The battle with the Skeleton Demon took us three hours. It can be said that the fight was very hard, but there was no danger at all. The battle strengths of these skeleton monsters are all very scumbags. Basically, everyone on our side can easily crush these things. The only thing that makes us more depressed is that the number of these guys is too much, plus the ability to reorganize. For the resurrection part brought, we roughly estimated it three hours later, and we may have killed about 20 million skeletons before and after. Of course, this number also includes the number of resurrections. In fact, the real skeleton demons are only more than six million. It's just that the number has increased so much because of the second resurrection and the third resurrection.

After the battle, everyone basically didn't have much damage. Although we were occasionally attacked, because the opponent's attack power was very ordinary, it did not affect us. Everyone’s only feeling is tired, which is the level that it’s very difficult to move your fingers together when you’re really tired. This is also thanks to the stronger auxiliary forces on our side, otherwise I would have been tired and get down. After all, we have been in a state of high-intensity output for these three hours. The loss of energy and physical strength in this mode will naturally be very scary.

"Huh, I want to sleep now!" Zhenhong said, lying on the ground in a large font, regardless of the image.

Gold coin is holding a Flying Sword in his hand. When the crutches are supporting the ground, he barely sits on a pile of bones and asks me: "Shall we take a break for a while?"

"Of course." I nodded and said: "It seems that everyone is working hard. We can rest for a while before leaving. Anyway, we don't need to worry too much about time." Actually, the reason why I am so calm is because I have already got Masaka Matsumoto. They sent a notice by special means, so I knew there was no problem outside, so I didn’t have to rush for time.

In fact, there are other reasons for taking a break here, and this reason is the pits of broken bones in front of us.

Many players know that skeleton this thing can be used as a resource for Necromancer, because many undead spells need catalysts. This is different from ordinary spells, and most of the catalysts of undead spells are Contains bone meal, and at least 80% of undead spells only need bone meal to complete the trigger when they are released. In other words, if there is no bone meal, Necromancer's battle strength must be discounted at least in half. In this case, bone meal naturally becomes a resource, at least for Necromancer.

However, although many people know that bone meal is useful, few people know it. In fact, the purpose of bone meal is not just a catalyst for undead spells. In fact, everyone in the world adds one, and only about a hundred people know a very important secret, that is-the construction materials of mobile angels also contain bone meal.

In the game, there are many different perceptions of the existence of mobile angels. First are people who don't understand mobile angels at all. Most of these are elderly people who don't understand the theoretical system in the game, or non-combat players. Of course, there are many children who don't understand. In short, it is a group of people who know very little about excited angels, or hardly know about them. These people’s cognition of mobile angels is a kind of combat robot. This is the most intuitive and simple cognition, because everyone can use their own common sense to judge and guess with just a glance, and guessing directly, most of them will be Guess this aspect.

This second person is someone who has a little understanding of the theory in the game, but these people have a superficial understanding of the various background knowledge in the game. It can be said that they are the kind of people who understand but do not understand. This group of people is actually playing patriarch force, because most people don't go too crazy when playing games. Of course, there are people who are crazy about playing games, and the total number is quite large, but if you divide this number by the total number of players in the world, you will find that the proportion of these people is actually not large, and it can even be said to be a very small number. The presence.

The judgment of these people based on their little knowledge of the in-game knowledge and the situation of the mobile angels they saw is that the mobile angels are produced by using magic technology to replace electrical technology, the magic version of the robot .

This kind of speculation can be said to be a bit correct, but it is not entirely correct.

Third Type people, that is, people who know a lot about the knowledge in the game, and can usually teach or brag about some game knowledge in the circle of friends. They really know a lot more than the average player, and they also have their own knowledge of certain things, but the knowledge level of such people can only be regarded as amateur hobbyists, and there is still a big difference from real experts.

These amateur experts should be relatively professional in their knowledge of mobile angels. After all, they know a lot, so in their cognition, mobile angels are an advanced construct creature, even some More professional players think that they are constructed creatures transformed by magic weapons. But, in fact, these people don't know, and their guesses are worse than those who don't understand. Because at least people guessed part of it correctly, but they got it completely wrong.

The people who really understand mobile angels are the fourth people I want to talk about. They are people who participated in the design and manufacture of mobile angels, or are responsible for post-maintenance, that is, the inside of the guild. Personnel, but also a part of the people related to mobile angels. These people know the best, and I am one of them.

In fact, the mobile angel has never been a fixed existence. The first generation of mobile angels in our guild should actually be a kind of golem mixed with mechanical transmission technology. They are not exactly the same as ordinary golems, because they are not solid, but are designed to rotate at the joints. Bearings and the like. However, even with the addition of a mechanical transmission device, the golem is still a golem, and this has not changed.

The second generation of mobile angels in this guild is very different from the first generation. These guys have been upgraded from golems to golems because they have a complete magic power system and Independent thinking unit, this is no longer a golem but a golem. Although this kind of magic puppet has its own thinking ability, they are not actually constructed creatures, because their thinking ability is quite low, basically animal-level thinking ability, and they can't do anything except fighting. In addition, the most important point is that magic puppets have no free will. If no one gives orders, they will stand stupidly forever, and things with life are definitely impossible to do such things.

The third generation mobile angels are actually mobile angels in the true sense. They have been upgraded from inanimate tools to living members. This is one of the reasons why the mobile angels of our guild are never consumables, because they are alive and cannot be sacrificed casually. It is indeed possible to sacrifice some mobile angels for some major battles, but we will never waste their lives meaninglessly, and we will try our best to avoid the loss of mobile angels even if it is advantageous.

These three generations of mobile angels are real constructed creatures. The system in their bodies is the standard equipment of constructed creatures. It’s just that we use a lot of unique technologies, so they look better than ordinary constructed creatures. A lot more powerful.

The fourth-generation mobile angel is the main model currently being used by our guild. Although the fifth-generation aircraft has been finalized and equipped with a small amount of special operations troops, the fourth-generation aircraft is basically the mainstay. Compared with the third generation, these fourth-generation mobile angels actually have not changed much in terms of their bodies, and at most they are enhanced versions. Part of the technology of the third generation was replaced with new technology, and some better material formulas and some new reliable wiring arrangements were used, and some internal magic structures were optimized. However, these all are minor changes. Although the overall effect is very significant, there is actually no essential physical difference between the third-generation and fourth-generation machines.

What distinguishes the fourth-generation machine from the third-generation machine is one thing-artificial soul.

Artificial soul technology has nothing to do with mobile angels, because it is neither in the category of golem technology, nor is it in the category of golem technology, but has something to do with mechanical technology and magic power technology. nothing. Artificial soul technology is actually a kind of undead spell. Its original source is Necromancer's exploration of artificial soul. Finally, although this technology has not been able to achieve any obvious effect in the undead spell, it has unexpectedly obtained very good development potential in the mobile angel.

If the third-generation mobile angel is a construction machine equipped with simulated artificial intelligence, then the fourth-generation machine is a simulated robot. Compared with the dull and clumsy responses of the third-generation machines, the fourth-generation machines have a qualitative leap in their intelligence level and thinking reaction speed, and the two most important characteristics of artificial souls are creativity and experience absorption.

The three generations of mobile angels can only deal with what they know. If something unexpected happens, they will become helpless, because they don't know how to work, and they won't think about new methods. Moreover, even if the third-generation machines have encountered a certain situation before, as long as the situation changes slightly, they will fall into confusion again.

However, the fourth-generation machine does not have this situation at all. The fourth-generation machine has the same creativity as normal people. They can temporarily decide to change their tactics according to the actual situation, and know how to adapt to situations. As long as it is beneficial to the final result, they can completely decide what to do on their own. Commands are executed at a glance. At the same time, the ability to program and self-accumulate experience is also the biggest advancement of the fourth-generation machine. These guys can not only directly inject various tactical materials and fighting skills during production, but they will also continue to learn by themselves in the actual use process. It can be said that for them, as long as they make a mistake before, they will never make the same mistake again next time because of subjective factors.

Because of the powerful advantages of artificial soul technology, the fifth generation machine of course also used this part. However, because of the use of artificial soul, new problems appeared in the original mobile angel. Just like the history of aircraft development, with the advancement of engine technology, designers found that canvas skin and wooden fuselage could no longer withstand the high speed brought by the new high-horsepower engine. Therefore, aircraft manufacturing materials began to be made of wood. Transition to metal materials.

Mobile angels have the same problem. Originally, the body was used very well, but with the application of artificial souls, the problem of soul synchronization appeared. Because of the technical characteristics of artificial souls, the equivalent to four generations of mobile angels are actually divided into two parts. One part is the body, which is the mobile angel itself. This part is just a war machine, not much different from cannons and carriages. It belongs to The material category, and the remaining artificial soul is equivalent to the driver. Our guild has always regarded artificial souls as undead NPCs. They have no bodies and must rely on artificial soul equipment to exist. This is a bit like Lich, but what’s worse than Lich is that they can’t leave their phylogeny. Can stay in this artificial soul device forever.

Therefore, the fourth generation of mobile angels is actually a weakened version of Lich driving a set of magic battle armor. This is the truth of the four generations of mobile angels. And because of this reason, the body of the mobile angel has operational obstacles. Because the soul has different affinity for different substances, the all-metal body is often not easy to operate. Therefore, moderately adding bone meal to the body of the mobile angel becomes a solution, and this is why we need a lot of bone meal. .

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