, but there are only two, one of them is a Thai guild and the other is a French guild. The two guilds resolutely refused to retreat, and they insisted on occupying the land they had expanded and refused to let go.

Of course, we will not be soft on this kind of destabilizing the overall defense line. Even the Holy Gun League has been expelled. Of course, we don't care about the small guild that we have never heard of. The two guilds were expelled directly, and the line of defense was stabilized. For those two guilds, a large number of personnel were sent to expel them. However, one of the guilds was later more proactive and directly apologized and confessed its mistake and expressed its willingness to compensate for the damage. In fact, the so-called compensation for losses is just a bribe to us, just to find an excuse. Although they established a city outside the defense line of Isengard Mobile Fortress, although it threatened the stability of the entire defense line, they lost because the Russians did not start to act. I can't talk about anything, it's nothing more than a waste of time. However, despite the benefits they gave, we did not let go, and we still expelled them. It was just because of their good performance that they allowed them to use Isengard’s transnational Transmission Formation to return to China. In contrast, the Thai guild was miserable. , Was expelled by us directly beyond the control line.

Be aware that this is the land of Russia. After these people are expelled, they are surrounded by enemies. All the surrounding player forces and NPC forces are hostile to them, and they themselves There is no way to return to the country, but to hang back all of them.

Although those Thai guild players finally knew they were going to hang back, so they broke the jar and turned over and attacked our defense line, but on the one hand, this was originally a small guild, which was less than five. The scale of a hundred people, on the other hand, the strength of the opponent's personnel was not good, so they were quickly killed. The only damage to our side was the waste of some of our medicines, and nothing else was lost.

After the two guilds were completely settled, our defensive line was completely stabilized. Because of our insensitivity, none of the remaining guild leaders would dare to do anything extraordinary. Now, it was the time to make a fortune in silence. Those who made noise just wanted to see if they could get some more benefits, and naturally they would be honest when they found that it was not working. As for the Holy Lance League, it did not draw out my expected range. When we sent armed men to expel them, the Holy Lance League left our sphere of influence without even intending to resist at all, and then moved towards the sea by itself. The mobile angels we sent followed them all the way to the beach and found that they were even ready to take a boat back from Russia.

However, although the Holy Lance League is gone, they really left behind. The Gun God took a few players from the Holy Lance League and didn't leave with the large group, but circled back after sending away the large group. This meaning couldn't be more obvious, just to come back to find trouble.

After being notified by the mobile angel, I immediately said to Christina: "You really guessed it. Gunslinger came back with a few elite personnel. It seems that we are a little busy."

Christina said with a smile: "I'll just say it. If they don't come, it will be abnormal. Is this in line with American habits."

gold coin look After looking at us, we asked: "The Gunmaster is back, we don't have to send so many people?"

I looked at these people around me, and when I think about it, it seems that there are indeed too many. Because here is about to prepare for the counter-impact from the Russian side, we naturally concentrate all the battle strengths that can be mobilized here, so that I will be surrounded by a large group of elite players from the guild. It would be too exaggerated to appear all together. After thinking about it for a while, I still said that most of the people stayed behind, with only Zhenhong and a few second-line elites. Anyway, in the Holy Lance League, apart from the more powerful gun gods, it seems that I haven't heard of any particularly strong existence.

I can handle the gun god alone, and the rest believe that the second-line elites I brought will be enough to suppress them, and the true red can be used as insurance, and can support anything when necessary. People at risk.

Christina and Gold Coin, who were not assigned the task, went to the front line to patrol the defense construction work, and under the guidance of the mobile angel, I reached the side of the gun god and they came. Lurking in the line of defense.

Although the Gunners ran back, but before they actively entered the line of defense, it is not good for me to take action directly. After all, expulsion is only for them to leave our control area, not for driving them out of Russia. Range, so as long as the gun god does not step into our control area, it is not a violation of our ruling. If I attack directly, it will be morally untenable. But there is nothing to worry about this kind of problem, anyway, the gun god must be close to our line of defense. If he dares to come in, then I have a reason to do it. Even if they do not enter the line of defense and take a long-range sniper outside the range of the line of defense, you are not afraid, as long as you get evidence, we have a basis for starting.

Speaking of which, they are not stupid. When they left, they headed east to the coastline and left by boat. When they came back, they circled the defense line for most of the time and ran to the Southwest of the defense line. Xiangcai approached our line of defense. This angle can be said to be the weakest link in the line of defense, because Russia's threat mainly comes from the Northwest direction, and the Southwest direction is just the direction they are impossible. It is almost the same as the rear, and the number of people on the first side is naturally relatively small. Choosing this position of the Gun God can not only increase the success rate of the action, but more importantly, it has cleared the relationship between the Holy Gun League. As long as they are not discovered, we will not think about the Holy Gun League. After all, the direction is wrong. .

"Are you here?" We asked Real Red anxiously as soon as we lurked down.

I read the report uploaded by Asuka from the sky and said: "There are still two kilometers, and you will see it in a while. You pretend not to move, and you will come out when you need your help. Otherwise, even if I fight the opponent, don’t you know?"

"Don’t worry, boss, I know the severity."

I was about to say a few more words. I suddenly found out A few small spots appeared behind the opposite hillside, and he quickly pressed the real red to remind them: "Hurry up and hide, I see them."

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