"Don't move."

"Damn, this super weapon is not human, right?" I was a little worried when I saw that staff. Because a generally speaking magic weapon refers to a large magic-based weapon that can be operated by an ordinary person who does not know magic. However, there is a mage here, so the lightning you just saw may not be fired by some kind of weapon. , And it is possible that this mage himself happened, but the dragon head that passed the bow of the ship was launched. If that's the case, then we will be in vain.

"I said don't move." The owner of the staff saw that I was still talking, obviously a little angry. He put some strength on the staff and pushed me back. Of course, the opponent is a mage, and I am the Captain of the tank regiment. Not only is it extremely strong, but also the summon tank regiment can appear whenever necessary. So, normally, the other party can't push me. Of course, at this time, I’m impossible to compare strength with the other party, so when the other party pushes forward, I consciously take a step back, so as not to irritate the other party and send me a shot directly. You have to know the one that is fixed on my chest. The energy in a magic gem is quite large.

"hey hey hey, what's the matter?" Christina and Rose, who came over behind me, saw me retreating from the door, and at this time they too I noticed the mage over there.

At this time, it was inferred according to the normal situation. What should happen is that the guy over there finds that there is a large group of people here, and then he will start to threaten me as a hostage, and then he will be We uniform. Probably the process is almost like this. However, in fact the situation is slightly different from what we expected. After seeing Christina and the others, the other party actually did something that I hadn't encountered before.

I saw that the mage swept around on each of Rose’s faces, and then fixed his gaze on Christina’s body, and then a standard playboy smile at Christina slightly said with a smile: "Hello, beautiful lady. I don't know if you can meet me? I am the resident mage Hilton Von Sphinx of the First Fleet of the Holy Spirit Emperor. You can call me Hilton Baron or Hilton archmage. "

"Before we get to know each other, can you remove the staff holding our president's chest first?" Christina said neither humble nor arrogant.

Hilton was faintly stunned, and then he smiled and said that the staff was taken away. "I would love to be sent by you, beautiful lady. I take the liberty to ask, are you also a mage?"

Christina nodded and said: "Yes, I am a mage. You can tell me later Is there a very powerful magic weapon in the room? I saw it fired outside."

"Oh, that is our president's masterpiece." After Hilton finished speaking, he looked towards I, then looked at me up and down and frowned and asked: "Sorry beautiful lady mage, I seem to hear you call this person your president, but this is obviously a warrior? Could it be that your mage guild's association? Long like to wear armor? This is really a weird hobby!"

"Who has stipulated that mages should not wear armor?" I snapped my fingers directly, and Ivorite appeared instantly By my side. "Go in and see what it is."

Ivrit nodded was about to walk in, while Hilton looked at Ivrit dumbly until he walked in. I turned my head and looked towards I was surprised and asked: "Are you really a mage? Summon? Mechanical? Or soul? It won't be the space system, right?"

"I am the summon system. Yes. What's the problem?"

"so that's how it is, it's strange that you wear armor." Hilton said: "As a summoner, you are the weakest link. Wearing armor to improve defensive ability is also a Good idea, but sometimes this method is not necessarily useful."

Just when this guy was talking, Ivorite had already come out of it, and then moved towards me and said: "Inside There is a magic weapon, which can be determined to be a magic weapon, but the specific working principle is not clear. I only know that it is a certain kind of energy transformation using the array of energy demon and magic crystal."

"This is Your summon thing?" Hilton looked at Inverite and asked: "Where did you find this thing? It looks like a magic machine, but it seems... it seems more high level. And I feel it is carrying it. It must be a very powerful summon."

"This is Fire Essence, the spirit king Ivorite. He is a constructed creature, not a simple machine. Of course, it seems to be true. Very similar." After I finished speaking, I asked Inverite: "Can it be removed?"

Iverite thought about it and said: "It should be possible. After all, the connection structure is fixed. It’s on the wood."

"Hey, are you talking about our things, okay?" Hilton finally found out that we were going to grab this weapon, so he stood at the door and took the law. The rod was aimed at Inverite to prevent him from entering.

"If I were you, I would leave." Christina said.

Hilton stared at Inverite and said to Christina: "Beautiful lady, this thing is about to infringe on the property of our fleet. These things belong to Your Majesty. If you plan to rob , I will definitely fight with you. I believe this is not the result you want to see, so I suggest that you better not force me. I don’t want to fight with you."

"Sorry, that thing we I have to get it." Christina said nodded towards me, and Ivorite immediately began to walk over there.

Seeing that Ivorite was still going, Hilton finally took the shot. Seeing that he sent the staff forward suddenly, a dazzling white arc immediately shot out of the gem at the tip of his staff, and then twisted and connected to Iverite's body.

At the moment of being hit, Ivorite immediately leaned back, and then his body was blown away just like an ordinary person was hit by a high-voltage electric shock. Fortunately, I flashed fast, otherwise even me would suffer.

Looking at the flying out Ivorite, I turned my head angrily and looked towards Hilton, and then said: "It looks like you are going to resist."

"Yes You are invading my battleship, I am forced."

"Well, then, in this case, we can only be like a real intruder." I said and went forward. I walked over, and that Hilton immediately used his wand to release lightning again. However, he just said that the wand was flattened when he saw a small white thing appearing above my outstretched palm, and then next The little thing Miao disappeared, but there was a sudden pain in his wrist, and the staff in his hand fell to the ground.

Hilton, who found that he had lost his staff, immediately bent over to pick it up. Pushing down hard, he will cut his neck, so he can only stop there.

"A wise choice." Seeing that Hilton was not moving, I turned my head and asked Ivorite directly: "Ivorite, how are you doing?"

< p>In the surprised gaze of Hilton, Ivorite stood up from the pile of debris that he had just fallen into, and walked back to us. "I don't know why, my energy has risen a lot. It feels pretty good."

Hilton was completely dumbfounded. The attack magic on his staff is the lightning magic with the largest formidable power. Didn't expect actually didn't kill Ivorite, but instead charged the opponent. This situation is completely beyond Hilton's cognition. In his imagination, the person struck by this lightning should get rid of half-life even if he is not dead. It shouldn't be the current situation at all.

I didn't care about Hilton who had lost his ability to think, but directly asked Zhenhong to come over and look at him, and then went into the cabin over there with Inverite. There was not much space in the cabin guarded by Hilton. A thing that looked a bit like a ship was placed in the front of the room, and there was a specially made fixing frame to fix it there. In addition, there are several black pipes on this device connected to the front dragon's mouth, and there is a smaller structure over there, and the pipe is connected to the device. It seems that the one over there is the launcher, and the thing over here that looks like a marine diesel engine is probably the main body of the weapon, that is, the energy conversion and compression equipment.

In fact, although I don’t know the working principle of this device, the design ideas of energy weapons are basically the same in the final analysis. First, an energy conversion and absorption device is needed to collect the natural free energy or the energy stored in the magic crystal. Next, a compression device is needed, because the natural energy or the energy concentration in the magic crystal is impossible too high, after all, high energy is not stable. The third part is to convert the compressed energy into some kind of magic, wave or something, and then launch it out, which forms a magic weapon system. Of course, this process still needs the assistance of a series of mechanisms such as transmission and stabilization, but the general working principle is like this.

This thing in front of me is such a device. Although I don't know the specific working principle, it can be guessed based on our team's understanding of magic weapons and the structure of this thing. This relatively large diesel engine is the same as energy conversion, absorption, pressurization, and storage equipment. Of course, the controller may also be on this thing. The smaller one in front is probably a simple launch stabilizer or something.

"Do you understand?" Gold coin asked after coming in.

I nodded and said: "I can probably guess some, but the specific application still needs to go back and let the professionals take charge of the disassembly and research." As I said, I pointed directly to the next few key positions. Ivorite said: "Help me hold it, I'll cut this thing off."

"That thing can't move." We heard a shout when we were disassembling, and looked back. When I found out that Hilton Baron, of course, he is now being held in his hand like a chicken by Zhen Hong's neck.

"We all said it was a robbery, and you were still talking nonsense there, do you want to die?" Gold coin threatened his head back.

Hilton Baron said with a mournful face: "It's not that I want to die, but that I don't want to die. Even if you want to rob, can you wait until I finish talking about it?"

What do you want to say?" Zhenhong lifted him up impatiently and shook him a few times and said, "Say it first. No matter what you say, we will take this thing apart and take it away."

Hilton nodded and said: "It's your business if you don’t take it apart, but please don’t take me to bury me! I am an imperial nobleman. According to regulations, after being captured, I don’t need to continue fighting for the country, so what do you do now? There is no obligation to intercept you. However, there is a special magic array connected under this generating device. If the machine is moved or separated from the magic array, it will be completely disconnected, and the device will self-destruct."< /p>

"self-destruct? How big is the formidable power?"

"It depends on the remaining energy reserve. However, with the current capacity, the entire ship can be blown up. It’s definitely not a problem. So..."

The explosive power to blow up a wooden shell battleship doesn’t actually need to be too mighty, but although we don’t worry about being blown up by this thing. , But the problem is that if this thing explodes, our goal will be completely impossible to achieve. In this case, of course, we can't let this thing explode.

"Let’s talk about it, how can this thing not explode?"

"The method is actually very simple." Hilton paused for a while and said: "According to the previous war agreement, After capturing the enemy nobles, you can ask for a ransom. However, although I am your prisoner, if you need me to do something for you, you need to use the ransom to compensate for a part of the reward. If it is not enough, you need to add an extra, and I did not refuse So, as long as you are willing to offset part of the ransom, I can tell you how to do it."

We didn’t even think about things like ransom, although we knew that there were such rules in ancient Europe. But we didn't think about making money from this NPC. Now the other party actually asks us to deduct part of the ransom, of course we don't care. "Well then. How much do you want to deduct?"

"I am the Empire Baron, the ransom is 100,000 gold coins, and I am still archmage, so I need to add an extra 1.5 million, which is a total of 1, 6 million gold coin. If I tell you how to disassemble this device safely, you need to let me offset 600,000 gold coins."

"No problem." I don't care anyway, of course we promised. Super refreshing.

When the other party heard that we actually agreed, he immediately said: "Okay, the deal is done. Now I will tell you the solution. This design is actually very simple. The magic array is carved on the wooden board of the hull that is in contact with the equipment. Yes, so as long as the boards in these positions are not moved and the equipment is removed. However, you need to be careful not to allow displacement between the boards and the equipment during the process. As for how to disassemble after going back, I believe that there is enough time. You can definitely think of many ways."

"How much gold coin does it take to buy a disassembly method from you?" I asked directly.

"This is simple, one hundred thousand will do."

"The deal."

"You really have money." The Hilton Baron said: " So, it’s okay to tell you. The easiest way to dismantle this device is to take out all the magic crystals in the energy tank, and then remove the gem in the center of the core converter, so that the whole device will lose power. If I want to explode, I won’t explode."

"It’s really simple."

Although I bought such a simple answer with one hundred thousand gold coins, I don’t think it’s Unfortunately, this saves us a lot of time after all. Moreover, the money is actually false, speaking of which is a ransom, but I don’t think the system will let us take so much money for no reason, so there must be some interfering factors preventing us from taking the money. If it's on the main map, it's fine, we can take a risk, but here is the mission space, I don't want to make any mistakes. Don't forget that when we first came in, we chose ten times the punishment. If this is not good, we will have to be extremely unlucky. Therefore, I simply didn't plan to ask for any ransom for the extravagant ransom, so the easiest way is to use the ransom as a waste, just spend it and it's all done. Now, although we have lost the ransom of 700,000 gold coins in nominal terms, we actually got the safe dismantling method of this device without doing anything.

After telling us this dismantling method, Hilton has made us a free high-speed message, that is, the pipes between the small part in the front of the device and the host at the back cannot be dismantled at will. Kind of gas. This gas is very corrosive, and once it is released, we will all suffer. And this kind of gas is very precious. If we leak it, it won't be so easy to make this device work.

"I have to say, Hilton Baron, you are really a model prisoner." With Hilton's help, we successfully removed the secret weapon. After putting this whole thing in my Phoenix Dragon Space, we plan to take the Hilton Baron to the fleet on the opposite side.

I want to bring Hilton because the two countries are hostile. We don’t want this Hilton’s ransom, but it does not prevent us from using this ransom to buy people’s hearts, right? Since both of them have signed an agreement for this, they must be familiar with this kind of exchange work, so even if we don't need a ransom, we can hand over Hilton to each other to handle it.

Originally, the crew was fighting Sea Beast when we entered this room, but when we came out, the situation here changed a little. It's not that the battle is over, but that there are more people. When we came up, there were obviously not many people here, but when we came out, there was a huge group of people confronting nearly ten Sea Beasts. Obviously, both sides got reinforcements.

Most of those sailors use cold weapons. Some personnel have front-mounted flintlock guns, but the number is small, and this type of gun is obviously very backward, because the front barrel is very thick and it feels like A bell mouth. This is clearly one of the characteristics of early gunpowder weapons. However, although the Sea Beast battle strength on the opposite side is not bad, it is a pity that the defensive power is too low, so I dare not act rashly in the face of this weapon.

The sailor over there immediately regarded us as enemies after seeing us carrying Hilton out, because our attitude was already obvious when we were holding their mage at this time.

The other party responded very quickly. After seeing us carrying Hilton out, those people immediately pointed their weapons at us, and another guy shouted to drive Sea Beast all to our side. Let us fight Sea Beast.

Although the other party's ideas are quite good, it is a pity that they treat us as ordinary people. But in fact we are simply not ordinary people, this situation is meaningless to us.

In the surprised eyes of those people, we didn't wait for them to drive away the sea beasts, we actually went directly to the sea beasts.

As soon as they found us approaching, those Sea Beasts immediately looked towards us alertly, and kept yelling at us with deterrent teeth, basically saying: " Don’t come over, don’t come over."

Although those Sea Beasts are called scary, but we didn’t care about them, we still walked forward on our own, and those Sea Beasts didn’t see us. After stopping, the call became more joyous. However, as our distance gradually approached the dangerous distance, those Sea Beasts did not rush up directly, but suddenly made a wū wū wū wū sound, like a wounded dog, one by one actually sandwiched their tails to each other. Separate, and then make way for us.

The eyes of the crew members who watched this scene are about to fall out. They have seen the battle strength of these Sea Beasts before, but didn’t expect these things actually look like terrified dogs in front of us. They didn’t show any fierce aura, but they drew their tails between them. To the side.

"Their instincts for danger are much stronger than you." Hilton, who was held by the real red, was obviously also very surprised why these sturdy monsters looked like this after seeing us. But the words really red quickly made him react.

When he was subdued by True Red, he was actually not caught after a desperate struggle, but almost there's no resistance. In order to make him obedient, Zhen Hong deliberately waited for him to make several attacks before catching him before catching him. In this case, Hilton can be said to have understood the gap between himself and Real Red, and the words Real Red just now further reminded him. Wild beast’s instincts are usually sharper than people’s, because in nature within the realm, if the opponent’s strength is weighed incorrectly, it will be fatal. Therefore, the intuition of wild beasts is evolved from the survival of the fittest under the natural selection of generations. Their intuition is keen to the point that they will almost never make mistakes. After all, mistakes are death, and the price is too serious.

In this case, wild beasts will instinctively avoid creatures that are too powerful. The situation like just now is the simplest reaction, which shows that those Sea Beasts have realized that we are extremely dangerous, even so dangerous that they simply don’t even raise their minds to resist.

Understand After this, Hilton understood our terrifying better, and he suddenly looked towards me. Based on the previous situation, it is easy to determine that I am the leader of this group, and Christina has also called me the president before, so Hilton knows that I am the leader here. So, since even the real celebrity under me is so strong, how strong will I be? What about the rest?

Of course, the leader does not have to be the kind of person who can best fight. National leaders do not need to be more capable of fighting than their own soldiers, but I appeared directly on the battlefield. This shows that even if I am a high-level person higher than True Red, they are still a combatant, and the high-level person who can go to the battlefield must be the existence of the kind of battle strength that is very exaggerated. Otherwise, I'm sure I won't come out and sway if I stay behind. After understanding this, Hilton has become more secure. He is very sure that our strength is absolutely terrifying, and resistance will not have any good results. It is better to be a prisoner with peace of mind, anyway, you can be redeemed later. go. Besides, he has reduced a lot of ransom for himself, and I believe this Congress will pay for him. After all, archmage is a high-level talent, not those nobles who can only engage in corruption, and the king will not abandon him.

Just as Hilton was prepared to be a prisoner, the crew on the opposite side was restless. They apparently misunderstood the chill when they saw Sea Beast all walk away. They were surprised when they saw Sea Beast get away from the Stone of Return, but then they thought that these Sea Beasts avoided us because we were the ones who trained these Sea Beasts, so these guys would avoid us. After all, when they want to train these wild beasts, they use nothing more than cages and whips, so these Sea Beasts are afraid that we are as it should be by rights.

Unfortunately, they made a mistake because they didn’t know that we had nothing to do with either party. However, because of the wrong situation, these people simply regarded us as animal trainers without realizing how strong we are. As a result, they rushed forward after Sea Beast separated and planned to kill us and rescue us. Hilton Baron.

"Are these guys crazy?" Seeing those guys rushing up with big blades and muskets, Real Red asked in surprise.

Christina said calmly: "Maybe it’s a mistake!"

True Red thought about it and threw Hilton towards me directly: "Help me first Take care, I will deal with those people."

Although Zhenhong is a beautiful woman, the seaman on the opposite side does not have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. Seeing Zhenhong take the initiative to be hard. As they walked over, several of the musketeers immediately pulled the trigger at Zhen Hong. However, True Red is not even afraid of the ordinary bullets of the spear god, and the iron sand fired by this tattered weapon can be used to be a hell. Just covering her face with her arms, Zhen Hong continued to walk forward without any reduction in speed. The opponent's muskets sounded one after another, but the result did not have any effect on the True Martial suit on True Red.

Completely ignoring the opponent’s attack, Zhenhong has already strode to the front of the opponent’s crowd. At this time, the two sides are in official contact, and the musketeers are afraid to shoot, because the shape of these weapons determines them. The words "accurate" and "accurate" are completely irrelevant. Speaking of which These weapons are more like shotguns, and a large shot is their main feature, so there is absolutely no way to fire in this kind of situation where the enemy and the enemy are mixed together.

Actually, they can’t fire. Simply doesn’t make any sense. Anyway, even if they shoot against a real red body, this weapon will not produce any lethality. Compared to these antique weapons, the attributes of the True Martial suit are really too strong.

Finally walked in front of the sailors, Zhen Hong let go of the arms covering his face, and then directly raised his hand to make an uppercut. He only heard two bangs and booms, the guy was hit by the red chin directly, and then just like stepping on the catapult, the whole person swished and flew, and then knocked out a big hole in the deck above his head. , Just flew out.

At the end of this, everyone around hasn't reacted yet, Zhen Hong has already waved his arms and punched the second person in the face again. This time it was almost the same as before. The man just knocked down a large area of ​​the crowd behind him like a cannonball out of the chamber, then flew straight through half of the cabin, and then loaded a cannon and ran through it with the cannon. The sideboard near the cannon window flew outside.

Twice in a row, the people around finally realized that they were afraid, but it was a pity that Zhenhong walked into the crowd as if not seeing their expressions at all and punched the people around him with left and kicks. The east and the west are flying around. Moreover, the people who were beaten up were like cannonballs, hitting everyone and flying, hitting things and rotten things, as for themselves...everyone was gone, who knows the result? But one thing is certain, that is, these people must be dead.

Just when Zhenhong fisted at the crew members, outside of the battleship, several ships of the opposing fleet had already forced them up, but none of them opened fire. Not because their battleship was unable to fire, but because their leader told them not to attack the ship.

The leader of this fleet is a very clever man, because he saw the scene when we entered this ship. Although we don't know what we are going to do, the crew once attacked us when we were on the deck, which shows that we are not in the same group as the other party. It was also because it was determined that we were not the other party's, so the captain here decided not to let his battleship attack the ship here, just for fear of accidentally hurting us. The fact that we were able to fly before shows that we are all very strong presences. If we are injured by mistake, he doubts that the remaining people will seek revenge from them. When the time comes, he is very worried about whether his fleet can hold it.

Because of the wise choice of the commander of the fleet, they did not fall out with us directly. Otherwise, even if they intend to help them, we would never be happy to be bombarded by unfathomable mystery for a few times. . Of course, most of us will not change our cooperation plan, and the stone may not be sincere to them.

At this time, these battleships were ordered not to attack the ship, so they could go around on both sides of it themselves, but when they were about to go around, they found that the ship was out of the way. problem. First, a person flew out from below the deck, then directly flew over the height of the mast and continued to rise to a height of two masts before it began to fall. This height can definitely fall to death even if it falls in the water.

The trapeze here hasn’t started to fall, the ship suddenly burst into a big hole with a bang, and then saw a cannon flying out with a person, and that After the cannon came out, it fell directly into the water, and the man flew out more than ten meters before smashing into the water with a bang.

These two people seemed to be responsible for the beginning. After they flew out, the ship began to fly out like fireworks from the left to the right, but this time all the people who came out were people. It’s not a firework bomb.

"How did they do this!" The commander of the fleet looked at the enemy’s fierce flagship actually flying out there, and was surprised to ask what was going on, but the problem was that the sailors weren’t much better. The commander knew more.

While they were still wondering what was going on with the other's flagship, another person flew out from the side of the ship, and the difference this time was that the person did not come out of the ship. , But directly flew out of a big hole before. Because this guy didn’t hit the ship’s side, his speed was very fast and his trajectory was flat. After flying out of the ship’s side, he flew out more than 50 meters before falling into the water. As a result, he bounced again after hitting the water, and then he seemed to be playing. It bounced on the water several times like a drifter before finally sinking into the sea.

Gudong. Hilton swallowed. He saw the hapless situation just now through the hole in the boat board. Thinking about that poor guy, he felt a tingling sensation in the back of his spine. The really red destructive power is simply too scary. Not only did she smash the crew, she also used their bodies as cannonballs to smash the contents of the ship, and the whole floor is about to be collapsed. It seems that it will happen at any time. It looks like it's broken.

"Okay, it's almost done, let's go quickly." Looking at the tattered hull, I directly greeted with a red color, and then turned around with Hilton and jumped out from the edge of the deck.

Rose jumped out following me, and then spread her own wings. I took her before because there was no burden on my body, but now it is not convenient for me to carry her and fly.

True red watched us jump out one after another, and also jumped out together. I don’t know if it’s because the crew of the Red Generals assembled were all smashed into flight. The Sea Beast that rushed to the ship before jumped into the sea after we left, and all of them left the ship in just a few seconds. ferry.

The fleet commander on the opposite side saw us coming out of the ship and was about to try to get people to contact us. Christina, who was flying at the back, was flying well and suddenly turned to face it. The battleship pushed with both hands, a white ball of purple light flew out directly, and then hit the battleship straight. It had almost the same effect as the previous battleship bullying others. After this beam hit the ship, only listening to a loud explosion sound, the whole ship turned into pieces of wood flying all over the sky.

"God, did they steal the other party's secret weapon!" The staff officer next to the commander looked at the battleship that exploded in surprise and asked.

The commander of the fleet shook his head and said: "No, the color of the launcher is different, and the magic fluctuation is also different. It should not be a thing. At least it is not directly robbing the opponent's secret weapon."

"Then the other party would have done this?" the staff officer asked.

The commander nodded, and then ordered not to attack us. In fact, just as soon as his order was issued, we had already turned and moved towards them and came over.

"Oh my God! They are here!" When the staff member saw us flying over, they were taken aback, because they had seen everything Christina had done to the battleship before. As for the previous situation of flying people on the battleship, although this was not seen because of the occlusion of the ship's board, they at least knew that it must be ours. Maybe it's all the staff, maybe a certain person did it, but there are definitely strong people besides Christina. This can't be wrong.

"Don't panic, the other party shouldn't have come with malicious intent." The commander of the fleet is still relatively smart. Seeing me carrying Hilton, I know that we shouldn't be attacking. Besides, with the formidable power of Christina just now, we really have to deal with these battleships, there is simply no need to come closer.

In the tense gaze of those crew members, we flew to the deck of the battleship smoothly and landed smoothly. When we landed, there was a large group of people surrounded by the other party, but because we were prompted in advance, no one held a weapon against us, but everyone held a weapon, and it seemed that they were ready to start the fight if the situation was wrong. mean. Although many of them have seen Christina destroying the battleship just now, the mage recognized that the shooting speed is very slow, and if the distance is close enough, any low-level warrior can kill the high-level mage.

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