Relying on combat experience, I easily managed this guy who looked very strong but didn’t have much deterrence. I turned my eyes back to the monster and ice on the other side. Feng Banshee, but when I started looking for them, I unexpectedly found that the target was missing.

Looking around in confusion, as soon as I turned my head, I saw the monster with a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and took a bite towards my face. In fact, when I found this guy’s big mouth, he was less than a meter away from me, but it’s not bad, at least I reacted fast enough, and suddenly raised my left arm when I saw this guy’s attack. before.

With a click, the guy’s big mouth bit directly on my arm, followed by a burst of heartache, my left forearm quickly collapsed, the dragon head of the dragon Soul Armor The arm guard was bitten directly and collapsed inward and squeezed my arm bones.

Although my left hand was almost bitten off, and the pain made me sweat all over, my reaction did not slow down at all. The right hand hit the guy’s temple with a very accurate punch, and the monster was immediately smashed out by my punch, turned around and landed smoothly in the air, but the guy didn’t rush up immediately after landing. Rather, he shook his head in the same place as if he wanted to regain his consciousness. The punch just under the severe pain was not light, and red blood stains appeared on the corner of this guy's eyes.

Although it can be said that both sides have been recruited in this confrontation, in general, I still suffer a lot. The opponent just got a blow to the head and had a slight concussion, but my left arm was bitten off, so that only one hand was left to fight. And even worse, the left arm was broken and hung there. As long as I moved, the palm of my hand connected to the half of the arm would continue to sway and pull the wound, causing severe pain, which had a great impact on my battle.

I frowned and looked at the half of the arm hanging there, and then looked at the monster over there that was gradually regaining consciousness. I just tore off half of the arm with a cruel heart. There was a lot of bleeding along with the sudden pain, but at least my movement would be unrestricted in this way.

The monster on the opposite side looked at the half of my torn arm, and then suddenly rushed up again, but this time he was not so lucky. Seeing that guy's flying pounce, I suddenly accelerated and rushed two steps forward, leaned my body to the right, retracted my right arm, and then slammed out just before making contact, and hit the guy's chin with a fist, instantly Knock it back again.

The previous time I succeeded was because of his sneak attack. I was first. My attention was always attracted by the guy who ran out of the unfathomable mystery. I didn’t realize that the monster had already gotten the ice-bound Banshee, and Treat me as a target, or I won't be so embarrassed. However, now that I have noticed the situation here, he shouldn't expect to sneak attack me again.

The monster that landed again did not rush up again, but started to circle around me. His steps are very light, and his movements are not fast, but his body is full of strength, and he can jump at any time. This guy's meaning was obvious, he was planning to find another chance to attack him again, but now I have been watching him on guard and keeping my eyes locked on him, so he hasn't moved.

In fact, this kind of reaction is quite rare for this monster, because this guy’s battle strength is very strong, generally attacking other players is done in twos or twos, so even It is because the opponent finds out that he will go head-on, and the reason why he will look for my loopholes is because he realized that my battle strength surpasses the average player a lot in the previous two fights, and it is not a goal that can be head-on.

Just as this guy was looking for my loopholes, I was also planning how to fix this guy. Although let him take advantage of it before, this guy is a devil beast after all, and I have a large group of summon creatures to use. Now my body is injured, but my Familiars are full, and I can give this guy a cruel hit just by looking for the right opportunity.

After the thing circled me a few times, I probably felt that the opportunity had come. Suddenly it kicked the ground and pounced on me again, but just before he was about to pounce on me. In an instant, under his body, the snow surface burst open suddenly, and dozens of green canes stretched out from the ground like lightning and wrapped around the guy's retreat and pulled him down from in midair.

After being suddenly pulled to the ground, the monster immediately turned around to bite the cane that entangled him, but when he turned his head, he saw a pair of pupils with divine light. Accompanied by a scream, the monster suddenly twisted and broke the cane tied to his body, and then jumped out, but this guy's movements were obviously much slower.

Looking at the monster running out, I glanced at Ye Yue suspiciously, and Ye Yue shook her head helplessly: "No, that guy’s power is too strong to be petrified directly, but I Part of his energy activity has been removed, and now his battle strength has fallen back."

"That's good." I nodded directly turned to Ling standing next to him and said:" Let everyone surround you, this thing is too powerful, and you will suffer alone."

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Ling said as he lifted into the air and headed towards the direction of the monster's escape. Floating past, and on the ground in front of the monster, a large number of snowflakes sprang up suddenly and swirled in the air to condense the image of a beautiful woman.

As soon as Frost appeared, she stretched forward with one hand. An ice wall appeared on the forward path of the monster and blocked it, but the monster directly ran into it without slowing down.

At first, we all thought that this guy would hit the ice wall, but who knew that he seemed to have a wall penetration technique, ignoring the inverted ice wall and got out of the other side. The frost and snow that was about to reinforce the ice wall didn’t expect that the other party would pass through. It was a little stunned, but the monster didn’t hesitate at all. As soon as he crossed the ice wall, he moved towards the frost and snow, but it was there. When he was about to bite Shuangxue, a long sword was horizontally in front of him. Mila rushed to Yijian to force the guy back in time, and then she saw Steel Teeth rushing up from behind and knocking him out with a bang.

After the guy got up from the ground, he immediately looked towards us and stared at us, then turned around and ran away. This guy's intelligence is not low, and he has no chance of winning against so many enemies in this situation. In the previous Underground World, it was difficult for him to be besieged by the enemy due to environmental factors, and his single battle strength was very strong, so he had always been unscrupulous. However, just now he finally understood that the battle strength of each of our existences is not much worse than that of him. If so many together, he obviously can't hold it.

"Don't let him run."

Hearing my command, Ling directly snapped his fingers, and there was a sudden bang on the snow in front of him, and then he saw a black line. The wall suddenly rose from under the snow, and a circular city wall was formed around us, enclosing us and the monster in this range.

The monster looked at the city wall rising from the ground in front of him in surprise, and then tried a little closer, but found that he couldn't pass through at all, so he suddenly made a jump and jumped forward. , Immediately hit the city wall and was bounced back. In fact, the guy didn't want to hit the wall because he didn't want to. His kind of action was actually an instant movement pre-action, which meant that he planned to use the teleportation ability to pass through after discovering that the wall couldn't climb over. However, what he didn't expect was that the previously unprofitable teleportation ability had failed.

In fact, the failure of this guy's ability is not because of the city wall. The magic Ling released was actually called the Dark Arena. It was a battlefield restriction skill used to restrict opponents, and it did not have the ability to suppress Spatial Teleportation. It was Corolla behind me that really prevented that guy from using the teleportation ability. Although Corolla is Martial Goddess, in addition to her own battle strength, her field control ability is also very strong. Her armor is almost like a jigsaw puzzle, which can be assembled and combined at will to form a magic array combination of various characteristics, and the purpose is to change the battlefield environment to put the enemy in a disadvantageous state. The feature of this monster is that it can teleport, so just now I asked Corolla to block the space nearby. Now the space system's abilities will fail here, so the guy's teleportation has become a wall hit.

After discovering that his Spatial Teleportation ability failed, this guy immediately started trying to climb the city wall, but soon he realized that it was useless because when he climbed up the city wall The surface of the city wall will continue to sink downwards, and the faster it climbs, the outer layer of the city wall will sink faster, and no matter how it sinks, the height above will always remain the same. In this way, the guy seems to be running on a vertical belt conveyor, no matter how fast he runs, he still stays on the spot.

After realizing that he couldn't climb up and couldn't teleport away, this guy finally turned his attention back completely. He already understands that if we don't get it done, we definitely don't expect to leave alive.

After relocating us as the target, the monster immediately took a circle along the wall and ran over to Super Me. He obviously realized that I was the core here, as long as I got it right. Can handle everything, but although he has a good vision, it is not so easy to do all this.

"Block him." Seeing that thing moved towards me passed, Ling directly ordered.

Following Ling's order, Gangfang rushed up first and bit the monster in the air, but the other party suddenly turned over in midair and let go of Gangfang at lightning speed. The attack came back and bit on Gangtooth's neck. But it's a pity that the steel tooth is Vajra Qilin, and the physical defense is almost invincible. After this bite, there is no problem with being bitten, but the monster's tooth almost collapsed.

After a scream, the monster turned over and jumped down, failed to get rid of the steel teeth, and his forward movement was blocked. At this time, Mila and Yeyue were already leaning on the left and right. Behind him, there are two giant dragons, Lucky and Plague, staring at him, and they may be cruel to him at any time.

After discovering this situation, the monster finally fell into despair completely, so he did something in front of us that surprised us.

When we saw this monster, we always thought it was an ordinary devil beast, but its battle strength was not very similar, so I never figured out what it was. Moreover, what makes me most strange is that my star pupil can clearly read the enemy's attributes immediately, but the attributes of this monster are all question marks. If the star pupil doesn't display the data at all, it's fine. The key is that it shows, but the data are all question marks, there is nothing, which is quite weird.

This kind of doubt has troubled me for a long time, but I finally understood it just now. It turned out that it was not the problem with the star pupil, but that I simply hadn't encountered the monster before.

Someone may be puzzled when I see this. I have obviously fought against that monster so many times, and even my arm was bitten off. How could there be no contact? Yes, I was bitten by that thing, but the thing that bit me was something that looked a bit like a tiger, but actually the target of fighting with me was not a devil beast like this tiger, because this tiger is like this. The devil beast died a long time ago. The reason why we saw this monster fighting is actually because something was parasitic in its body.

Just now, after realizing that he was completely surrounded, the monster's body surface skin was suddenly torn apart from the inside by countless tentacles, and then a huge monster emerged from it.

"Damn, it's unscientific!" Although I understood why I couldn't read the attribute before seeing the creature in front of me, I was stunned by the size of the creature in front of me.

The tiger-shaped devil beast's body just broke through, revealing that the monster in its original form is a monster that looks a bit like an evil eye. The main body of this thing is actually a spherical object. The diameter of the ball is about 1.5 meters. Except for a mouth with fangs and sharp teeth, the surface of this thing is completely occupied by densely packed arms and legs. . These arms and feet are uneven in thickness. The thickest ones are as thick as an adult's arm, and the thinner ones are as thick as a baby's wrist. These densely packed arms and feet cover all the positions of the sphere except the mouth, and the number is so large that it is completely unclear. And these black arms and legs are not like octopus arms and legs, but a bit like bamboo. However, although it looks like the carapace is covered on the surface of the arms and legs, the flexibility of this thing is very good. All the arms and legs can be twisted and rotated at will, and the flexibility is quite amazing.

In addition to the strange shape of this thing, its volume is also quite huge. Let alone the sphere body with a diameter of 1.5 meters in the center, the outer arms and legs are densely packed and stretched out very long. It is estimated that even if they are stacked together, they can fill two containers. With such a large volume, I have no idea how it was stuffed into the body of that tiger-shaped devil beast before. Not to mention that the tiger-like monster looks only the size of a rhino, even if the thing is as big as a mammoth, it will definitely not get in!

No matter how this thing was stuffed in, people are out now anyway, and it's obviously a very difficult type to deal with this way. Those arms and legs continue to beat on the ground after they are stretched out. The meaning is obvious, that is to deter us from letting us close. By looking at the situation on the ground after being attacked, you can determine that the formidable power of this thing is very large, at least on the ground. Those real traces will not lie.

Although this thing has come in a big change, we can't just leave it alone anyway. It happened that Xiaochun had completely healed my arm, and I had completely recovered the battle strength and summoned all the familiars with one hand. This thing is obviously much stronger than before, so letting go of the familiars and participating in the battle is easy to be destroyed by each. In addition, this guy has too many tentacles, and the crowd tactics are not very useful for it, so I just simply Directly activated the fit mode and recalled all the familiars.

All the familiars became incorporeal and integrated into my body, and the armor on my body was also surging and transformed, completely changed the shape and appeared in the face of the monster, although the other party could not see it. The look of the eyes, but they obviously have eyesight, because he was also taken aback after I transformed.

"hmph, don't think that you will transform. I will too."

The monster obviously doesn't understand what I mean, so I just use those tentacles to make myself scroll. Rushed up. speaking of which this guy’s moving method is really scary, because he is rolling in a group, so he looks very powerful, just like a bulldozer, where the snow and dirt are all stirred up and fly. Are everywhere.

Looking at the thing rushing over, I didn't mean to dodge at all. If I can't handle this thing in the fit mode, I will be a fool. Looking at the monster rolling in, I clenched Eternity very calmly, stepped forward with my left foot, and then closed my eyes and started to gather energy. The raging flames blasted up with a boom over eternity, and it burned more and more vigorously. the trend of. The monster probably realized that I was preparing for a big move, and immediately speeded up and rushed towards me, but I moved faster than him. The moment he suddenly rushed to me, the tentacles were ready to attack, I suddenly I opened my eyes and slammed the right hand, eternally drew an arc horizontally and threw away a white band of light. This band of light cut across the center of the monster's body like a sharp blade, and in an instant Cut the monster in two, but the light blade still cast its momentum. After breaking through the city wall erected before Ling, it continued to fly for seven or eight kilometers and cut off a mountain in front of it by half before it disappeared completely.

With the sound of collapsing mountain peaks in the distance, the monster in front has become two hemispheres covering the ground separately, while the tentacles outside are still moving unconsciously. Obviously this thing The nervous system is quite tenacious.

I felt that the neural reflex of something didn’t completely disappear. I didn’t get close immediately, but switched to the energy field to take a look. I didn’t know the result, but it really scared me. . The energy response of this thing has not declined, but has risen sharply.

"Damn! What kind of monster is this?" I immediately took a step back after finding out that the situation was not right. A cloud of black mist appeared behind me, and I stepped back into the mist, and then down I walked out from a place seven or eight kilometers away from here in one step, and just as I disappeared, the tip of the monster's wildly waving tentacles suddenly lit up with something like a red laser beam, and then those tentacles started waving wildly. , Those red laser beams swept around with his tentacles, leaving countless staggered marks on the surrounding ground in an instant, and the city wall erected before Ling was completely cut into pieces. A pile of debris collapsed.

Looking at the situation in the distance, I had a lingering fear and said: "Thanks to my quick response, if this is next to you, it won’t be too late?"

Fortunately, this thing This kind of big move seems to be unable to be put on all the time. After a burst, it stopped, but the thing suddenly stood up from the ground, and the two hemispheres ran out in two directions respectively, even more terrible. The thing was that many of the tentacles that had been cut off by that trick actually moved by themselves and drilled down towards the ground, and then disappeared.

"Damn, I’m in trouble!"

I don’t know the ability of that thing very well for the time being, but what is certain is that it should have the same ability as an earthworm. Severed limbs are regenerated in the same way as split reproduction. I just cut it into so many pieces at once, which is basically equivalent to helping it increase the number. If this can't be eliminated once and cleanly, it can be said to have endless troubles.

Although this place is Russian territory, the problem is that this thing has such a high intelligence, it is difficult to guarantee that it will not be ambitious. If he chases after me, wouldn’t our actions in Russia be our own? Did you trouble yourself? Now that I think about it, I still regret it. I knew I wouldn't attack this guy, and I didn't care if my confidant led him to the hinterland of Russia. It’s all because the guy who ran out of unfathomable mystery attracted my attention and caused me to be bitten off by the monster. Then I started to put heavy hands on this monster because I was angry, otherwise it was introduced to the Russians as planned. Just let go of the control area, and there won't be so much trouble.

Unfortunately, now I want to play whatever I want, all I can do is to use the last resort to get a little insurance.

Despite reluctance, I still know the importance. I directly took out the red Vermilion Bird fire feather from the body, and then threw it upward. "Summon-Vermilion Bird is coming."

The Sacred Beast token in my hand has only one chance for the summon ontology. I haven't used it so far, but it seems that I can't keep it today. Fortunately, in addition to Vermilion Bird, there are other Sacred Beasts that can be summoned. Use it once and use it once. Anyway, the token can still be used after the summon opportunity is used up, that is, the Sacred Beast corresponding to the token transformation can still be used, but the summon body is no longer available.

As I shouted, a small red flame suddenly appeared in the sky, and then the flame suddenly spun, and turned more and more, and finally turned into a giant Fireball, and then the Fireball suddenly opened up. Open, the huge fire bird suddenly appeared on the snowy field.

As soon as Vermilion Bird appeared, he discovered that this place was actually a frigid zone, and then immediately asked: "How do you think of summon me in this place?"

"This is not impossible Already! I just cut a monster into pieces. Who knows that this thing can split and multiply, and now it has become countless individuals. If I let them run out and grow up, I can't do anything. So troublesome. You help me completely disinfect this side."

Vermilion Bird looked at the ground, then nodded and said: "I can see the things you said, do you just have to destroy them all? Did you complete this promise?"

I nodded and said: "Yes."

Vermilion Bird immediately said after hearing what I said: "Well, you send it now Leave, just leave it to me here."


As soon as I agreed, I immediately teleported away. Anyway, Isinger Mobile Fortress is in the vicinity, I can send it back at will. After I disappeared, Vermilion Bird immediately flew up, and then quickly turned into a small red dot in the air, and then suddenly turned around and moved towards the ground and swooped down, as if the head plunged into the water to catch Fish and birds plunged into the frozen ground in Russia. The frozen and steel-like hard ground was like water in front of Vermilion Bird. Before Vermilion Bird touched the ground, the ground had already melted and turned into lava, and after Vermilion Bird plunged, the whole academy around it instantly turned into a stage of lava pool, followed by a loud explosion. sound, a mushroom cloud rises into the sky.

I just came out of the Transmission Formation at the Isengard Mobile Fortress and saw the mushroom cloud rising into the sky, and I couldn't help but shed a drop of cold sweat. "Damn, Vermilion Bird is too big to play, right?"

"Hey, Purple Moon, what's the matter with you?" I heard the communication channel just after I sighed. It came to Christina's call, and then it was really red. They started talking with this, asking me what's going on. They all knew that I was going there to intercept the monster, but they didn't know that I had just returned, so they all thought that I was responsible for the mushroom cloud.

"Don't make a noise, I'm fine. It was made by Vermilion Bird, not me."

"Not you?" Christina asked: "You are not there Did you go to intercept the monster?"

"Yes, but I have returned to Isengard Mobile Fortress."

"Are you back?" Zhenhong asked.

"Yes, I just arrived at Isengard Mobile Fortress."

Gold coin followed up and asked: "What's the matter with the mushroom cloud and Vermilion Bird over there?"

I briefly explained the situation of the monster, and then said: "I am worried that the thing will be scattered, so I asked Vermilion Bird to help me wash the floor, but didn't expect Vermilion Bird to play such a big game. . It looks like Banshee is going to put this account on my head again."

"If you count on your head, even if your head is on your head, you are not itchy because you have more lice and debts."

" No worries about it." Gold coin said.

"How do you say it? I'm not all for the future of our Frost Rose League, or do you think I like to be a villain?"

"I think you are a villain anyway Addiction." Zhenhong said jokingly and then suddenly said: "By the way, boss. If you come back and there is nothing wrong, can you come over for a while?"

"Come here? Where are you?"

"I'm in the north of Isengard Mobile Fortress, about thirty kilometers away."

"Isinger Mobile Fortress is thirty kilometers behind? That's not out of us. Is it within the scope of the development zone? What are you doing there?"

"I don't want to come either! But there is no way!" Real Red said helplessly.

I was about to let Zhenhong explain, Christina said first: "We are all here. This is the way it is. Just before you left, I didn’t negotiate with the gun god and let them also Join this action?"

I nodded and said: "Of course I remember this, but what does this have to do with you going there?"

"The problem is Here!" Christina explained: "Because you let the Gunners join this plan, and then other guilds in the United States also came to ask for the same treatment."

"I don't have any. What privileges are given to the Holy Gun League, everyone is treated the same, what about giving them? Is there any trouble with this?" I asked very suspiciously. Originally, the Holy Gun League got a public contract. There is simply nothing special about it. This kind of contract I give to all guilds is the same, even if the American guild is coming, it doesn’t matter.

Christina obviously knows this, so she explained: "Although it is clear to say that, didn’t we ruin the plan of the gunman? So that guy always feels that we owe him Yes, so after joining, the action is a bit out of control. We see that they were also miserable before, and the Holy Spear League is not easy to provoke, so we thought not to over-stimulate the Spear God, who knows the result They often bullied nearby guilds here, and privately extended their control range to a certain distance. Other American guilds found that the gun god’s holy gun league behaved differently from other guilds, and immediately thought we gave it. The Holy Gun League gave them special preferential treatment, and then asked us to give them preferential treatment."

"Isn't this kind of thing too difficult to handle?" I asked unsurely.

Christina continued to explain: "It was not difficult at first. But the problem is that Masaka Matsumoto and the others are also involved."

"What's the matter about Masaka Matsumoto and the others? ??”

“Because of the expansion of American guilds, Japanese guilds have also discovered this kind of opportunity. As you know, those Japanese guild presidents are the first starting point for their interests, so they are discovering After having more interests, they began to expand together. They relied on that they were also participants in this operation, and their status was slightly higher than other guilds, so they were more unscrupulous in their actions. Now they have expanded the scope of expansion by more than a dozen. Kilometers, and then the Americans discovered that they were expanding and they went out together. Now they are beyond the original control line. We want to stop it. Matsumoto Masaga is also following to help restrain those Japanese guilds, but the Americans did not listen to them. They have been expanding the scope of control. Those Japanese guild leaders couldn’t help seeing that the Americans had acquired so many new territories, and then they started to follow suit regardless of Matsumoto’s restraints. They expanded outward, and others. The guild has also begun to learn something, and we are almost out of control here."

"Tell those guilds who want to follow the trend and be honest with us immediately, otherwise we will withdraw immediately. Go to the Isengard Mobile Fortress."

This land occupation operation has just begun. Everyone’s city has not yet been built. Although the Russian players have been defeated by us and we cannot organize effective defenses in a short period of time, this It doesn't mean that they won't fight back, and because everyone here comes to the land of Russian players, everyone's city is just a foundation, and there is simply no defensive power at all.

Because of this situation, in order to resist the counterattack that Russian players will inevitably occur in the future, they can only rely on Isengard Mobile Fortress, because Isengard Mobile Fortress is the only city with defensive power here, and Isinger Mobile Fortress is still a Fortress City City, which is like a nail, fixing the entire expansion map around it. Even if the Russian players intend to counterattack, the Isinger Mobile Fortress is nailed here, and the combined defense team formed by the guilds of all these countries participating in the expansion can completely block the denial of Russia.

However, the premise of all this is that Isengard Mobile Fortress must be here. In addition to acting as a nail, it is also a fire support point and a transportation hub. The large weapon system inside Isenger Mobile Fortress can strike a large area, and because the city is here, we can dispatch many units that cannot fight across zones, so that we can greatly strengthen the battle in this area. strength. Moreover, the transnational Transmission Formation inside Isengard Mobile Fortress is also the only transportation hub that can be used nearby. The supplies and personnel supplements needed by the guilds of those countries all need to rely on this transnational Transmission Formation, so our Isengard Mobile Fortress Here is the supporting point of all existence. As long as Isinger Mobile Fortress leaves this place, this large area of ​​occupation is plainly a piece of land that will be reclaimed by the Russians at any time.

Don’t forget, the system’s success cycle for occupying other countries’ land is only one week, and it’s only twenty-four hours now. The time is still far behind. Before that, we had to build a city steadily, and then we had to hold on for a while before we could control this land. Before that, Russian players enjoyed the attribute compensation given by the system on this land. This is right A kind of compensation for players from all countries that have been invaded. After all, they are fighting locally, and they have geographical advantages, people and advantages, which cannot be escaped.

Because Isengard mobile fortress is so important here, we Frost Rose League will hold the dominant power in this operation. To say that although we have signed contracts with those guilds before, if Isengard’s mobile fortress had not played such a role here, it would have been stuck in the throats of these guilds, and they would not listen to us obediently. Woolen cloth.

As long as we use Isengard Mobile Fortress to threaten this time, the guilds trying to follow the trend will definitely calm down temporarily. Of course, this method is impossible for a long time, because as long as other guilds are still expanding, Seeing other people get the benefits, those guilds that haven't acted will naturally be unable to sit still. Therefore, threatening those guilds with Isinger Mobile Fort is only the 1st Step. The next step is to stop the Japanese and Americans.

I talked about this method with Christina and others. Christina and them all think that the method of threatening those guilds with Isengard’s mobile fortress is still more useful. It’s just how to make the Japanese side. Stopping with the Americans, no one can do anything about this.

With the intelligence of this situation, I quickly reached the position of Zhenhong said, and this side is now about to evolve into an armed conflict. The one who took the lead against our guild’s Law Enforcement Group was not someone else, but the gunman.

"It's all quiet, President Purple Moon is here." With the words of true red

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