The so-called solving the enemy is actually just showing off martial power. We don't know anyone in this medium-sized fleet, and cooperation is based on the basis of what we need. What we need is the other side's intelligence and geographic knowledge, and what the other side needs is our strength. Therefore, the stronger we show, the more chips we have, which will help deepen our cooperation. Moreover, the other party should not be a patient with secondary disease, and after seeing our strength, it will normally be more enthusiastic.

The need to show strength does not require all personnel to take action. It is better to leave something mysterious. Therefore, only two of us really took the shot. One is really red, and the other is Christina.

Christina has already exposed some of her strength before, so she doesn't matter if she makes any shots. As for the real red... she is a melee type and has no fancy abilities, so it makes no difference whether she is exposed or not. On the contrary, the abilities of gold coin and I are very special, so hiding can be effective at critical moments.

"Christina, really red, give it to you." There are only a dozen enemy ships left on the sea that have not sunk, so the task is not very heavy. After a brief explanation, I turned to Captain Donovan over there and asked: "Captain Donovan, can your Sea Beast be called back? We will destroy those ships, your Sea Beast. If you are in the boat..."

"This is not a problem." Captain Donovan immediately ordered his opponent, who quickly ran out and shouted a few words to the chess player, and then The chess players began to send semaphores to inform other battleships, and soon a sharp, high-frequency whistle sound resembled a dog whistle on the surrounding battleships, but because my race in the game included Heavenly Demon Clan bloodline, Therefore, sounds of this frequency can also be heard.

With the sound of the flute here, a large amount of Sea Beast suddenly gushed out of the windows on the enemy battleship, and then jumped into the water moved towards the battleship and swam back. Obviously this thing It is the same function as a pager.

Since Sea Beast has withdrawn, the rest is simple.

Christina just stood on the deck and started casting spells. Did not use her usual signature skills. Since it is a demonstration of strength, it must be dazzling. Although a simple burst Fireball can severely damage a wooden battleship, it seems too simple. Christina directly cast a spell to summon a huge water dragon out of the sea. Not the kind of jet of water, but a giant dragon whose whole body is made of sea water. This dragon is about the same length as a real giant dragon, and it is considered to be the larger type of giant dragon. When floating on the surface, there are almost two battleships that are as long as the end to end.

As soon as the water dragon appeared, it roared and began to smash the ship. Those battleships that were only half the size of it were not enough to see in front of this huge water dragon. They were sunk in three or two strokes, and there was simply no way to fight back. The body of the water dragon is condensed from sea water. After being hit by a shell, there is simply no response. The projectile enters directly from one side of the water dragon's body, and then penetrates the other side, although it looks like a hole was punched. But as soon as the cannonball passes, the water will heal automatically, and then the hole will be sealed again. The water dragon didn't respond to it, it was as if it hadn't been shot, and it wasn't affected at all.

In fact, the water dragon is of course impossible to be an invincible existence. Even Christina can't do it herself, so naturally it is even more impossible to make an invincible water dragon. In fact, every shell that penetrates the water dragon's body requires Christina to use her own magic power to help the water dragon repair the hole, which means that the seawater in this part needs to be condensed again. This process is all mana-consuming, so as long as the opponent's cannonballs are shot enough, Christina can be consumed to the point where he can't replenish his magical power. However, it is a pity. The opponent’s cannon fired too slowly, the formidable power of the front-mounted gun was originally small, and the slow fire speed meant that the damage to the water dragon could not keep up with Christina’s repair speed. Although Christina needs to constantly consume mana, her title of Queen of Elements allows her to have a superhuman mana recovery speed. As long as it is not connected with losing big moves, the general skill consumption is not as fast as her mana recovery speed, so she wants It is basically impossible to consume her.

Although the battleships did little harm to this water dragon, the counterattack ability of this water dragon is very strong. Every time it swings a huge claw or hits a battleship with its head, it can directly smash the entire ship into two sections. The formidable power is absolutely terrifying.

Compared to Christina, the real red attack on the other side seems to be nothing. It is constantly jumping between battleships, but in fact, as long as you pay attention to it, you will find it is really red. It's actually more terrifying over there.

Each time when Zhenhong falls on a battleship, it will clear out the people who are in the way, and then squat for a few seconds before suddenly squatting down and hitting the deck below her feet. However, it is different from her usual battle method. Normally this fist would definitely have many holes when going down the deck, but this time when the fist was really red, there was a muffled sound, and then there was no response. However, if you look closely, you will find that when Real Red hits the deck with a punch, the whole ship sinks a little, and then a circle of waves will spread around the hull, and Real Red this one At that time, he would jump from the deck, ran directly to the next battleship and passed.

The attack that looks really red seems to leave without the slightest result, but every time the really red leaves, the ship will suddenly snap off the middle after it continues to travel for more than ten seconds. Split into two pieces and quickly turn over. If one or two times can be considered an accident, but every time it is like this, normal people can guess it, it must be related to the red punch before.

True Red’s attack is extremely sharp, usually even if it’s a mountain, she can smash you with a punch, even more how is just a battleship. The reason for breaking a ship without breaking it on the spot is nothing more than a purpose. One is not wanting to fall into the sea by myself, and twenty is to deter those people. If you just smash through a ship with a simple punch, it can only prove that you are strong, but if you can finish it with one punch and you will disintegrate the ship later, it means that your use and control of power has come. A kind of realm. Therefore, the strength of Zhenhong is more exaggerated than Christina in the eyes of some knowledgeable people.

Originally, there were not a few ships left by the other party. Under the joint attack of Zhenhong and Christina, all the remaining battleships soon sank into the seabed. As for the supply ships... they were all captured in the end. After the battleship disappeared, although these transport ships had their own artillery, they were too few in number, and they were all injured. They couldn't run the opponent's battleship, so they all voluntarily surrendered.

Captain Donovan was obviously very happy after seeing Zhenhong and Christina's record. Fighting with a fleet that was a little more than theirs, not only did one's own losses be small, but also captured most of the other's transport ships. This was definitely a great credit, so Captain Donovan was very happy. She even showed unusual enthusiasm for those of us who brought her victory.

"I really don't know how to thank you!" Captain Donovan said excitedly: "Your strength will definitely be regarded as the guest of honor in our country, even if it is our protectorate archmage. It is an existence at the same level as you. I believe the king must really want to see you."

"no no no, we don’t need to see the king, and we don’t even have time to go to your country. We help You just want your help to send us to the coldest place around here."

The only place-related thing in all our intelligence is that the map world we will experience will include water and ice fields. Now that the surface of the water is there, then our next destination should be the ice sheet, so I will have this answer.

Captain Donovan obviously did not expect that we would have such a request. It felt a little strange, but she was not stupefied there, but turned around and ordered something to her men. Soon several crew members brought a roll of paper, and Captain Donovan took it and opened it.

Although we haven't seen this thing, we know it is a chart after a brief look. Captain Donovan asked two sailors to help her pull the chart, and he pointed his finger down at the upper position and said: "We are probably in this position now. Then, the cold place you mentioned may mean the cold. Ice continent. It’s in this place.”

I looked at the location pointed out by Captain Donovan and found that the distance between the two places was quite far, and there was almost a distance above a palm on the chart. NS.

"How big is the scale of this picture?"

"What did you say?" Captain Donovan was stunned.

Next, I talked to Captain Donovan and understood what I meant by scale, but unfortunately their chart did not have a scale. What is the position on the chart? The coordinates are also approximate. In fact, this thing is similar to the ancient Treasure Map. The islands above are all symbolic representations, not specific locations, but just a general directional thing. Obviously, the navigation technology of this world is not very developed, and the chart has no scale at all. But fortunately, Captain Donovan’s father is also a captain, and it can be said that he has floated on the sea for a lifetime. He knows this ice continent very well, because his fleet once called the port in this continent. However, the opponent is not here now, nor in the port of the country where Captain Donovan and the others are located, but is sailing at sea. What's more terrible is that the other party's route is still uncertain, and there is no GPS in this place, and it is impossible to locate the other party's location.

"What can I do?" Gold coin asked anxiously.

Captain Donovan looked towards We thought for a while and said, "Let’s do it! Anyway, our mission this time is to find the opponent’s fleet for a decisive battle. Since you Gang Lord, we have over-fulfilled Mission, then in return, I will help people to the end. I will immediately separate the fleet, let the slower battleship return to the port with the transport ship from the captives, and select the three fastest light battleships to take you to the cold. Ice continent."

"But don't you know the way?" Gold coin asked.

Captain Donovan said with a smile: "Don’t I have a chart? Although I haven’t been there, it shouldn’t be difficult to find. The ice continent is not a small island, it’s a big one. . As long as you sail in that direction, you will definitely be able to meet. And as long as you see the continent line, then you can find the port by running along the coastline."

"Then I feel you too. But I can Do you have a suggestion?" I asked aloud.

Captain Donovan asked in surprise: "What advice?"

"I hope I don’t use light clippers. I don’t want three ships. Just one. The ship in your fleet that is most resistant to wind and waves."

"Why?" This suggestion of mine can be said to be very strange, and normal people will find it abnormal.

Of course, I asked for this because when we set up the task before, we obviously saw that the weather conditions are all bad weather, but now there are only four Level 5 winds, and the waves are not very big. It's a normal situation. Therefore, I think the so-called extreme weather conditions should happen later when we head to that ice continent. Therefore, bringing a light battleship that is fast but weak in resistance to wind and waves is basically suicide. Although those of us will not hang up due to extreme weather, if the ship sinks or the Captain Donovan hangs up, we will not find our way. Therefore, instead of carrying three small battleships that are destined to sink, it is better to bring a larger and more stable super battleship.

After hesitating for a while, Captain Donovan finally agreed to our request. However, she did not ask us why we have such a request. It can be seen that although she is not very old, she is very mental. Ordinary people can't compare it.

The fleet was quickly divided into groups under the arrangement of Captain Donovan. Most of the battleships in the fleet turned around, leaving only one battleship, which is the flagship of the fleet. This is a very huge battleship. Of course, this is relative to the wooden shell battleship, which is incomparable to the ironclad ships of our guild. The ironclad ships of our guild are basically the smallest ones that are up to 5,000 tons, and this battleship is nodded at most 5,000 tons. There is no comparability between the two.

As the flagship, this ship is Captain Donovan’s largest battleship, but it was also injured in previous battles, but the damage was not significant. After a simple supply, some of the materials from the captives were loaded on the battleship, and then emergency repairs were carried out. After dealing with some slightly more serious injuries, the battleship separated from the fleet and began to sail while continuing to repair. Some unremarkable minor injuries.

After the main fleet completely left our sight, I found Captain Donovan, and said: "Captain, our time is very tight, so we hope to help speed up this ship. I don’t know if it’s possible."

"You want to help us accelerate? How to increase it? This boat does not have oars. Even if you want to go rowing, there is no place for you to contribute!"

"no no no, you can’t speed up much with oars. I hope that my familiar can help to tow your boat so that the speed can be faster."

"The devil? You mean you can summon those devil beasts from Star Realm to help you?" Captain Donovan obviously knows the summoner profession.

I nodded and said: "Almost. But my summon creature is huge and looks a little scary. I hope the crew can be notified in advance so as not to scare anyone."

< p>"Of course it’s okay. Let’s inform."

After talking to all the crew in advance, we came to the deck, and at this time the deck was also full, even though The mast is full. However, when I released the luck and the plague, many people were shocked. Some even fell from the mast. Thanks to Christina's preparation, I was waiting for these people to fall directly below. Lost a feather drop technique, or just the appearance of luck and the plague could cause casualties.

The appearance of the two dragons made the sailors on the battleship talk a lot, but then something that surprised them even more happened. When the small dragon female appeared in the human form, it did not cause much sensation. Although the small dragon female is beautiful and the horns on the head are also very characteristic, after all, it is a human form, far from the visual impact of luck and plague. However, what the small dragon woman did surprised these people, because after she appeared, she just reached out and made a lift, and the battleship slowly left the sea and floated.

It’s not easy to fly a battleship of more than 5,000 tons, but the small dragon girl actually lifted it up like this by lifting the heavy as if it were light. It’s true It's amazing. But because he said hello in advance, I was surprised and surprised, and the people on the boat didn't have any panic or other emotions.

After the battleship lifted up to a height of about ten meters above the sea, it stopped rising. It was not that the small dragon girl could not let the battleship fly higher, but because this was not our guild’s aerial battleship, it It's just a wooden shell battleship, and how to fly is never considered when designing it. So flying too high is obviously quite dangerous for this kind of ship.

After the battleship stabilized, we asked Captain Donovan to find someone to put the sails away, and then tie the spare overturn ropes to the various parts of the ship that can bear the force, and finally gather them together. Give the other end of the rope to Lucky and Plague. The two dragons just grabbed the rope with their claws, then flapped their wings and struggling forward.

As the rope was stretched straight, the people on the boat felt the hull jump forward suddenly, many people almost fell to the ground, but once the battleship moved, the battleship stabilized and the stone accelerated Still continuing. Because it is suspended in the air and the sails are retracted, the resistance of this battleship is much smaller than before. With the help of two giant dragons, it quickly regenerates. Captain Donovan stood on the side of the ship with some excitement, looking at the passing sea below, and said: "If only our battleship can run so fast in normal times!"

"As long as you are serious There will always be one day for the development of navigation technology." After I finished speaking, I asked again: "That's right. How are we going now? Should we just fly in a straight line like this?"

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