"This, this, this..." Gold coin excitedly pointed to the colorful magic crystals wrapped in the magic array and said, "How can these be sold?"

A mummy with a full body bag and a zongzi came over wearing gold ornaments. After hearing the words of gold coin, he immediately said in a slightly hoarse voice: "Sorry, these are exhibits and are not for sale."

"Not for sale?" Rose's voice rose directly by an octave. "Why don't you put it here?"

"This is to show our customers that we have the ability to obtain these high level mana gems, but because the price of this gem is very high, and it is also very difficult to obtain It’s high, so it’s only for display and not for sale.” Although the mummy’s voice is not good, it is still very polite to speak slowly.

I think these women are now full of colorful magic crystals, and they are in a violent state. In order to avoid the misfortune of this polite mummy, I took the initiative to take over the negotiation. "Excuse me, what is your position here? Is the highest Chief-In-Charge here? I think the goods always have a price, as long as the price is reasonable. Although these things are rare, I think that since they are commodities, yours Chief-In-Charge should also have a psychological price. So, please help us to introduce it, I think we can reach some consensus with him. After a piece of black liquid crystal, this is not the discarded scrap of black liquid crystal powder, this is a real high-purity black liquid crystal, it is a very rare commodity, and the volume of this piece is so big, it is absolutely the best.

The mummy glanced at the black liquid crystal in his hand, then covered it with one hand on his chest and said: "Please wait, our Chief-In-Charge is receiving important guests, but I happen to have a good personal relationship with Chief-In-Charge, so I think he will definitely find time today to talk to you in detail."

"Then many thanks."

Sure enough, it is easy to take money to do things. The mummy received such a big gift from me, and the efficiency of the work is naturally rising. Although he said that it is within today, it is actually less than 20 minutes that Chief-In- Charge appeared.

In fact, when I first saw this Chief-In-Charge, I was shocked, because this guy is actually a Divine Race. Unlike the high-level undead here, this guy is full of surging dark divine force, which means that this is an Evil God, and very powerful. Of course, we are not afraid of him. As soon as we came to do business, as the owner of the shop, he had no reason to fight against customers. Is this the second... Even if he really suddenly went crazy, we have basically concentrated on the highest battle strength of our guild, not to mention that this guy is just a powerful Evil God, even if it is the main god of the Divine Race, we are also It's not that I didn't force it.

As Divine Race, the opponent’s sensory ability is also quite strong. Although we are all in non-combat mode and our breath is hidden, it won’t work if the distance is too close. When the other party came close to us, he immediately noticed the surging magic fluctuations in our body. This situation caused the other party to pause for a while, but quickly reacted and walked over.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long." The other party came over and bowed slightly and bowed a little. It seems to be very polite indeed. This is because of our customer status and our strength. .

"No, we should have interrupted." Since they are polite, of course we have to be polite. After a false greeting with the other party, I immediately went to the topic. "Sorry to interrupt you to meet the guests, mainly because we are interested in these colorful magic crystals, and it is said that these colorful magic crystals are not for sale. We really like these colorful magic crystals very much, and we also think that the goods are always priced, otherwise It doesn’t make any sense to put it here even if it doesn’t get moldy. So, I took the liberty to ask you to see if there is a possibility of buying. Of course, we can give an appropriate price, or if you think it’s currency If it’s not enough to measure the price of these colorful magic crystals, then we can consider bartering or other methods of payment. What do you think?"

I looked at us, and then looked at the colorful magic crystal over there. After a few seconds of indulgence, he opened the mouth and said: "As you said, the goods are going to be sold after all, and it's also pressed by me. It won't produce any benefits, but, these... You said it is colorful magic crystal, this is a little different from our name here, but you are guests, then you can call these things as colorful magic crystals temporarily. .You want colorful magic crystals, and I can’t sell them, but the purchase price of these colorful magic crystals is definitely not that cheap. I hope you can be mentally prepared for this."

" What's the specific price?" Rose asked.

The Evil God paused for a while before opening the mouth and said: "I need you to pay for two things to complete the transaction."


"First I need you to pay 10 million kg of high-energy crystals."

After the other party finished talking, Christina and Zhenhong immediately put their heads together and wanted to know What exactly does this price represent. Rose has the fastest response, whispered directly: "High-energy crystal is magic crystal. For 10 million kg, the price of white magic crystal will exceed 100 million crystal coins, but the price is not high, and it can even be said to be a bit cheap. The price of colorful magic crystal is much more than that."

"But the other party has different requirements. The reason for the low price may be caused by the second request." Christina said.

We all know what Christina said is reasonable, but it would be too rash to refuse without listening, so I can only ask loudly: "What is the other request?"

The other person pointed at us. "You guys, help me get something, and pay me with the money after you get it back. These fifteen colorful magic crystals are yours."

"What kind of thing is it? I know. Location? Are there any obstacles on the road?" I'm not stupid, just say to take things, the ghost knows what it is. You asked me to go up the mountain to pick a weed. It can be said to be something, and to take the divine force core of a certain Divine Race force is also a thing. Can the two be the same? So if you don't ask clearly, I promised impossible.

The other party did not intend to conceal anything, because even if it is concealed, it is meaningless. When the time comes, we will abandon the task after discovering the problem, which is of no benefit to him.

"This thing is very special. It is a magic item. It should be of little use to you, but it is of great significance to me. However, the problem is not with this thing, but because of its location. No, you need to face a lot of dangerous creatures to get to that place. Even if it is me, it is quite dangerous to get it. So, I can only ask you for help. If you can bring back something like that, give me another thousand Ten thousand kilograms of high-energy crystals, I promise to give you these fifteen colorful magic crystals."

"I have seen black ones, I have never seen you so black." Rose said: "A high-ranking man Evil God can’t guarantee safe access to things, and the creatures guarding it must be strong enough to pervert. Dealing with this thing itself has exceeded the sum of the price of fifteen colorful magic crystals, you actually have to pay us 10 million more kg of high-energy crystals, this is simply blackmail."

I also said with a serious expression: "I don't think you seem to have any sincerity? The other party can make you feel very dangerous and dare not shoot directly. That is It's not weaker than you. We will give you money after we deal with things of that level. If that is the case, we might as well just rob you directly. Anyway, we will kill an existence of your this level. For us The risks are the same."

Hearing what we said, the Evil God said with a smile: "This is just my initial price. If you think it is too high, can we discuss it again."


"Discussion? How to negotiate?"

"You must help me get that thing. As for the other 10 million kg of high-energy crystals, it can be reduced by half, as long as 500 Ten thousand kg will be fine."

Hearing this Evil God's words, my anger was completely raised. "It seems that you don't want to be a voice with us anymore. This kind of price is totally pitting us. Then, in that case, I think we need to find another way."

This time I'm talking about After that, they turned around and left. Although Christina and the others wanted the fifteen colorful magic crystals very much, but when they saw that I was gone, they immediately turned around and followed, and the Evil God over there was seeing us I was a little anxious when I really wanted to leave. The guy suddenly ran up and grabbed me and said, "Don't go! Just kidding, are you guys? In this way, I won't pit you, and I will tell you a real price. You must complete the things, and give you a hundred for the magic crystal. Ten thousand kg would be fine."

This time we didn't even stop, and walked straight out. When the other party saw this posture, they knew that we were really angry, and immediately became anxious. The guy rushed up directly, then grabbed my wrist and said, "Okay, okay, no kidding. You don't need to give me the magic crystal, just get the thing back for me."

This time it was somewhat reliable, so I stopped directly and said, "Your sincerity worries me, so I just say the last time. If you play us again, there is no need to cooperate. First of all, we need to know what obstacles we will encounter along the way, if it is caused by terrain or some natural phenomenon, we need to tell us where the danger exists, and if it is a creature, we need to provide detailed information about these creatures. And, We need to know what exactly you want us to take, so that we can make an assessment. To put it bluntly, I am really worried that the thing you let us take is more expensive than these 15 pieces of colorful magic crystal plus one piece Many times. In that case, we would really lose a lot."

The other party hesitated after hearing what I said, but finally told the truth. It's not that the other party is stupid, or how good his commercial morality is. In fact, he can't help it.

The value of that thing is the same as I guessed. It is many times more expensive than the fifteen pieces of colorful magic crystal plus one piece. This is why the other party didn’t want to tell us what it was before, because As long as you know the value of that thing, normal people will not agree to the previous trading conditions. After all, if you just want to buy a diamond ring, someone asks you to mine a diamond mine, and then use all the diamonds mined in it to exchange for the diamond ring. In this case, it is estimated that only fools will complete this kind of transaction, right? So, the other party actually doesn't want us to know what we are going to get.

But the guy finally said, not because of his moral character, but because he really has no choice.

Although he knew that the thing was there, if he actually took it with his strength, it would definitely be nine deaths and still alive. He didn't want to take risks with his own life, especially when the odds of winning were less than one in ten. So, if we don’t go, he can basically say goodbye to that thing. Simply no one in this undead city can get that thing smoothly. After all, he himself is one of the highest people here, and these people are impossible to form a joint squad to get that thing, so if he misses us, he Basically, I can't get that thing.

Under this situation, what he told us is that at most we raise the price, and his income will be reduced, but if we don’t tell us, there will be no income at all. Comparing the two, it is clear that making a little less is always more cost-effective than making no money at all.

"Well, according to what you told, to get what you said, even with our strength, the process is still very dangerous, and the probability of completing the task is not more than 50%. And the value of this item is seven to eight times more than those colorful magic crystals. In this way, the previous price is obviously inappropriate." I looked towards the Evil God and asked: "What do you think?"

The other party knows that this will be the case after telling us the details, but seeing him tell the truth, that is, he has weighed the pros and cons, so he doesn’t feel distressed, so he just said: "As long as you help me take that thing Get it back, all of these 15 colorful magic crystals are given to you for free. In addition, we will give you one hundred thousand kilograms of high-energy crystals. In my shopping mall, as long as they are sold there, you can choose two of them each. Also, after you come back, I can give each of you a blessing. This is a blessing from Evil God, you know how much it is worth. Finally, I will not let you take risks on your own. I will send two men to go with you. , They are my strongest subordinates. Not only are the battle strength very high, but they also know how to get that thing, so they can not only increase your battle strength, but also help you as a guide to reduce your difficulty in completing the task. How? I’m sincere at the price, right?"

I nodded and said: "This is a bit like doing business. Okay, now we will sign an agreement to ensure that everyone’s promise is valid." As I spoke, I took out a scroll and started to write our agreement on it. The other party didn't take it seriously at first, because the general agreement is actually not much binding on Evil God of his level, so he doesn't worry about this agreement at all. However, when I finished writing the agreement and handed it to him, this guy immediately realized that he wanted us to be simple, because there was a mark with Law Power in the just person column at the back of the agreement, and this mark represented Is the mother of the earth.

High God's guarantee agreement, this kind of agreement is a huge change that Evil God does not dare to violate, because all existence below High God is the five dregs of war for High God, and whoever wants to destroy it only needs a sneeze. Can squirt him to death. Under this overwhelming power gap, no one dares to resist the will of High God, unless you never touch the law represented by that High God. Unfortunately, the mother of the earth represents the law of the earth. Unless you are not close to the land in this life, don't expect to run away. Not being close to the land is obviously impossible, because even the sea is actually carried by the earth. After all, the sea bed is also part of the earth.

Although I was surprised that I was able to use High God’s agreement, this one has obviously figured it out. He didn’t mean to breach the agreement, so he signed the agreement after reading the content of the agreement written by me. On his own name.

As the agreement came into effect, our two parties formally entered into a state of cooperation, and the other party soon sent us the two experts who assisted us.

This Evil God’s most powerful subordinates are all familiar creatures. One of them is more than 1.9 meters tall, and he is covered by a thick black plate armor like a tin can. No Those who knew it thought it was a robot. Of course, this guy has nothing to do with the machine, because you can hear a very crisp echo as long as you tap his armor, and this sound means that the armor is empty.

Yes, this guy is a ghost Knight, and a third-rank ghost Knight, a very abnormal and abnormal profession. Their bodies in the proper sense actually don’t exist. The outer armor is their only existence in the material world, and this armor not only has amazing defensive power, but also has its own repair function, even if it is cut into pieces. Recover within a certain period of time. As for the source of driving force inside the armor, it is completely dependent on black magic. To put it simply, the ghost Knight is a pair of heavy plate armor driven by black magic by the Nether Soul, but in fact it has nothing inside.

For such an existence, it will obviously not work to attack him with ordinary weapons, because there is simply nothing in the armor. This grill is actually the same as the puppets in the puppet show. It is an inanimate object manipulated by people. If you can't find the actor holding the puppet line, of course attacking the puppet itself will not be effective, especially this one. Puppets can still be repaired infinitely.

In fact, the Spirit Physique part of the ghost Knight is hidden inside the armor, but it does not occupy the entire armor, and the specific location is not fixed. The Spirit Physique part of the ghost Knight can be shrunk into a Soul Fire the size of a fist in the armor, and this Soul Fire can stray freely inside the huge humanoid armor. Therefore, unless you can see the exact location of the Soul Fire inside through this armor, and have enough reaction power and control power to accurately hit the location of the Soul Fire, you must also have enough attack power to penetrate The armor must have magical damage power at the end, which can directly damage Spirit Physique, otherwise, without any factor, it will not be able to cause the slightest damage to the ghost Knight.

In fact, even if you are a wizard, seeing the ghost Knight will have a very headache, because although the ghost Knight is theoretically immune to physical damage, it will only be damaged by spell, but after all, they are wrapped in armor. Therefore, spell The attack must penetrate the armor to take effect. However, due to the characteristics of Soul Fire itself, high temperature, freezing, and shock damage are not effective on the ghost Knight. There is also the existence of the ghost Knight himself with high intelligence. They know their weaknesses, so after becoming the ghost Knight, they will try to find high-level armor as their carrier. Therefore, all the ghost Knight's armors are high-level goods. As a result, it will be extremely difficult to penetrate their magical protection, which makes the ghost Knight super resistant. Not only is the defensive power amazing, but even more terrible is that many attacks are ineffective against it, and a limited number of effective attacks are still ineffective. It's hard to control, but it's very hard to play anyway.

The ghost Knight in front of me looks quite cool. He is dressed in black with the giant sword slanted on his back. This guy is a human tyrannosaurus. Just standing there is a kind of assaults the The oppression of senses exists.

In addition to the ghost Knight, the Evil God also introduced us to another of his men. This guy with the same canned food bag just turned upside down. The ghost Knight couldn't see a trace of flesh all over his body. Of course, he doesn't have a physical body. And the other one is—almost without any occlusion.

This is a bone demon. If you don’t understand this creature, just think about the bone spirit in "Journey to the West". The Bone Demon is the evolutionary version of the White Bone Spirit. They are all female in appearance, and one is more prettier than the other. Basically, the large branches of Dark Faction except for the succubus have the most beautiful overall image of their race. However, although the bone demons look like beautiful big beauties, they just look pretty. If you are lucky enough to be able to touch their bodies up close, you will find that their matte and smooth skin that looks like a boiled egg with a shell is actually very deceptive. Although the skin is indeed very slippery, they are not elastic at all. In fact, the hardness of this skin is comparable to magic weapons, and this is also one of the most difficult places for bone demons. Imagine a group of beauties with the same hardness as your weapon in front of you and you are slashing against you, right?

Because the body is tenacious enough, bone demons rarely use weapons. Their weapons are their bodies. As long as you put your fingers together, you can use your wrist as a knife. There is no pressure to block the sword with your bare hands. Even the heavy weapon does little damage to them. As for magic... Then you have to hit them first.

As long as it is a bone demon, without exception, all are highly maneuverable warriors. The speed is so fast that you can't aim at all. Every time you suddenly appear from the most defenseless direction, hit and run. , A fatal move is their usual method.

The bone demon in front of me is not only a big beauty, but also very exaggerated that she is actually a diamond-level bone demon, which is already the highest among the bone demon. If it weren't for the lack of magic strike ability, the bone demon of this level and Divine Race would not suffer a big loss if they singled out.

"I have to say that your subordinates are really good."

"no no no, this is my subordinate, as for this..." The Evil God looked at the bone The magic beauty said: "She should be regarded as a temporary mercenary hired by me. Like you, she wants my merchandise, and I will let her work and pay for it."

After Evil God finished talking, we talked to The two guides briefly communicated. The ghost Knight has a cold personality, and he feels like a bottle gourd, the type that can't make a fart with three sticks. We talked to him for a long time and we knew that he was called'Aiorigos' apart from this. Basically, we only learned some of his simple offensive and defensive attributes and battle methods.

The other beauty of the Bone Demon looks like a mature elder sister in her early thirties, and her personality is relatively cold, giving people a cold feeling, reserved, and standard ice-beauty. Moreover, this person's height actually reached 1.85 meters, because women's bodies are relatively slender, so as long as they don't stand together, they seem to be even taller than the 1.19 meter Iorigus. Of course, although his personality has become a little bit colder, but this person is at least not autistic like Iorrigos, and normal communication is still okay. As long as you are not chatting with her and spitting, she will explain to you in detail when talking about business, and will actively cooperate with you to discuss some combat issues. In short, it is the kind of cold, but serious type.

Of course, we also learned the name of this beautiful bone demon in the course of communication. This Bingshan Yujie’s name is actually Bing Xin, which is the same as the pen name of a famous writer, but I have to say that this name really matches her temperament.

Speaking of which, although she has a cold personality, Bing Xin's allure is still great. After all, her image is very good, and because of the particularity of her body, her dress and dress are also very individual. Because the bone demons are demonized skeletons all over, there is no real skin or muscles, so they don't actually need armor. For this reason, Bing Xin only wore a short set of tight leather armor. In fact, the reason for leather armor is that it is made of leather. In fact, I think it is more appropriate to call it a leather bikini. Its components are only two parts, one is a pair of ultra-short hot pants with a total of only ten centimeters nodded from the waist to the bottom of the trouser legs. , Anyway, no matter how short it is, it becomes the kind of briefs.

The upper body parts are also the same, basically a half-shield chest support, plus a waistcoat-shaped waist that extends down about ten centimeters. Of course, this thing did not actually reach the waist, at most it was covered at the lower edge of the ribs, and the abdomen was basically exposed outside.

The main reason for wearing this is that the battle method of the bone demon requires a large area of ​​physical activity. Although the body of the bone demon is surprisingly hard, it is the same as the golem. It is as soft as noodles during exercise. Therefore, in order to be able to make certain difficult movements, the dress of these bone demons is usually as short as possible, so that it will not produce too much restraint and will not affect the range of body motion.

In addition, because bone demons have no internal organs, muscles, or skin, they are very adaptable to temperature. Between minus two Baidu and minus 850 degrees is their normal temperature adaptation range, and in most cases they don't need to face temperatures outside this range. So, they don't need clothing to provide protection and warmth and heat insulation, so they naturally don't like clothing that covers a large area.

In fact, some players have said in the forum that bone demons do not like to wear long clothes, and they may also have the desire to love beauty in it. After all, it is normal for women to love beauty. And the layer on the bone Demon Body is actually skeleton instead of skin, so there are neither wrinkles nor small bumps on it, and the whiteness is moderate, which will not make you feel pale, but it is indeed very, very white. In short, female Yearn for something even in dreams, the ultimate skin is just this.

With such a good skin, normal people will of course not cover it, so the legend that the bone demon loves beauty only likes wearing short armor has spread. As for whether it is true...anyway, no one Asked.

Simply discussed the route with Bing Xin and Aioligos. Of course, it was basically our constant questions. Bing Xin kept answering us, the humanoid iron lump of Aioligus. Basically, it is the same as not being able to speak, but as a sculpture.

We didn’t delay time after we got the task overview. After all, we are also in a hurry to get out, so we started to act immediately after we mentioned it, and Bing Xin herself was hired, so she naturally didn’t want to Waste more time. Not to mention Aiori Gus, this guy is the subordinate of that Evil God, naturally hope that we can get this task done quickly.

The starting point of the mission is on the outskirts of the city, which is the shore of Skeleton Lake. There is an entrance here. From here, you can enter a long passage, but we completed this passage in only ten minutes. The reason is that this is actually a water slide and a water slide. After we got down from the entrance, we started to accelerate all the way down, charging ahead for at least a few kilometers in ten minutes.

After completing this slide, what we saw was not a monster cave, but a rather beautiful Crystal Cave. The walls of this cave are all colored crystals. Unfortunately, these all are ordinary crystals. They contain no magic power and are of no use. They basically have no meaning other than being used as decorations.

This Crystal Cave is quite big, and there are some strange luminous bodies in it. So the rays of light in the cave are quite beautiful, but the cave is big but not long, so we will soon Passed. However, after we passed through the cave, Iorigus, who had never spoken much, spoke for the first time.

"Be careful. Skeleton Demons live here."

The names of Skeleton Demons and Bone Demons are similar, but they are not related. Although both are formed of bones, the Bone Demon is actually similar to monster, and the Skeleton Demon is close to the mutant skeleton soldier.

As long as a bone demon like Bing Xin doesn't say it herself and doesn't make direct contact, it is basically difficult to distinguish her from normal people. But the Skeleton Demon is different. These guys are basically mutant skeleton soldiers. The difference between them and ordinary skeleton soldiers is that they will grow all kinds of strange structures. For example, there is a very common skeleton monster that has wings on its back. These guys have winged skeletons on their backs, but they don’t have muscles and skin tissues, but with such wings they can also shine and fly. After all, this is the magical world.

Generally speaking, skeleton monsters themselves are not terrifying, because they are low-level undead creatures, and their spiritual wisdom is very low, about the level of equivalent to wild beast, basically it can be considered that they do not have too high intelligence. However, there are two characteristics that these guys hate very much, one is combination regeneration, and the other is gregariousness.

The ability of combination regeneration is very good, because this ability enriches their ability to combine skeletons at will. This is why the skeleton monsters are mutated skeleton soldiers, because they randomly combine their bodies, often Will make a lot of weird shapes. But this is not the point. The point is that when you smash a group of skeletons in battle, their remaining skeletons will often reorganize into new skeletons. Although part of the skeleton was damaged in the battle after the combination, the number after the combination must be less and less, but after all, it can be regarded as a disguised rebirth. Therefore, the skeleton army is often difficult to completely eliminate, after all, you need to repeatedly kill them many times to completely eliminate the skeleton monster.

As for the second attribute to live in groups...this attribute is also terrible. The level of a single skeleton monster is not high, and the battle strength is normal, and most players can easily handle it. Even if ten skeleton monsters act together, it is not a terrifying combination. The average player can single out a skeleton monster without mortal danger.

However, although skeletons are weak, their numbers are often quite scary. Hundreds or thousands of appearances are considered to be rare, and it is normal for tens of thousands to appear. In this case, most players are consumed alive because of insufficient strength.

The reason why Iorrigus reminds us to be careful is not that he himself feels that the Skeleton Demon is not easy to deal with, but because he used to get together with his boss, the Evil God, every time You will lose more than half of the little girl here, and this time Iorrigos is a habitual reminder. In fact, after the reminder, he realized that he didn't need to talk about it, because this time there was no ordinary person, and the people who came were all powerful people, so there was no need to worry about the existence of the Skeleton Demon at this level.

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